Moon and Doll Evaluated

Chapter 16: Moon and Doll Evaluated

Moon stared at Principal Lyns after she had said that the next part will be an intense battle segment. He glanced over to his classmates and he felt their nervousness even from afar.

Intense battle referred to the different foundation battle styles that were used in different selections on a regular basis. The evaluators would randomly pick combatants to test the students' fighting abilities.

This would be a pain. He didn't plan out that something like this would happen. What did Principal Lyns mean when she said intense? Wasn't it just someone on one battle? In fact, they were six within the class, and picking up something like one on one will not cost too much time to them.

Given that they were picking students to represent White Day, Moon thought that the intense battle style would be more toward the Division's incredible standard. However, the combatants that Principal Lyns picked were unexpected. It was an all-out fight!

Meaning, all of them will be fighting at once. It was depended on the students if they were willing to team up, but only one of them must remain. Against all of them, it was a hassle since anyone could attack and annihilate him. He should be careful.

Moon glanced at Principal Lyns and saw that she was completely disinterested, her eyes still glued on Lunar Invel. She had no spare capacity to care about anything else happening in the evaluation room.

What's with the matter with them?

Lunar, in the main seat, placed a hand under his chin, looking on indifferently, allowing other evaluators to call the shots. His face was somewhat bored, and nostalgic, with some marks of disdain.

Two other remaining unknown judges doted on the bunch of students accompanied by Moon and waited for the start of the segment. In contrast to the look of Principal Lyns and Lunar Invel, those two looked more interested in comparison.

The stage slowly readied for battle.

Moon followed everyone as they started their stance, focusing on making sure he would stand out. He guarded his ground and decided to focus all of his power on his palms. He can feel that his power was traveling inside his body. It was a long time ago since he used his power so it was cringe for him.

His classmates doted on one another. They probably expected this, that's why they were sizing each other down before entering this room to have a grasp about whom can they easily defeat. It was his disadvantage not knowing it already. But he has to be selected.

That mindset was similar to Doll, that was in a different room and was being evaluated as well. She stood her ground and stared at her classmates that were in a circle, readied to attack at any time.

Even though it was a little narcissistic to think like that, at this moment, Doll was immensely grateful to one of her evaluators, Mister Vacio, for choosing an all-out battle. If he had chosen a one-on-one in the Division standard, which wasn't her forte, pretending to be a powerful lamb would be even more torturous…

Doll placed her index and middle finger onto his temples and started to feel a strange sensation from the air within the room. She started calling for multiple spirits that were wandering inside the room to help her fight.

Moon, on the other hand, decided to transform into his Devil Soul. By using which, it created marks on his face that resembled something like a komodo dragon's scales. His hands have grown more masculine, his fingernails became longer and sharper.

He felt that his heart was beating at a fast pace after using his lost power again after a long time of not using it. His classmates have changed their appearance as well. Some became darker in tone, some were looking like a real devil with horns on their forehead.

As expected, an atmosphere of excitement started brewing once Principal Lyns and Mister Vacio —on two different evaluation rooms— started calling the shots and has their G-Pens pointing to the examiners.

"Until one remained," Miss Lyns shouted in excitement.

"Fight for yourself!" Mister Vacio remarked.

By that, they announced the start of the intense Battle Round.

After hearing their signals, everyone started running towards the middle of the room with their offenses on point.

Typically, every student would use this only opportunity to present the fight they were most confident in, as it was the best time to show the evaluators their magic power. But not all of them will be selected. Only one per class will be hailed the winner and will have a spot to partake in the Overall Skill Selection.

The students who were feeling unlucky that they did not flaunt their powers in the past year immediately took their places and focused on showing the best of what they had prepared. Moon raised his defenses.

Lunar Invel said something to the judge beside him in low voice after witnessing the start of the fight. Principal Lyns has her hands clasped as she started to gain excitement with what was happening inside the evaluation room.

Doing their battle styles, Moon and Doll rushed to battle their enemies slash classmates.

One of Moon's classmates aimed with an attack powered with his shard nails trying to scratch Moon with it. He evaded the attack by ducking down and kicking him on the nuts, outwitting him off of the fight.

He saw him twisting in pain as he lay on the floor.

