When he saw Demetir's mother, he got surprised. "A.. Athena?!" Zion couldn't believe that he saw Athena right in front of his face. "Yes, little brother Zion, she is the Goddess Athena and she is also my Mother..." Demetir explained to him the situation while her Mother is still feeling agitated watching Zion eating. *Is this really Athena or she's just a game character? But I got the feeling that it is really her... How can she play this game and haven't informed me? Is she the only one who also plays this game or maybe others were also playing this game. But why are they hiding it from me?? No.. No.. I must be thinking too much... Let's just see if this person truly is her...* Zion doubted in his mind seeing Athena in front of him while eating with his mouth full.

"Such filthy mortal brat!? He doesn't know how to respect in front of elders and nobles. He doesn't even have good manners and even dares to eat without asking permission!? Are they really your friends?! You are such a disgrace..." "I'm... I'm sorry Mother.." "Sorry? How many times are you going to say sorry when you can't learn simple things? I work every day and night just to keep this City prosper and wealthy. Yet you always give me a lot of troubles again, do you think when saying sorry it'll end?" Goddess Athena humiliated his son in front of them. Demetir got hurt inside his heart and feeling disappointed by himself, crying quietly and then he runs away from them feeling so ashamed. "All I did was for you to notice me and make you proud! But whenever I want my mother, you are always working and working didn't know that your son is feeling abandoned and left alone without anyone to be with!?" Zion suddenly stopped eating and then walks slowly towards Goddess Athena.

"Hey, Athena! What are you doing? Treating your child like that? You do know that you are doing the wrong way? It's bad to make your son suffer like that.." "Filthy mortal brat!? You dare talk to me like that?! And so if I speak and act as I want? Did your teacher told you to interrupt other's business?! And are you a god who is very perfect in everything? You are just a stupid weak mortal brat!? Hahaha! You make me laugh..." *This girl... I'll discipline you later when I get back home in the Heavenly Kingdom... Ohh, wait! How about this...* "Athena, you talk too much. How about we settle this in a fight?" "Huh?! Presumptuous!? Do you think you can win?! A Little mortal like you?!" Athena felt so disgusted seeing Zion's face.

"Well, if you win, I will no longer discipline you and I will also offer what I have to you, including my life, if necessary. Do what you want with me I don't care. But If I win, you must say sorry to your son-" "Huh?! You actually dare?!" "Say apology in public.." "Brat, I'm busy with my work, I don't have time to play with you right now.." "Are you scared or feeling embarrassed to apologize in public?" *To make Athena agreed, I need to let her get distracted until she gets annoyed..* "So, are you not?" "Fine, since you are so arrogant and a fool, let's have a match then." "Yes! And I'm still not finished yet, because not only that, but you must also give me three High-Grade treasures and good benefits that will satisfy my mind." "Hahaha!? Do you really think you can win?" "Deal?" "Hhmm... Fine, weak mortals always think highly of themselves... Then this will be your doom." The two were having their conversation while Stella was still on her chair, listening to them while having the sweet coffee that she never tasted before.

Athena prepared the place where they will be fighting. A stage upon the sky, where only two of them are there and a Video recording device from Athena's collection to sell the video from Utube and gain her lots of benefits from fans and subscribers. She changes her appearance into a human-size of 25 years old woman, she wears her outfit, the Heavenly Greek Goddess Golden High-Rank Armor, having her sword and shield which were also High-Rank. While Zion just summoned out his little Flame-Bone Sword which is in Middle-Rank. "You are the first player who has the privilege to have a match with me and witness the strength of a God Level. Are you proud? Hhmpp... Don't worry, I will make this fun to entertain our viewers, so can you show us your full strength and make your parents proud!? Hahaha!" "Sigh... Why are a lot of people talk too much in the middle of the match? Can we fight now?" Zion got tired waiting while Athena is still doing her speech on the recorder device. *Hhmm? I can't see what level is she? That's weird.. Well, let us see how strong is this Athena..*

"Ttsskk... Stupid Brat, here I come!?" Goddess Athena rushed through using her sword while Zion blocked it with his Flaming Bone Sword. "You freaking mortal brat!? I'm going to make you regret everything that you say?!" "Sshh... You talk again!" Zion gets easy on her and giving a weary attitude. *Her strength is beyond what I imagine it would be, I think, big sis Stella can't stand against her and she will clearly be wiped out for just a single swing of Athena's sword... So that means, this person is really her...* Zion noticed her strength and compared it to the real Athena that he knows while dodging and blocking her attack, and he sometimes got careless and stumbled in front of her that made her startled and laughed. "Stupid mortal!? Stop being so careless and focus! Activate! Thousand Sword Shower!" She cast her first skill and then thousand of yellow swords showed up and surrounds Zion, as soon as she moved her sword, the thousands of Swords instantly pierce through the ground and trying to hit Zion

