Meeting Mister Clive

Chapter 13: Meeting Mister Clive

Lucas was still trying to figure it out when Principal Lyns went on. Who would be that Coach Clive? He remembered he'd heard that name from Principal Lyns but he can't recall when it was.

He decided to lay on his bed and grabbed his phone from the small cabinet beside his bed with his left hand. He almost hit the lit lampshade that was inches away from his phone. It caused pain in his right arm. He removed his cast because it felt like it was treated too much. He didn't need something like casting for such an injury like this.

He checked his mail he expected that no one messaged him. In fact, it was no new thing. Who would check up on him except Moon? Apart from him, he has no person now that he was close to.

But he was wrong. Some unknown emails were sent to him. He checked one of them. It was from @cunningham.kyle saying, "I've watched you perform with your Godly Potential. You were so strong. I admired your bravery."

So people have noticed him?

He checked another one, from saying, "You were the first students to be selected this year in an unexpected manner. You were one to look up to. How I wish I was selected as well. Hope to meet you soon. You became one of my inspirations."

All the other mails were from students of White Day that noticed his skills after that Godly Potential thing. Some were envious and booing him. But his previous classmates at Aspho weren't even checking on him. Did they forget about Lucas? If that's so, then he had no doubts about joining the tournament.

September 12, 11:54 pm.

It was almost midnight. But his thoughts won't make him sleep early. He has numerous things that he can't hush off his mind. It was impossible not to think it because it came on unexpectedly. Every night, new thoughts came inside him.

Coach Clive…

Oh— He finally remembered! Principal Lyns have talked about Coach Clive when she talked with him at the Principal's Office. She said he will make Coach Clive keep an eye on him. Did she convince him already?

White Day High sure was overpopulated. It has so many people, and he can't familiarize himself with all of them. He heard so many names that he didn't know what they looked like. Also, he saw faces that he didn't know what their names were.

Strange, but it felt like the ceiling of their apartment have changed. Or maybe he wasn't looking at it for so long. It was white concrete with a greenish ceiling fan on it. It was circling normally, as he wondered why he was inspecting everything inside the apartment.

It was a minute of staring at the ceiling when Moon hobbled to enter the apartment room. Lucas stared over at him. His face was wet and he held a face towel.

Moon wiped his face with it and coughed out. His cough was bad. He heaved a sigh and sat on his bed. His nose was reddish.

"What's wrong?" Lucas asked, and placed his phone back on the cabinet beside him. "You looked lanky."

"Haven't you forgotten the date today?" Moon dejectedly replied and laid his back uncomfortably on his bed. He covered himself with the white blanket he has. "Check it. Hope you haven't forgotten already."

Lucas opened his phone. It was past twelve. What's the matter with Moon? And what's the date he was talking to?

September 13, 12:17 am.

He hasn't remembered anything significant that was celebrated this day. It was just normal to him, and he wasn't minding his calendar for so long.

"I can't recall anything, Moon. Just hush it off. It was midnight already, and we have classes in the morning." Lucas replied in nonchalance. He can't help yawning already, but his adrenal was hindering him from sleeping.

After what happened at his Godly Potential show, it was still surreal to him. Did what happened was really true? Wasn't it just a dream? It was impossible to think that he won against the Two Bastions, the pride of the school, and the hopes of the White Day High's leader last year.

After that, Shad and Lyns fought over him. His life, once he started studying here, has revved up into a messy and complicated life. But he has to persevere. Only some steps were needed and he can participate in that tournament.

His fear of fighting with his friends had ceased with the repetitive actions done by Aspho to him. It felt like he wasn't scared of fighting them anymore. But there was still a feeling inside him that he can't put into words.

The feeling of want that he started to dislike. Is this what he really wanted? To participate in the tournament?

How he hoped he was right.

"Your trainer was Coach Clive. He will come over later and both of you can get to know each other." Principal Lyns said calmly to Lucas, who was now sitting on a long chair in the conference room. He did catch a cold and was sneezing relentlessly.

Moon and Doll were also there, sitting beside Lucas. They faced Miss Lyns as she started calling Coach Clive with her phone. Moon looked gloomy and has a cold as well. Doll was looking at them dejectedly.

