Despair - Part 02

Aizawa notices the greenish light followed by a gale that comes from the black forest.

Fujikata: -this is ...

Aizawa: -the saint. - perplexed. -as I didn't think about it before, they are just trying to distract us with these fighting in the city.

Makoto: - divination - Creating a lava barrier after placing your hands on the floor.

Fujikata: -what? As they know about tun ... Basto.

Aizawa: -then that is the true nature of this attack. - looking at the center of the barrier where Yamoto and Growmel are.

Fujikata: -Aizawa ... you need to go, I will be litigating against this cleric.

Aizawa: -Fujikata ...

Makoto: -it seems so. - creating lava claws to attack Aizawa.

Fujikata: -I'm your opponent! - striking the claws with vacuum punches. -now Aizawa!

Aizawa: -Hot the tips! - feels something coming from the forest for a moment before disappearing. -this sister ...


Hytori: -you can't lock her up here like an animal. - riled up.

Aizawa: -this mana ...

Hytori-as if she were not a person like anyone here! - looking at the King.

Aizawa: -You are the boy who has the characteristics of a mystery, aren't you? - one of the men wearing social clothes takes the lead again. -As far as I know you're a danger.

Hytori: -...


Aizawa: -That boy ...

Fujikata: -Fast Aizawa! - creating a vacuum barrier by punching the air several times.

Aizawa: -Twisted metal: bundles! - in his hands he has two titanium balls and two metal bundles come out of them and hold Makoto's lava claws.

Makoto: -an? - seeing that they held their lava claws.

Aizawa: -We are going to free the kings.

Fujikata: -but the saint?

Aizawa: -she is already being rescued.

In the middle of the black forest, Hytori manages to catch Sarina before Zeni's final blow that would take her life or at least leave her incapacitated.

Sarina: -Hy-tori ... - opening her eyes slowly.

Hytori: -Don't say anything, save your strength. - looking at Sarina in his arms.

Zeni: -... - raising his left arm. -lance ne .. - but before firing his attack he notices something.

Yashina: -disks of light! - shooting at Zeni.

Kamero: -Ice crystals! - surrounding Zeni.

Aysa: - throwing knives!

Tatsune: - earth modeling: sand hand!

Zeni swerves by dropping up and floating.

Zeni: - how audacious. - still with bleeding arm after Sarina's blow.

Tatsune: -He flies? - gaping at that.

Kamero: -Don't be distracted, we need to take advantage of it.

Yashina: -beams of light!

Aysa: -blade festival!

Tatsune: - liana strings!

Kamero: -Ice ray!

Zeni: -Advantage? - smile.


Several explosions of objects from above end up preventing the attacks of the four warriors with the arrival of one of the mysteries.

Zeni: -you failed, the order was to leave only one ...

Cosmo: -It was bad, that bunch of brats came out of nowhere.

Ivana: -Stop being annoying Zeni. - smiling. -we also want to have fun.

Kamero: - "one?" - protecting everyone from explosions using your ice dome.

Aysa: -now screwed, one was already difficult, with three then. - holding two knives in hands.

Hytori: -Necro balls! - creating 5 balls of black energy and launch against the Mysteries.

Cosmo: -Tentacles do your art!

Cosmo releases what appears to be kagunes that come off his back in the direction of Hytori's blow, causing the balls to be held in the air.

Cosmo: -what a weakling, take it back! - throwing the necro balls back.

Hytori: -...!

Sarina: -al charina!

Sarina summons a wall of wind thus defending them from the blow.

Hytori: -Sarina?

Sarina: -...

Ivana: -what love, she defended the "mill" of the blow itself. - making a heart with your hands.

Hytori: yours! - getting mad. -spines ne ... - for your blow when hearing something.

Yashina: -Hytori! - screaming. - get Sarina out of here now!

Hytori: -Yashina?

Tatsune: -go soon! - with your sword in hand.

Hytori: -Yeah. - with black legs to use the momentum again. -black impulse!

Zeni: - don't even think. - invoking a crow that soon turns one of its black spears. black spear!

Yashina: -disk of light!

The disk of light hits Zeni making him miss the movement so Hytori manages to enter the forest.

Zeni: -your time will come girl. - giving Yashina a threatening look.

Yashina: -I'm not afraid of you. - wielding your dagger.

Zeni: -Do whatever you want with them, Hytori is mine. - going in the direction that Hytori went.

Cosmo: -Yes.

Ivana: -now I liked it.

Yashina: -Arrow of light! - firing a ray of light from his dagger towards Zeni.

Ivana: -I won't let you. - several bats emerge from Ivana's hair. explosive bats!

The bats fly in the direction of Yashina who does not see them because she is looking ahead.

Aysa: - razor's edge! - firing a knife that splits in two more hit the bats that generate an explosion near Yashina and throws it against the ground making it miss the shot.

Cosmo: -Very well Ivana.