Zion defending himself by hitting each sword that will strike him, but still, he got hit and having scratches made by those shower swords. *So, she can also use her owned skill? How many skills does she have? Don't tell me she has all of her owned skills?!... Wait! She isn't even giving her all...!?* Zion suddenly noticed a flame sword from his back and moving on his direction, so he immediately blocked it using both hands to stop the sword. "Hahaha, foolish mortal brat! You'll get burned by that sword! ...!? How... How can you break my sword that easily?!" Zion already knew that he will not get burnt by the flames, because of his passive skills (God's Blood). And when he got the chance he immediately broke the flaming sword. "Is that all you've got?" "Piss off... Die you fool!? Activate! Thunder Spear!"

She used another skill again and then summoned out a spear with thunderous magic power. "Strike! Strike! Strike!?" While holding her spear and moving upward, a flash of lightning showed up and struck Zion's body three times as she shouted. "Now you're done. Hmmph....!?" "Sigh, Zeus thunder was more itching than this one... Can you be more serious?" Zion got hit, and his HP got only decrease by 1% for he also has resistance from it. And his HP regenerate instantly again and again without him knowing. *This mortal kid!? How is that possible? He can still stand up by those lightning strikes? Even though he is still in level 3?! Impossible!?" *That strikes can literally kill the Monthly Boss that I killed before... 100% sure, she is Athena, but why is she here?* Goddess Athena got infuriated and couldn't believe what she just witnesses.

"Now, it is my turn.." Zion immediately rushed towards Goddess Athena and used his little sword to sliced her armor like a stone. And then suddenly Goddess Athena's armor got shattered into pieces. *...!?* "Im...Impossible!? I can't see him?! Ahh!? My armor?! How... How can he cut my Heavenly Armor just like that?!" *Could he be using a skill to cut it?!* "Now, surrender?" Zion asked her directly. "You!? You mortal brat leave me no choice but to do this!? Let me show you what I am capable of... Activate! Goddess of War Transform!?" Goddess Athena suddenly Transforms herself into a god size Goddess, having her wings spread out, her shiny Platinum Armor with helmet, and her God of War long shiny sword. "Now, I can see your true form, Athena..." *This time, she will definitely getting serious now... Sigh... She really has a barbaric mind..* Zion finally sees her true form.

When Goddess Athena waved her long sword downward, even though Zion was far away from her, but the sword has magic that can strike through and leave a marked on the ground. "Ohh?... That's too powerful... Just as I am expecting it to her..." "Shut up insolent mortal brat!? Go die!?" She used her long sword again and again, and whenever the sword strike it leaves a marked of a slice on the ground, on the pillars and even in the cloud wall. She moves so fast like a lightning, her strength and power got so heavy. *She truly is the mighty warrior goddess... But, I can't just run away and dodge..* "Then, let me show you who you are dealing with too..." Zion started to use his skill. "Activate! [8 Deadly Sin]! Transform my soul and become the [God of Pride!]" Zion transformed himself into an Angel Knight. "Yo... You!? You're the Angel Knight?!" "Yes, and not only that, my Thena, my dear daughter, How are you?" When Zion spoke to her calmly, Goddess Athena suddenly got stunned and couldn't move an inch. *The...Thena... Thena?!* "Fa..Fa...Father? Is that you?.." "Yes my dear child, Thena. It's me.." "Fa... Father!? How come you get here?! Did uncle Thomanos told this to you?! That old man.."

"No my child, I only found out when I saw you. At first, I thought you were just an NPC that Thomanos made, but when we gave each other's move, I saw the original moves that I taught to you. But today, you have made so many wrongdoings behind my back. You do know what the punishment is, right? But, don't worry, I have made my mind that I am not here to punish you, instead you are going to fulfill our deal." Zion told her what his plan all along, and why he wanted to fight with her in the first place. "Yes Father, your daughter is very sorry for what she has done, so please do as you wish in the name of Athena that you have given to me.." "Then let us finish this match and get ready to deal with the consequences." "Yes Father, your daughter is ready.." "Here it comes! Kendama's Smite!" Zion smashed her using his Kendama and hit Goddess Athena, all her armor and sword got shattered and even her dark soul got banished in thin air, leaving only her innocent soul and fainted body in a huge cracked ground stage. *Hhhmm? What was that shadow just now?* Zion saw a black shadow that disappearing from the body of Athena.

