Zion raised both hands and then the woman landed on it. "Wow! You are so fluffy! Can we become friends? Uncle Tattoo over there doesn't want to be friends with me. But I still want to be friends with him, so, for now, we can be friends first and-" "Ma'am, sorry for troubling you, please continue your business and don't mind him.." Stella interrupted them again. "Awwchh.. that hurt! Why are you so mean? Did I do something wrong to make you upset? Why showing your bad personality?" "Hhmm?... Listen, kid, you are so annoying as fuck! I know you are smart, and a very ignorant person. But that nature can easily be crush by anyone. Tip of advice for your big sister, this game that you are playing right now, is not just some simple and fun game that you expected it to be. Miracle Universe is like another life, its a game that can change people's lives and its a game of life and death, so remember that.." Stella told him her thoughts about the game, and what she thinks of being with Zion. Zion didn't respond immediately, but after it sank into his mind he then replied calmly.

"Then, can this game also change people's minds? Can this game be played forever? Big sis, you have a point there, since you don't know me well, but aren't you forgetting something important too? Why can't I see your true self? Working so very hard just to get a lot of money? Is that your only goal? Is that the way a Players do? I played this game not just to work hard to achieve my satisfaction, but to enjoy every last bit of seconds drop, to know what this game all about and what can I get in return every minute passed and to nurture the people, places, mission, and quest every hour that crossed... If you really love playing this game, stop thinking too much and start expressing what your heart desire. Because true Players never think about money or fame, for they think about what's the meaning about this game, that's the real meaning of Miracle..."

Zion walked out from the Class Room leaving Stella inside. Zion headed to where the Strategy-Class Room is, as he entered he saw lots of books perfectly piled everywhere. "Welcome welcome! I am expecting to see you little boy.." a very old man with white long hair and long bread, golden eyes, long pointy nose, very long white eyebrows, and old pale skin. wearing an old threaded red robe. "You look younger than I thought.." The old man suddenly disappeared and another person appeared behind Zion, a young boy with the same age as Zion wearing the similar to the old man's robe and having blonde messy hair, same golden eyes, light fare skin, and thick eyebrows. "Huh? How-" "Ohh, how about calling me big brother from now on.." The young boy disappeared and another person appeared on his right side. A teenage man with the same clothes, long blonde hair color, golden eyes, and a very handsome face.

"I am Mydrid, the old Warlock of the South. So tell me your name and what business do you have with me today young one?" The man returned into its original form and is now in front of him. *He can change his appearance like that? This grandpa is quite powerful! Well, not on my godly level...* "I am Kyrius Zion, and here is the Scroll that I have received a long time ago." "Ohh?" The old man then took the scroll and read it. "So you want to learn about strategy magic? Aren't you too young to learn to be a strategist? Hhhmm... If you want to learn a new skill, just choose and pick one thing inside my room. Anything here is magic, so picking the right one is a matter of luck. Remember only one magic skill, don't take two, for you will get punished by the heavens..."

The old man warned him, so Zion started looking everywhere to find his new skill. He saw books with skills, weapons with skills, and even items with skills. But he felt nothing special to them, so he keeps searching. Until he reaches into a small and dusty part of the room, a black stone 30 cm in height and 20 cm in width, and a form of a stone paper that has carved with words written on it. *Is this....* After a couple of minutes passed, Zion got back holding the stone. "Grandpa! I picked this old stone..." "Hhmm? This one? But it's just an old stone that I saw from the ancient tomb. There is nothing special about it. Are you sure?" "Yes! I am sure!" "Okay, as you say so. But once you choose that, you can never give it back and change for another one, is that okay?" "Yup!" Zion answered excitingly. "Okay, then, congrats for picking that one young boy! Have a great journey ahead!" "Thank you! See you again!"

Zion put the black stone in the inventory and then walked out of the Class Room. As he opened the door, he saw Stella waiting for him outside. "Big sis Stella?" "... Uhhhmm... Hey kid... Uhhmm... I'm sorry for what happened a while ago, I was just too reckless saying that, I didn't mind what others may feel. Too many problems in my life right now, my grandma is still in a coma for almost a year now and too many bills a needed to pay." "Don't worry big sis, your apology has been accepted. And as for your problem, don't be too down and carry the problem too much. Try to share your problem and speak to the gods in the heavens, for everything has reasons and purposes, has faith in your fate. Okay?" Zion suggested an Idea that Stella Never expected to hear.

(Daily news! Daily news! New Game has just arrived! This is the day we will witness another New Competition game from the new Hero's of Miracle Universe! This New Competition will be held next month! So you better register now! The prize to win this new game will be worth to play! Everyone can join and it's free registration! Come now and be the new Crown Heroes!) A big screen showed up everywhere and shown the place where the Competition will be held and some players fighting each other. The news keeps repeating 3 times. "Big sis! How about we join the competition?" *The reward is worth it, but can I really win the game? Can I get the rewards-* "Big sis! stop thinking too deep, let's enjoy and win the Competition! No matter what, we are partners now, so let's do our best!" Zion held her hands and calm her soul. "Yes!" So the two started their new mission with their head held high.

