Love Team in the Making

Chapter 26: Love Team in the Making

Lucas can hear that the ceremony from the gymnasium was going on still. As it continued, he was at a secluded area with Moon. He can see the whole stage even from afar, as he was facing the other direction in comparison to how Moon stared at him earlier. Suddenly, he heard his cousin chuckle at the words he previously said. It seemed that it was a joke for him.

What was there to laugh about? His mood gradually turned back into normal as he overlooked Doll that was currently climbing the stairs after being called by the emcee. She held the hem of her skirt as she stepped on towards the stage as she walked elegantly.

Amidst the events, they were staring at Doll that was now onstage. Curious about his cousin's reaction, Lucas looked back and saw some gratefulness from Moon's face, a look that spoke for itself; genuine happiness that Doll was handpicked.

His cousin looked, for the first time, a part of this school. He was used to seeing Moon who didn't care what he wore or things he had, just like him. In contrast, being a nothing really matters complimented Moon's look. But if he thought about himself being that same way, he was just a potato, to begin with, so never mind that. Also this time, he can finally see where Moon truly belonged. He was now one of the Whites, unlike him.

But Moon's smile hid some loneliness and envy that he spotted amidst the dark. Was he sad about not being handpicked until now? Was he hoping himself to be able to walk to that stage as well? That stage was hell! If Lucas had been given a choice if he wanted to step on that stage again or not, he will gladly decline.

But even from afar, he can hear those claps that were coming from every parent and anyone inside the gymnasium, cheering over Doll. Even Principal Lyns and the rest of the important people on stage were giving her their applauses.

"Uhm, so Doll was also handpicked?" Lucas told coldly as he faced Moon for the second time. He can feel to himself that his face was still pale after what had happened to him earlier. The cold sensation within him wasn't escaping. After all, who would not be embarrassed by the people's manner of talking a while ago?

But embarrassment sank into him and anger rose as he reminisced that hellish feeling. Those parents were too much already. They didn't seem educated with their age. They should be ashamed of themselves. All they have were money, and that won't decide their worth.

He later heard Moon's footsteps going towards him, as he started folding the sleeve at his right wrist. "She was strong," Moon uttered, as if musing. "and pretty, as always…"

Lucas can't help but to grin at what he heard. This Moon… He almost had everything that girls wanted. He can attract as many girls as he pleased, but that seemed to be very unlikely currently. Right now, it was obvious to him; he has an unabashed relationship with Doll and was only attracting her.

He slightly notice the ambiance started to heal. Lucas felt that his heavy chest started to feel better. He glanced at his cousin and he saw that he was indeed musing. His eyes were at obvious happiness that he rarely saw. It wasn't as frequent as he remembered.

"Lucas, don't be loud about it, but…" Moon bowed his head, as he started to walk carelessly on a tiptoe. "I think I've fallen for—"

"For whom?"

A sudden girlish voice shocked the two of them who were unable to see anyone because of the darkness within the canopy. Lucas tried to find who that girl was. Her voice was familiar. Oh— he started to notice an apparition behind Moon. He knew who this girl was: their topic.

Noticing Lucas' glance behind him, Moon looked back, and a sudden light traced at the whole canopy that made the appearance of that girl even visible for their sight. Lucas chuckled, witnessing his cousin's expression. It was Doll that appeared behind them. They were now facing each other.

She continued walking in their direction. She came from another canopy entrance after going down from the stage. He can hear the emcee calling out for the other selected ones, but he focused on her instead and cannot understand any other noises anywhere.

She was wearing a black strapped, vintage shirt like most of the ladies in here, but the way she wore that stood out from the rest. She had her black skirt that was almost on the middle of her thigh —almost above her knees, and a white pair of socks underneath her elegant and shiny shoes. He had seen all of it because of the light that suddenly lit the area from before.

There was nothing special or outstanding in her attire but her presence was very notable even in the midst of the darkness. He didn't know how she stood out from the area they were in even she wore all black. Maybe, it was because of her tiny or her skinny body; maybe it was simply her aura, the very same aura she used when she entered that bus from before.

Moon cannot respond as he was faced with a walking beauty before him, a straight-back girl with blistering confidence that Lucas wished he could also have on the moment he was roasted. She was smiling like an innocent girl, like an angel that fell from the heavens to the Earth.

