*He actually took almost 2 months to get into level 3? Why is it his leveling process was so very slow? for a normal Player, they only took 3-4 weeks to get into that level... Is his Comp-Tube got Broke? or is it just those simple quest that made him took too long..* Stella got so very confused by his leveling process and felt like it was not normal at all. Zion and Stella were now at the Class Registration Office, Zion's outfit got changed into a neon blue and white high-stylish formal attire with black metal hanging strapped that made his stamina and defense increase by 15%, with long-legged neon blue boots that made his Speed increase by 15% and a crafted flame skull sword that came from the Boss Taurus sword. Having a 10% flaming effect when getting stab, and it cost him a total of 375 Miracle Coins. While Stella just repaired her armor and sword that cost of 50 Miracle Coins.

"So how much money left since you brought those new clothes?" "Uhhmm... I only got 120 Miracle Coins left, since I really love this level 3 Blue Phoenix costume, and it is the only one of a kind suit. That's why I took the chance and bought it, how about you?" "Don't use too much money, for we need it every single day... Hhmm... I still got 300 Miracle Coins left, thanks to your very easy quests, I got share rewards even though I don't usually get EXP from it." They both were talking with each other while walking towards the Class Registration Office. "Good morning ms. Stella, good morning little Wanderer. What can I help you with?" "This kid here wanted to take his major class since he is now at level 3." "Ohh! As I thought... Then, here choose which major class would you want to take up on Little Wanderer..."

A lady counter with black hair, green eyes, and blue and sky blue stripes fitted uniform. "Ohh Yeah, a piece of advice from this lady. You must choose the best class that suits your battle position because you will never change it back." "Hhmm, how about you big sis? What class have you taken up now?" "My class? You already notice that I am a Dragon-Knight, but when I transform into my dragon form, My class changes into a Dragon-Mage class. That's why I am practicing both, Dragon-Knight as my major class and Dragon-Mage as my sub-class." "Oh? Nice combination! That means big sis can do melee range and long-range too! That's great!" "Don't mind it, I can't still fully control my Dragon form and I'm a bit lack of money right now."

"Well, If you can't control your dragon form, why not you try to subdue it until you can control it. Even though it's not easy, since you choose that path, you must accept it whole and challenge yourself. Overcoming things, isn't it wonderful?" Zion gave her his honest thought to help her. "And about the lack of money? We can't help it, since we are broke, but don't worry, money can be found everywhere as long as you can work hard for it, then it will definitely pay off the worth." *What this kid is saying is right, but isn't he too young to know about teenager's problem?* Stella felt somewhat maturity for Zion, even though he is still a kid.

"Little Wanderer, here is the list of the Classes, please think carefully and choose the right path." The registrar gave him the list of classes. "Woah! There are so many classes. How am I going to pick the best Class for me? Hhmm.. big sis, can you suggest?" "Let's see... Base on what I have witnessed being with you so far, is that you have a goofy and clumsy personality like a free-spirited person, yet sometimes you are being quite annoying and nosy, but interacting with someone and the way you fight... I think this one and this one will be the right Class for you." "A tactician and Crowd Control? But I didn't try to use its skills before, how are these the best Class for me?"

"It was just based on my observation since we are being in a team for almost every day. I think, it really suits you well." *Hhmm.. well, It doesn't matter what class I want to take upon since I am just playing this game for my own curiosity and satisfaction... Then, let's just pick this one...* Zion choose his first major class. "Here's the paper Ms.!" "Thank you, Little Wanderer! Now, you can start your adventure and wonder everywhere! Good luck and may you enjoy your journey! Oh, yeah... Aren't you too young to become a Wanderer?" "Hahaha... Is it? Thank you ms.! Bye!" They then walked out from the Class Registration Office and when they were walking, a sudden new Message appeared in front of Zion. *Hhmm? A message?*

