Lamia High's Festivities

Chapter 19: Lamia High's Festivities

Moon has no other expressions on his face except anger. It was clear.

Lucas also kept quiet as his eyes were locked on his cousin. Suddenly, he laughed. "Moon, I didn't realize that you were this interesting. You know what? I already knew you. With your parents again?"

Moon hissed a cold sigh. It was bitter. He sought to keep his emotions vague and decided to look not as irritated as he currently was. "If you had nothing to help, please cut that out, Lucas."

He was taken aback. He never heard Moon talk to him that way again after they argued about the incident of his parents for so long. He finally realized what he was getting at.

"You said you don't want to be like me, so why are you being mad like that?" Lucas replied calmly, as he realized that his cousin was not in a mood for his humor.

"It was such a pity, Lucas. You never knew what really happened because you weren't there." Moon stared at him with his sharp and provoking eyes. "After all, I have no interest to narrate all of it anymore."

Lucas frowned. "You knew that Shad Cagney was one of those adopted kids, but you have forgotten your hatred towards him since you were sick and tired of his face when we were studying at Aspho. You will learn to not hate that Lunar Invel, too."

"Nothing's changed, Lucas."

"Believe me. I knew you for so long and I am certain that you can forget your hatred completely." he gave his cousin a once-over.

"I'm not going to believe anyone anymore." Moon interrupted Lucas. "I'm gonna beat them with my own merits. You, believe me!"

Lucas stared at his cousin for a while. After a second, he laughed lightly and said, "Up to you. I'm looking forward until that happened."

Moon walked out and left Lucas and Doll at the table where Winter and Ghaile were there also. He lifted his head and took a few deep breaths before heading away. The rest of them look at Moon in awe, as the boy started to open the door and leave the room for good.

But for Lucas, he knew that his cousin was now okay. Debating with him will lead to nothing, so he agreed to his stand. With that, Moon has no reason to rebut him with anything. He had gotten so problematic these days. What was really off of him?

This early afternoon.

There was not a cloud in the clear bright sky as the selected participants were riding a bus for their trip. Following Principal Lyns' lead, the selected participants headed for the Lamia High's Feast.

It was a rural place far from the city. The selected participants' chartered bus circled along the winding rural road, the paths between the ridges are half concealed and the lakes are flowing continuously. Almost a mythical ride that was relieving.

Viewing the scenery from the road, one could easily spot the picturesque disorder of the cluster from the huge buildings, the clean and beautiful lines of the architecture dim against the mist, creating a wonderful aura. Every scene along the way seemed like the result of nature's work, yet it was all an ingenious creation by no less than an expert.

It removed all of their hangovers after the wine party at the White Day High. Lucas was also certain that Moon's anger had been replaced with nostalgia. This was the same bus they have ridden when they met Doll. Thinking of their current status, Moon couldn't forget their first meeting.

As he stared at the window beside him, he had seen Principal Lyns' reflection going towards them. As he glance over her, he couldn't help but ask, "Principal Lyns, where's this place?"

By his side, Moon also wondered, "The houses in the neighboring views seemed to be uninhabited, only this place we are on has a huge school. Is it a newly-developed tourist attraction?" he asked.

Principal Lyns, who was in front of the bus, rolled up a bunch of paperwork in her hands and patted the head of Lucas and Moon who asked the question. It was as if the two have said something that angered her so much.

"Have you ever seen a tourist attraction with so many students? Let me tell you, this is Lamia High. This place," Principal Lyns gestured. "and the neighboring places —any area within sight— is theirs."


A unanimous gasp of envy echoed through the bus. Every student that was riding in looked like it was their first bus trip. Everyone was at full novelty.

Lucas looked at the window and saw roads after roads, their peaks are dark grey in the distance —the territory was indeed big. However, he wasn't as excited as everyone else. He had seen similar estates of Aspho High's before, but they were mostly private schools and universities. Thus it was no novelty to him anymore.

The others were in high spirits, gathering around Principal Lyns and asking, "Are these Lamia High's property?"

"What rubbish, of course! Which other school do we actually heading on to?" Principal Lyns sarcastically laughed. She held the horizontal rod placed on the ceiling of the bus to wander around.