Moon saw his hands smoking, as he felt that the place has gotten cold. He pointed his hands to one of his classmates that was running towards him, and his hands utilized something crystalized. As the man running to him received the attack, he was instantly petrified. He froze with packs of ice surrounding his legs on the floor.

He realized that his Devil has the power of ice and that it wasn't just devilish power, unlike others. He touched the floor and the vicinity near him froze instantly, with all of his classmates being unable to move from their position.

Principal Lyns noted that Moon Martin had been posing the upper hand with this fight. The remaining three other classmates of Moon were having a hard time moving after being frozen with the floor.

With Doll, she was surprised as two gigantic spirits came to fight alongside her. She smiled at them and started to order for commencement. "Gigantic Spirits, defeat all of them for me!" Doll shouted, as the two Spirits suddenly disappeared and went rushing towards her classmates.

However, her gigantic spirits came into withdrawal as one of her classmates countered them with a blinding wash of light. She saw it in her eyes how the two spirits that joined her in this battle vanished after being attacked.

But she has to keep fighting. Igniting her hands with green lights, she threw multiple manas towards her classmates that exploded in contact. She has no choice but to use her side powers because it will serve as her advantage since all of her classmates only have Exorcism as their main power.

She ran towards two of her classmates that were tagging each other to gain an upper hand and landed a kick onto one of them, and a mana attack on the other.

Suddenly, she felt a hot sensation going towards her and was being attacked by an upcoming Fire Spirit. She was thrown away along with the two she attacked earlier.

"Fire Spirit, finish all of them!"

Doll heard that sentence, and she quickly came into her defenses, creating a huge forcefield made by mana. The Fire Spirit came into its self-destruction and exploded massively, inflicting huge damage within the room.

Mister Vacio displayed his excitement as he watched how the whole area before the panel of judges was filled with smokes of destruction.

Doll coughed out after inhaling too many smokes from the explosion. She withdrew her mana forcefield and realized that all of her classmates were taken down, except for the one who summoned the Fire Spirit before. She tried very hard to stand because if she don't, she will be out of the fight.

"Just give up!" her classmate mocked her.

After exerting all of her efforts, she stood her ground but felt weakened because of the self-destruction spell earlier. With only her and her classmate standing, that left them into a one-on-one fight.

The same situation was experienced by Moon, having one of his classmates remaining for him to defeat. He didn't expect his enemy to have a knack for controlling the wind within the room with his Devil Form.

Moon scratched his feet onto the floor, as he posed for an upcoming attack. He placed his right-hand open before his body and had his left fist closed above his right palm.

"Devil Soul: Impact!"

Moon shouted as he utilized his attack, creating a vast amount of crystalized ice all over the room, going elsewhere it wanted.

His remaining classmate had a hard time evading the attack, and once hit, he slowly froze and became covered with ice.

The judges started to evade the attack and ducked down the table, and the wall behind them froze instantly. Principal Lyns displayed a tinge of disappointment after Moon had gotten overboard.

Suddenly, his classmate broke with the ice shell surrounding him, shocking Moon who appeared to be exhausted already. He felt that he was being blown away by the wind, and an explosion took place near him, throwing him near the wall.

He bumped it, but he composed himself quick. He stood and wiped himself. He has to win this fight at every rate.

He was blown away by the wind for the second time, and he remembered that his parents' remains were present within the wind. He had gotten mad and thought that his enemy was using his parents' remains to defeat him, so must defeat him here and now instead.

Shouting for victory, the two of them, Moon and Doll that were in two different rooms and evaluations, charged towards their remaining classmate with unease. It sent their enemies towards the wall, being unable to stand up for a while.

Moon and Doll were satisfied with their performances as they were panting due to exhaustion. They stared at the whole room and it was being restored to its initial state, removing the damages they've created throughout the course of the battle.

Mister Vacio started clapping slowly after witnessing the amusing fight given by Doll herself. She glanced over him with a look of contempt. What was he thinking?

Another one from the judges started clapping along with Mister Vacio. Doll doted over her. She was familiar. Who was she? It felt like she had seen her from before, but she can't remember where and when it was.

That female judge started to examine Doll from head to toe. Stopping herself from applauding, she started to sit properly and wrote something on the folder before she placed it on the long, metal table.

Moon also gave Lunar Invel a look of contempt. For the first time, he has seen his face painted with a smile. It was suspicious and more of a smirk, with some malice hiding above all of it. His brows were meeting in an arch, but an expression of satisfaction within him was evident.

