Chapter 35

Wait wait brothers you haven't introduce them to your little Ji?

Huh little Ji sorry we forgot.

Let me introduce you to your sister in law. She is Milli Jas My Fiancee.

Haa.. You are also Engaged.!!!

Yes yes . .. we didn't get time to bring back you.

Very bad .. Humph i am very upset.

Hey little girl why are you upset with only me you have to upset with him also . dreak Pointed His finger to Claud . And to your Brother wind also ..

Huh why ?

Because he also have your sister in law beside him .

Haaaww... She get close to Claud ask

When did these happened.

My brother's are really fast .. now what will happen to them they will die seeing you with someone else.

Huh Tina saw Claud with questioning manner..?

So as Milli saw Dreak ?

Don't give me that look . She is just joking.

No sister in laws they have girlfriend before you

Brother Dreak had 10 dates and they didn't even broked up .

10 dates ? Humph really Mr Wu.

No .. no baby you are the first and last .

then Tina asked to lana and what about him.

He .. he was having 15 dates didn't they tell you before.


Little Ji ... Dreak and Claud said together..

Are you going to destroy our engagement little Ji.

Huh what did i say wrong ? I have the evidence .. Brother's

What evidence did you have Claud ask ?

The precious love letter...

You didn't throw them away??

Huh didn't throw means whatever she is saying its true right .

Nope .. how can I throw them. They are your precious belonging..

Tina lets go we will take taxi.

Hmm lets go.. they got angry..

Hey little girl tell them the truth otherwise our marriage will be in trouble.

Please I have been chasing her from past month now she has agreed to be my girl please tell the truth . Claud said.

Haha brother you asked for it .

My brother's are getting married and I am not knowing it.

We are sorry for that girl please ask them to stop .

I want compensation,!

Sure sure whatever you want everything will be yours.

But first stop them.

Okay ..

Sister in law's... Wait for me.

What do you want?

Actually sister in law's I was joking... They are totally virigins ..

Virgins? Milli asked.

Huh. my 3 brothers are monks before meeting you guys.

Thry didn't even inform me so i was upset but they the best you are lucky meeting them .. she chuckled..


Really they didn't have any affair before.

Swear to god. They are handsome monks of the city.

Monks? Not at all ..

Huh who is monk Dreak came towards them and ask.

Lana chuckled.

Hey little girl tell me what are you talking.

Its girls talk brother.

Well its getting late lets go .... Lana said.

But our matter? Calud ask making adorable face..

Achoo!! Achoo!! I Will tell you afterwards.

You did you catch cold.

Huh i seems to be.

Lets go if brother Wind know I am still here.

He will be mad. .

Okay okay lets get going then.

Huh are you still mad at us.

I will let you know once we reach home.

Huh home baby okay then I will take you home.


Claud tina and lana went in one car while Milli and Dreak.

Lana was dropped in Ji mansion and other two went to Clauds Villa.

Huh why do you bring me here . I want to go home.

Isn't it your home.

Ah ? We are not married so For now tgese is not Mr Yu .

So lets get married Tomorrow Mrs Yu.

Mrs Yu ?

Yes you are my Mrs Yu.

Well drop me back . I will go home.

No you will be moving here tomorrow.

Why ?

Because I don't want to sleep alone . With you I can exercise something.

Hahh?? You .. humph.

Claud removed his seat belt and lean close to Tina .

Hey what do you want?

I will take it by my self.

Huh.. hmm. Ummm..

He palced kiss on her lips.

You hoogolian ...

Well I will be only yours promise.

Ah.. lana said you were virgin so that means you never dated nor did anything ??

Huh these Little thing.

I gave you all my first times. Kiss, smooch, hug , even virginity claud said very calmly.

Her face flashed red.

So you have to be responsible don't you.

Responsible .. i didn't do anything . Why should I be responsible ..

Of course baby you have to . I gave you my first and taken your first.

Hmm .so you have taken my also so we are even don't we.

Lets go inside.. .

Hmm .

In Ji mansion Nobody ask Lana about Wind And Diana.

She directly went to her room.

She closed the door.

And recall what happened in hill.

Why do feel pain seeing his face.

I even hit him . I did nothing wrong.

He hurt my precious brother its nothing wrong.

Nothing wrong na. .. but why I feel bad . Her eyes became teary..

Tears.. huh why?..

I will go take shower and after that I will sleep . Not too think much for that guy now.

she taked shower and went to sleep.

In hospital

Wind was waiting for Diana to wake up.

Sitting by her side he was thinking why they have to face all these.

And what that guy was saying ... What happened in past? All these question were running in his head.

He saw Diana's finger moved.

Diana could you hear me..


You finally woke up..

She opens her eyes.

Wind... Why i am here?

You fainted so i brought you here.

Huh.. i see..

Are feeling better.

Yeah i am fine don't panic.

She sit up.

He hugged her tightly.

Ahh.. soory sorry .. did i hurt you more?

No wind i am fine just little scratches.

Why I didn't Protect you well ? I am sorry Diana you are again hurt.

You protect me well Wind . Its just situation got worse its not your fault.

Please don't you didn't hesitate even for a second to hand over yourself that men.

Because I can't loose you. I.. you are my everything you know. I can loose my self for ypur sake but cannot even imagine any thing happens to you.

And that's enough for me I know how much you love me. And I am proud to have you so don't look down on yourself... And nevwr think that I could leave without you.

Diana hug wind. ..

I love you..

I love you 2.

Now give a big smile... You look good in your poker face not in these emotional fool.

Poker face .. emotional fool?

Seems like i have to punish you.

Hey want are you doing..

U..mmmumm He kissed her ..

I am still a patient.

Huh.. fine i will punish you harder in our bedroom .

You.. ..

I am hungry..

I will bring you some porridge...

No i want to eat chicken wings with mushroom fried rice..

Nope you will have porridge only now.

Why .. i don't like its taste .. yakk .. euuu.

Baby you can have it when we reach home but for now eat what i will bring.

Humph .. fine. But bring it fast .. i am so Hungry.

Wind went to the canteen of the hospital and brought two bowls of Porridge.

There you are .. i am dying of hunger.

My little pig let me feed you.

You are pig ...

He chuckles..

You open your mouth . I will feed you

No need i can eat my own.

Let me do it your hand was injected with the drip.

It will hurt if you move your hand.

Now open your mouth...

Aaaa... Ummn.

Its delicious....