That was enough to crack everyone else up as well. The whole bus was full of students. The only vacant seat was Principal Lyns' previous seat. Yet, she stood up to satisfy the curiosity of these young students that know nothing but to practice their skills.

Lamia High was unlike their school which had a long history but was a fairly new university. Lucas remembered the time when it was just established. He was already studying at Aspho High back then. Even so, it was just within the little amount of time that it bloom from a small, unremarkable fry into a huge and established university. Even an enormous School in the industry like White Day High was shaken.

All of Lamia High's achievements were said to be their Principal's credit. Their wealth has become a huge threat to everyone around the city. They were hailed as the wealthiest school at that time they had gotten so much attention. Despite some time has passed, it was still undeniably them who was the wealthiest of all.

Lucas had never seen their Principal in person, and everything about that person was impressions he formed through hearsays. Also, in his Aspho life, he never focused on rumors, he couldn't even remember the face of Lamia's Principal at this point. Even if he shared him a glance, he wouldn't remember any of that.

Thinking of all these, he rested his head on the back of his seat and fell asleep in the midst of all the murmurings around him.

Later, it was Moon Martin again who shook him to be awakened. The bus had parked at the parking area inside the Lamia High. It was lame for Lucas not to see the whole frontal view of the school when their bus was entering.

Was his cousin not angry about him anymore?

They had just settled down when Moon looked for him to grab their usual journey snacks and then gathered everyone —students and evaluators — to the main gymnasium for the Lamia High's Feast.

The gymnasium was quite the same for White Day High. Or maybe all the school within the city has the same structural design. The feast was said to be hosted by Shawn Lamia, the Principal, and owner of Lamia High. Lucas wondered if he can meet up in person this time.

Almost all the selected students were expressionless of the festivities, and with their mouths gasped, they quickly scribbled all the important spots. They were like children that were inside a carousel that was free and sightseeing everywhere. The school was so huge that White Day High's castle look had gotten so much stripped down compared to this.

This place was more vast and looked like a city already. Come to think of it, Aspho High was renowned as the best school within the country but it was so small compared to Lamia High. White Day High was even bigger than Aspho. Mister Vacio sure was powerful though to pull that out.

Outside the gymnasium, lots of colorful strips of paper and plastics were all scattered and tied into wires all around the place to make a fiesta-like ambiance. Those wires were elevated to the point that no normal person can reach those and rip everything off. Even if someone would climb up into some buildings, it will still be a hard time reaching those banners.

Then, fireworks were blown to explosion and made every viewer ecstatically amazed. Even if it was afternoon, the fireworks were contrasting the bright sky with their lights. Some fireworks would form some shapes, and most of those were massive when exploding.

Every second and every minute, all of the happenings constantly innovating. Fireworks went more aggressive every time they exploded. Songs and dances become more intricate and more exciting. It was a real festival, but more of a Chinese one. Some dancers wore silk clothing, and their dances weren't flamboyant as compared to modern dances. It was more stiff and traditional.

Rather than be excited, Lucas felt bored, to be honest. Going into festivities like this was a waste of time. If he practiced his powers with the time he already spent here, he can be the most powerful among all the participants in their school for sure.

"Lamia High sure was wealthy…" Doll whispered to herself, clinging with Moon on his left arm. Her head was leaning down on his shoulder. She stared at the sky where fireworks were exploding exhilaratingly.

Moon happily let Doll lean on his shoulder. It was fuzzy, but he was left wondering. If he was not mistaken, the Headmaster also accompanied all of them when they ride the bus for this trip. He heard that he asked for Principal Lyns' approval to be with the selected participants, especially to watch over Doll.

He also started to notice that within the trip, the Headmaster was doting at him from time to time. Was it just some overthinking? Or maybe the Headmaster was just looking over for Doll, and she was beside him so he thought the Headmaster was looking for him? He didn't know. But one thing was for sure, he sensed danger realizing that the Headmaster has his eyes on Doll.

What were the Headmaster's motives? If it was bad, he has to protect Doll at any cost.

"Moon, why are you not listening?"

Moon snapped back and noticed that Doll was no longing leaning on his shoulder, and was standing before him.

"Don't overthink about Lunar Invel. Just enjoy this festival." she held his hand and ran freely to the caravan that was at some corners of the gymnasium.

