Child He Used to Entertain

Chapter 20: Child He Used to Entertain

Lucas trailed to the hallway of the third floor and noticed the strange atmosphere within the place. He had spotted Doll standing over at the edge of the floor, looking down as if talking into someone below her.

Everyone around him was looking enthusiastic and animated. Some were having their bags behind them and hopping cockily like a bunny or rabbit. What was the commotion now?

He walked towards Doll and started to pat her left shoulder. "Doll. Where was Moon?" he asked.

Doll looked over him. "Why are you asking me?" she laughed. Her aura was light and joyful. "Wasn't he with you before you enter the school? I should be the one asking you that. Where is Moon?"

"Well, that man probably was still angry with me." He began to lean at the metal rods that prevented anyone from falling. It was the border of the floor. "After I had berated him in a bad mood, I had expected something like this would happen."

He gazed at Doll and tried to spot the person she was talking to earlier. He didn't see any.

"I woke up and I didn't see him at the apartment. I thought he went here with you," he added. "Oh! There he is!"

Doll stared at the place where Moon was spotted walking, going towards them. She smiled happily again and waved at Moon. "Good morning! Lucas has been trying to find you." she greeted Moon.

"Hey." Moon had uttered and laid his back at the metal rods as well. "It's strange in here."

After Moon had said that, Lucas started to feel the same. It was strange inside this school today, that even Doll was strange also. She looked so happy, and with some terror or excitement. He can't read her properly.

"What's up with you?" Lucas asked Doll, who's already by Moon's side.

Doll withdrew her eyes from the person she was talking to earlier and turned to him. "It's the last day of the month."


"Our Day-off."

Lucas froze at what she said. Day-off? What was that to have a strange effect with all of the students here?

Moon raised his brows. "What's with that?"

Doll laughed lightly and decided to lean her back at the metal rods as well. "It's the day when the students of White Day can visit their hometown," she replied. "Everyone was packing their things, and was already excited to go home."

Lucas was shocked after hearing that. So that's why everyone appeared ecstatic? They will visit their parents or family… But he has no one to visit. His parents were long dead, without graves he can visit. He pitied himself by comparing the rest of the students here with him that was an orphan before.

"But I can't go to our hometown just like every other month since I studied here. Dad was so busy." Doll continued. "He doesn't want me to go back to that town."

So Doll still has a father? She hasn't been open about her family and he didn't know if she was an orphan as well or not. Now, he knew that she has a father. But why her father was hindering her? What was with their town?

Moon heaved a sigh before hesitatingly asking Doll. "Why? Is there something wrong with that town?" He looked up. Suddenly, he pinched his nose, then placed his hand under his chin, as he sighed for the second time.

"No. He was just busy and it made him worry if I go to that town with myself," she replied, as she stared at the ceiling. "Before you transferred here, I have no company. So Dad was so nervous about having me unprotected."

But inside her mind, there's only one thing, one person, that came into her. Sher Heart. She could see her childhood friend; she could talk to her today if she will get a chance. She can caress her long hair again, and face her into practice combat.

Yet, Doll didn't know why… but other than excitement, she's nervous too. What will be her reaction after not visiting her for so long? What was her appearance now? She was probably the same age as her.


Doll woke from musing when she felt Moon nudging her on her side. She furrowed her brows and turned to him. "What—"

She couldn't continue when she saw all the students looking at her. There was a pause in her before gazing over at Lucas, who has his eyes narrowed at her as well as if tracing her face. She can't help but be conscious of herself.

"Um… I was thinking about visiting my hometown," she said in defense. After some time, she realized that the students have gone into all of their businesses and not on her.

Moon stared at her with a shrug.

Doll slowly turned around to Lucas again. She noticed he has the same reaction as Moon, who has an apathetic expression. But somehow, she saw something flash in his eyes. Was Lucas amused? Or was he wondering?

Lucas looked up and then relieved a silent sigh. "You should have known that aside from yourself, no one from us knew where you came from." he finished and stared at Doll. He overlooked Moon who was also staring at him.