Doll said to Lucas in a soft voice, "Coach Clive is one of the best coaches in White Day High. He's just a little domineering. Even Principal Lyns doesn't dare to challenge him. I wish you luck." she looked at him with a hint of sympathy.

Lucas was fully aware. He recalled how he heard Lyns talk about his name before. Back in the Principal's Office, Principal Lyns had mentioned the man who coerced her into preparing the selection for the tournament. She seemed distraught.

By putting that information into mind, he can conclude that this Coach Clive was a terror one. Doll's sympathy for him made him worried.

A while later, the door of the conference room opened and a familiar man strode in.

He looked elegant yet haughty, with a sort of suaveness that made him look like a King from another world. He wore a flattering office outfit, clean-cut maroon hair, and a light silk necktie. Besides those, he did not have additional accessories on. With his shoes clicking, he walked towards Lucas and stopped right before him, looking at him— 

"So it's this little boy?" his voice was cold and piercing, like an impeccable glass of ice-cold liquor. 

He was Coach Clive then. But he seemed familiar to Lucas. His suaveness and his mustache… He was the man from the panel of judges yesterday! That haughty man was Coach Clive already? How dumb he was for not realizing it?

Yet, he was unhappy. What did Coach Clive mean by a little boy? He wanted to tell Coach Clive that when he was expelled, he was already 21 years old, way past the age of a "little boy". What a pity that he could only keep those words to himself.

Principal Lyns' work expression was plastered with a smile as she politely stood up. "Coach Clive, please take a seat."

Coach Clive did not sit, and in fact, he did not even turn to look at her. He squinted as he scrutinized Lucas. His stares were intimidating.

Moon and Doll stared at Lucas with full sympathy. They faked their smiles to make the ambiance lighter. Principal Lyns felt awkward enough and cannot sit back in her seat.

After some time, Lucas and Coach Clive spoke of their first meeting. Coach Clive had a cup of coffee in his hand as he reminisced the day of the Godly Potential, still standing. "You at that time… you looked so scrawny and sickly. If I did not watch the judgment before meeting you, I wouldn't have believed that it was you who defeated the Two Bastions."

Lucas could not read Coach Clive's mind. It was intricate. His words were sharp like he never minced any of those —more terror than Lyns.

Coach Clive sized him down with him exacting standards for a while. "Lucas, is that right? So you think you're great being able to participate in the selection? You don't even cherish yourself at such a young age. Just look at your ghostly being, how are you going to make it big?"

Lucas was rendered speechless with all the lecturing. This Coach was so meticulous and a perfectionist. He was just starting. How can he make it big already when he has nothing to invest with? He may look smart but Lucas guessed he wasn't thinking straight, and just went bombarding him with insults.

But to think of it, Coach Clive was right. Being a fighter depended on individual strength and ability —one had to take good care of themselves and avoid falling sick.

But this cold was really an accident, if there was anyone who should be blamed, it would be Mister Vacio. If he hadn't called him and started negotiating for him to be back at Aspho, he would not have ended proving his skills and catching a cold after a breezy night.

He sniffed as he felt his runny nose will flow unwillingly. He heard Coach Clive give him a cold laugh.

Looking at the situation, Moon stepped forward to intervene. He walked further towards the door and coughed his lungs out. With much effort, he managed to get Coach Clive to take a seat by the side. Doll smiled at the Coach awkwardly.

He looked like a King even as he sat on the long chair, going on about the things that new fighters had to take note of— "You know that you should not entertain the audience as they pleased. Give a nice fight, not for their satisfaction." Coach Clive started noting things to Lucas.

Lucas narrowed his eyes as he started to inspect the facial features of this terror Coach beside him.

"Also, don't get into battles as wished by the opponent. Fight for your reason, and don't get driven by their provoking." Clive added.

Coach Clive started to note more things that Lucas has to keep in mind: to respect the opponent's arrangements for them, to always be mindful of their image, to accept defeat like it was a normal thing, and the list goes on.

