The Girl from the Sickbay

Chapter 28: The Girl from the Sickbay

While walking on the canopy of the White Day High to find Moon anywhere in here, Lucas has Doll by his side as they wandered. He kept himself quiet, or maybe he was shut because of an unknown reason.

Given Doll's presence and that the two of them were alone this time, Lucas felt strange. He didn't know what made him feel that way. But as long as he kept himself quiet and his gaze onto elsewhere, he thought to himself that he can mend it.

The information he had heard from Doll was still fresh on his mind. Now, he was not aware of where Principal Lyns or Coach Clive currently resides. Important people like them never wandered carelessly within places like this.

It was afternoon already and at some time, they can go home. He didn't know but this day was kinda boring. After finding out some important things regarding the tournament, it didn't create an impact on him. Why was that?

After entering the chamber after the ground floor ended, they went upstairs and decided to find Moon elsewhere within the next floors. This place was Moon's designated floor since his training schedule was different from him.

His cousin kept himself distant from him. He just let him do that, and he didn't want to bother him anymore. He was focused on improving his skills, and he respected that just like him, his cousin needed to practice repetitively.

He didn't know what drove him, but he glanced below the open field near the gateway of the school, and he saw Moon talking into someone he has never seen. "Doll, I saw him," he said dejectedly. "He's at the open field."

Doll ran through him and peaked below the floor they were in. He saw Moon there. "Why was he talking with Coach Frost?"

His eyes widened. Coach Frost?

She didn't need to hear anything. She was already aware that Lucas needed to know who Coach Frost was. "Coach Frost was the Coach in charge with the participants at the last year's tournament, but I never knew that he can handle someone now, especially Moon."

While listening, he started walking down the stairs they previously walked on, wanting to talk to that Coach Frost. Doll followed suit, and soon they were back on the canopy. Passing through some openings within the place, Lucas used them as shortcuts to run towards the open field.


He saw his cousin look back at him after hearing his shout. He also noticed how the Coach looked over at him. Examining his look, the Coach was a slim, mildly muscular man of average height. He has short, straight, and slicked-back dark blue hair. He has linear dark eyebrows, dark eyes, and a prominent nose with a flat, rectangular front.

As he walked nearer towards them, he noticed that the lower part of Coach Frost's face was covered in quite a large amount of stubble, which included a thin mustache. His age was on par with Coach Clive's.

"Lucas. Why are you here?" Moon asked him.

Coach Frost stared at him and turned his focus back on Moon. "You know him?"

"Not just know him. He's my cousin, Sir." Moon replied to him.

"We've been looking for you, Moon," Lucas replied, as Doll finally reached upon them, and stared at Moon and the coach.

"Why am I always left behind by all of you?" Doll complained, but shrugged that off, as she needed to talk to Moon as well. She panted lightly, but as soon as the coach started excusing himself to leave, she composed herself back to normal.

Suddenly, a sunshower occurred, much to Lucas' surprise. The sky was sunny, but the droplets of water started falling down to the open field. "A sunshower?" he asked.

Moon ran towards the hallway near them and ordered Lucas and Doll to follow suit, or if the sunshower intensified, they might catch a cold. Lucas followed and pulled Doll to the hallway next to them.

Lucas lifted his backpack higher, clinging it to his right shoulder, as he stepped to the floor of the hallway. He stared at Doll that was holding onto her scalp to prevent any raindrops to be on her head. He almost laughed at her carefulness.

At the same time, he saw a mysterious man that seemed to be talking to no one in particular. He was a tall man with a serious expression. He has unique eyebrows, long earlobes, and cornrows-styled hair that was tied back into a ponytail by a clasp. He donned armor for his attire. He began with the phrase, "Bonjour! The Supremes have gone through this, non?"

Lucas started to come into defensives. He felt the danger within the approaching man, and he has to be ready if ever a battle started. He noticed that Moon pushed down over, as they slowly walked further away. The man continued walking from the open field towards them.

As he passed by Lucas without any expressions, he started to ask Lucas a question. "Did you bring something, non?"

In turn, Lucas asked, "Who are you?" He was staring at the huge chest plate that he was donning. He looked familiar, but he can't recall when he met him.

As the strange man continued walking, they successfully passed each other and neither of their questions received an answer. "You are not her. I needed her right now instead, non?"