Moon let himself be brought to that place. Lunar Invel? So Doll was thinking about that man. Maybe he became sentimental while he was at the festival at White Day and Doll had noticed his anger towards Lunar. Was he that obvious?

Lucas, on the other hand, was wandering around to look for more information surrounding the tournament. Despite being unexcited, he has to know who would be the participants in this school as well.

He have seen some suspicious-looking students that were close with the event administrators. Maybe they were selected, that's why they have roles in this festival.

The hallway outside the Gymnasium was long enough for Lucas to feel exhausted while walking for hundreds of meters. Where was the ending of this hallway? It seemed to be an infinite way.

He started running and noticed some huge prompters at the sides. There was some news displayed there: Lamia High's Overall Skill Selection will be held next week. So they were ahead of them? White Day High had only finished their whole-school Skill Selection.

The Overall Skill Selection was a fight within all of the selected students from all classes within the school. Concluding that, if he will participate the Overall Skill Selection, he will fight all the selected Participants, including Moon that was—

Lucas gasped as he bumped into someone. It felt like he hit a metallic chest plate and had his head slightly spinning in pain. He was pushed and now sitting on the floor of the hallway.

A familiar hand appeared in front of his face that was offering him help to stand. He held that hand and shook his head in embarrassment, as he stood with difficulty.

"Thank you for the help. Also, sorry for bumping—"

That was until he learned that he ended up into Winter Deus again. Right now, she wore an elaborated blazer with gold lining, and a large collar, which was open to reveal a collared shirt and red tie underneath. The cuffs of her jacket were tucked into a pair of white wrist-high gloves.

On her legs, Winter wore a pair of black tights, which were tucked into a pair of knee-high boots that sat under a short white frilled skirt. She was all covered. Her face and her neck were the only spots where her skin can be seen. What was with her outfit?

"Lucas?" Winter gasped. "Since you were here, have you seen that little girl Ghaile?"

Her appearance gave the ambiance of cold air. Her expressions were blank as usual.

Lucas just turned his head. He haven't had so much attention to everyone at the time he stepped inside Lamia High. Who knew how many people he unknowingly bumped to.

Winter has to utter a word to Lucas, but the boy already ran away, wandering the huge school without a clear purpose. She stared at him as he exited the scene. She heaved a sigh as she started walking in the opposite direction. How bad, but she was planning to have a rematch with him, yet he declined.

Hopeful about it, there can be any time where the two of them can engage in another battle. She wanted a more formal and thrilling fight like it was a selection. If she only knew that ordinary people can step up towards the stage while Lucas was proving his Godly Potential, she would've stepped up and battled Lucas.

That boy's fire left a huge impression on Winter. His skills were undeniably strong. He also discovered her backstory right away. Such a strong man.

Lucas Martin… How she hoped she was like him, too.

The whole time that was left on the day was all spent by the wandering students around the school and watching the festivities. All of them were exhausted and faintly go inside the bus for the second time. But this time, they will be heading back.

Looking back, they journey again to the winding rural road from before, but now, the places were dim. The whole area where they were driving was dark because of the mist of the twilight.

Lucas sat at the bus beside Nath. It was his misfortune into ending up with this girl again. He remembered that he returned her chair that he borrow before he had left the hall yesterday. What was her reason for clinging to him again this time?

"You know what? Lucas, I was glad that you have taught me that technique from before." Nath was full of gusto. "I really did well that day and you have to take the credits for helping me."

"No. Don't include me in that."

He was tired and wanted to go home already. Nath was exhausting all of his remaining strength.

"You didn't know how stiff my classmates were. They almost forgot how to fight. It became an easy fight for me." As she spoke, she rubbed her head affectionately into Lucas' right arm.

"Ugh! It hurts." Lucas exclaimed. "I said don't include me with that, Nath. I'm tired!"

He felt a headache coming on, so he rested his head after shouting at Nath. This girl… how many times he has to be mean to her before she stopped clinging?

"I'm sorry," she whispered as she looked over the glass window of the bus beside her. "I'm just excited since we can have a day off tomorrow. Everyone can visit their hometown. What was my current town's status?"

Lucas has fainted that he can no longer hear what Nath was saying. As the sun settled, the bus had returned to what they came from: the renowned White Day High at last.