Under the Wolves' Protection

The next few days passed relatively normally with Naruto barely coping with classes and Sasuke helping him out. Neither of them was ready for a sudden call from Itachi.

"It's rare for you to call."

"Sorry Sasuke, I wish I could call you with better news more often. However, this is an emergency. I've had a call from the fire department saying your apartment is burned down. It was a good thing neither of you was there. Kurama said it was no ordinary fire, we suspect an attack from Hagoromo Gitsune."

The sophomore froze. An attack when they least expected it… "What should we do now?"

"What's wrong, Sasuke?" the fox sensed a distraught vibe from his lover and immediately went over to entwine their fingers.

"For now you should wait at school. Kurama is making arrangements. I'll text you details so keep your phone near you."

The older Uchiha hung up so abruptly that left Sasuke's mind reeling from the news. His apartment was burned and they were targeted.


Looking into clear blue eyes, the younger Uchiha finally caved to the mental exhaustion. Slumping into his lover's arms, he inhaled deeply the scent he had gotten so accustomed to.

"Please, just let me stay like this for a while."

Without questioning Sasuke, Naruto held him closer and settled for toying with the raven locks. It wasn't until a crowd began to form around the hottest gay couple on campus that Naruto pulled Sasuke to a more private place.

For a good twenty minutes, Sasuke said nothing and Naruto didn't pry. He patiently waiting for the young Uchiha to collect his emotions.

"Hagoromo Gitsune is on the move again. The apartment has been burned down," Sasuke whispered in a hoarse voice as if he was about to cry.

Without showing his panic, Naruto nodded. "Don't worry about it, Kurama will have something thought up. I won't let anything bad happen to you. It's a good thing we were at school when it happened too. Does Itachi know?"

Sasuke nodded. "He was the one who called me earlier. We'll have to wait in school for a while. He'll let me know where to go to in a bit."

Speak of the devil and he will come. Sasuke phone vibrated in his pocket and the young Uchiha read the text. A frown marred his immaculate features.

"What did it say?" the fox asked while trying to sneak a peek.

"He just says to stay where we are. Someone is coming to get us?"

Naruto raised a brow at the vagueness. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Shrugging, Sasuke put the phone back into the pocket. The moment the phone was tucked away safely the air shifted. Naruto quickly got into a fighting stance in front of his human lover when Kakashi materialized.

"Chill kit! I'm only here to fetch you. Kurama informed me of what happened. From today until Hagoromo is taken care of, both of you will be under the protection of the wolf clan."

Naruto smiled. Sasuke cocked his head to a side. "Yo!" The silver haired werewolf greeted.

The blond fox beamed. "Sasuke meet Kakashi, my adoptive father of sorts. Kakashi, this is Sasuke – my mate."

The wolf bent down to take a closer look at the bite mark. "Looks new," he commented and Naruto grinned proudly.

"Well, it hasn't even been a week…" the blond couldn't complete the sentence as a red-faced Sasuke smacked his lover upside the head.

"Ouch! What was that for?"

"You don't need to tell other people about our love life! Dobe!"

"Wha-? Kakashi is family!"

The werewolf upon sensing a lover's spat about to break out jumped in to cut to the chase. "Well, it doesn't really matter. You can sort this out later between yourselves but for now, I need to get you back to our headquarters."

"Are we not going to crash with Iruka?"

Looking at the confused kit, Kakashi hummed. "Well, we could but it's not good enough. Should Hagoromo Gitsune launch an attack I don't want my mate to be in any danger. I'll have to watch him so I can't always be there to look after you two. Kiba and the rest will help me do that."

Naruto rolled his eyes. "You're so whipped. Why don't you hurry up and claim him already? That way he doesn't have to live separately from the den."

Kakashi flicked Naruto's forehead hard enough to make the blond tear. "I'm not going to force Iruka into anything he isn't ready for. I want to love him properly."

The fox grimaced at the sugary mush pouring out from the wolf's mouth. "You're pathetic."

Kakashi ignored the comment and walked ahead. "We're driving there. Hurry up if you don't want to be left behind."

Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX

The 'den' was really modern as compared to Sasuke's initial impression. No doubt they were living in the outskirts of the city in the middle of a mountain. However, the villa had hot springs and electricity with WiFi. Werewolves really kept up with the times.

"Naruto!" a friendly male's voice greeted the fox enthusiastically when the engine rumbled to a stop.

"Kiba! It's so good to see you again."

Sasuke felt a little surge of anger go through him when the brunet werewolf got a little too touchy-feely with his boyfriend.

"Oh my God! Is it really Sasuke? What are you doing here?"

The young Uchiha turned around to see Ino walking over clinging onto the arm of a very pale looking man with a creepy smile.

"They are here under our protection. Naruto is being targeted by Hagoromo Gitsune and I'm taking them in upon request from Kurama. Please help them feel at home. Kurama will arrive soon with Itachi. Both Uchiha brothers will be under the protection of the wolf clan until Hagoromo is brought down."

"Yes, alpha!" Ino bowed. The man beside Ino did the same.

"Sai," Kakashi called the pale man. "I want you to report to me should the barriers be disturbed. Tell Kiba to show them around. Ino, you'll lead Kurama and Itachi when they arrive. Help our guests feel at home."

"Yes, alpha."

Kakashi started the car again, leaving Sasuke and Naruto behind. While the ball of sunshine and energy talked animatedly with his best buddy Kiba, the Uchiha was left surveying the villa.

The villa was medium sized with a very lush garden that grew a variety of vegetables. Sasuke was in love with the wooden design and Japanese garden. There was a little koi pond around the back of the villa that Ino showed them during the short house tour. Naruto tried to catch the fish and was immediately reprimanded by an enraged Ino.

The moment Naruto stepped foot in the villa, his ears and tail became visible for all to see. The fox quickly tried to hide it to no avail.

"What's going on?"

Kiba guffawed at the look on Naruto's face that was a mix of horror and confusion. Ino gushed at how adorable they were and attacked them. Sasuke growled possessively when Ino stroked the smooth fur and Sai had to reign his mate in.

"I'm sorry about Ino's behaviour. The house has a barrier around that doesn't allow for any magic attacks from outside. It is a barrier for non-magic hence no magic will work in the zone."

Naruto looked utterly crestfallen at the news. While Sai explained, more tails were making their appearance.

"Does that mean I will become a fox?"

Kiba shook his head. "You can remain in your hybrid form. It's a good thing werewolves are shifters and not demons. I'm sorry bro, but your tails are going to be in the way for a while. You might want to forgo the pants for now. Ino has a few skirts you can borrow."

The blond fox looked horrified at the news as another tail materialized. Three tails had been manageable although the jeans were definitely too tight. However, the moment the fourth materialized, Naruto had to give in. There was no way that a skin tight jean was going to fit all eight tails.

"Where is the bedroom or bathroom? I don't think I'll last the full transformation of all eight tails."

Sasuke only prayed he didn't need to kill anyone for looking at his blond with lewd thoughts tonight.

Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX

"A what?"

"An animal ear café. The university is preparing for an open house to recruit freshmen."

Naruto eyed the Yamanaka suspiciously. "And why me?"

Sasuke put his tomato juice down.

"Because," Ino stated as if it was obvious. "You have fox ears and tails. You can easily win this. If our faculty wins the popularity contest everyone will be given a week off classes."

Sasuke frowned. "You do know that Hagoromo Gitsune is looking for a golden fox demon right? This is counter-effective. He'll be spotted in no time."

"Among those other animal ear cosplayers? You're kidding."

The Uchiha grit his teeth. "No. We're not risking this."

Naruto frowned. "Well, you know Sasuke? They have a saying of hiding in plain sight. If everyone is going to be doing it don't you think it'll be harder for her to find me?"

Sasuke glared at the female who smiled widely in victory.

"Fine," he relented. "But only because it's for your safety. Nobody is allowed to touch your ears or tail you understand?"

Naruto leaned in to give Sasuke a peck on his cheek. "Yes, dear."