When the girl woke up she looked around and couldn't understand what kind of place this. "I thought i died what kind of place is this... it feels warm and cold, it seems big and small, dark and bright..." at this moment her thought was interrupted and she heard a deep voice "Welcome child it is rare people of your kind here. First of all you died indeed and its rare because only people with deep regret and with a lot of positiv karma and a pure heart are able to get here. So tell me child what is it you are regretting, I am God and will accept your wish. " She was suprised but for some reason she was calm and answered:" I want to meet him again, I want to have a long happy life with him, I want his children please thats all I want to a life with Areth." After a few seconds of silence God answered:" I will grant you this wish both of you will be reborn and will remember each other, you will meet again and age together this time farewell child."
Somewhere in another place Areth met the person who was responsible for his misfortune ... the death of almost every person he got close to. "Greetings Areth I am Death. I am here to apologies for the grief I've caused to you. When the time came for your mother to die, when I took her to the afterlife some of my death energy sticked to you and i was unable to fix it. Thats the reason everyone who got close to you died, as small part of my apology i sent one of my messenger to be your friend the crow you named Nyx and as yo..." At this moment Death was interrupted by Areth:" Thank you" Death was supised and at a loss for words for a few seconds then he continued to talk:" After your love died of old age she met the requirement to have her granted and it is involving you, both of you will be reborn in the same world and retain the memorys of each other, you will life a long happy life with her and have children with her and here comes my apology in form of a gift in your next life. I know your favourite anime was Bleach and that you wanted those shinigami abiltys if its possible some day, as this seems a fitting gift from Death himself I grant you the shinigami abilitys in your next life ... any questions?" Areth thought for some time and answered:" In what kind of world is he gonna be reborn in?" Death:" the Elemental Nations or Naruto world... ah anf your summoning contract is gonna be Nyx and my other messenger crows to prevent the death energy from leaking from you and repeating your old life. I see from your eager look you have no more questions good bye and have a happy life this time."
At this moments Areths vision went dark and at the next moment a woman was holding him in her arms and she said:" My Areth he is so beautiful."