"Our last match for this round will now begin! And the challengers now are... Little Wanderer vs Drugan!" "Ahh!? It's him!" "That's the most brutal challenger!?" "Yeah, even though he is an NPC challenger, he is too strong! I can't even match with him!" "One of the strongest challenger!" Stella and Demetir heard them talking and they felt so nervous for Zion, but on the other hand, Zion just got so excited and ecstatic to play. Both of them are now at the stage, seeing the muscle man with an appearance of a 25 years old bald man. Thick dark lips, eyebrows, and eyelashes, with dark eyes, tanned skin and having a scar made by some kind of Beast scratch on his left neck. Wearing dirty white sleeveless, black leather pants, dirty dark brown shoes and a pair of silver gauntlet weapons. "A kid?!" "Look! That Player who will challenge our Drugan is just a little brat!? Hahaha!" "He must be a rookie! He is still on his Level 3?!" "Hey, little kid! Just go home and do your homework!" "Don't make your life get complicated brat!" "It's surely Drugan's win for today! Then, I'll bet for him." "Poor little kid, getting his first match to be Mr. Drugan... Such unlucky.." The Players were bullying and made fun of him, while others were so worried and wanted him to quit the match before it'll start.

"Will little Brother Zion be okay with it? Will he win his match, master?" "Don't know. But I do know, that kid is not ordinary than other player kids I've met..." Demetir and Stella were so worried, but Stella wants to see for the first time, what Zion is really capable in combat. "Hey, Uncle Muscle! I'm Kyrius Zion, what's your name?" "Hmmph... Why did they send me a bratty Challenger? Are the organizers mocking me right now? Graahh!?" Drugan shouted feeling disgusted. "Little mouse, give up now and go home, you are just a piece of shit, so scram!?" "Why are you so rude? Don't even know how to respect young children and abusing them. You are not a good example for society, do you know that?" Zion got upset when talking to Drugan.

"Are both of you ready?" "Yes!/ Game On!" "Then let the battle begin!" The host started to match. "Little mouse! I'm warning you! Give up now or you'll gonna regret it later! Hahaha!" "You all just talk and didn't prove your true strength! Come and let me teach you a lesson arrogant, uncle Muscle!" "Oh? You are brave, Hahaha! That's more like it!" Drugan made his first move by using his both hands to punch Zion and then Zion block it using his silver sword. But he still got pushed back away from Drugan. The Audiences were cheering for him, yet some were worried for Zion and wants him to just give up. *He is truly brutally strong..* Zion's silver sword made small cracked while blocking the punch. "Arggh... I just brought this silver sword awhile ago.. And now it made small cracked? Sigh... I'm broke..." "Hoo... You can still talk like nothing happened? You took the hit and blocked it, yet still, stand up? That's good, you will be the first mouse out of all those pests that I've killed to witness and experience the true strength! Hahaha!"

"What did you just said? You killed people and still happy and proud of it? Are you not regretting it?" "Why should I? They are weak, so they deserve it." "So weak must be treated that way? They must be killed and die with nothing?" "Stop talking and let's finish this!? Stupid little mouse, here I come!?" Drugan rushed in and tried to use his punch again, but Zion moved so fast and he then used the silver sword to spanked Drugan on his butt many times. "You are a bad person! A very bad, bad person!?" "Awh... Awh.." Zion continues spanking that made the audience laugh so hard. "Hahaha! This little kid is so funny!" "He just made the giant monster turned into a small chicken!" "Hahaha!" "He got guts to do that? Hahaha!" "Silly kid!" Demetir was shocked and couldn't believe what he just saw, while Stella felt so ashamed that she made her hand placed on the head and she can't even look at Zion properly.

"Ggraahhh!!?? You stupid little mouse!?" Drugan felt so embarrassed when people were laughing at him. "I'll make your death miserable!? Stupid!?" Drugan used his full strength and launch a strong punch on Zion, as soon as Zion noticed his move, he then blocks it again with his silver cracked sword but still, he got pushed back and hit his back on the wall and made him fell on the ground. The wall made a huge crack formed, and the Audience is so shocked about his strength. *He is getting stronger and stronger..* "Awwchh... Awch... My back hurts... Oh no! My Silver Sword! It got broke into pieces! Uncle Muscle! You need to pay for this and buy me a new one!... Hhmmpp. I don't want to use this one, but I need to win for big sis and brother Demetir.. So I have no choice then." Zion immediately took out the Flaming-Bone Sword, the small sword that he got from the monthly Boss Taurus.

