Reminiscing Moon's Parents

Chapter 14: Reminiscing Moon's Parents

Moon and Doll sat on the balcony not too far from the school. The guy started to recall his past. It was his parents Death Anniversary, on the thirteenth day of September.

Doll gave him a sight of sympathy. "It was sad, but we have to keep going forward, towards the future," she stated to Moon. "If we're stuck from the past, we will never be able to move on."

Moon started to massage his temples and sniffed with his nose. "You don't understand, Doll. It was still hard to accept it." he cried. "They died and they deserved it!"

"Moon, aren't you being overboard?" she curiously inquired. "Don't say that your parents deserved their deaths. They love you, aren't they?"

"They didn't!"

"How come?" she asked. "How can I understand you if I don't know what had happened?"

Moon looked at her. It was hard for him to narrate what truly happened, knowing that she was just an acquaintance he just met. The emotional bond between them wasn't that strong to make him tell his tale. Even Lucas was unaware of the whole truth, knowing that they were together for so long.

She held his hands and gaze at him as if pleading. He knew she was sincere. Doll had been so nice to him and their bonds have gotten stronger day after day. Her sincerity to help him cope up with his sadness… how can he neglect a girl like this?

In fact, he didn't want anyone to feel neglected as well, just like how neglected he was as a child.

"Fine." he managed to say.

He bowed his head and started reminiscing about his past. The past on how his parents died and how he became the orphan Moon he knew very well.

Years before, he had been a test subject in the School of Demonic Possession as a child. It was because of his powers that their family kept hidden. It was tremendous in terms of intensity, and his small body as a child can't handle it. That led to the opportunity of the School of Demonic Possession to take Moon as a test subject.

He was left alone inside the school without even anyone to talk to. It was a very dark cell and wasn't spacious. In fact, it was confined for him. He laid down on the floor with no blanket to cover his shivering body. Lots of insects were biting his young skin and he has nothing to do but to endure all of it.

He was holding onto the promise that his parents will go back and get him back with them. He was waiting until that time came.

As a child, it was the worst nightmare to be separated from your parents. It was also a torture how he was being tested every night and every day. He was in despair, and he tried escaping the school multiple times, but they can manage to get him back.

"Mom… Dad… I will find you." the child Moon cried in heartbreak. After all, he had been freed again from the school, due to his persistence to escapade.

But all of his runs and escapes turned in vain as the military found him again and again as he repeatedly escape. The place was secured with multiple soldiers cornering the boundaries and circuit cameras guarding the outsides.

The military slapped the child Moon after witnessing his escapade. He fell to the ground and cried in despair.

"Your mother and father died!" they shouted. It left Moon crying again. But unbeknownst to him, the military was lying. His father actually went back to the school to get him back. But they're ruthless. They even kept their visits a secret to Moon.

"Please be merciful! I wanted my son back!" Moon's father shouted in despair. His tears were profusely falling from his eyes. His brown hair was messy and his face was dirty. He looked like he hasn't slept for a week or two.

But the military was deaf. They didn't even reply a word, nor actions nonetheless. No matter how hard his father pleaded, they kept their hearts closed. They insisted that they let Moon be a test subject and there were no ways to get him back. His father went home with no Moon on his side.

As Moon looked down, Doll was just listening to him. She has the respect to be considerate at least. Moon was looking pale, with droplets of tears on his thighs, as he continued, "Once, I've managed to escape the facility and returned home to my mother and father..."

The backstory of him started.

With which, however, he had seen his mother and father with three other kids. If he remembered it right, those three boys were named Mylo Halberd, Lunar Invel, and Shad Cagney.

He was looking at them from atop the cliff, as they bonded happily at the beach below him. Moon was hopeless as he watched them all.

"Mom, look, I did a paper plane!" Lunar Invel was looking happy. He smiled, as Moon's mother lifted him up to make the paper plane fly.

