The Ruins

Ezek: - I see, so this is what happened, you were attacked by pirates.

Kamero: -this, so we heard about a builder who came to this mountain and was never seen again.

Ezek: -you are fools, to come after someone without even knowing if you were still more alive on that damn mountain.

Aysa: -wow what a person love.

Mimi: -And how did you end up here in this prison?

Nicelle: -I'm also curious.

Ezek: -I came to the winged city looking for inspiration to build a new flying vehicle, to analyze the behavior of these beasts, how to fly, aerodynamics was necessary, so I learned about this mountain, that there were rumors that there was a great amount of it of tilamite and gramusine, resistant and light materials that could enable me to create something already seen before, so I gathered some men who were not afraid of the stories told about mountain spirits and left on this expedition, after two days of searching for caves we did not find nothing, we were tired and without supplements, that's when he appeared ...

-who dare to climb my mountain?

-who are you? - seeing that being floating.

-the owner of that place. - casting instant freeze magic.

Ezek: -that man killed my frozen companions in a matter of seconds, being able to survive thanks to my embers magic, at least that's what I thought ...

-you are cunning and have quality that can be useful to me.

Ezek: -is when he realized that someone like me could serve more alive than the dead.

-you will be my blacksmith and build the drilling machine I need to extract the crystals from that mountain.

Ezek: Since then, I have been stuck here in this place, being forced to work, day after day, just to satisfy the greed of an evil being who wants to extract the resources of that mountain at the expense of sweat and the innocent life of those who may climb the mountain.

Kamero: - I understand, so that's how we ended up here. - thoughtful. -that figure I saw approaching us, captured us to work in the mines of that lord.

Aysa: -This is terrible.

Nicelle: -what a damn place.

Mimi: -We have to get out of here as soon as possible.

Ezek: -Do you think I haven't tried it? - holding on to the ice bars. -this place is a ruined fortress that has a tower in the center that prevents magical powers from being made, - lowering its head. I have been with my hammer here.

Kamero: -Hammer ... wait, - notice something. -Aysa try to duplicate your knives.

Aysa: -It's no use, magic doesn't work ... - with a knife in your hand that doubles. -It worked.

Nicelle: -more how?

Mimi: -Aysa's knife is not magic, it is her special ability.

Kamero: - Exactly, when Ezek spoke about his hammer, I thought he might have a skill, am I correct? - looking at Ezek who was stunned by that.

Ezek: -Yes, how did you realize that just from hearing me talk about him?

Nicelle: -it's his special ability to be a bore.

Mimi: -We can get out of here.

Kamero: -Aysa ...

Aysa: -I know, deadly whirl!

Aysa jumps and starts to spin in the air, launching her knives that split, hitting the bars in front of her, making her thinner and thinner.

Ezek: -This is incredible ...

Kamero: -Now, force the bars that are weakened!

The 4 begin to push against the bars that have been hit by breaking them, so they are free of the ice saddle.

Nicelle: -Good! - beating Aysa's hand.

Aysa: -Yeah! - patting Nicelle's hand.

Mimi: -We did it! - hugging Kamero.

Kamero: -...

Nicelle: -ui.

Aysa: -looks only.

Ezek: -If it's not going to bother you, you could let them grab, grab and get the fuck out of me

Mimi: -Sorry. - ashamed.

Kamero: -There's nothing. - awkwardly.

Aysa: -Get away.

Ezek moves away so as not to be hit by Aysa's deadly spin that strikes his blow against the bars causing them to weaken, then the bars are broken after forcing on the parts hit by the knives.

Ezek: -finally free!

Nicelle: -Don't get too excited, we're still in that castle.

Mimi: -and now, where to?

Kamero: -We have to find the way out.

Aysa: -more seems to be so big here.

Ezek: -I know how to get out, let's go up, come on! - when hearing footsteps coming in that direction. -drugs, they already realized.

Kamero: - from the other side.

Aysa: -No, there are more of them coming this way too.

Mimi: -What will we do? Aysa's knives cannot do so many without the paralyzing effect.

Ezek: -We have to find another way out.

