Finally Yours


Sasuke barely glanced from his laptop when the fox demon slowly came to.

"What happened?" the blond groaned as the Uchiha typed the last word of the paragraph.

"You fainted."

The whiskered cheeks heated up at the memory of his brother's nonchalant mention about babies and breeding. Deciding that it wasn't worth talking about the humiliating incident, Naruto changed the topic.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm helping you with your thesis. I can't turn down that meeting with Ms Yamamoto but I can assure you, I won't have a soulbond with anyone else. Kurama said that you can only form a soulbond with someone you trust and I don't trust her."

Naruto pursed his lips. "I still don't like it."

Sasuke sighed and removed his glasses, facing the blond. "I don't either. However, I can't afford to ruin the business relationship for my brother. He's worked really hard and sacrificed too much for the whim of one crazy fan girl to destroy it. I promise, I won't go more than a kiss and it wouldn't even last two seconds."

The fox looked unhappy and Sasuke closed in to give the sulking demon a hug. "Don't worry your pretty head dobe, it might not look like it but I do care a lot about you."

"Is that a confession?"

Sasuke stiffened. "Do you want it to be?"

The fox kept silent as Sasuke's heart thudded rapidly in his chest. Somehow he didn't really want to know the answer. He liked how they were after all.

I don't know," the blond said and Sasuke felt his heart crack a little.

Then the fox added, "I'm not exactly ready for babies."

The Uchiha pulled away from the hug a little to study Naruto's expression. "If I said the thought about kids never crossed my mind?"

The kit blushed feverishly Sasuke wondered if he would faint for the second time. He leaned in close enough that their breaths mingled.

"Do you want to be my lover? Not a pretend one, an actual one."

"Please say yes, please say yes…" Sasuke prayed as he cupped Naruto's cheek in one hand to make their eyes meet.

"Can I really…? I don't want to trouble you."

"You're no trouble at all. I really do care for you Naruto, more than I do for anyone, except Itachi because he's my only brother."

"If you become my lover it means we would be bonded for life. You will become part demon and live longer than normal humans. It could be hundreds or thousands of years. I do like you Sasuke but I'm not sure if this is right. You have to date girls you don't know and I have to hide from Hagoromo Gitsune. We have a lot of things going on right now."

The Uchiha sighed in resignation. "I understand. However, know that I'll be waiting for you. I will reject her tomorrow and set things straight with my brother. I will deal with all the fangirls before I ask you to be mine again. We can deal with Hagoromo Gitsune together after that. Please just think about it, think about us. I can feel it, I know you can too. Your brother said soulbonds are special. It's almost like a fairy tale of fated pairs. I don't want anyone else, Naruto. I only want you."

The fox gulped. He had never seen Sasuke so serious of earnest, it was paralyzing as his body refused to listen to him. The words won't leave his mouth and he couldn't push the man away.

Thankfully, Sasuke pulled away first allowing Naruto to break free from the spell. "I'm going to wash up before heading to bed, you shouldn't stay up too late either. Goodnight, Naru."

Naruto only nodded mutely as Sasuke left for the bathroom.

Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX

"Naruto was what?!"

Kurama winced. "Hagoromo Gitsune found him earlier than expected. I need you to help me keep an eye for the kit and his future mate."

"That Sasuke boy?"

"Yes, Hatake, that one. I don't get the Uchihas. First the younger one, then the older one. Do they have fox demon fetish or something?"

Kakashi chuckled. "Well, they're not bad. But the girls would be very sad to know both Uchiha brothers are gay."

"It's no joke how the pull is so strong, I didn't know it was this powerful. No wonder Naruto threw a fit over Sasuke meeting another girl."

Kakashi offered his foxy friend a drink. "It's the same when I met Ruka. It was worse for me because I met him on a full moon."

Kurama cringed. The poor teacher must have been terrified. "How did you manage to get him to reciprocate your feelings?"

Kakashi grinned. "I was extremely persistent. He only knew how serious I was when I saved him from his psychotic ex-boyfriend who drugged him and tried to rape him."

Kurama rolled his eyes. Trust Kakashi to turn into an overgrown pup when he talks about his human lover.

"Save it for someone who wants to listen to your love babbling."

"Aww, you'll be the same when you finally have someone to share the bond with. For now, drink up! Congratulations to Naruto and Sasuke!"

Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX

"What? Sasuke is going to see that bitch? You're not just going to sit here are you, Naruto?" Ino screamed into the phone and Naruto winced.

"I can't do anything else."

"No way, stay right there. I am going to help you. Sasuke is not going to kiss that bitch when he's already yours."

Naruto wanted very much to correct how they weren't anything yet but Ino had already hung up. The fox demon should have anticipated that because in less than ten minutes, someone was knocking at the door.

"Who is it?" the fox asked as he opened the door only to be assaulted by a heavy shopping bag.

"Change into this," the Yamanaka demanded and Naruto gulped. He knew better than to defy a girl passionate about a cause. What the poor fox didn't know was how he was going to be humiliated for the rest of the afternoon.

Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX

Frilly apron, thigh high stockings and frilly headdress were things the fox demon never thought he would wear. Yet here Ino was, fussing over his mascara.

