The Skill Selection

Chapter 15: The Skill Selection

The trainees in the large hall gathered in small groups, excitedly discussing the selections. The schedule where it was held began this day. It has been days since Lucas has shown his Godly Potential.

He has nowhere to sit as he noticed most of the students heading towards this large hall. Before the wide door, a sign was posted on the front, saying that the Skill Selection will only be held inside this hall.

Walking inside, he noticed lots of seats beside the wall, but all of those were occupied by nervous students trying to cease their nausea. Some were cheering themselves, some were cheering others. Three to five wandering coaches were talking to some students, and giving them a piece of paper.

He tried inspecting what those papers were, and he learned it was a draw lot that has a number on it. It will maintain the order of what class should go on first, second, and so on.

The hall was crowded. Lucas found himself in a corner where he stood alone, feeling slightly irritated. Coach Clive's insults were all over his memory until now.

He stayed for so long with Coach Clive as Moon and Doll left the conference room. Principal Lyns also left them, but the Coach didn't utter a word after then. But his gaze at him was enough to let him conclude he was scrutinizing him.

Being selected first was laughable. It was a pain because he has to wait and be bored while all of them were feeling the adrenaline that he was longing for. It was unfair. But still, he was hopeful since he was selected already. He doesn't have to worry that much.

Suddenly, he heard a jubilant voice calling him from a distance that was coming nearer and nearer. "That Lucas guy! You're here, I was looking all over for you—"

A shadow in light pink darted toward him. Without looking, Lucas knew it was Nath. He heaved a sigh and looked at her. Luckily, she wasn't wearing her model outfit, but the school's uniform.

To think of it, what had happened between her and Sting? Did they break up for real? If then, what was she doing in here?

"You are here?" he sighed, extracting himself from Nath's presence. "Why are you looking for me?"

"I will be judged at some time… aren't you wishing me luck?" Nath unabashedly sat next to Lucas with a chair she already has. She laid her back comfortably and looked over at Lucas.

Lucas felt more irritated.

"Here," she offered him another chair that she also has. She pushed it towards him. "That was for Sting, but as far as you know, we broke up already," she uttered gloomily.

He let a cold laugh out of his mouth. So she's trying to move on by clinging near to another man? This girl is kinda flirtatious since he saw her. He narrowed his eyes at her.

"Sit here. I did not mean anything with what I've said," she added. "Don't think anything mean about me."

Lucas breathed a loud sigh. He would thank the heavens if this girl will be out of this place any time soon. What's more, he would not have to bear the cringe from this girl while he was waiting. That would be… wonderful.

He could not help but pity those in the same class as Nath. Were they being clung as well?

With a smile, Lucas patted Nath on the top of her head as he sat beside him and said, "Okay. Break a leg."

He didn't mean anything there, too. He has to make sure that what he will say has no other meaning. By looking at this girl, Lucas has a grasp that she was targeting him. Falling into that trap of hers was the worst thing he can do.

Looking up like an irritating kid, Nath nodded resolutely. "I will! I want to be selected like you."

Lucas' face darkened. As he laid his back on the chair uncomfortably, Nath suddenly leaned her head on his shoulder and started closing her eyes. She held his hands and sighed, seeming exhausted.

It irritated him more. But she was a girl. He has to be considerate and let her rest on his shoulders for a while. She was panting heavily. It looked like this girl was a persistent one and practiced to the point of exhaustion. People are so willing to be at that tournament, huh?

Also, she has to be thankful that she's a girl because if not, she might've gotten hurt by the irritation she gave at Lucas. Lucas was used to being alone. Or if ever he has company, he was distant, not as close as how Nath was with him now.

After much hullaballoo, Principal Lyns finally arrived. Her shoes were clicking as they bumped onto the flat floor. Holding the brown folders that she used to bring whenever there was something important, he walked elegantly with some men behind her.

She opened the door of a room and the man with him decided to be left outside. One of them cleared his throat, and he announced that the examination and the judgment for the Skill Selection commenced.

Tension within the large hall intensified.

The wandering coaches started finding the class who have picked the number one from the draw lots earlier. One at a time, each team of students in the same class walked into the evaluation room nervously, coming out gloomy, while some were glad. Some were trying to tease out how their fellow classmates did.

Every time a wandering coach asked them how they did, they would intentionally reply with something along the lines of "I did not do well and was defeated. My other classmate was chosen…" Yet, the exhaustion in their voices was apparent.