Nicelle: -the only way out here is this hole in the wall.

Kamero: -Perfect, let's shrink and get into it.

Nicelle: -I already told you not toAysa: -Fuck it, I'm not going to stay here, knife throwing! - throwing several knives at those who were in charge of it.

-attack! - seeing several of his dead companions.

Ezek: -Very well, it sparked their ire.

Mimi: -not that.

Aysa: -I didn't think straight.

Kamero: - Now it's gone, keep throwing your knives.

Aysa: Protect yourself, deadly whirl! - throwing your knives in wobbly directions.

The goblins start to accumulate in the corridor as they are hit but Aysa gets tired and becomes too weak to continue to launch.

Aysa: -Kamero ... - kneeling.

Nicelle: -Drugs, Aysa hold on a little longer.

Mimi: -she already gave her maximum.

Kamero: -We have to take advantage of the gap made by her and get out of here.

They run to the right side, which was full of bodies on the ground, but more goblins appear in that direction.

Ezek: -We are surrounded again.

The goblins smile and prepare to take out their daggers when something comes out of the small hole in the wall and launches a blue flame that freezes all goblins even though they are made of ice.

Ezek: -what ...

Mimi: -It's that little dragon. - pointing at him.

Nicelle: -I never thought I would be so happy to see that thing again.

Aysa: -where did he come from?

Kamero: -the hole ... - felt the dragon touches him asking for affection.

Ezek: -it looks like he liked you.

Kamero: -Good boy ... - stroking him.

Nicelle: -It's not a dog.

Ezek: -temo wants to reach the upper level, soon others will appear and much worse.

Aysa: - play that mouth by sea.

Mimi: -I smell something coming from that direction.

Kamero: -then let's go for the others.

They run to the left side of the corridor next to them, the blue dragon accompanies them, freezing other goblins that appear.

Ezek: - Wait, I have to get something here. - stopping in front of a door.

Nicelle: - forget it, we have to get out of here.

Ezek: -go without me.

Aysa: -we came here for you so go fast old man we don't have much time.

Mimi: -what will it be?

Kamero: -I have no idea.

-how did they escape? - a being holding a flute appears in the corridor. -well it doesn't matter, they didn't go very far, symphonic treble.

The being made of ice and rock begins to play its instrument that emits a loud whistle.

Kamero: -that sound.

Aysa: -It's like that time. - holding your knives.

Nicelle: - it can't be, so he brought us here?

Mimi: -I'm feeling dizzy.

Kamero: -Aysa, quick before we are knocked out again.

Aysa: -I can't aim ... - feeling bad.

Nicelle: -I don't believe that.

Kamero: - until you ... - seeing that the dragon was reeling.

The ice being with its flute continues its attack until something hits it causing injuries to its body.

-what was this? - seeing the object return to its owner's hand.

Ezek: -Now it's my turn, hammer on fire! - Ezek's hammer starts to release embers when it touches the surface of the wall.

Kamero: -Ezek ...

Ezek was wearing his builder's clothes, a leather coat, gloves with apparels like what looks like a kind of flamethrower, on his head a pair of glasses and the golden hammer with carvings on an ancient tongue and a lock of his braided hair. on each side of the head to improve your vision.

Aysa: -Now you look like a builder now.

-I will show what Exemus is capable of, sound wave!

Exemus blows on his flute creating a sonic wave that goes towards them.

Ezek: -All right, hammer on fire! - creating a fireball that goes in the direction of the Exmus hit by hitting it.

Exemus: -this is impossible, you shouldn't use magic here.

Ezek: -And neither can you! - throwing another ball of fire that this time hits Exemus by throwing it against the wall of the room ahead.

Nicelle: -the old grouch is strong.

Mimi: -Yeah. - impressed.

Ezek: We were your weaklings.

Kamero: -He's finding himself now. - taking the dragon in his arms.

The 5 run through the room and head to a south corridor that leads to the center of the castle.

-lord exemus! - a goblin approaches him.

Exemus: - behind them. - pointing to the throne room.

In the forest of Nibs the inhabitants are desperate to see that they are being attacked by Lord Breus.