Lucas turned his back and stared at the man that had passed before him. The man has his eyes over Doll. What do they need with her?

He started running and hindered the man from taking any steps further. He widened his arms and acted as a hindrance, as he looked back to check the two. He saw that Moon tried to help him, but Doll pulled him back. He narrowed his eyes and made a face that was ordering his cousin to run away. Doll managed to understand what he wanted to say and tried pulling Moon with her, but he declined.

Hesitant to leave the Martin Cousin's, she was left with no other choice but to follow what their instructions were and ran away as she seemed to be the target of the tall man. Her safety mattered.

Suddenly, a part of the ground seemed to rise and it exploded on contact after Doll had stepped over it. She was thrown lightly, but she managed to compensate at a quick pace. She saw another one that appeared to be targeting her. "There is another one here!" she shouted.

Lucas gazed upon her, as well as his cousin, and he saw a woman that was standing in front of Doll right now. She wore a revealing set of clothes and curly long hair with a teal shade of green.

The woman stood straight as she mumbled a strange catchphrase, "Scrape, scrape!" she stared sharply at Doll, guarding her ground. "You're not scraping as long as I'm here."

None of them moved. The man before Lucas was stoned onto his place, as he stared at him. His expressions were unreadable. As he tried staring at Doll, she was cornered by that woman in front of her. Was there anything they need with Doll?

As Moon stood at the place not too far from Lucas and Doll, he decided to ran towards the girl, but he was put to a stop as the woman guarding Doll threw him a wash of light. He evaded it and the attack bumped the wall, inflicting damages onto it.

Lucas saw how the wall was damaged by her attack. But he cannot do anything, as the man was cornering him as well. It looked like they were aware of what he can do and they wanted to get something from Doll without his disturbance.

He intentionally bumped the man in front of him to give him some way to escape, but he was put into a hopeless state when the man held his whole body with just his palm! He gasped as the grip given to him gradually squeezed his body. He winced in slight pain.

Moon, seeing the action, started to transform into his Devil Form and attacked with a dark beam of light towards the man! The man jumped and evaded the attack, as it collided with the nearby wall that broke it into rubbles. It caused tension to start within the hallway of the school!

The man ran away, with Lucas in his hands, towards the open field where the rain started to pour intensely. His uniform started to get soaked by the pouring rain. Doll tried to help Lucas as she successfully called a muscular spirit to his help! It blocked the man's way but suddenly vanish with a punch received from the man.

Doll couldn't help but gasp at the event! She sent the spirit into withdrawal, as she tried to retaliate, but the girl in front of her rushed to her with an amazing speed, causing multiple cuts on her skin in such time. She felt the pain it caused her in that instant!

"Who are you?" the girl asked Doll. "A good scrape, scrape?"

Lucas tried to break free from the man's grip but his hands were hard enough for him to make an escape. "Who the crap are you?" he shouted, as his vision started to blur by the water that was entering his eyes. He was also left unable to start his fire due to the strong rain.

"BladeGirl, can't you abandon our mission now, non? That mademoiselle in front of you might be our precious cible! Non?"

Lucas cannot understand what he was saying. He just wanted to be freed from his grip! Crap! It was a pain that he was put useless with this state!

However, Moon came to his aid and tried to help him by freezing the vicinity where the man was standing. "Free Lucas or I'll kick your ass!" he shouted, as he ran towards them with a huge pack of crystals on his right fist. He used those to punch the man, but he was shocked when it created nothing, not even a scratch on the man.

The tension continued, as Doll readied her mana to battle the girl in front of her. She narrowed her eyes and examined the woman's look. What could be her power?

"So you're the girl from the sickbay?" the woman asked her and started to scrape her again with great speed. "Scrape, scrape!"

Prepared by it, she used her forcefield to shield herself, shocking the girl that was left unable to harm or touch her. "You can't break—"

It was a matter of time when the woman broke her forcefield by repetitively slashing it with her sharp nails. The battle between the boys and the girls continued. Lucas, being held captive and unable to do anything, helped himself be freed, but found himself incapable to do so.

What was this man's skin? It was so hard for him that it looked like he was invincible!

As Doll and Moon kept themselves pushing their limits to be unlocked, the two strangers seemed relaxed and chilled as they fight with them. Lucas cannot accept that he was just watching the two fight for their own without his help, but he can't get out of this man's grip!

