The Loss that Caused a Life

Chapter 27: The Loss that Caused a Life

The Founding Anniversary finished earlier than Lucas had expected. Or maybe, he was just overthinking what had happened to him that night; his worst night. Those people roasted him as he had expected. He was right; that is what will happen when all of the people found out the truth.

All of them hated him now. On his mind, he deserved all of this. Yet, it wasn't the only one he thought about after exiting the Anniversary. How he had seen Doll yesterday… he should neglect that sensation, or else, he will create another trouble that he can't afford to have.

But above of those problems he currently has, his vision became intacted again into winning the game for the whole White Day High. He will fight for their school. Why were those stakeholders even angry at someone that was handpicked and was a few inches away from joining the tournament? They should be thankful.

Principal Lyns was right at the Infirmary Room when she said that those stakeholders were dumb and stupid. All they cared about were their money and the cost they have been paying White Day High to continue its run. If they have forfeited their stakes, the school will just close and won't operate anymore. That was what they were holding on to, that without them, White Day High was nothing.

A few days had passed and he started to neglect everyone out of his way. Even those eyes that were looking all over him were nothing to him anymore. In comparison to how he was roasted by the parents while the Founding Anniversary was being held, their stares were nothing to be a problem anymore.

Principal Lyns said that after lunch, all of the handpicked students will have a meeting for some important things. They have to be flexible since more meetings will be held and they have to attend with each of those. Now, the twenty-five handpicked students that will partake in the Overall Skill Selection gathered at the conference room and will about to be taught things they need to know. They waited in here as they sat on each of their chairs.

Lucas sat at the chair that was near his cousin as always. Doll was beside Moon, with the boy allowing her to rest her head on his left shoulder. Lucas decided to turn his gaze elsewhere. He started learning the that conference room hasn't changed.

By looking at the whole room, he recognized some familiar faces —Sting, Winter, Ghaile, Scottie, and that irritating Nath. He just supported his chin by his left hand, looking like uninterested. No, he was out of his mood again. He didn't know what was bothering him that his temper shortened from time to time.

Chatters and whispers were all overheard until Principal Lyns arrived late as always.

"So, here it is…" Principal Lyns walked elegantly, talking at the very moment she entered the room. Holding a clipped paper supported with the brown folder, she stood at the front of the room, facing everyone.

What was the matter now?

She pointed her gaze to everyone, and continued speaking, "Do you remember what I told to you then?"

Buzzes of sounds started to be heard. Lucas was still bored; the topic today made him sleepy as always.

"Remembered the Assassins thing?" Principal Lyns asked with a smile of menace. "It was a no-go false mission. All I wanted was to distract all of you…"

As Lucas glanced at the students, he saw that Moon looked bored, too. Even Doll fell asleep on Moon's shoulder. All of them weren't listening anymore, especially with what she was talking about. It made him sick. To think of it, he forgot that assassin's thing after he was roasted.

"Since all of you have reached the 'false mission' I have given… you all put your attention into finding the assassins!" she chuckled, continuing still despite the group's uninterested behaviors.

Principal Lyns later noticed it. She stopped abruptly, clearing her throat. She thought that when she talk about that false mission, everyone will be enraged, but did not. Maybe they found it out already.

"Enough of the jokes," she continued seriously. "Did you know that once you've passed the upcoming selection and represent our school… you can't ever participate again?"

Everyone's attention hooked. It even awakened Doll, and made Lucas excited, though he was aware of that already. He just knew that the topic will be good for now.

"It was once in a lifetime experience. So you must do your best because the tournament is not just a tournament; it was an all-out country war, competing to win the title of the strongest school in the country."

Lucas wanted this kind of lesson. He has no time for jokes, love, or anything material. All he'd putting his attention to was his meaning —to prove it.

"I am looking forward to our Three Beasts…" Principal Lyns gazed at those behind Lucas. He turned back. "Eyepatch Thunder, Pea Hardshell, and Winter Dawn."

Lucas instantly recognized Winter's name but started to be intrigued by the other names. But as he heard what she said, he reminisced that Three Beasts the nurses had said to him while casting his right arm back to his Godly Potential.

"The Three Beasts have a high percentage probability of getting selected since they garnered the best points from our evaluators." Principal Lyns announced.

After that, she heard Doll speak to Moon. "You know what? Those three were the strongest among all of us," she informed. "Even stronger than Two Bastions."