He soon noticed that Nath was moving as if she was uncomfortable. It felt like she was starting to get affected by the atmosphere again. She seemed so nervous that her hand holding Lucas' hands was shaking.

Lucas did not want to bother about her initially, but Nath, even while looking like a flirtatious woman, had quite a strong grip and was gripping him until his wrist was hurting. Lucas eventually gave in and said, "Relax, let me teach you some techniques on how to conquer your stage fright."

While Lucas taught Nath what she has to learn to relieve his nervousness, more students went in and out of the evaluation room. Some were going out bruised and weakened. But thanks to that Nath was distracted with learning the technique, she hadn't seen the commotion happening which made her nervous less.

Also, Nath learned very quickly. Without Lucas having to repeat himself, she had already learned the technique with much ease.

After trying for a little while, Nath indeed started to feel less nauseous. She raised her head and smiled, saying, "Lucas, you are so great!"

Lucas did not know what to say as he extracted his smarting wrist from Nath's hand. This girl was unabashedly sitting next to him. It was irritating. The girl may have noticed that he was insisting on some space.

She moved a little and distant Lucas, much to his relief. He heaved an obvious sigh, and soon he felt and he had seen through his peripherals that Nath was doting on him for so long.

Group after group of students entered the selection room, and soon it was Nath's turn. Thanks to the circumstances, this girl will finally leave his place.

It seemed that Nath diligently remembered the technique that he had just taught her, explaining why she was looking relaxed as she stood in line with the rest of her classmates in front of the examination room. The rest of them were so nervous that they did not know where to put their hands and feet, making Nath stand out by looking more composed than the rest within her vicinity in comparison.

It was hard to admit, but she was indeed a woman with a huge potential of being selected.

Lucas watched as she entered the room before resting his head on the corner of the wall and closed his eyes for a little rest. He covered his face with the face towel he has on his hands. It was nice that Nath had left.

Being able to see nothing, he just heard some buzzes of the remaining students inside the hall and the voices of those coaches calling for the classes that has to go next. His rest had gone relaxing as he can meditate with himself, without someone that was annoying him.

After some time, he felt a weight on his body. An unknown man tapped on his shoulder. Removing the towel from his face and opening his eyes, he discovered that it was none other than Moon.

"You're done with the Skill Selection?" asked Lucas, squinting his eyes after being blinded by the sudden light coming from the room after having his eyes covered for a while.

"No!" Moon replied, standing beside him. "Lucas, I think I was really stupid this time. I have to tell you something."

Lucas wiped his face with the towel in his hands. "What was that?"

Moon looked hesitant. His fever days ago have gotten worse, but he was glad that his cousin had recovered before this day came. He felt sorry for not remembering his parent's death anniversary so he decided to help Moon while he was sick.

"Make sure that you have no fever anymore. By the way, what was the thing you will tell me?" Lucas added as he started to adjust to the light within the room.

"I studied at a Demon Possession Class here. I completely forgot how to tell you this at first. I would have been the most stupid man, Lucas!" his cousin replied in hesitancy.

Lucas' eyes dilated with worry.

"What are you saying?" He was completely unaware. "Don't tell me it was for having revenge for your parents? We've argued about it many times, Moon!"

Why was his cousin so insistent concerning this matter? He had told him many times that he should forget what had happened to him and his parents in the past because that will just destroy him.

"Moon, you have to listen—"

"No," Moon replied to interrupt him. He heaved a sigh before continuing. "Remembered Doll's power?"

"Yes. Exorcism."

"We've talked to my parents with the use of her power and I finally learned the truth. Thanks to Doll, I can say that I just love my parents and I don't hate them anymore. I just want to have time with them to spare."

"But they're dead a long time ago. We have to accept that." Lucas had uttered. "But I haven't seen you practice your skills in the apartment. What was your ace? Don't tell me you came here with an empty hand?"

Moon grinned comically at Lucas.

He had known him. He was so secretive about things like his powers. But he wondered in which place he practiced his power. He has gotten sick for the past few days, so he spent his days laying on the bed. He can't practice roughly after the day he recovered.

He gave his cousin a death glare.

As he knew him, it looked like Moon was about to give in. Unlucky for him, Moon was saved by the voice of the coach calling out. "The Devil Possession Class was up next! Quick!"

