A few years later

At the outskirts of Konoha a small 5 year old child with short white hair, yellow eyes, and with pale almost white skin can be seen practise with a crow on the shoulder, a black sword in one hand and a white scabbard in the other hand on a trainingfield inside the forest his name is Areth Edepar.

"Aaaaareeeth where are you again". Areth after he got called he yells back:" Coming mom." He makes his sword disapear and starts running to his mom." Mom is dinner ready?" yells Areth while jumping in his mother's embrace

"Slow down Areth... yeah your father prepared a BBQ, since your friends are coming for dinner. Lets go home."

After ariving home they went into the dinning his friends already sitting at the table. "Hey Choji, Tenten how are you?" Areth questions them almost yelling.

"Uhhh Areth you are always so loud" Tenten replies.

Choji yells excited:" I,m great I get to eat a BBQ today!"

After dinner was over Tenten and Choji went home and Areth started preparing for his first day at Ninja Academy. At the next day he went to the Academy with his dad when he arrived, did he meet Tenten at entrance and they went inside together to start their academy life they got Teach about stealth, history, Ninjutsu and al lot of other things then they had finally Tai-Jutsu class his favourite he like it a lot fighting with hands or weapons that's also how he met Tenten when he went to get his first weapon with his mom a staff.

After the teacher showed us some basic Academy Tai-Jutsu he told us to group up and practise together there was a uneven number of kids and I was left alone. Teacher:" Ehm Areth was it ? Come and practise with me." I went into fighting stance and started then attacking him. After a minute he stopped me... he blocked every single hit from even all my feints didn't help. "Areth may I know who teached you Tai-Jutsu you are already a the level of a genin you don't have to to practise Academy hand to hand combat. Have you practised with any weapons already?"

I was happy for the praise and answered with a grin:" I taught me myself with some books and training dummys and for weapons I tried to learn to fight with a sword.... but it's really hard alone so I only practised to slash as fast as possible. But i want to master as many weapons as possible... my dream is to be a Master of all weapon's!"

"Great I will train you from now with all kind's of weapon from now on when you have Tai-Jutsu lessons! Now pick up a sword from the shelf i want to see how far you are with he sword!"

I summon my sword and get ready to fight when i noticed my teacher seem extremly suprised. " Teacher is something wrong?"

He snaps out of it asked me:" Areth where did you get your weapon from?!?"

I replied:" i don't really know ever since I was 3 years old I could summon this sword."

He looked thoughtful for a second and then said:"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu," a clone appeared then he said:"follow me to the Hokage Areth!"

I followed the clone to the Hokage not really knowing why:" Teacher did i do something wrong?"

"ahh... No Areth everyhig is fine I just want to show your special ability to the Hokage, because i never so your ability before... actually it's something good" he assured me.

We arrived at he office of he third Hokage, inside did i see an old working on a big pile of paperwork.

3rd Hokage" so what can I do for you two?"

Teacher:" 3rd I believe my student Areth has a unkown Kekkei Genkei... he can summon a sword which is better in quality then any chakra-blade I have seen so far. Areth can you show it to him!?"

I nodded and then summoned my sword.

3rd Hokage looked suprised for a second and then nodded at me:" Indeed a high quality blade can its the first time I see this kind of ability, can you summon or do anthing else?"

I looked at the a Hokage and said:" Ehm I am not sure but when I focus on my sword I can hear it calling me, but I can't really understand it."

3rd Hokage:"Indeed as I thought I sense alot of chakra sealed inside it, I am not how you can unseal it, but I think you just have to train with it and mediate with it. Anything else?"

Teacher:" No, thats all."

3rd Hokage:"Dismissed"

After we returned to class the Academy day was already over. I went home told my parents about my day and that apprently I am special because of my sword. The next few years my our Tai-Jutsu teacher helped me train in all sort's of weapon's. I was average in almost all classes only in Tai-Justu class was I always the best, the years went by and now did I finally graduate from the academy. Finally I am a Genin.