In fact, he did not have to be briefed on all of these, Lucas knew exactly how to handle them, and was all second nature to him. He also knew that a veteran fighter doesn't follow any rules as meticulous as that. They fight for their own lives, and following rules at times of danger will put their lives at stake.

What Lucas was bothered about were the training things instead. How tough will it be? Will it be tiring to the point of death?

It was an irrational fear to think, but he can recall how Moon endured all of his training as a child when people started finding out his unique skills. They wanted him to push his limits and be powerful, but Moon didn't want to. It caused havoc with his family, which resulted in their deaths. That was what made Moon into an orphan.

It left a trauma on his cousin and a fear of going on the same route to him.

Principal Lyns glanced over Lucas and managed to get back on her seat. What was this boy thinking? Why did he keep his head bowed?

Lucas clenched his fists. It was just irrational fear, so he has to forget it. He can endure those training. It was for his purpose. He started to hear Coach Clive lecturing him still.

"For a fighter, the training will be a waste of force." Coach Clive told him. "All the training suits that you've been wearing have to be replaced by new ones. You have to up your resistance."

As he spoke, he glanced at Lucas' appearance with a look of despise.

Lucas forced a smile. His appearance was a result of that Godly Potential thing, with many scars that remained, left behind by the other scars he previously had. His right arm had been bruised and burned that the color was dark, but he had no choice. That judgment was a must to win at every rate, which he did, that he was now part of the school's skill selection.

He heard loud coughs followed by a creaking sound of a hinge.

As the door of the conference room opened and Moon came back, he held his nose and wiped it with some tissues. His eyes were cold.

"Maybe I should go out to take some fresh air myself." Moon interfered and started walking away again. "I had a bad day, sorry."

Lucas gave a sympathizing look at his cousin. He was in trance since midnight, and he looked lanky. What were his matters? Maybe it was not just a cold he did catch, but a fever. He should be brought home, or else it would worsen.

Doll gave Moon a stare as he walked outside the room. She can feel that there were offs of him. He was feverish and has a heavy feeling. She also started to leave the room. "Sorry, Coach. Please excuse me. I'll go with Moon."

She ran gracefully towards the door and opened it. She forced a smile and left the room with the slightest noise. The door closed.

Coach Clive heaved a sigh. He finished his glass of coffee and placed it on the glass table before them. Even with how he put the glass was sophisticated and well-mannered.

Lucas still was not happy nor sad. He has to be happy about being selected, but he has to be sad that Moon and Doll did not. They might be parting ways if they won't be selected. If the Trial will be fastened, Moon has to recover sooner or he'll miss the Trial.

Principal Lyns stood. "I should leave the both of you alone. You have a lot of things to talk to," she spoke and left the room as well. Lucas watched the door slowly closed by the wind.

Lucas gazed at Coach Clive. He hasn't spoken any words after his lecturing. How good he was as a Coach? Will he be helpful for Lucas with powering him up for the Overall Skill Selection?

He was a meticulous coach with a sharp mouth. If he kept insulting Lucas until the course of their training, it will be a pain. Given the note that he was once a judge at the Godly Potential he commenced, Coach Clive sure has a knack for memorizing all of his moves and attacks from that battle.

Outside, Principal Lyns exited the conference room and started walking at the gymnasium. Prompters posted there have advertisements saying that the trial will be held within the week. All classes have to get ready for this because judges from different schools will come to pick those deserving students out of every class.

She walked towards the gateway of the school to the main gate as she witnessed vehicles going back and forth through the gaps of it. The road was as busy as usual. The White Day High balcony that was outside the school was still clean. She smiled and held his folders tighter as she went outside for a walk.

The wind blew aggressively, as the sands were blown away as well. Lyns covered her eyes.

Once the breeze stopped, she opened her eyes and saw Moon and Doll sitting on a balcony near a tree. It was hot this morning despite being windy. She squinted to witness Moon. His eyes were teary. But one thing caught her attention. Moon Martin looked as sad as a person with dead loved ones.

She just ignored it. She has to keep going.

As Doll and Moon doted at each other, Principal Lyns was right. But unbeknownst to her, Moon's parents did die, and in fact, it was their death anniversary.