The two arrived where Santanium is, "Hoho... you're back, how was it?" "The place there was so very wonderful! And we are also done with getting our Class Skill too!" "Hoho... That's good... Then feel free to come again!" "Say, did you said that you have a story to tell us?" Stella asked him immediately. "Hoho?... so you are now interested to hear it?" "Not me, but him.." "Hoho... Is that so? Then let me start from where this world begins. Back then, in legends, Sequoia Tree is not actually a Tree before, but it was a gate between The Human and the Other Creatures. Before the Human came into this world, creatures live freely and peacefully. But then, Humans were so cruel that they invaded and assumed that this world is theirs. So the Gods from the heavens got mad and punished them all, prison them into another world where they can only live for themselves. And then this world was changed by the gods and made it more comfortable for us to live with other creatures, up until now... Then, that's the story all about." "Hhmm?? Is that all? Your story is quite confusing-" "Wow! So interesting! It's like, the story is incomplete and we need to find the other piece! Right?" Zion got hooked up by the story. *Hmm??* "Oh yeah..."

*These little one wants to know more about the ancient story? Such strange kids...* "Hoho... If you are curious to know more about the ancient story, you can go to the Great Tower and find my twin, he is right there now." "Oh, you have a twin? Where is that Great Tower now?" Stella asked. "Yes, and he is one of the Facilitators of the new Game competition.." "Game Competition?!" Both Zion and Stella got shocked. "Big sis, is that where we will be going too, right?" "Yes... So that means we now have the same goals." "Yeah.. then let's get there!... Wait where is it again?" "Hoho... So you are going to participate in the Game Competition? Hoho... Then, I will help you where it is." "Oh? Did Grandpa Santa know where it is?" "Hoho... But of course.. well, you need to pay for it though." "Pay? How much?" Stella asked. "Hoho... It just cost 5 Miracle Coins for each one of you.." "That's too expensive!?" "Sure Grandpa!?" Stella felt it was too expensive yet Zion just felt like it was nothing.

"Hoho... Since you are still a kid little one, then I'll give you a wonderful discount. How about just give me 5 miracle coins for the two of you." "Oh, really grandpa? Thank you so much!" *I think this old man just playing with us right now...* Stella felt annoyed while listening to them. "Hoho... Don't mention it, a kind little Wanderer like you is very rare these days." "Hehehe, I am just doing what children like us would do." "Enough with that chitchat and let's get there.." Stella interrupted them, and so the three ride a Reindeer Chariot and started heading to where the competition will hold. "Hoho ... We have arrived! Children! Welcome to Athena City!"

"Wow! The city is so large!" "So this is Athena City? The City of Arenas?" "Yes! Yes! Everything here is all about Games, tournaments, and competitions! There's a Player vs Beast, player vs player, dual vs dual, and Party vs party!" "Is that all grandpa?" "Of course not! There is more than what you can imagine! And not to mention, the rewards with high-quality items will be given by the winners!" "Wow! That's so amazing!" After they finished talking, the three landed inside the City. "Thank you so much, Grandpa! See you next time!" "Hoho... see you soon child!" Santanium flew back to his place leaving ZIon and Stella on the street.

The Athena City had similar abstract buildings from the Greek Era with a twist of Modernize Devices, Machines, and advanced Architecture. The City is an island in the middle of the ocean, with lots of organized community and government, having lots of huge buildings, Arenas, Towns, and even Palaces. To get inside the City, some Players ride airship and other road sea-ship, but rich and most popular people just use the portal machine to teleport themselves, and the City also has Greek Statues placed everywhere.

Zion and Stella were now looking for a place to stay for a month inside the City, so Zion tried asking other Players to where is the nearest and cheapest Inn that they can get. So as soon as they knew where it was, they then immediately head to its location. "So this is the place where we will be staying?" "Yup... Got a problem with that kid?" They arrived at the front door while looking at the house made of wood and bricks. A bar house like, with a very noisy place, seeing lots of Players and NPC drinking, flirting and roaming around. "Isn't this too crowded big sis? I mean, this Place is nice, but I prefer a more quiet and relaxing place-"

"Waah!" Zion got bumped by a waiter and they both got knockdown. The food and alcohol that the waiter brought got scattered everywhere. "Sorry... I am so very sorry.." He then apologizes while helping Zion to stand up. Seeing his appearance, looking older than Zion around 17 years old, with light fair skin, and having a quite feminine body. Golden-blonde messy short hair, yellow-orange eyes, small pointy nose, thin pinkish lips, and thin eyebrows and eyelashes. wearing a Greek-inspired white and brown waiter's uniform. "It's okay, how about you? Are you hurt brother?" "No.. I was-" "Hey little chick!? Why did you throw our orders?! Huh?! Can you pay that?!"

"Hahaha!? Beat him, boss!?" A group of 6 Barbarian Race players stood in front of them. The Boss strangled the waiter and accusing him of their order. "Beat that sissy-boy until he can piss himself out! Hahaha!?" "Can an NPC really do that? Wait he even couldn't move hahaha!" "Say, go back there get our orders with a free one bottle of alcohol for your compensation-" "Hey Mr. Mustache, can you let go of your hand now?" Zion interrupted them by holding the boss's arm. "Huh?! what did you just say?" "This kid got guts!? Hahaha!?" "Well, when two birds with same feather flocks together! Hahaha!" "I said, let go.."

Zion immediately put some force on his hand and make a very serious aura that made the arm of the Boss felt the pain and then instantly takes off. * Wha...What's with this little brat?! He is just a level 3 Player!? But how he can break my arm just like that?!* "Tsskk! Kill! Kill that brat!?.... Hey! Why are you still standing?!" "Bo... Boss It... It's the Goddess Moonlight!?" "She is with them!?" "She really is the Goddess Moonlight from the news!?" His companions got scared looking at Stella and her Title-Code above. *She... She really is the Goddess Moonlight..! And is now at level 8!? We can't defeat her right now... But why is she accompanied by that little kid?..!! Don't tell me... That little kid is from a rich family?! We got so unlucky today... Tsskk..* The Boss got shocked while looking at them.