"For whom, Mister Moon Martin?" Doll asked upon reaching Moon; her voice became demanding and playful. It was an order, not a question. It was like she was forcing Moon to speak. He didn't know that Doll can be this demanding.

"Uhm…" Moon shook his nape, unable to answer. Lucas felt the nervousness in his cousin's voice.

By just looking at them, he started to feel that if he was Moon, and he was right before a girl he liked, he would probably be just like him: unable to speak, unable to answer.

"You're beautiful. You looked gorgeous." Moon murmured.

"You're not answering my question," she exclaimed. "Speak!"

Moon was about to cave in, and after opening his mouth for a reply, his ears suddenly focused as the speaker at the canopy rang out with a static, but understandable speech.

"Give it up for Moon Martin; the Devil Possession Class representative! You were also handpicked!" the voice of the emcee gave Moon a way to excuse himself.

He rapidly ran away as if escaping, until a sudden sight of a small hand grabbed his right hand. "I'm still talking to you…"

Moon was startled as he looked back to witness Doll gripping his right hand, as if not wanting him to go. He smiled awkwardly and decided to remove Doll's grip, let go of it, and spoke clearly to her, "You completed the night, Doll."

Letting go of him because she knew she should, Doll watched as Moon went out of the canopy and went inside the gymnasium again. He walked carelessly as if running out of time, as he sped up his pace to manage to be upstairs within the fastest time he could.

Lucas looked over him as well. He saw from afar that his cousin was currently upstairs, leaving Doll embarrassed and dumbfounded with him at this deserted and dark canopy. Doll's face gradually became pale. He felt the sudden change in her previous aura.

As she slightly fixed the hem of her skirt in discomfort, Lucas found himself gasping silently upon realizing something. It was seriously dawned on him— how physically attractive Doll currently was.

He approached the girl in front of him. "Doll," he spoke in a calming voice. "What are you feeling right now?"

Doll couldn't answer, or maybe she just didn't want to. Now, she was the one who remained silent. She opened her mouth and heaved a sigh. Her demanding look vanished and was replaced by a frown. He couldn't help but sympathize with her. Her face was so convincing that he instantly felt sad as well.


What was he thinking? He shouldn't have felt this way! He heaved a sigh and distant Doll. He witnessed the surprise from the girl when he did that.

"Thank you, Mister Moon Martin! You can now go down." the emcee remarked. Lucas just focused his vision at the ceremony that was continuing still. He shouldn't feel that way towards her! Only for his cousin, or maybe for his own sake.

Doll, noting his weird movements, watched Moon slowly going downstairs instead. She can't help but fix the hem of her skirt. "I should not asked him," Doll told him in a soft voice. "You know why, Lucas…?"

He didn't want this feeling to continue. So as he thought of it, he has to be somewhat rude towards her as a defense mechanism he was unaware of. "Please continue, because I don't…"

"I also thought that this feeling, Lucas… this feeling that," Doll added, as she bowed her head.

A shiver ran down his spine. Now he realized how useless his insistence was to hush his feelings. What was this? No, it was nothing. It can be forgotten overnight.

He looked at her as she placed her hands on her chest. "…was also affection for—"

Doll gasped as she felt a sudden pounce at her back. Lucas saw a hand that suddenly hugged her from her back. The girl tried to look at the man behind her by moving her eyes, but it was impossible for her to see the man that hugged her. As he stared at her, he saw that it was Moon who hugged Doll.

What was this sudden ache inside him? His breathing had gotten heavy that it turned into panting. He can see the mist on every one of the breaths he created. Maybe it was because of the coldness, or maybe the event earlier. It was nothing.

"So, we both have a thing with each other?"

It was Moon's voice that he can hear even from behind Doll. It gave shivers at Doll when she felt Moon's warm breaths on the back of her body, her nape, and some of her scalp. Lucas saw how Moon was still placing his hand on her as if it lingered the girl's body.

"Now, answer me… Miss Doll Nova!" Moon's voice was clear as always. His whispers were manly and cold, but with somewhat hotness in their tone. Lucas cannot put words into that tone of voice because he was musing over.

He bowed his head.

