The Floating Platform

Everyone was anxious to hear the words of the royal knight Rumel Grow, a tall man with long brown hair, wearing silver armor with blue details, a long sword at his waist indicated that he was a knight in fact and on his chest. the blazon of the kingdom, he looked at the crystal of time marking zero starting the guild battle tournament, from that moment an hour separated the guilds of the next phase, those who standing at the base would be the first step to the Grand final.

And so the floating platform phase began, all the guilds went into attack mode and started to act, some went to the other, some would rather move away from the center to avoid direct conflict, and shortly after the battles began, Several guilds were already facing each other to get more down and eliminate potential opponents in the next phase.

Hytori: That's crazy. - when seeing multiple spells cast from all sides.

Aysa: -Wow, they're really so serious.

Hytori: And you thought it was a joke?

Aysa: I didn't say that, I just didn't think they would taste like gas.

Kamero: -I like gas? He looks at her without understanding the expression.

Hytori: -What world did you live in kamero?

Kamero: I don't understand those expressions, okay, I bet it wasn't just me.

Yashina: I get it.

Sarina: - Until I get it, and I don't even know where you are from.

Hytori: -Seeing.

Kamero: - Let me, - annoyed, - Now you started to remember the plan.

-right! they all said.

Sarina: -Hm ... -Looking at Hytori as I remembered the plan that was created by kamero the day before.

Kamero: -The plan is as follows, Yashina and Sarina will be our attackers, with the magic of light and wind we will have the long-range advantage, I will be our defender using my ice spells to protect us, Aysa will be our combatant. At close range, with its effect, can it prevent those coming into the melee, all in agreement?

Sarina: Wait a minute, and why isn't Hytori part of the plan?

Kamero: Well, just because he's our strongest member, but ...

Sarina: -But? Sarina asked without understanding.

Kamero: -But it's also our weakest member as it doesn't control your magic.

Sarina: -How?

Kamero: That's why he'll be out of the plan and only help if necessary.

Sarina: I don't understand.

Yashina: We have reasons for that. - looking down.

Hyori: -Alright Sarina. - looking with a smile at her.

Sarina: -Why ... - With your thoughts back to battle.

They braced themselves when they see a guild approaching them at high speed. Yashina and Sarina are ahead, just behind them is Kamero with his grimoire in hand, right beside him are Aysa and Hytori.

???: Damn, we have to lose them.

???: -have a guild ahead.

???: -We do not have time;

???: -that, use everything in them.

???: -balls of water!

???: -cannon of fire!

The blows emerge from the hands of their casters and head toward the Exo Guild, creating a dark smoke upon reaching their location.

???: -They didn't even deviate, what losers.

???: Let's move on!

Sarina: What a soft spot.

They widen their eyes as they see them intact emerging from the smoke.

???: -what?

???: -not this one.

The guild is amazed at that and they don't know what to do and they look back as if expecting something.

Yashina: -I don't get out of training. - Says to see Sarina walk forward.

Sarina: -Oh, there. Cyclone beat! - Catching their fans moved them to create a cyclone that blocks the attacks that came against them.

???: -what magic is this?

???: -I don't know anymore let's get out of here. - They start, walking away.

Sarina: -No, no, who said I leave? Looking at them with a look of pleasure. - gust of wind!

It creates a large mass of air with its fans, being thrown at its opponents in the form of a gust of winds generated from their fans.

Barsel Aimada: -hmm, -when seeing that wind attack at one point in the arena. -Alfrend, where's Sarina?

Alfred: Well, she was angry about that and didn't want to come watch, sir. - that was in one of the many boats present there, with the Mayor to watch the first phase, - Any problem?

Barsel Aimada: -No, Alfrend. It must be nothing, she thought as she finished speaking.

Back in battle, Sarina was glad that she had managed to eliminate them all at once.

Sarina: -That's great, isn't it.

Hytori: -...

Aysa: -...

Kamero: -...

Exo Team: 5 points.

Yashina: You irresponsible, what do you think you're doing?

Sarina: -What are you talking about, girl?

Yashina: You deviated from training, putting us all at risk.

Sarina: -It's all right, didn't it?

Yashina: -but if I hadn't?

Kamero: Forget it for now, there's a guild approaching.

Another group approaches them, this one was different, they didn't arrive attacking like the other.

???: - Too bad, you managed to bring down those beings before us.

???: -They should be much weaker than we thought.

???: -lose for humans.

???: -typical of inferior beings.

They had looked different from humans, their skins were white, almost visible through them, with long silver hair, their eyes were slightly larger and their ears were pointed.

Hytori: -What are they?

Kamero: Judging by their appearance they must be, Elfs ...

The five elves smile with a terrible aura, that mana that emanated from them was absurd.