The girl repetitively scrape Doll with her nails, as she tried to put herself in a forcefield in defensives. But despite her will to win, her forcefield always breaks, and she was thrown into a nearby wall by the attack she received. Her uniform was already tattered by the slashes made by her opponent, and her skin was covered with bruises.

She panted over her exhaustion, as she laid her left knee on the floor, still catching her breath. She wanted to stand, but her magic power had lessened, and all that she was left with was her combative skills. But before she can stand up and retaliate, the girl kicked her on her face with her right foot. She was being thrown into a boulder near the wall she previously sat at.


Moon lost his attention in his battle with the man as he heard the girl winced in pain after being thrown. His lack of focus resulted in a consecutive chain of attacks he was now receiving from his opponent. That caused wounds on him, deep enough to draw blood on his right face.

Doll couldn't even move her body, as she laid on the rubbles of the broken part of the hallway. Her hair covered her face, but she can still sense that her opponent was walking towards her.

"ArmorBoy, we should get her now and scrape her!"

She heard the woman shout to her comrade.

With the two strangers almost winning over them, Lucas was given a chance to be freed, as the man threw him to the open field. The grass on the field was wet already, as well as his uniform. He felt his body had weakened after the man had gripped him.

He tried using his fire by punching the man's face with his right arm, but the man rapidly backed up and attacked Lucas with a powerful hit, but Moon blocked his way with a huge made-up boulder hardened by packed crystals.

"You will not be getting any of us!"

Moon shouted at the man while he put his power onto his crystal wall, as Doll ordered another spirit to transport her into another place; she reappeared midair near the man and kicked the man's nape before hitting the ground.

The man glided his body towards Doll that was now beside Moon, and an explosion erupted from the ground, causing damages to both Moon and Doll as they lay on the open field.

Lucas tried to accompany his friends that were now out for the count, as he stood firm before the man despite his slight injuries. He can still feel that his legs and knees were shaking. That was until a pile of ashes started appearing before him!

What was that? He tried punching those powdered things with his burning hands, but those were just passing through him. Suddenly, he saw that Doll was trapped in a huge dome of ashes that came from nowhere.

He heard that Doll was trying to escape, but the woman from before told her, "His Powder Lock cannot be broken without his consent. You can't scrape, scrape it."

He looked back and saw she was coming towards him, but he has to save Doll. He felt a sudden pain in his back and realized that he was punched by the man behind him that felt like his bones have been broken again. He kneeled on the field and winced loudly.

"Worry less; we will not kill her, non? Our cible needed to be given alive."

He heard the man speak. He tried to look over at him, but what he saw that Doll was being swallowed by the huge dome of ashes from behind instead!

"DOLL!" Lucas panicked, as the ashes vanished in an instant.

The man and the girl in front of him smiled and bid them a farewell with a powerful blast, causing an explosion within the vicinity, and attaining clear victory over them. Lucas and Moon cannot get back on their feet, as the attack was strong enough to cause grievous damages to them.

The man stepped closer to Lucas and held his face while talking into a small device. "We got the girl from the sickbay, non?"

It seemed like it was his intention for letting him hear that.

The girl talked, but he was laying down and cannot see her anymore. "Let's get scraping, ArmorBoy," she spoke in a malicious tone. "Scrape her now!"

ArmorBoy… It sounded familiar… Like Lucas heard this name from before!

"Yeah, our only objective is to get our cible, BladeGirl, non?" the man replied, and they began to be enveloped by the ashes that swallowed Doll from before.

No, those weren't ashes. Did it smell like… corpses?

"Lucas, let's report it to the Principal!" Moon tried to stand up and shook his clothes. "We've experienced a lot more painful than this!"

He didn't hear his cousin. Instead, he was musing over the names he heard. "I finally remembered!" he snapped. "Their names… They're from Aspho High!"


Lucas tried his best to stand and ran away to ask for help. He almost tripped on the wide hallway, but he has to seek someone to help them.

"Help! Doll Nova was abducted! She got kidnapped!"

A bystander happened to hear what Lucas was shouting, and instantly shifted his attention onto Lucas. He saw him tripping from wall to wall, as he repetitively shouted that Doll was abducted.

He heaved a loud sigh like he had a grasp on what will going to happen as he stood behind a wall from another hallway. He bowed his head and whispered to himself, "The Headmaster will be mad at this…"