Chapter 17: I won't run away

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped Zhēng Yù as he stood in line at the local cafe, a familiar morning ritual before heading to work. The café buzzed with the usual chatter of people on the go, but Zhēng Yù's thoughts lingered on the other day.

He smirked and looked down at his phone, riding his face inside the neck of his sweater.

As he reached the counter to place his order, a voice, once etched in his heart, resonated through the air. "Zhēng Yù."

Zhēng Yù's heart skipped a beat as he looked up from his table to see Ēn Chén standing there, an unexpected but welcomed sight. The café seemed to fade into the background, leaving only the two of them caught in a moment of serendipity.

"Ēn Chén," Zhēng Yù uttered, a mixture of surprise and joy lighting up his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

Ēn Chén chuckled he leaned forward as if he were about to tell Zhēng Yù something. Zhēng Yù leaned forward too.