"Why am I dressed like that?" Naruto nearly screamed, not daring to look at his reflection in the mirror. How is this going to help him at all? Sasuke is meeting a girl and here he was, looking like an outrageous one.

Scoffing at the fox's ignorance, Ino took one last look at her masterpiece. The kit had very nice lips and the mascara highlighted his blue eyes even more. The hair extensions she bought for herself a few months ago were a shade too yellow for her hair so she didn't use it. However, it suited the fox demon just right.

Standing in a French maid costume, no one could tell that Naruto was a male. The makeup covered his whisker like marks and the twin tails with hair extensions made him look cuter than a real girl could manage. Though slightly tall and flat chested, no one could really tell unless Naruto spoke in his normal voice.

"Well, now that the transformation is complete, you have a date to crash."

Perplexed, the fox just stared at the Yamanaka girl. Ino sighed. "You're going there as a waitress, I've already gotten permission from Deidara-nii. You'll be substituting Konan at the Akatsuki café."

"They're meeting at Akatsuki café?" Naruto asked. He felt a little hurt that Sasuke was planning to meet the female at the place that he shared memories with Sasuke. The look of hurt didn't go unnoticed.

"Chin up Naruto! Sasuke's not going to fall for her. I know how Yamamoto is and I don't like her. She's worse than Sakura. If you go there, Sasuke will definitely choose you."

"I don't want to burden him…"

"Then do you really want to let him kiss her?" Blue eyes met blue eyes and Naruto gulped. Did he?

"What should I do?"

Finally! Things were getting through the dumb fox! Ino smirked. "Don't worry, leave it to me."

Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX

"Oh my," purred the Yamamoto heiress. "You look more charming in person. I wonder why we had to wait so long for this day."

The young Uchiha shuddered with the predator-like gleam in his date's eyes. "I must apologise but I've been preoccupied."

A leg started trailing itself from Sasuke's ankle to his knee and the sophomore panicked. How could a girl possibly be so vile? This goes beyond absurd and the Uchiha was beginning the rethink his life choices. A kiss wouldn't end this, the girl was clearly a psychopath! She wouldn't stop until she's devoured him…

"Well, I can understand a man as important as you will be busy. Too many important things and too little time for a woman like me… since it is a rare opportunity, why don't we take time to really get to know each other?"

The urge to throw up at how she leaned forward to show her cleavage and fluttered her very fake lashes got real. Sasuke didn't know how he thought he was straight previously. It was revolting how the woman tried to seduce him. His mind went to the golden fox waiting for him at home. He might be crying by now and the thought made Sasuke feel bad.

Before the Yamamoto heiress could make her next move, a loud and familiar squeal broke through the tense atmosphere.

"Oh my God! Is that Sasuke?" Ino made a beeline towards the Uchiha and Sasuke wanted to die. Could this day be any worse?

"I knew it was you!" Ino laughed as she sat right beside the Uchiha, clinging onto his arm as she yammered away, much to the discontent of the Yamamoto heiress.

"Excuse me," the heiress snapped when Ino got a little too comfortable and poked Sasuke's cheek. "Who are you to interrupt my date with Sasuke?"

"Oh? Hi, I didn't really see you there. In case you're wondering, I'm also on a date with Sasuke-kun over here. It's alright to share you know?"

The heiress looked about ready to explode when a shy and timid voice reached Sasuke's ear. "May I take your orders?"

The Uchiha felt time stop as he took in the sight of a very embarrassed Naruto in a maid outfit. Those twin tails and pouty lips didn't help his awakening son.

Ino slyly glanced at Sasuke to gauge his reaction. She regretted not bringing a camera. The heiress was forgotten as the duo studied it other.

All of a sudden the doubts in Sasuke's mind cleared. He wanted Naruto, to hell with the heiress and the Uchiha empire. Naruto was worth it.

"Sorry ladies," he pushed Ino off and stood up. The eyes only locked onto the fox in a maid outfit.

"I'm not single or available anymore, I've found the one."

Without another word, he dragged a red-faced Naruto off and dropped more than a little too much money on the way out.

Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX

The boys barely made it back to Sasuke's apartment but were already swallowing each other in searing kisses. Clothes came off at the doorway and they shuffled for the bedroom, unable to wait. Naruto's instincts were screaming so strongly and although he had reservations about taking a human as his bonded mate while Hagoromo Gitsune was coming for his head, he couldn't give a damn about it.

"Sasuke… Sasuke please take me! I don't want you to kiss anyone else, I hate it!"

The raven-haired sophomore growled. "Then become my lover for real, I'll give you everything you need."

"Yes, I'll be your lover. Please, I can't…"

Sasuke shushed the near hyperventilating blond fox. "It's okay Naruto, I don't care if I'm going to become a demon or anything, as long as it is with you. Don't worry about Hagoromo Gitsune either, we'll figure it out when the time comes. I'll be with you, no more hiding and lying. No more secrets."

"No more secrets," the fox promised.

Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX

Naruto was the first to wake up even though they spent the whole of yesterday confirming their love for each other. The mating bite mark was bruising an ugly purple on Sasuke's neck but Naruto didn't feel any guilt. It was proof of their promise after all. Looking at it made his stomach feel all sorts of fluttery and warm. He giggled into the pillow and ran his fingers through soft raven hair.

It was perfect.