Prologue / Death /

Areth Edepar a child haunted by misfortune, which followed him since he was born. His mother died at his birth, his father died from a heart attack at the news of death from the mother of his newborn child. A nurse who fed and took care him after the the death of his parents, decided to adopt him died after a few days. Wherever he went death was with him and as soon as he got close to somebody that person died. A caretaker at the orphanage, a child at the orphanage ... it never stopped happening after a few days when he got close to someone that person died. At the age of three he started to notice it and then tried he to get close to animals almost all died only a bird didnt, he was happy like never before, he asked one of the warily caretakers at his orphanage what kind of bird it, it was a crow. He started love crows, he was finally not alone... not anymore. He stopped getting close to people and was happy ever since he met his first friend, who didn't die after a few days, the crow who he named Nyx.

The years went by he was an 16 year otaku when he met his first love. He knew he wasn't allowed to get close to her or she would die and this something he didn't want to happen, but it was hard too hard, the reason she loved him aswell. After a few weeks he gave in to the request for a date from her. They went to watch a movie ate together and walked around a small lake, he was happy just as happy when got his first friend Nyx... he knew it was wrong for him to be with her, the risk that death is coming for her was too high. When was taking her home both of them heard a sound of fighting. At that moment he

knew it was happening, without he pushed her to the wall closest to them at almost the same time he heard a gunshot. It was gangwar somehow without them noticingthey got between two gangs and one side thought they are from the other side and shot them. He felt a pain in his back, he got shot, he was about to die but he was still happy he protected her,she didn't die not because of him and this curse of his, which he was sure he got it even if nobody believed him. He protected her ! He defeated this stupid xurse ! He loved her, the girl with same name as his beloved pet crow Nyx. At his last moments he heard her crying his name, she stopped when he started to speak, he told her that he loved her and hoped she could take care of his only friend he ever had and then he died.

55 Years later a old woman named Nyx died in her life she had countless man that wanted her love, but she denied them all always loved that boy who safed her and died. She accomplished a lot she lowered them crimerate in the city where she met the boy so much that it was the safest city in this world, this was her biggest accomplishment. A few moments before her death she thought I can finally meet him again.