Doll's face was painted with blush. This sudden feeling she was also feeling was a must to avoid. Was it righteous to feel this way? Wouldn't she hurt someone from feeling it? She didn't know. All she knew was…

It can't be!

Lucas cannot help but pant loudly. The pumping on his chest was now uncontrollable. He has to stop it, but he can't. He almost winced in ache, but he was unaware of what ache it was. Was it physical pain or the emotional one?

Moon and Doll stared at him, as he started to walk away. He cannot afford to be seen in the current state that he was in. He didn't want anyone to see him go weak on the knees, given that he has no reason to feel that way. Going through the middle of the crowd again, he was nowhere to be found by the two he accompanied earlier. Doll just fake a smile on Moon, and the boy looked at her and smiled at her as well.

Lucas started to wander within the gymnasium and was being gossiped about again. He was greeted with whispers of enviousness from the people near him.

"Oh, the Aspho Boy!"

"The hypocrite…"

"Hmph, I didn't like seeing his face."

Lucas started to shake his hands and tried normalizing his breathing. He had told something to Nath about this that he was unable to use this time. What was happening to him?

No. He just have to forgot about that! It was nothing, and he can manage to be okay after a while. Convincing himself, he shook his hands for the second time but it was futile.

He cannot mend himself, as he continued panting. Screw that!

But, luckily, the event was about to come to an ending. The twenty-five lucky students that were handpicked were all ready for the Overall Skill Selection. As he started to think about it, he started to feel better. He has to turn his focus back to his main goal: winning the tournament and beating Aspho High.

There was no other option for him than to win, he said to himself.

If all of the handpicked participants were prepared, he was ahead of being just ready; he was so determined to crush all of the enemies that he will face in the tournament that he was preparing for. That thought made him pant lesser. His breathing started to normalize.

It took him some minutes of walking, before stumbling upon someone that turned his mood back into something worse he was always feeling.

"Oh, Mister Lucas Martin—"

That irritating voice, also the same pitch, and same loudness; Nath's presence drove Lucas' irritation. He cannot help but be angry at her presence. Why did he have to see her again and again? This night had been one of the worst nights he ever had. Even if he had been handpicked, it cannot make him happy anymore. Not right now.

"It's you! Gosh. Was it just a coincidence?"

"I know that it was me…" he intentionally replied, as he withdrew himself away from her. He needed to— and to admit it, he wanted to be as far away from her as he could. It made him happier not seeing her face. His tongue was a piece of crap as always, realizing what he said, just like Coach Clive's.

To think about him, he'd said something that help him hold himself back from the crowd's uproar earlier. He also learned that the Coach won the third title of the school. He needed to talk to him about that as soon as possible.

"How mean you are to me, Mister Lucas Martin?" Nath unabashedly leaned towards him, blocking his way through.

When will she stop?

Her face lowered, and her body posed into an inverted 90° stance. It made her dress fall over and reveal a slight of her breasts. It might've been intentional to her, and she wanted to show them herself. What a shame.

"I'm also handpick—"

"I'm busy…" Lucas yanked her whole presence and moved away from her; what he did interrupted her abruptly, as he started to walk away, and bombarding every person hindering his parkour escapade.

He has to leave her. This night wasn't as good as his other nights, and a few more irritation can only put Nath into danger. He didn't want to hurt a lady, and unintentionally turned all of his frustration towards her. He continued walking and happened to locate the hardwood door he previously opened.

He absent-mindedly opened it and walked outside the gymnasium. The area gradually dimmed as he walked further out of the event. He heaved a sigh of relief as he felt that no eyes were staring at him anymore.

Who would know that Lucas was so allergic towards girls like he was currently displaying? Uhm, not maybe just towards girls, but to clinging ladies that were always sticking into him. Or maybe he was just in a bad mood and was unaware of his actions.

But still, what he had done had left Nath alone in the middle of the crowd. Hopeless and broken, with a bit exaggerated expressions. Her anxious face was displayed as she tried to glance over at Lucas. But she cannot see him anymore. Lucas was nowhere to be found already.

She was unaware of it, yet she cannot and she should not cling to Lucas as frequently as he currently doing. She has to distance herself from him as possible. It was for her own safety. Because if not… er, never mind.