He returned his stare to Principal Lyns as she continued walking nearer to them. "And I can only apologize… Sorry, Lucas, for what happened the last days."

He was shocked. Maybe she was referring to that riot. He didn't want to remember that again. He was not in a mood already.

"You don't know why Whites acted like that towards Asphoes," she continued walking. "So this is the perfect time for you to know."


"Before the tenth year of the tournament started, White Day won its three titles already. We've found a way to continuously win all of the upcoming tournaments. But Aspho High put their eyes onto us…"

He can feel the sadness in her voice.

"By that tenth year, Aspho High send us a batch of transferees from them. We accepted them, so they were all selected. Those students were really stronger than we'd expected. But in the end, they remained loyal to Aspho…"

She was gloomy as she said that. What happened by that tenth year? Her sadness wasn't intentional; she was trying to hold it back. Was she emotional with just saying it?

"They acted weak at the actual tournament, and we lost it, badly—"

Principal Lyns stopped and bowed her head. Her face was filled with shadow. Lucas didn't know but it felt like what she said was affecting him. Did Principal Lyns ever join the tournament?

She heaved a sigh. "We thought it was only an incident that can be avoided the next time. Another year has passed and we accepted another batch of strong Asphoes. Unexpectedly still, they lost the tournament."

She managed to compose herself after that. What made her so emotional with the tenth year? What happened then?

"That year marked the White Day's dark days; two consecutive years of becoming the weakest school of all, while Aspho was hailed as the strongest with their two consecutive wins, with an overall of three titles that time…"

Aspho won their second title in the tenth year? So that's why they were too desperate to win at every rate after winning the first year and had no wins after that. Was that the only event with the tenth year? Why does it feel like it has more?

"Next year, it kept happening. Another set of strong Asphoes transferred into White Day High. Yet, unexpectedly, they all got defeated; Coach Clive learned about the sabotage."

He sensed how awkward for her to say Coach Clive's name. But… Coach Clive learned that, and not her?

"That three-year mark: three years of Aspho's Victory, and White Day's Despair. Three consecutive wins for them were made possible because of our team. They helped Aspho, and neglected the White Day group as we lost; that's how immature Aspho is until now."

Lucas knew now. So he can't blame the Whites at this point. They have a deep reason for their anger. But he was not like the Asphoes from before. He even wanted to crush Mister Vacio, rather than help him.

But, he has no choice. Even if he was handpicked because he wanted to win for this school, people still thought that he was sent to betray White Day High again. How bad fate really was…

After that, he didn't realize that the meeting had ended. Principal Lyns collected all of her stuff and left the room as well as the students. Lucas prepared to leave the room as he saw all of them start to take their own paths as they exited the door.

As he walked outside, he can't help but to have that question in his mind again. With how Principal Lyns became sad after narrating that story, there should be something deeper. Did she join the tournament? Was she with Coach Clive's team?

He went to the gymnasium for a walk and noticed that no one was there, except for Doll that was in the middle. He tried his very best not to walk towards her. He didn't want the problem to get bigger. But he found himself incapable of stopping himself as his feet started to step one by one towards that girl.

He went and greeted her, with anxiety in his voice as he started overthinking. She smiled at him and started walking, as he followed her, wanting to ask something.

Since Doll and Principal Lyns were close, she probably know what to reply to him. "Did Principal Lyns ever join the Tournament?" he asked.

Doll paused from walking and slightly turned to him. "Yes. But she told the school to stop talking about her failure. Sorry, but I can't tell you anything."

His eyes widened on her reply. The principal was keeping a secret to them? "What was that? You can trust me."

Doll blinked at his response. "Sorry. That was her private matter. She wasn't vocal about her failures."

That definitely made him stop walking. "Oh."

Knowing that Lucas was trustworthy, she decided to tell him what he was asking. She inspected the deserted gymnasium and faced Lucas.

"It was the tenth year of the tournament if I'm not mistaken." Doll narrated. "Principal Lyns was already a senior student in the school. Coach Clive's younger brother, Dutch Gibbons, was arranged to join the tournament as well, together with the other members."

"It wasn't Principal Lyns' win, was it?"

Doll readily nodded as they began walking again. He already knew what he asked, he just wanted some confirmation coming from her.

"It was the start of the years that White Day High wasn't winning the tournament. Today, we were keeping zero wins for eight years already. By the way, Coach Clive's brother was also included in Principal Lyns' group, as the Group Leader. Principal Lyns was their first defense."