He then opened it. "Thank you for choosing Strategist Class! A Player with clever Brain and wise Soul can lead its team to a great victory! Come see me in SEQUOIA TOWN! I have a gift for you Young Player!... Huh? Where is this Sequoia Town?" "Its quite far away from here, located on the Northwest part. You can use your map to find where exactly it is." Stella answered him directly and help him to know where it's located. "Oh yeah! Hhmm... So it really is far, I think, if we walk, it will take us probably a week to arrive there." "I have never been there since I don't care about that message and only need quest for my money... I mean before. We can ride a train to go there, but it is a bit expensive to ride a train. So what can you suggest?" "What else, we are Players! So that means, traveling and exploring are our utmost duty! It'll be fun! What can you say, wanna go with me?" Zion smiled at her so excitedly. "I don't have any other choices since we are in a party now." *And I want to know what kind of secrets do you have and I can get more money if I will stick with you.*

So the two started their journey, traveling towards the deep forest, dungeons, and mountains. Zion loves collecting shiny and antique treasure, so they both decided to enter every dungeon they encountered and even traded his money for artifacts that other players have when they met them during their journey. Stella trained herself to control her dragon form and if she will lose control, Zion immediately helped her to calm down and guide her on how to control it. While on the other hand, Zion got more focused on exploring and wandering inside the Miracle Universe Game than staying in the Heavenly Kingdom without doing anything.

After 1 whole week passed, Zion and Stella arrived on the plain land near the entrance gate of SEQUOIA TOWN. Seeing it afar, they saw a super big Green-tree With a big wall covered its base located in a mountain range. "Is that the SEQUOIA TOWN?" "Yes.." "Wow! That tree is so big! It's similar to my kingdom..." "What do you mean?" Stella asked when she heard him talking. "Opps... err.. nothing, I was just imagining things! Hehehe..." "Oh? Okay, then next time don't just daydream here, for it doesn't help us, let's go!." "Hehehe.. okay!" *This young girl... Sigh..*

The two continued their way to the entrance gate, they saw lots of new and old players coming in and out, even guilds and teammates were in line to enter the gate. Zion and Stella also fall in line while observing their surroundings. Seeing those players, Zion got curious to them and wanted to ask why they love playing this game, while Stella was just followed him in an embarrassing expression. "Hello, youngsters! Welcome to Sequoia Town! I hope you'll enjoy staying in our town!" An old guard greeted them gracefully, and then after they got checked up, the two got inside the Town. "Wwoaahh!? This place is so beautiful!" "Yeah, it is..."

"look! There are so many people around! Those wonderful buildings! Even those beautiful shining colorful trees!" Zion got amazed by his surroundings, he saw that inside was actually a market town with different structures of houses and buildings and even have different kinds of races and classes were there. He also saw the super big and tall Tree of life in the middle of the Town. "This place is quite noisy but it's so amusing to see lots of people around, and even the smell of the air has a fresh fragrance!" "That's because of that giant tree that they called Sequoia Tree. It releases energy and nourishment to consume by Players." "Is that so? Wow! That's so huge!" "Let's go, we need to look for the person that gave us the message." "Oh yeah! Then, let's go back here later after we finish our mission!" Zion and Stella headed to where the trunk of the Giant Tree was located.

As soon as they arrive, they saw an old man wearing a Santa Clause costume. "Hoho... Hello, children! I am Santanium! The guardian Taker of Sequoia Tree. Wanna hear a story from the legends?" "Yes!" "No.." Zion wanted to hear the story, but Stella disagreed, and made them looked at each other. "Yes, I am! I want to hear the story!" "No, we are in a hurry..." "No, I am not in a hurry!" The two argued in front of the old man. "Hoho... Okay... hehe.. youngsters don't need to argue, If this little boy really wants to know the story then, come back anytime you want. I'll wait for you here. So, what can I do for both of you?" "sigh.." "We are looking for those people who are in charge of Knight Class and Elemental-Mage Class." "And I am looking for Strategy Class, please help us, grandpa..."