The paper plane flew mid-air and it flipped back and forth before it hit the sandy beach below the cliff. Lunar Invel laughed cockily, as Moon's mother smiled at him.

Calling Moon's mom as his was a huge heartbreak for Moon. He was always thinking that his parents have been happy, and got rid of him and replaced him with those three kids. That made him to have a heavy burden with his parents.

Still watching his parents from afar, he knew he was freed from the military, but he was wrong. They have managed to spot him again and decided to get him back. This time, Moon didn't fight back but was willing to be back at the School of Demonic Possession.

Moon returned to the facility in order to acquire the power he needed to take revenge on his parents. How dare them forgot about him and replace him with those three boys. The military also brainwashed him by saying that his parents didn't even go to the school to get him back, and he was left neglected.

That drove Moon to team up with the school to get stronger than ever. Every night and day, he went to various power-up facilities. He was bruised and alone, with a mindset to take revenge on his parents. He even look for books with teachings on how to become stronger.

He was so willing to raise his being. He went into various people who knew magic. That was when he met Mister Vacio, a magic specialist at that time. He was always going to Mister Vacio to train his skills, and the magic specialist started saying that he had built a school specialized in magic: the Aspho High.

"Moon, you can enter our school…" Mister Vacio calmly spoke.

Moon, unaware of the consequences, agreed to Mister Vacio. He only has one thing in mind: to take revenge on his parents. That was the reason behind him studying at Aspho High.

"But, I have a cousin named Lucas…" Moon nervously replied to Mister Vacio. "Can we go together?"

"Sure!" Mister Vacio's smile was suspicious.

He knew Lucas was existing with the help of the old man Victor, that adopted Lucas when he went orphan. But Victor suddenly vanished and didn't return to them ever since. That made Lucas and Moon depend on themselves and each other.

While at Aspho, not even studying there because of their age, Moon learned magic and trained under Mister Vacio's security to learn of a type of Lost Magic called Devil Soul. It transform a man's strength into what Devil has. He didn't mention any of this to Lucas, but after some time, Lucas knew all of it.

Lucas began questioning him why he was doing it, and he replied that he just wanted revenge. As a child to have a sense of revenge, it was a shocking thing to the child Lucas.

"You don't know how painful the path I walked through to find them, yet all I can witness were replacements for me! I was neglected, Lucas!" Moon shouted in anger. His eyes were flowing with tears.

"You also don't know how I endured hard whenever I missed my parents. You have yours, yet you wanted to kill them?" Lucas retorted. "Cherish your parents, Moon, while they were alive."

"They cherished some boys and I don't care anymore! Starting now, I have no parents! All I have is myself!"

All he has back then was himself.

But now, he has Lucas. He also has Doll by his side right now. His past etched his heart to the point he has no courage to tell Lucas that he studied now on a Devil Transform Class. If he would learn this, it will be another argument for them.

"Devil was the enemy of man, thus the enemy of my parents!" the child Moon thought.

While sitting on the balcony, he told himself that everything he did as a child was to turn his cursed existence into a life of happiness. He grew up having the curse of the power of devils. He grew up longing for his parents, but they replaced him. He grew up knowing that he was neglected.

He just wanted the love he thought he never felt. He looked at Doll with tears in his eyes, and he can't see the girl in front of him with his blurry vision. "All I want is love from a parent, Doll."

His voice was hoarse.

"Until now, I want to execute my revenge on them because I hated them! But every time this date came, I was saddened because it was the day they died. I became an orphan." he added.

He cried his heart out but got distracted by a voice calling out for him.


What was that? Who spoke that word?

Moon started wiping his face and he was now able to see Doll vividly. He glanced all over the place, but they were the only people there. That voice wasn't Doll's, so who was that?

Suddenly, he heard a ringing inside his head. He saw a flashback of his mother and father carrying the little Moon in their arms. They looked very happy, as they tickled his little nose.

"Look, our son looked handsome!" his mom was so happy. She had her teeth appearing. Carrying his son, she cannot encage her happiness.