While Moon and Doll were the only ones left standing in each of their respective rooms, they saw several of their enemies giving them looks of contempt. They cannot stand, nor move nonetheless.

Very good, because in the Overall Skill Selection, they just needed to keep it together —with Lucas, of course— and victory would be theirs. They will be participating in the Tournament if ever.

Moon and Doll remained unaffected, continuing to mind their own businesses. Passing the selection would be the perfect scenario as it really was.

Moon started to revert back into his normal form, as he wiped his shirt with traces of dirt from the battle. As he walked on with satisfaction, Moon raised his head only to see that Lunar, who was sitting in the main seat, was looking at him again.

Behind his innocent and clear look, Moon could not make out his expression. Very quickly, Lunar shifted his gaze and turned to say something to Principal Lyns in a low voice.

Principal Lyns nodded, as she stood up and announced the end of the evaluation.

Moon was uncertain, what did that man tell the Principal? Did he say something to embarrass him, or did he simply ask to announce the end of the evaluation?

He can feel that Lunar was already aware of who he was, and he was the mistakenly dead son of his parents back then. It made him feel uncomfortable. He heaved a sigh before looking at Lunar Invel back in defense.

That cold, distant glance coming from this man made Moon feel mildly uneasy. Or maybe, Lunar was expressing his disdain of him to Principal Lyns. On the other hand, maybe it was just a misunderstanding…

However, Doll was of the view that she fought as intensely as it could possibly get. If she could not be selected with such a complete victory, White Day High should just close down. But it was very unlikely. They said that until only one remained, and she was the only one standing inside the room.

As she thought more about it, this latter explanation seemed more likely. She immediately felt relieved. She was also selected just like Lucas. Suddenly, she thought of how Moon did while he was being evaluated. Was he also selected?

Doll was brought back to reality as the familiar girl from the judges had spoken some remarks.

"It was the end of your selection. Doll Nova from the Exorcism Class, you were selected. Thank you very much."

By hearing how she pronounced her name, her intrigue towards her intensified. The way she said her name, was too bizarre and cliché for her hearing, though she can't recall who that girl was. It was strange. But she has to leave the room since many students will come here to be evaluated as well.

In the other room, Principal Lyns smiled at Moon, as he panted relentlessly after the fight.

"Mister Moon Martin, you were quite impressive." Principal Lyns remarked. "Isn't it wonderful? You and Lucas were selected. But it was time to go. The next batch will come here soon. Congratulations to—"

"Miss Lyns."

Moon heard Lunar Invel raised a voice of objection. He glanced over him and he saw that he was leaning over Principal Lyns to say something. Maybe he was just overthinking.

Lifting his classmates and helping them stand up, he smiled at them and guided them towards the door.

"Nice fight," Moon whispered to Jayze Morbid, as he stared at his wounded body. "Sorry for the injuries."

They started to walk towards the door.

Doll and her classmates were heading to the exit of the evaluation room as well. As they followed the last group of students that were entering the room, they had only taken a few steps before going outside. She saw the large hall that was filled with worried students.

As she glanced to find someone familiar, she saw Moon exiting the room beside them, smiling at her. She raised a brow, but suddenly, Lucas came before them, who had been waiting in the large hall for a long time.

Lucas gave them a tasteless stare with hands clasped. His boredom has ceased after witnessing Moon and Doll exiting the evaluation room.

Doll jumped up and got ready to report on to Lucas, but Lucas was prepared this time. With a cold look, he abruptly said, "You were selected?"

"Lucas—" Moon blinked his eyes at him; his voice was deep and with a slight disappointment.

Lucas was unmoved and simply sent a bottle of mineral water to Doll which she handed over. "I expected that you will be selected, so let's go to the apartment and celebrate our victory before we go to sleep…"

Moon smiled and slightly laughed at Lucas. "How'd you already know our good news? I hated you!" he chuckled.

Lucas let a cold laugh out. With him signaling for a group hug, the two joined in, with Lucas shouting his cheer, "We three were got selected at the upcoming Overall Skill Selection!"

They laughed hard until they realized that all of the students that were waiting to be evaluated were looking at them. Lucas felt a slight embarrassment. He just grinned at them in response.