"Hoho... If you are looking for the Knight Class, head up there from this Giant tree. 1st Limb 1A-Class Room. For Elementalist Class, head into the Third Limb 3D-Class Room. And as for the Strategy-Class, head into the Fifth Limb 5F-Class Room... Here, you can use the stairs." As the old man finished telling them where it's perspective rooms are. He suddenly threw seed on the ground and then it instantly grew faster and creates a long stair that connected into the top of the tree trunk. "Let's go..." "See you, grandpa! Bye! He is so nice..." Zion and Stella walked from the stairs, as soon as they enter inside the leaves of the tree, they got shocked and felt amazed by the view. "Woah! Where are we? This place is much awesome!" Zion got starstruck seeing the new surroundings field with lots of houses, lights, branches, leaves, twigs and even fireflies that shines so bright. *What? This place is wonderful... are we actually inside the crown of the Giant Tree? How come we can't see these things outside? It's like we are in a different world...* Stella couldn't believe it herself.

"Did big sis Stella thinks that this place is awesome too? awwie... I see you got starstruck too!" "Let's go, don't waste the time.." "Hahaha.. your moves are very readable. Come on, laugh with me! Haha!" "Kid, enough..." First, they head into the Knight Class, and as soon as they entered into the room, they saw lots of weapons everywhere, its either hanging from the ceiling or being piled up in every corner. Then a muscular man with lots of tattoos all over his body showed up. Wearing only black leather pants with a black belt, a pair of gladiator shoes and two axes on his back. Black long curly hair, tanned skin, big muscular physique, thick eyebrows, black eyes, a big nose, and a very tall man. "Wow! That uncle is so tall!"

"Hhmm? Another newbie Knight? Welcome to my Class Room. What business do these rookie youngsters have with me?! Huh?!" "Good day sir, I am Stella White, and I am here because of this message." Stella gave the scroll into the man. "Hello uncle, I am Kyrius Zion and I wanted to ask if these tattoos are real or not?" Zion looks closer to every shape and form of the man's tattoo. "Hhmm?! Brat! Don't touch my tattoo!?" He suddenly showed his angst towards Zion that was very close to him. "Wwoaaahh... Sorry, I didn't touch it, just curious as to why do you have lots of that.." "These tattoos have meaning from my life, each of them has memories from my past that I don't want to forget, so that's why I marked it into my body to remember." "Wwoohh! That's cool-" "Sir, can we continue now?" Stella interrupted them.

"Ohh? So your name is Stella White, and you choose the Knight Class... a dragon race with a Knight class, that may be quite common... Ahh!! Sorry for the late introduction, I am Mathias, Knight Leader of the East and now I am the guidance of the Knight Class. I can teach you one skill, for now, so you gotta choose what kind of skill you want to learn." Mathias put all the skill scrolls on the table in front of them. * Hhmm... I still have 3 skills right now, so choosing from these new skills, I can have a total of 4 skills.. which one.." While Stella was busy thinking about what skill she wants to learn, Zion, on the other hand, was just staring at her and thinking to himself too.

*What I know about these skills is that every Player can only have 6 skills and they can change the skills that they want if it is not suited to them, but skills are not just for free, for if you need stronger skills, you can buy them at a high price. The stronger the skill the higher the price it cost. And not only that for just like big sis Stella says, if there is a Major Class, there is also a sub-class which you can only have 3 skills to learn. And this time, sub-class skills cannot be changeable... But the problem of mine is that I can only have 3 skills to learn and it's not even changeable... So basically, I can only have one Class to learn, right?* Zion explained to himself on what are their difference.

"Okay, I got my new skill now.. let's go to the next Class.." Stella took one of the scrolls and put it into her inventory. "Bye uncle Mathias! See you next time!" "Brat! I will never see that face again!" They then walked out. "Say, big sis, what skill did you get?" "...." "Hey, I'm asking..." "Sshh... I'll tell you later, just be quiet and follow me.." "Heh? Why?" Zion keeps asking her but she never answered or spoke even a very slightest sound. They arrived at the Elemental-Mage Class Room, inside has different vibes with different kinds of magical elements in each fountain well. "Arraa... New Student? What can I do for you?" "This is the message that I received when I turned Level 5..." "Aarraa..." A spirit with no face but having angelic woman sound, her appearance is just like a water body with different color and fairy size, so sexy and small. "Auntie is so cute! Can I hold you?" "Arraa... My name is Ellen, the Element Controller. Arrra... Yes, you can little human."