Chapter 36

It was around five in the morning ..

Rose waked up to drink some water .but her jug was empty.

These maids nowadays always forget to fill my jug from water.

She went downstairs to fetch water.

Lana was in her room she was dreaming about something she suddenly screamed and waked up.

While coming back Rose heard Lana screaming...

Lana's voice..

Lana .. when she went in her room

Lana was taking very slow breath.. and painting...


Lana what happened child .. she went near to her bed.

Lana saw Rose she pounces and hugged her...

Lana what happed baby . Tell mum. Did you have a nightmare...

Hmm.. it was horrible mom.. so horrible.

My child.. when she touched lana

She was burning like fire.

Butler.. butler... Come fast. Rose shouted and called Butler.

Baby ypu are burning .. having a fever no doubt you had nightmare due to fever.

Butler came and asked .. rose what happens..

Madam what happened to young Miss .

Thankgod you came give call to jashper . Tell him to come asap in mansion.

Lana is having very high fever..

Yes i will call him now.

Lana was breathing heavily. .. Rose got scared ...

What did he say... When he is coming.

Madam i called him but nurse picked up the call and said that doctor jaspher is in operation theatre ..

Oh god ... Butler Lana fainted.

Madam young miss is having high fever we can't take risk

Fever might effect the brain. It will be more dangerous.

lets go to the hospital .

Yes you are right

Lets take lana hospital then.

Yes i will get the car ready now...

I will chamge fast.

Lana hold on baby mum is taking you hospital.

Lana was broughy to the hospital were Wind and Diana was .

Wind was sleeping on the sofa .. and Diana on the bed.

.. he heard the voice of Rose..

He wake up .. mom did hallucinating .. How come i heard mom's voice.

He laughed at himself.

He saw Diana was sleeping soundlessly.

He went near to her and kiss her on her forehead.

He again heard Rose voice ..

Again. .. let go and check.

He came out of the room .. Wind saw Rose was Calling the doctor..

Mom what are you doing here.

Wind .. why are you here son?

I told Lana to not to tell you but she .. anyways ..

What do mean .. what happened to you?

I am fine Diana was in room . She just inhaled little amount of smoke so . But she is fine now . You can go back home.

What why didn't you informed me .. how is she?

She is fine Mom.

Don't worry she is just sleeping now.

I will call Butler and asked you to take back.

No no .. i am here with Lana and Butler .

Lana had very high fever.

What..? Where is she?

Doctor has just taken her to the room.

Mom don't worry . I will ask jashper to attend her.

Young master? How come you came so fast?

Butler asked.

I was here with Diana.

Butler please do the hospital paper work they asked me but I don't want to leave Lana now.

Don't worry Madam i have filled all the necessary things on the reception.


Mom i will ask Jashper to come here.

Young master I called him he was in hospital only but in operation theater..

Then I will leave message for him.

No need boss Ji I am here. Jaspher said from behind them

There you are Lana had very high fever please go and check her.

Little ji is here . I will go and check it now don't worry boss Madam ji .

They were waiting outside .

Mom you go and rest in Diana's room . I and butler will be here . I will inform you when jaspher will come.

But lana.?

Mom. I am here . You go and rest little bit.

Okay I will be Diana's side.

You be here and inform me everything okay wind.

Sure mom.

Rose went inside Diana's room. She was sleeping.

Huh how come she got hurt .

Wind realize that he didn't tell Rose about the incident so he asked Butler to stay there and he went inside the Diana's room.

Mom .? Wind why she was hurt these much?

Mom actually think today.... In resort every women was kidnapped.

What? How come.

Police is investigating... Don't worry Mom.

How come I don't worry... Wait lana she was also there..

Did Lana also was kidnapped?

No Mom ahe was not . But she got drenched in rain.. i am sorry I didn't protect them well.

Mom please don't get mad at him. Diana said she woked up due to there voice .

Diana how are you child? Rose asked.

I am fime mom just little tired .

Mom don't blame him . And because of lana only we are fine.

Because of Lana?

Yes mom she saved us . She didn't accompanied you here.

She was in hospital only but in other room.

Other room . Mom what happened to her .. wind.? Diana asked while sitting up.

Wind helps her to sit .

She had a very high fever.. Rose said.

Oh god ! How is she now?

Doctors are examining her.

You rest i will go and check there . Mom you..

I will be with her don't worry .

Takecare wind patted on Diana's head.

Mom don't worry she will be fine.

I will go and check.

Hmm ...

Diana you rest . I will be here .

Mom you can also relax there on couch . Wind will be taking care of lana.

Yes child.

Wind was waiting outside the ward..

Until jashper came and told Wind that she got fever due to shock.

Bro she got shocked over something that she had ended up with fever.


Maybe what happened on Hill she was thinking that I shouldn't have leaved her alone.

Don't need worry bro she will be fine when the fever will down.

You can be her side . I will take my leave. .i have to see some patients.

Yeah thanks .

No need afterall she treat me as brother so i can do anything .


Jashper . Left there.

Wind ask butler to deliver the message to his mom

Butler pleade inform mom ..

That Lana will be fine after the fever comes down.

Okay young master i will go and tell her now.


Wind went inside Lana's ward.

Lana is looking so pale.. she was sleeping .. at that time

Wind sat beside her bed. Caring her hair ..

Wind recalled what happened in the hill ..

You are my baby angel Lana .. please don't let anything happens to you... Yesterday what happened .. is my bad .

You have to see all these . But brotger promises you i will protect you...

He is thinking thinking and concluded that .. the fever which was because of shock is related to the incident..

may be that is the reason you are here lana .

I am not going to spare him.

He not even hurt Diana but leaved bad impression on you my dear . Because of him you are here .

No brother ..... Lana said she opens her eye's.

Lana are you feeling better.. i will call Jaspher..

Hmm.. wind called jaspher .. he came and checked lana her fever had gone.

Yo my little sis you are strong the fever is gone .

You can go home by evening.

Thanks brother jas.

Boss sis is alright then i will let her rest . I will come and check her after a while.


Wind sat near her .

Are you fine dear.

Yes brother I am strong Ji you know na. I am alright.

Brother you are saying something about that person? Before I wake up...