"He was a sign that we need to move on from our bad lives." his father replied. "Having him was a blessing."

His parents worked illegally back then, like burglars and thieves. They stole things from random people to survive for a living.

Move on…

It rang inside Moon's mother's ears.

"Move on…" she whispered, as he stared at his husband. "Move on…"

It was exactly Full Moon that night when Moon was born, thus making his name as,

"MOON, his name was Moon!" she stated happily. "Moon, my son."

Not only because of the full moon but also about MOve ON. His parents started working legally and started to have a decent life. The moon that lit their illegal nights and guided their hopeless years, now it was the name of their son as a sign of moving on.

The wind blew aggressively again. Moon felt shivers while sensing the wind blowing his face outside the White Day High.

Why? Why was he witnessing his birth? Was it true?

No! His parents don't love him. This has to be a ruse. But why does it feel so authentic? It touched his heart and he felt like weeping. He breathed heavily and has his eyes remain closed.

Time came and the young Moon had gotten sick. His parents went asking for someone to help their child who's running a high fever. They went into multiple people just to find an aid for their son.

"Our son had been born with too much Magic Power! Help us!"

Moon started to realize that what he was seeing was a flashback of his parent's memory, and he was still really at the balcony himself.

So this was the truth?

Time has passed and Lunar, Shad, and Mylo reached the right age to be separated from Moon's Parents and they went on their separate ways. His parents became lonely and started missing Moon so much.

Before having those three boys, he saw his mother crying in front of the people from the school whom she entrusted with Moon and demanded that they have to give back her Moon. She pleaded and even kissed their feet, but it was all futile.

"He had died. Sorry, but Moon didn't withstand the difficulties of the training…" the military lied. They want to have Moon only to themselves, and they have to get rid of his parents.

Knowing that Moon died, his parents have to be happy again so that they adopted three children and decided to teach them powers. That children were Mylo, Lunar, and Shad.

But when they have left as well, his parents got sick and drowned in depression. He recalled that his parents legitimately died at the Air Park where they always dated when they were unable to beat depression. They killed themselves with their own hands, stating that without Moon with them, their lives were useless.

Their remains combined with the air itself, and Moon thought with disbelief that, "Am I with my mother and father?"

Doll has his index and middle finger of her right hand on her temples. That was a spell she would use if she want to communicate with the deceased spirits. Right now, she was conversing with Moon's Parents, and she wanted to mend Moon's anger towards them.

She knew that Moon was told with lies, and she was believing that only his parents can convince their son, so she called them to give flashbacks to Moon.

"That's not how I remembered it at all!" Moon commented as he cried with his eyes closed. He suddenly snaps back to reality and saw Doll assuming the position for Exorcism. She had talked to his parents with Exorcism: Call, finally learning the truth.

They closed their eyes as the wind blew for the third time, with Moon finally seeing the vivid image of his mother and father, saying, "We love you, Moon."

Doll moved closer to the edge of the seat and spoke, "Your parents once told me: when Moon had been born, we felt a light shining into our hearts and we dreamed of a bright future for our little boy." Doll smiled. "They have been so happy by the power of life and they couldn't stop their tears from overflowing." she continued.

Still closing his eyes, Moon tried his best to see how he was lifted by his mother when he was born. He wanted his mother back! He wanted his father back!

He wanted them alive!

Moon had been the proof that his parents lived, and "MOve ON." As Moon cried down after the words Doll had spoken were all done, he had dreamed of only one thought.

"I want to go back to the time… before I hated my parents!" he shouted in agony, and can't help himself but to hug Doll.

Doll was shocked, but considering Moon, she hugged him back and felt the pain that the boy was feeling. It was so heavy that she can feel his heartbeat pounding hard. She can't help but to be teary as well.

With tears in his eyes, Moon was left weeping at the girl she was hugging, and he admitted, "I love them! Actually, I don't want revenge. I just wanted to be with them for at least one last time!"