"I should go in now." Moon hurriedly pulled him off and then ran toward the evaluation room as if he was escaping. "Wish me luck, or I'll sue you!" he laughed at him.

He tried his best to ignore Moon's voice, as he stood in line with the other five in his class in front of the examination room. Everyone in Moon's class had great body proportions and was visually appealing, but some were clearly trying to hide their nervousness.

Everyone was sizing each other up as if they were trying to evaluate each other's competitiveness and threat. It looked like they were the judges and started judging each other.


Moon took a final look at him. Lucas was now sleeping. He was sleeping again —his face covered with a face towel. He was sleeping when he came, he was sleeping when he left.

As the doors of the evaluation room opened slowly, Moon followed the rest of the group into the room.

As he enter, he saw it was a wide and brightly-lit room with a long, thick metal table at one end.

Moon recognized Principal Lyns immediately. That woman wearing no make-up, as usual, dressed in a red low-cut top. Moon was slightly surprised after noticing that Principal Lyns was not seated at the main seat in the center of the long table. Instead, the main seat was occupied by a man that was—

Lunar Invel?

Dressed in a simple white shirt and wearing a silk necktie, he doesn't have any extra accessory in his entire outfit except for a watch on his wrist —a watch that he wore back then.

It hasn't changed. He looked like the same Lunar Invel that his mother adopted. It can't be. After learning the truth and accepting that his parents died with love on him still present, he began feeling sick emotions with those three men that his parents adopted.

Why was this asshole's role there that could make Principal Lyns play second fiddle? Why was he the judge of their class? Was it just a coincidence?

Moon just cut that off. He stared at his classmates that were shaking in nervousness.

Principal Lyns, understanding the hidden meaning behind her gaze, said with a tinge of a smile in her voice, "We are commencing the examination now. You can introduce yourselves first."

As she spoke, she gestured to them beneath the stage with a G-Pen in her hand. Lunar Invel heaved a sigh. It was like he has no choice but to listen to these students. The other judges started to look over them, waiting for them to walk in.

The one who was beside Moon stepped forward and started speaking. "Good morning evaluators, I am Jayze Morbid. I was one from the Devil Possession Class. I started at White Da—"

"Next." Lunar Invel interrupted him abruptly.

Jayze was taken aback. Moon did not have to turn his head to be able to sense his panic. He secretly shook his head. He noted that Lunar Invel's voice had matured. It never felt this scary, but so all of a sudden.

As he peeked at him, he posed a great terror within all of the Selection judges. Even his look was stiff and unresolved. Moon noticed that Jayze had hurriedly stepped back from where he stood before. The tension within the room was heavy.

Sometimes, being too keen to impress could have the opposite effect. It created an awkward pause with the introduction part.

After all, this was an important evaluation. The self-introduction section was just a test of the politeness and elegance of the students. Who would be interested to hear a small fry tell his life story?

He stepped forward as he was thinking, and then planned to introduce himself. Lunar Invel stared at him in contempt. Did he know who he was? It was impossible!

Lunar Invel followed him with his gaze. It felt like he was starting to size him up.

He ignored the tension that the judges have posed and continued walking. "20, Third Year, Moon Martin."

A short and cool introduction, for him. Easy for the evaluators, and very much easy for himself. Moon wanted to irritate Lunar more, but given his situation, he has to be selected and be keen on anyone. Revenge was about to be held, but not for now.

Yet, there was a moment of holding back within him. If his parents were alive still, they won't be happy seeing him wanting to take revenge on the kids they also raised.

By instinct, he glanced at Lunar to see that the judge was looking at him as well. It was the second time he looked at him as if musing, before indicating for the next person to continue. With him having spoken his name, is there a possibility that Lunar Invel had known him? Did her mother speak his name with those three men while he was away?

The look on Lunar's face was unreadable, so he just neglected it. He kept his gaze on his classmate that was about to go next, as he exited the center.

The next student was not as succinct as Moon, but learned from Jayze Morbid's mistake and kept it relatively short. An expression of satisfaction came across Principal Lyns' face, and the next students immediately followed suit. As a result, the self-introduction segment was completed smoothly.

He smiled, noticing Principal Lyn's satisfaction. That made him peek over Lunar Invel. His face showed an evident smirk.

Principal Lyns, having her G-Pen protruding towards Moon and his classmates, started to announce the following:

"Next up was an intense battle segment."