Chapter 37

Before I woked up you were saying about that guy

That was nothing dear take rest .

Brother please don't leave me na ..

I will be hwre by your side don't worry.. little angel.

You know brother .. today i dreamt about him..


Yes about that guy who kidnapped you guys.

... Not only him we were all there..

I was also there... There was so ... So much of blood ..

Its so horrible.... She cried .. ao loudly

Rose came to see her heard her crying she ran towards her and comforted her..

Baby what happened .. why are you cring tell mum ..

Wind what happened to her why she is crying like these again...

Mom... I don't know .. she started crying when she is telling me something about her dream.

Dream.. ? She told me also about these.

Before fainting.

Mom. .. every where is blood... I can't open my eyes.

She was panicking .. trembling just by thinking of the horrible scene of her dream...

Wind saw Lana was trembling..

Jasper .. jadper .. wind shouted

Jaspher and butler rushed tontge wards ..

Diana also heard .. wind was shouting

She also came out of her ward.

She saw Butler ..

Butler what happened .. why wind was shouting ..

I don't know madam .. he was calling Dr Jasper ..

He rushed to the ward i am also going there.

Please let me also come with you.. maybe Lana was not good..

Let me also come.. Diana said

You .. he thought sometime and noded his head in yes....

Madam come I will give you hand to walk.

Jasper went inside and saw .. .. Lana was trembling and crying..

What happened to her ..

Check her first .. she might be frightened again.

Let me check her...

wind thought same thing was said buy that men.

Could it be just coincidence.. i need to find out..

Mom you take Care of her i am going somewhere it's really urgent..

Brother ..whe..where are you go .. going?...

I am going to the police station..

You rest and don't think of anything else okay.

I Will be Resting after i will back from police station..

Why do you want to go police station

That's because I want to meet that guy.

What ? No you are not going to meet him.

Brother you promised me that you will take me to him . Please i want to meet him . I need to meet him

No means no .... Because of shock you got these high fever...

Brother please ...

If i can't meet him i will die of thinking everything...

I want some answers from him.

What answers I will ask him everything.

Lana what are you talking whom you were so eager to meet ...

Mom that men.. he was there .. he ... Everything was covered with blood .. ..

I want to meet him .. i want...i can't.. endure these .. every time I close my eyes .. he will appear. ...

Brother take me with you.

Jaspher .. wind signed him to give her some sedative.

Jaspher called the nurse and instructed her to bring injection.

Lana was telling wind to let her come with him.

Wind where she wants to go ..

Mom that's nothing .

Diana also came with butler ...

Seeing lana in that state she feel really bad for her .. how could that happens to her.

Why are you here go to your room and rest.

But lana she ?

She is fine just frighten.

Jaspher injected sedative to lana .

And after that only she calmed and went into deep sleep.

Rose was worried .. Diana went to her and told ber not to worry Lana will be fine.

Wind tell me what's going on with her.

She .. is so scared.. you can't let her anything happens to her . You know na..

Wind went near rose he kneeld before her and hold Lana's hand and said.

Mom i know I had promise them. So i won't let her hurt.

she will be fine ..

You also don't worry.

But what she was saying. ..

Mom she wants to meet the kidnapper.

What .. why and how can she knows him.

Mom she doesn't know him.

Then.. why she?

Mom everything I will be telling you after i will be back.

Wind. .. okay take care of yourself.

Jasper came to wind and asked why lana got so much frighten .

Wind explain everything to Jaspher and ask him to take care of her he was going to meet Luke .

Luke who is he ? .. Jasper asked

The kidnapper. . You take care of here I will ask dreak to come here .

Huh sure . I will be here don't worry.

Mom Diana I have some matter you guys be here and jaspher will be checking Lana's condition time to time.

Wind told them and he went out of the ward..

Wind called Claud and asked him to come to the police station.

Hello claud...

Yes sir .

Come to the police station now . And ask Tina to coke to Diana.

Okay sir i will be there now.and ask tina to go therem


Then he called Dreak and asked him to come over hospital with Milli .

Dreak called milli ask her to be ready to go to hospital.

Wind waited for Dreak to come to hospital.

Bro why are you here. ..

Meantime Tina also reach there .

Wind ask both of them to go to Diana .

They went inside with out any queries .

Bro look stressed what happened?

Lana was related to luke.

What .? How she is related to taht kidnapper.

She got high fever due to shock .

And it is related to luke . I am going to police station ypu are coming with me.

Of course I will be .. but first let me see little sis.

Huh go she is in room 3001 .

You are not coming.

No i will go fetched the car and will be waiting for you in gate.

Come fast.

Oh ok then i will hand over the car keys to milli if they need . They can use it.

Huh okay.

Dreak went to see lana .

The pale look doesn't suit on the playful, cheerful girl he saw for kid. .

He also thought that luke has really did something so she ended up here.

He came back to the gate where wind was sitting in his car.

Wind drove his car from gate after dreak came and sit. and he went to the police station where luke was imprisoned..

Claud already came to the police station . And waiting for wind.

He saw Winds car and went near to it.

Dreak and wind step out of the car.

Boss i have arranged everything.

Just we need to meet him. Claud said.

Boss but i had checked his background he is someone we don't know.

We know him wind said .

We know him ? Both dreak and claud Said together.

Hmm... You guys remember my accident 4 years ago and i was in coma state for 1 year.

Yeah why.. so..

I doubt it is also related to him.

Even he knows our past life . Which was only known by us three . Mom also don't know much but he .. he knows everything.

How could it be possible. Calud said.

We will know once we go there and ask him dreak said .

There were so many unfolded pages of that life yet unrevealed.

Then lets go and ask him.

Hmm.. let's go inside.

They went inside .. the officers greeted wind and told him

That luke was in interrogate room...

I want to talk him in person. Claud and dreak you guys come with me ..

Huh okay .

The officer also did not say anything because he knows he can't offend Wind Ji.

He just lead the way to the room.