Elder Master: -Quickly get everyone out of here by passing seaweed.

Guard: -Yes sir.

Bastile: -We have to delay it until everyone is safe. - looking at some approaching guards.

Sarina: -We help. - looking at Ciara. -Ciara go with them.

Hytori: -You can count on us. - clenching his fist. -you also Linot.

Linot and Ciara follow those who are going out through the secret passage.

Guma: -we let our finger go down on that lord. - punching the hand.

Kyouka: -I'll stick my claws in this guy. - with his legs wrapped in mana.

Bastile: - so let's go. - running towards the entrance. talk to me in that tone.

Mimi: - stop!

Aysa: - we're going to die!

On both sides of the corridor appear small beings that are almost dragging themselves, with large heads and thin bodies of blue color, indicating that they are ice goblins.

-how did they leave? - speaking in a slurred voice.

Kamero: -goblins.

-Go back to your saddles and we will not hurt you.

Outside the forest, Breus' forces try to make their way up the mountain by throwing ice balls at it, some of the animans try to block attacks using magic but end up being wounded in battle and the passage has a fissure showing.

-lord we are almost opening the way, these lizards are too weak.

Lord: -Very well my dear Gzis, destroy this place and you will be rewarded.

Gzin: -Yes, sir, listen, destroy this stone now!

The specters of ice throw another ice ball from one of the catapults in the direction of the crack they made and when it was going to hit something it throws it in the other direction.

Sarina: -wind gale!

Gzin: -what?

Sarina using her wind magic to block the attack that came in the direction of the passage beside her was Hytori, Guma and Kyouka and Bastile trying to raise their injured companions.

Bastile: -fast inside. - delivering one of the lizards to the other feline guards.

Lorde: -I was wondering how much longer it would take for you to show up.

Bastile: -Breus ... - staring at him.

Lord: -Bastile, of all I thought you were the most reliable, the only one who would not regret betraying me.

Bastile: -I never saw you as a master, but as an evil being that I had the displeasure of serving for the good of my people.

Lorde: -what an insult, I gave you everything, a place, a new life and freedom.

Bastile: -this false freedom at the expense of others, your filthy lord will no longer be tolerated.

Gzin: -look at Bastile. - holding a sword.

Bastile: -Gzin .... how did you find this place?

-I answer that ....

A hidden but familiar voice appears before them.

Bastile: -Yevork ...

Hytori: -What else do I eat?

Guma: -He was dead, wasn't he?

Yevork: -when I realized that I was going to die frozen, split my soul in two and the other one escaped through the part that was rejoining my body, so I kept myself as a low-grade spirit so that they couldn't feel my presence, and what happiness you took me to this place.

Bastile: -then ran to tell your master.

Yevork: -Your job, by the way, for having thrown your damn thing at me! - creating a snowball full of spikes.

Sarina: -cut of wind!

Sarina destroys the ice ball he had thrown at Bastile.

Yevork: -you again ... - walking away.

Kyouka:-missed you? - showing the claws.

Lord: -If you are done playing, I have a proposal, join me and you can live, refuse and die, I will forgive your betrayal and spare your people.

Bastile: -...

Lord: -you have no chance against me and my army of ice warriors.

-Bastile, it's all gone! - a guard yells from inside the forest.

Bastile: -not this time! - taking your bow. arrow of a thousand screams!

Shooting upwards creating a wave of energy that hits the spectra causing them to be launched to the ground and be stunned.

Lorde: -Wrong choice, kill everyone! - about your disk.

Kyouka: -There are many.

Hytori: -we are going to die.

Guma: - for sure.

Sarina: - stop complaining and let's go! - taking your fans between your breasts.

So the battle against the ice army begins, Hytori using his black cloak wields his dagger and cuts off as many specters as possible, Guma and Kyouka get together and use feline attack combos to destroy more specters, Sarina uses her fans to launch away the specters that try to add to the passage.

Yevork: -you are mine!

Bastile: -I will kill him once and for all!

At Kamero Castle and the others reach the upper level where the throne room is located, a homeless place with an ice throne in the center and behind it is an ice tower.

