the plan

So Ryu went back inside and sat next to Nagisa looking sad and Nagisa had a confused look on his face he was wrong why does he look so sad so Nagisa said with a soft voice babe what's wrong?

Ryu: we need to talk?

Nagisa: about what?

Ryu: well do you trust me?

Nagisa: ... why do you ask?

Ryu: I am being serious do you because I trust you?

Nagisa: well yeah

Ryu: good well we are out of bread eggs milk I will go to the store ok?

Nagisa: no I will do it you just stay here ok

Ryu: babe I can do it I will be right back ok?

Nagisa was unsure and suspicious about letting him out but he trusted Ryuz that he will come back his heart was telling him yeah let him go out but his gut was telling him something else

Nagisa thoughts: I got a bad feeling about this but I want him to be happy so yeah I will let him out

Nagisa: alright fine you can go out but come right back ok?

Ryu: ok🙂

So Ryu left the house he was so happy to be outside to smell the fresh air to see the sun again he was very excited he wanted to just run away but the only way that would happen if Nagisa wasn't only in the picture so he came back to reality so he went to the warehouse to meet kunma as soon as he got there he saw kunma and they had a make-out section for 10 secs

Kunma: I miss you soo much

Ryu: so do i so here is the plan

Ryu: Nagisa gets up early in the morning to go somewhere right around 5:00 am so I need u to go to the store and buy my tiny cameras with mics i am gonna bug his place but we gotta be sneaky about it we can leave no clues behind and he comes back at 10: am so we got 5 hours that should be plenty enough time and then once we get it all on camera and tape we can clear your name and put him behind bars ok?

Kunma: yeah sounds easy that's really good ok then I will send u a text saying I am on my way ok?

Ryu: ok well I have to get going I was supposed to be at the store getting bread milk and eggs ok bye I love you see you tomorrow

Kunma gave Ryu one last kissed and he said goodbye I love you so they both left the warehouse but someone was watching them so Ryu went to the grocery store to get the eggs bread and milk so then after that, he went home but before he could go in he got a text message so he looked on his phone and it said

Text message: I know who you are and I know what you guys are planing if you don't want me to tell on you guys I suggest you meet me here *sends him the location* 11:00 am don't be late

Ryu was scared he didn't know what to do but he couldn't let anyone find out about his plan so he went inside the house

Ryu: babe I am home

Nagisa came downstairs and looked at him with an angry face Ryu thought the guy told him his plan already

Ryu: are you ok?

Nagisa: where did u go today?

Ryu: ...

To be continued