(Twinkle! Twinkle!) A new message screen pops up in front of Zion. *A message? What could it be?* He then immediately opened it and read what's written inside. "Congratulations on defeating one of the HEAVENLY GREEK GODS! Your Stats will now rise by 50% and your skills will now be level up by one! Three golden rewards! Please choose one by clicking the chosen reward box.." (Beep!) *Warning! Your Stats has already been exceeding the system limit! Increasing Stats Incomplete!* *System will automatically clear the problem! Removing Complete!* "Heh?! What are these for? So many window screen pops up in front of me! Let's go back to the message and get that reward!" Zion immediately presses the X button to cancel all the other extra screen windows that showed up and then go back to the Message Screen.

*So there's something like this, and then Bonus reward? Interesting...* "Then, I'll choose the middle one...!!" As soon as Zion pressed the golden box, the message immediately got deleted and the golden box automatically transferred inside his inventory. Bell rings 3 times from the sky. (New record! New record! Match Challengers; Goddess Athena vs. Angel Knight! Winner: Angel Knight!) The announcer in the sky repeated it 3 times that made the whole Miracle Universe heard the big news. (You will now be teleport back into the Palace. Congratulation!) And then suddenly Zion got teleported back inside the teleportation room alone. "Hoo... That was tiring... I need to rest and eat lots of food today!" As Zion was about to log out, a voice coming from afar and calling him. "Father! Father! Father!" Goddess Athena shouted while rushing towards Zion, and then quickly hugged him so tight in human-size form.

"Eh? What are you doing? " "Father, Your Thena misses you! Sob..sob.." "Come now, don't be such a kid.." Zion tapped her head and babying her. "Father, Thena is so very sorry for what she did, Thena Doesn't remember and still having unclear memories. But I hope Father will forgive me... Sob... Sob.." "You are not to blame for your action is just normal. Sometimes we made a mistake and learn from it. Especially you, since you already have a son, you must accept what a mother's duty to her son.." "Yes Father, Athena will now not just my work but also to my son.." Athena and Zion were having a Father and Daughter conversation inside the teleportation room. "Goddess! Goddess!" "Mother! Mother! What happened!?" The guards, Demetir and even Stella rushed to where Zion and goddess Athena are. "My son! Come here! This is yo-" Goddess Athena was about to reveal Zion's secret, but Zion immediately whispered to her his secrets, so she quickly covered it up.

"I.. I lost to the Angel Knight... Sob..sob.. But this little mortal tried to comfort me. He is such a good little kid, and very kind, caring, loving-" "cough..cough.." Zion interrupted her. "Anyways, let us go inside and have a feast tonight! Even though I have been defeated by that incredible Hero, we must still celebrate tonight!" "Really?" "Of course my son.." "So the news is true! You saw Angel Knight?" "Yes, and he is very handsome as a mortal..." The two spent their time talking to each other. "So, the Announcement was true? You defeated her?" "Hhmm... That's what it says so.." "Can you tell me what did you do and how did you end up having worn-out clothes?" "Well..." Zion explained to her what happened but didn't tell her what Zion and Goddess Athena were talking about during their fight.

Evening came, and the feast has just started. Zion wears new clothes that Goddess Athena gave, and even gives Zion and Stella a seat next to her and Demetir. During the celebration, Goddess Athena started to live streaming. Zion was looking around to look for the other gods. *Hhmm..? They are not here? Did Athena didn't invited them?* "Ahhemm. Good evening everyone! To all the viewers out there! I have a special announcement to make. As you can see here, sitting next to me, his name is Demetris. My son and the next Heir in my city!" All the people inside the party were all shocked while others were clapping their hands to congratulate him.

"And also, I am now allowing my son to train himself to become the best warrior just like me, that means, I will now become not only his mother but also his Teacher! And these are his friends! The Goddess Moonlight, Stella White and Little Wanderer, Kyrius Zion! They will also be respected inside my city for they will also become my disciples! Harming them means you are also threatening me!? Don't disrespect my rules or you will face the consequences... That's all, see you next time!?"

She then ended the live streaming and continued their party. Zion and Stella got the message and said that the secret quest has been completed. It made the two so happy that they finished their quest even though there are no rewards at all but having the compensation of becoming a VIP player inside the City feels worth it to them. They dance, sing, and enjoying the wonderful night inside the palace, yet little did they know that someone is watching them from the dark. a blurry shadow flew away like a wind.