"What is that? Is that a Grade-7 sword?!" "Yeah!? It's definitely a Middle-Rank Weapon!" "How lucky!?" "That kid must be filthy rich! No wonder he is so arrogant and doesn't know how to fight well..." "Where is he from? which Family is he from?" Players we're gossiping his background. "So little brother is coming from the noble family? Do you know about this, master?" *That kid... Why is he hiding his true power?* "Master?" "Huh? Ahh Yeah, I also don't know his true background. But all I know is that he is not from the noble family, however, the way he thinks is far from those Nobles." "Uhhumm. No wonder, Goddess Moonlight is teaming up with him. She is very curious about his real background and also saw a light that makes everyone's soul feel so enlighten.." "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing... Hehehe.." In a Player's Point of view, they cannot see but only feel the Aura of a Player or NPC and Monsters. But for the NPC's Point of view, they can see and feel the Aura of a Player and fellow NPC. which is what Demetir saw in front of him, Zion's White and Gold Aura are emitting his body. Meanwhile, *What?! This little mouse is still okay after getting hit by my attack?! How can it be?!* "Hahaha?! No wonder they choose you to be my opponent, That's Good, I am enjoying this." "Enough... Uncle Muscle lets finish this once and for all." "Hmmph... Big words, let us see who will stand in the last moment!? Gggrraahh!?" Both Zion and Drugan rushed towards each other and they both were on match together.

*How come this stupid little mouse can match me so well?! I am already at my full strength... But he can still match with me?!...!!* Drugan felt something was off, he felt that Zion is not using his true strength and still playing with him. Until Zion immediately took the chance to spank Drugan's opening area, and this time, the sword leaves a flaming effect that burns his skin. *What is this little sword?! It's... It's burning my skin!?* "Wwaahh!?.. It's so hot!? Ahah!? My skin hurts so bad!? Grahhh!? What did you do?!" "It's a punishment for you by disobeying the Human's Law! So, from now on you must never kill anyone or else I will take your soul with me!" Zion continues spanking while scolding Drugan until Drugan couldn't take it anymore.

"Okay! Okay! Stop! I'll forfeit! I'm sorry, I can't take it anymore! Please stop!" "Hhmmpp... You better repent it, okay? For now, I can put that aside, but when I heard you kill another person again, then I will not hesitate to take your soul and surrender your life.." Drugan kneels in front of him while feeling the pain all over his body, while Zion turned back and looked at Stella and Demetir, giving them a thumbs up. "What happened?" "Is that all? So that little kid made the great Drugan kneel and surrender?" "That's a joke right?" "But it really looks like that though.." The audiences were gossiping and couldn't believe what they just saw in front of them. Drugan heard them and felt so embarrassed.

"Oh? Is it over? So the winner is... Eh? What happened?!" As the host was about to announce the winner, everyone suddenly got shocked at what they saw in front of them. Zion got a stab at the back with Drugan's knife. "Hihihi... Do you think I will give up that easily? You embarrassed me in front, So this is my pay! Little mouse like you can easily get tricked on. Hahaha!" Drugan laughed so hard while Zion jumps away from him with the knife on his back. Blood came out and started dropping down. "You..!?" Stella and Demetir got fuming and wanted to help Zion, but the guards of the arena blocked them and didn't let them enter the stage. "Please sit back, the match is still not finished. So nobody can enter or you will get disqualified." "This is stupid!?" "Kid! Surrender now!? Don't fight anymore! We can still make you rejoin the match!" Stella shouted.

"Big sis I'm fine, don't worry! Uncle Muscle, you lied!? You tricked me and then stab me from the back? You are a sinful uncle!? I can see that you have so many sins inside your heart and soul... You murder, you lied, you snatch, and you even betrayed those people that gave their trust in you.." "So what? I don't care about that as long as I get what I want! And all those who block my way will die by my hands!? Hahaha!" "Then you leave me no choice... From the law made by the heavens... You will be punished from this day forth!?" Zion started to used his new skill, and a two stone appeared on his back floating in the air. " I got this new skill from my friend, Gramps Mydrid! And I called it, the TEN COMMANDMENTS! Activate!?" And then a sudden circular light rune showed on the ground where Zion is.