Aysa: -then this is what impedes our powers?

Ezek: -Yes, in addition to manipulating the climate of this place.

Kamero: -it looks like a machine.

Mimi: -We have to leave, more of them are coming.

Ezek: -Let them come, I will take revenge on these idiots.

Nicelle: -he grew old.

Ezek: -but before, hot hammer! - reaching the throne and then the ice tower behind the throne.

The ice tower rocks when it receives the attack and soon begins to crack and fall into pieces falling on the side of the castle destroying one of the walls.

Mimi: -What are these things?

Aysa: -are crystals ...

Ezek: - Did that wretch want the stones for that?

The goblins arrive in the hall armed with spears.

-No, the master will be furious. - when seeing the tower destroyed.

Ezek: -I don't know about you but I feel very powerful, construction magic; hellish blowtorch! - a huge flame comes out of his device on his right arm and begins to destroy everything he touches. we went through that low place!

Kamero: -Ice magic: ice ray! - Raising his hands, he launches both freezing rays that hit the goblins, throwing them against the wall that is impacted.

-hhhuuurr - the dragon is amazed by that power.

Ezek: -Very good boy! - smiling.

Outside the goblins begin to gather from other places to attack.

Yashina: - did you see that?

Nizo: -that ray of ice that almost wipes out half the castle?

Yashina: -Yes, I'm pretty sure it was Kamero.

Yudi: -What was he doing there?

Yuri: -Yeah.

Yashina: -I don't know, we have to go over there and check.

Nizo: -waits Yashina !. - seeing the giant jumping from the top of the hill towards the castle.

Yashina: we are!

Yudi: -...

Yuri: -...

Nizo: -this girl ...

Inside the castle Kamero and the others continue to defend themselves from the goblins who are increasingly quick to attack and gradually surround them.

Aysa: -they don't stop coming.

Nicelle: -this will last forever, sharp lines!

Mimi: -We have to persist, water jet!

Ezek: -these creatures are the ones that are persistent.

A loud crash shakes the place and from the snow appears an ice giant that begins to destroy everything that lies ahead.

Aysa: -it's a monster.

Nicelle: -just what was missing.

Mimi: -this is the ...

Yashina: -needing a hand? - on the giant's shoulder.

Kamero: -Yashina. - smiling

Aysa: -friend!

Nizo: -It's you.

Yashina: -I said I didn't say.

Mimi: -Yudi, Yuri!

Yudi: -Mimi!

Yuri: -Mimi!

Nicelle: -I'm also here ...

Yashina: -How did they get here? and what is this place?

Kamero: -long story, but we found Ezek. - pointing at him.

Yashina: -Is that guy?

Ezek: -who ever saw a dwarf?

Nizo: -Ezek ...

Example: -it cannot be, the lord's castle ... - comes the room.

Kamero: -your castle is gone.

Ezek: -It's time to retire Exemus.

Exemus: -you damn you!

Ezek: -magic of construction: pillar of fire!

The pillar of fire appears below Exemus leaving him trapped inside the equivalent of a burning boiler melting him.

Aysa: -my ours.

With this defeat by Exemus the goblins flee in fear of what may happen to them.

Ezek: -That's right, escape your wretches!

Kamero: -We did it, we got out of this ice prison.

Aysa: -How good it is to feel the freshness of the air. - sitting on the floor.

Nicelle: -Don't tell me. - is thrown on the floor.

Mimi: -where is the king of this place? Shouldn't he be here?

Aysa: -We never left one and already want another?

Kamero: -she is right it's very strange he is not here.

Yashina: -We don't have time for that now, we have to locate Hytori and the others.

Nizo: -I'll launch the flag to let you know. - going to the destroyed throne.

Ezek: - In the meantime, I will free the slaves from the mines.

-Your flag won't do, your friends are facing Breus in the north.

One of the half humans who were surrounding Sarina and the others in the Nibs forest emerges from the snow.

Kamero: -who are you?

-I am an ally - moving your hands creating a water mirror that shows the battle.

Yashina: -Hytori ...