Doll almost forgot that one simple fact; she's not from one of them before. If they are friends already since they were kids, Doll considered herself as the loner. But right now that she had narrated her hometown thing, she was left with no choice. "So you wanted to know?"

She witnessed Lucas' ecstatic face after she had said her words. She started to familiarize herself with his attitude and can read his gestures now. She knew he wanted this. This boy was a risk-taker as always.

"Since you said that you have no one to accompany with when going back to your hometown, you can have us as your guards." Moon had uttered, as he shared a stare with Lucas.

Doll heaved a sigh as she started to realize that she was being controlled by this two to let them accompany her, but she didn't know. Her Dad will be angry with her if she agreed, but she had said it to them already.

She later agreed upon them.

The three assembled in front of the school. Leading before them was Principal Lyns. They walked along a wide way out of the school. It's more spacious than Lucas remembered. It's almost like a deserted way. They got out of White Day High after a few moments of walking.

Earlier, it took Doll an hour before going out of the conference room. Maybe she asked for Principal Lyns' approval or maybe Principal Lyns was being the one in charge with her since her parents weren't there, and her approval and presence were needed.

Most of the time, Principal Lyns stayed silent. Sometimes she would talk about what they needed to visit or purchase from the town. Sometimes she would reprimand them to stop sightseeing because the normal people outside White Day have grudges with them for so long. But sometimes, she would look at Lucas; like she wanted to know what he was thinking at the time.

He knew it. He knew she was scared that he might tarnish the name of White Day High with his carelessness, and he should behave carefully. He was used to being calm when he entered White Day. It felt like this was the school that he fitted in the most.

As they continued walking, they suddenly got to the woods, the forest between Doll's hometown and the hill they had passed on kilometers away from the school. It was when Moon began to complain after the length of the trip. It was nine o'clock in the morning, but the humidity and fog in the forest remained heavy.

Nearly half an hour later, they got out of the woods and the town was then revealed to them. He didn't know how they have gotten in here with only them walking —it was kilometers he was about.

He spotted how Moon was so sweaty and tired. Principal Lyns walked away and it was a span of a minute when he realized that Principal Lyns had talked into someone in the town to pick her up with a car.

Riding in, she looked at them and waved for a goodbye. Lucas narrowed his eyes as he stared at how the car drifted away from them and was left dumbfounded. If they used that car instead of walking, none of them would be this tired. That Principal…

He sighed as the car entered the woods and slowly faded away in distance.


He heard Doll whisper that word. He glanced over at her. She was so excited and amazed. She was looking at the entire town. After all, it was not what he was expecting. It was a huge yet dirty town, like some mix of savanna and desert soil.

"This town…" Doll added as she started to feel nostalgic. It has been some time since her last visit here. Her heartbeat picked up its pace when she saw the familiar environment; the noise, the smell, the worn-out old buildings, the place itself. I almost felt weak on her knees. This was home for her.

She noticed that the two were looking in her direction when they entered the town. She started to feel conscious of the looks she was now receiving from the town's people. Some of them are even familiar to her but they seemed not to recognize her.

"Stay with me as much as possible," Moon stated, as he held Doll's hand. "Your father might be worried about you, so be careful."

He faced her and leaned in her direction. She can't help but step back when his forehead almost touched hers. What was his problem?

"Yeah, whatever," Doll answered dejectedly as if irritated.

When Moon withdrew, Doll immediately noticed eyes looking in their direction. All of the townspeople present there quickly looked away when she turned to them but a certain pair of eyes stayed staring.

Lucas. His stare was more of a disgust. He was so unromantic that he seemed to hate that kind of stuff.

But the real town was still further inside. This place was far different from there; the noisy marketplace, the messy plaza, and the muddy downtown. They need to walk at least a few minutes before they get there. She was certain that Sher was there. She can't help get fidgety. She was here. They're so close now. Just a little bit more and she can see her again.

She looked at the two boys with her. She knew that they planned to be with her. But it was her luck that his Dad agreed to her request since she was with Lucas. Knowing him, his Dad knew that she will be safe with him.

Moon was holding her arm so she couldn't get away. Was he so overprotective? At the same time, Lucas became busy looking at the animals in small cages placed before an old house. Suddenly, they heard an explosion.