???: -We are the Eyalnir Guild, and we will defeat them, inferior beings.

Hytori: Who's calling your retarded inferior?

???: -you really.

Hytori: Call again then.

???: -Don't demean me to being like you.

Hytori: -arrrr.

Kamero: - Don't get in his Hytori, these guys seem to be strong.

Sarina: That's awesome! - all euphoric. "I always wanted to fight elves." - holding his fans in his hands.

???: - Without further ado. - He sets off at high speed against the Exo guild, Sarina steps forward undoing the formation again.

Kamero: -Sarina, don't do anything. -noticing her leave.

Sarina: -Gusts of wind! generating several winds through her fans, she throws several gusts at the defending elf and so she rushes at him.

???: -We will see how to do, inferior Human.

The two begin a battle of wind against what appeared to be bursts of energy.

Hytori: -We have to ... - A blast and energy is spear at him but Yashina protects him using his magic.

???: -Your ally underestimates us, so she will suffer the consequences.

Hytori: Damn.

Kamero: -Don't get out of position! He shouted as he realized they were surrounded by the elves.

Hytori: -Sarina ... -Looking at her.

Sarina: -Then you are the one I will defeat first.

???: -You are very confident for an inferior woman.

Sarina: It's not trust, it's determination.

???: -I will end your determination now, plasma rays! - Several bursts of energy are thrown at her from all directions.

Sarina: That's faster, the more I am. - speaks by dodging all the blows applied to her.

???: -Do not underestimate me, inferior race, Plasma cannon! - The elf launches a major attack this time.

Sarina: -Dance of the winds! It begins to emanate wind from its fans which makes it lighter making it jump higher and dodge the plasma cannon.

???: -what?

Sarina: "Now it's my turn," soaring in the air over the elf lowering his guard for a moment as he saw her there. -wind of wind! - she creates from her fans a fist-shaped mass of air that hit the elf full against the floor.

???: -ah!

Kamero: She did it.

Hytori: -Wow.

Yashina: -She ...

Aysa: Very well, miga!

The elf was passed out on the floor, then the other elves step aside to protect his ally's body.

???: -He is alive. - Looking if your ally was breathing.

???: -You filthy, how dare you?

Sarina: -Is that really you and what army? - returning to the ground near Hytori.

???: -he may have underestimated you but now we will reveal our true power.

Sarina: -You can come, I'm holding my teeth here. - opening a smile.

Hytori: -Sarina!

Sarina: -...!

Out of nowhere one of them comes at a high speed near her and kicks her sideways, throwing her back hard.

Hytori: "hurrr" grabs her before she can hit the floor.

Kamero: -That's not ...

???: -I told you not to underestimate us.

Hytori: -Aysa!

Aysa: -...- impressed by that blow.

Yashina: -Hytori get down!

Hytori: Damn, there's no time.

Another elf tries to hit Hytori but is prevented by Kamero who protects him with an ice barrier.

Kamero: Stay tuned.

Yashina: - Spears of Light! - Casting various spears that are hurled at the 3 warriors that deflect at high speed and then immediately cast energy spells at them, Kamero uses his ice crystals to block some attacks but not all are prevented and hit him.

Hytori: -Sarina ... - Looking at her spasming in pain, her ribs were broken and a lot of blood was coming out of her mouth. -Aysa, quick!

Aysa: -Hytori. She comes around and runs to help them. -she is dead? - He said anguished to see her state.

Hytori: -No, we have to give the portion fast.

Aysa: -Right. - taking one of the potions he carries from his pocket in his clothes.

Kamero: Damn ... right now.

???: - Plasma bullets! - various energies in the form of bullets are launched against them.

Yashina: -Light screen! - protecting them from the blow. -Kamero, how are you?

Kamero: -I'm fine, let's get this over with.

Yashina: Okay, Hytori stay close to them.

Hytori: -Right. - distressed to see that the situation was ugly.

The 4 warriors start moving again and try to cross the light screen by striking it.

Yashina: -Kamero ...

Kamero: I know ...

The screen breaks and they cross the defense but are greeted by blows of ice and light, making them retreat again.

???: -this two...

???: -we have to eliminate them.

The elves begin to attack the two, several bursts of plasma crashing into the ice crystals and the lightning rays of Yashina, they do not stop the frantic attack for a second.

Kamero: If I keep going like this, I'll be without mana soon.

Yashina: We have to find a way to defeat them.

The shock of the blows creates an explosion generated thick smoke that covers everyone's field of vision.

Kamero: That's not good. - panting.

Yashina: Where are they? - she notices something. -Hytori!

Hytori: What kind of smoke is that? He stops when he hears Yashina's scream.

???: -I got it!

Hytori: -... Seeing energy surge through his face at high speed.