Lucas' eyes completely widened there. "Whoa. Wait. Coach Clive has a brother and he was a former Group Leader? Where was he now?"

"He died at the tournament."

Lucas was dumbstruck. Suddenly, he saw in his mind the face of Principal Lyns in the School's Infirmary. She looked like she lacked sleep and currently having nightmares. Coach Clive's brother died because Principal Lyns failed at the tournament? Such a bad fate for her.

"I forgot that you're not familiar with these things," Doll commented. "But yes. Mister Dutch Gibbons died at the tenth year of the tournament."

Doll heaved a sigh, before continuing.

"I really don't remember that tournament since I was only twelve years old to even know that. I wasn't even studying in a high school. But Dad said that Coach Clive wasn't like how he used to now in comparison to him back then. He was a naughty student and always got into trouble like you, but he was certainly serious in regards to the Tournament."

So he knew now. His intimidating and cold aura was a result of that tenth year. "But how did they lose then? Do they lose a member? Does losing a member will—"

He suddenly remembered Coach Clive… He lost his brother because of Principal Lyns… Was he angry at her all this time that's why he was coercing her without sympathizing with her?

"It was a Point System tournament that they have joined. Losing a member wouldn't matter if they have accumulated massive points." Doll replied.

In those words, it came clear to him the reason why. He was sure that the Asphoes had the highest acquired points so that they won that year; it was their victory after all.

Unknowingly walking, they have arrived at the renovated canteen without noticing. They sat on the nearest chair since there was no one except for the two of them that were inside the school by that time. They didn't know why but the school was unvisited.

"The other members didn't arrive at the final location, at the place that wasn't included with the detonation of the tournament ground; Mister Dutch and Principal Lyns were the only ones left, but were stuck in a cliff, still trying to be safe. Principal Lyns had garnered so many points that time so if she would lose, her points will vanish from the point board. She almost fell from that cliff, but Mister Dutch used his Territorial Power to switch places with her."

It seemed that Lucas knew what will the outcome of this story be.

"It was a hard choice, but if Principal Lyns tried to save Mister Dutch and went below the cliff to revive him, she might've died as well and both of their points will disappear. White Day will completely lose. She did what she thought was good for the group and the school; to have her points still, to at least have a chance of winning."

Oh crap.

Doll sighed as if that was the end of the tale. "You know, ever since that day of the tenth year, Coach Clive had never been the same. I think he was still blaming Principal Lyns because she couldn't save his brother back in the arena and chose to save just herself. Principal Lyns was the only person that returned home from the group."

A question suddenly came out of Lucas' mouth. "Do Principal Lyns and Coach Clive get along just well?"

He noticed Doll as she avoided her eyes from him.

"Of course. They are our advisers for this year's tournament. They have to be."

"No. I mean personally."

He knew that seven years had already passed; but since Doll had mentioned this history, he realized that besides their training and things related to the Tournament like the Selection and some important things for the school, he'd never seen the two of them talking to each other personally.

That was why Principal Lyns seemed to have feared Coach Clive.

"After the tournament, Principal Lyns couldn't look straight to Coach Clive's eyes anymore. I think she could see the face of Mister Dutch in Coach Clive's. But do you know what's more ironic?"

Doll stared in the distance and let a deep sigh out.

"Before the tournament, Principal Lyns and Coach Clive had a thing for each other. But then, Coach Clive kept distancing himself from Principal Lyns. I think he got too tired of trying to pass through that same barrier for the last seven years. So he gave up and they both acted as if they were strangers now. He also coerced her, maybe as a point of revenge."

So he realized now. That was why Coach Clive was so angry about him when he noticed that he was injured with that Null Room incident. They were both the same, or maybe Coach Clive was seeing himself with Lucas. He didn't want Lucas to take the same route as he took.

Also, he started to reminisce why Principal Lyns became so righteous now. That explained why she went to Aspho just to punish those who were truly punishable since she knew how to be guilty and she has nothing to do to retract her actions. That was also why she mentioned the matter of life and death at the meeting days ago.

Principal Lyns' loss at the tournament had been etched at the history of the school, and they have never won the title since then. Was Principal Lyns a bit of bad luck to them, or is everyone just looking at things differently?

He wasn't even sure; but one thing was certain: a few other lost and White Day High will be eliminated completely from the tournament. He must win and not repeat the loss that caused a life.