Doll looked over, and she witnessed a shopkeeper being assaulted by some teenagers. Lucas stopped them by frightening them. Some smokes appeared and she concluded that it was Lucas who helped the old man.

"What's the matter?" the shopkeeper asked the teenagers. His face was full of wrinkles and had white hairs under his aged hat. His hands were trembling in front of the steel pipe.

Doll's body had tensed. She knew him. She definitely knew him. She often saw him in town and remembered when they were young, Sher and she was amazed by how he treated animals. So he was working here now?

The shopkeeper's brows were furrowed as if thinking where he had seen Doll. She stared at him disbelievingly. Can't he recognize her? How did that happen? They were so close years ago and even called her by her whole name.

Then it hit her. She's no longer the same as before. She was not the Doll with coarse hair, dirty face, and tattered clothes from this town. White Day High had changed her so much. She stared at the old man and pitied him.

"Mister Rios."

She couldn't help but mutter his name. It was only a whisper and even Moon didn't hear it, but the old man looked in her direction. She didn't know how it happened but he stared at her and then, he smiled.

"Why are we wasting our time here?"

"Let's just go."

Those teenagers who were about to leave kicked the cages of the old man. It tipped over and the pets inside have been freed and escaped.

She almost ran towards the old man, but Lucas went there already and pointed the cages that scattered.

"Help him," Lucas ordered them.

He immediately got the attention of the rest of the other teenagers there. Doll glared at them when they didn't immediately follow. She walked between them and the old man. "Lucas said help him!" she almost yelled.

Her blood was boiling. If they only knew how much she's keeping him from hurting them right now. Why were they doing this? They didn't even know what this old man in front of them had been through before.

The one who kicked the cages was elbowed by his companions that seemed to say that they should just follow. Doll looked at the rest of their group. They avoided her gaze but started to pick and gather the old man's things. They even tried to catch the animals that escaped. The man who kicked the suitcase followed suit. He was obviously unwilling and kept on glaring at Doll while moving.

But they can't do anything. Their uniforms have White Day High etched on them, and upon seeing it, they thought they must follow whether they like it or not.

They kept their sour faces as they arranged the cages in their position earlier, yet it became more damaged. Even some animals that ran fast have nowhere to be found. It only saved a few, but it was okay rather than nothing.

"Say sorry," she commanded again. Their contempt became more visible. "Say sorry, I said!"

They jumped on her scream and quickly said sorry one by one to the old man. She shifted to the side so they can face the old man while two of them even bowed while apologizing.

She breathed deeply. "Try doing such a thing again, and I will not hold myself back from using my powers," she warned them. She saw them escaping fast.

Lucas ducked in front of the old man and asked him. "Are you okay?" he held the man's hands. Those were dirty.

Doll was shocked when instead of thanking Lucas, the old man gave her a smile that reminded her so much of her childhood. What was with Mister Rios' mind?

"Doll Nova—"

She froze. Her ears almost went deaf because of what she heard. The voice was like that it recognize her. She lifted her eyes to see the confusion on Lucas and Moon when they heard the voice call her.

"Thank you."

She didn't know why but she felt much worse then. Doll was aware that he knew she was the child he used to entertain with his spooky stories about spirits from before. So he hasn't forgotten her? Did he know what was Sher Heart's current situation?

Doll wanted to hug him. She wanted to tell him that it's her, the Doll Nova from this dirty and noisy town. She wanted to talk more to this old man before her. Instead, she just nodded. "That's nothing, Mister Rios. We hoped we don't waste your time."

"You're still the same as before," he whispered to her.

Lucas, that was holding him, was dazed as he faced the old man in confusion.

"Just like your childhood friend."

Doll's hands went cold at what he had said. "Do you know where Sher Heart is?" she asked in a cautious voice. From the corner of her eyes, she saw Moon approaching her. Lucas was also staring at her in contempt.

The old man noticed the urgency in Doll's voice, so he answered her directly. "Doll, she's no longer in this town anymore," he stated as he continued, "She studied at Aspho High as Sherry Heartly."