
So Ryu tossed and turn in his sleep he was having a dream about Ryu and it triggers something and just like that his memories came back and then he woke up he said to himself

W-where am I that's right I got ran over and then oh no kunma

and then Nagisa woke up with a scary look on his face

Why do you keep on saying that name it's kunma this and kunma that's why don't tell me your memories returned to?! Well, answer me?!!!

Ryu got scared he couldn't speak he was shaking he wanted to play it safe he didn't want him to find out cause he was afraid of what he might do to and judging the look on his face it was already too late but then he said

My memories what do you mean by have they returned to me what's going on?

Nagisa knew Ryu was lying but what he didn't know that he has a plan for him if he were to be able to remember everything so Nagisa played along and said

Never mind forget what I said OK? It doesn't matter hey are you hungry do u want anything to eat?

Ryu was hungry but he said no cause he had this feeling his gut telling him not to eat that food but then again he was thirty but he found himself at a crossword he said to himself

I am hungry but there is no telling what he did or put in the food I can trust my gut on that but I am thirty what should I do if I don't get the nutrients that I need I am most likely gonna die so what should I do well the only way to do is...

Nagisa: hey before we eat let's take a shower? What do you say?

Ryu yeah sounds good

So Ryu and Nagisa took a shower after the shower they both got dressed and head downstairs Nagisa went into the kitchen and he started cooking Ryu sat down at the table watching him but not making it too noticeable soo then Nagisa knew he was staring at him he said to himself

So right now he thinks I might be poisoning him or something well then let's have a little fun

Nagisa was gonna put something in it so when Ryu wasn't looking he grabs a bottle and set it down next to him so that it looks like he put something in it but really he didn't he did this to trick him and see what his reaction was so Ryu got scared he never seen that bottle before so Ryu was right but little did he know he was wrong. Now this is where it gets tricky ladies and gentlemen

Nagisa was done with the food he made himself and Ryu a plate and he gave Ryu some orange juice out he put a sleeping pill in the orange juice Ryu didn't see it he was too distracted in his own thoughts so then he sat the food and the drink in front of him here you go Nagisa said enjoy I hope you like it

Again Ryu found himself at a crossword he was unsure what to do Ryu saw him well he didn't actually see him put anything in the food he just saw the black bottle so Ryu was convinced that the food was poison so he drank the juice instead and then Ryu felt weird and then he passed out so later that day Ryu woke up he found himself in the bedroom and Nagisa asked him why did you lie to me why didn't you tell me your memories came back to you this is good news Ryu was surprised he thought Nagisa would be angry and mad at him but he wasn't Ryu only told Nagisa what could he ever but not all of it because Ryu had is own plan he told Nagisa he was gonna take out the trash and he did but before he went back in he grabbed his cellphone that he's been hiding from Nagisa and he called kunma kunma looked at his phone and say Ryu name he answers it and Ryu said

Hey, kunma it's me I am alive, and ok I got my memories back before you say anything listen up I have a plan to take down Nagisa he framed you I know you wouldn't run me over with the car it was Nagisa I don't have much time meet me in that old Abandoned warehouse in 30 mints ok? Kunma was shocked and happy at the same time he shed a tear knowing that his boyfriend is alright and ok and that he remembers everything and then he said alright!.

To be continued...