* Wha...What is this?! Wh... Why am I trembling?" Drugan felt nervous and he got scared seeing the enormous white and gold Aura that Zion is releasing. "The name Drugan! Shall be cleansed by the heavens for his sins! I summon thee, ANGEL OF PURITY!" As Zion shouted and activate his skill, a light appeared in the sky. And a beautiful Giant Blue Mermaid Angel showed up and flew on top of Zion back. Having an appearance of a beautiful angelic angel with bluish-silver see-through wings, bluish-silver mermaid tail, bluish-silver sparkling scales that covered half of her sexy shaped body. Seeing those white milky chest, sexy navel part and lower back part. She has Silver-blue hair, dark blue mermaid eyes, mermaid ears, thin lips, and a pointy nose. Wearing a see-through sparkling aquatic dress. "What is that?!' "Is that an Angel?!" "No! It's definitely a Mermaid!?" "She is so very beautiful!?" "She's like the goddess of the Sea!" The audiences were so amazed and starstruck when they saw the Angel of Purity.

"What is that?! Master, do you know that skill?" Demetir got surprised seeing how tremendously powerful aura the Angel is releasing. "It... It's my first time seeing this kind of ability!" *Kid, what kind of person are you?* Stella couldn't believe what she just saw. Meanwhile, "Please Cleanse him to Repent all his sin!" Zion shouted. "As you wish my Lord!" A beautiful voice that made all the people inside the Arena felt relaxed and refreshed, and giving their spirit to feel calm. When she spread her arms outward, suddenly small drops of water started to fall from the sky and then it begins to rain only where the circular rune is located. *Rain?! It's raining?! Wait... Why am I crying? Why am I feeling so regret? Why am I feeling hurt inside my heart?* "I.. I'm sorry! I'm so sorry for what I've done! Please forgive me!" Drugan cried so lied making him repent for his sin in front of Zion, while the impurity of his heart started disappearing.

*What kind of new skill does this kid have? I can't even measure his strength and power..* Stella felt the chill from all over her body. "The..The... The winner is Little Wanderer..!?" As the host announced the winner, all of the audiences were cheering and supporting him, but some couldn't believe what they just saw and started discussing. Zion suddenly fell on the ground and fainted on stage, so Stella and Demetir immediately rushed towards Zion while calling his name.

Zion woke up by the sunlight that struck on his face and saw himself inside a big royal bedroom with lots of precious furniture. "Where am I? Ugh... I'm so hungry... I want food and water.." So he slowly stood up and started to walk. Seeing those beautiful exquisite interior hallway with statues and painted picture frames of arts. *What happened? Why am I inside this huge luxurious house? Whose house am I right now? Yet this place looks familiar...* As Zion continued walking, he suddenly heard sounds of two people arguing outside. In the royal terrace area, a group of five people was there, Stella, Demetir, two giant royal guards and a very beautiful Giant Woman. Wearing a Greek white goddess gown, golden gladiator sandals, with a golden necklace, rings, and a pretty beautiful golden crown. She has golden blonde hair, Black beautiful eyes, thick eyebrows and eyelashes, a pointy nose and a thin red lips, making her appearance so fiercely beautiful.

"But Mother, I only wanted to show you what I am capable of. Please let me continue my match!" "Don't be such a spoiled brat! I told you before, you are not fit to be the great warrior because of your weak body and spirit power inside you. Stop meddling with other humans and commoners like them!? You must just live a normal life or just rule the kingdom, and don't go out of the Palace again!?" "Why are you so cruel!? You judge and treat the humans like they are just nothing but weak creature to you!? Is that why you also don't like me because I am a half-mortal human too?" "You-"

Demetir and his Mother were arguing with each other while Stella was just sitting with them and listening to them quietly. "Oh, food!?" Zion rushed towards the table next to where the table of Athena and the two are, with lots of fresh fruits and wine that made him so happy and doesn't care about anyone. But when he realized that they are staring at him, so he then slowly looked at them. "Uhm... Am I interrupting or something?" The three got shocked looking at Zion. "Hehehe.." Zion laugh for his felt embarrassment, while Stella felt so ashamed by Zion's action, Demetir got surprised but his Mother got mad of what Zion did.