Kamero: -Yashina!

Yashina: -No, Hytori ... - seeing that Zeni was gone.

Hytori continues to jump at high speed through the forest aimlessly.

Hytori: -I have to get you out of here soon. - watching her bleed from the nose.

The sound of something cutting through the air goes towards him making him have to use the heel to dodge the artifact that hits his shoulder and makes him hit a tree that was on the right side.

Hytori: -aaar! - feeling his shoulder move.

Zeni: -Now it's just you and me. - get closer. - but I must admit, you are fast.

Hytori: -I'm not going to take Sarina. - getting up with difficulties.

Zeni: -is what we will see. - several crows appear around Zeni. -blast of spears!

The 10 crows become spears that hover over Zeni.

Hytori: -Drugs. - runs out into the middle of the forest.

Zeni: - let the hunt begin. - sending the 10 spears in the direction of Hytori who jumps with difficulty since he is overweight and in the middle of an unknown area.

A little away from there.

Kamero: -Yashina, are you okay? - running up to her.

Yashina: -Yes, we have to go after Hytori.

Ivana: -Tolinha, you still don't understand? - smile. -we are your opponents, wave of bats!

Several bats come out of Ivana's hair towards Kamero and Yashina.

Yashina: -cube of light! - protecting her and Kamero from attacks.

Aysa: -Kamero!

Cosmo:-worry about you! - attacking her with a kind of claws that come out of her back.

Tatsune: -Aysa! - protecting her from Cosmo's blow with his sword.

Aysa: -Tatsune. - takes one of his knives and summons his spider. -Ready?

Teesa: -chichichi.

Aysa: - Web acrobatic skill!

Aysa's spider creates several webs that bind to her knives and at that moment Aysa throws them at Cosmo who uses his claw kagune to defend the blow but the knives correct his route and hit his arm.

Cosmo: -what?

Aysa: -and did you like my new technique? - Aysa used Tessa's webs to change the route of the knives at the last moment.

Cosmo's arm begins to feel the effects of Aysa's paralysis.

Cosmo: -my arm, what did you do bitch?

Aysa: -Secretinho.

Tatsune: -Good Aysa, modeling magic: earth tips!

When he touches the ground with his sword the sand of the place becomes points that go towards Cosmo.

The hunt for the forest begins and Zeni is a cruel hunter behind his helpless prey.

Hytori: -fast, faster. - watching the spears pass by him when changing his route to try to deposit the attacks.

Zeni: -where do you think you're going? - emerging from one of the spears that had just deflected.

Hytori: -...!

Zeni comes close to Hytori and kicks him in the stomach causing him to be thrown against the ground with everything and ends up releasing Sarina when he feels the impact against the hard and dark soil of that forest.

Hytori: -aaa! - feeling his organs scream in pain. -Sa .. - trying to crawl to where the girl's body is.

Zeni: -you must be wondering how I got there. - sitting on a branch where Sarina is.

Hytori: -Damn. - seeing him there so close to her.

Zeni: -it's simple, my magic allows me to duplicate things, this is my true magic.

Hytori: -True? - breathless.

Zeni: -you must not understand but in the mysteries we receive EDAS, powers based on black magic and my eda is to create black spears and combined with my power to duplicate, I can transform them into duplicates of mine, or into crows as you could see.

Hytori: -eda ... - remembers the battle in the city rio. -No, it can't be.

Zeni: -Now if it's over, I'll take what is rightfully mine. - going down to where Sarina is.

Hytori: -I won't let you! - with the body almost entirely taken by dark matter. - black punch!

Hytori begins to deliver several blows against Zeni that only deflects.

Zeni: -ridiculum. - extending the left hands. black spear! - sending ahead of Hytori.

Hytori: -Black shield! - creating a black sphere at your expense.

Hytori feels his body being pierced by the black spear.

Zeni: -ah! I forgot to mention, my spear can pierce elements. - smiling.

Zeni's black spear has a property that allows it to be immune to cheating based on elements such as fire, water, wind, earth, light, shadows and their derivatives.

Hytori: -aaf. - hyperventilated. -Sarina ... - blood begins to flow out of her mouth.

Zeni: -pathetic. - taking Sarina's arm.

Hytori: -... - hear several explosions and screams in the area where the rest of the Guild stayed.

Dense dust is hanging over the site.

Ivana: -What fun! - sending several bats over opponents.

Kamero: -This girl is not normal.

Yashina: -We have to put an end to this.

Kamero: -Yes, Dragon! - summoning your ice dragon. - launch your freezing fire at the bats!

Dragon: -aaaaaaf - dropping a fireball that freezes the bats before they explode.

Ivana: -what? - watching your bats get frozen.

Yashina: -Kamero!

Kamero: -Right!

Yashina: -lux! - activating your dagger's ability. - reflectors!

Kamero: -Ice magic: Arctic storm!

Ivana: -...!

The blows take Ivana by surprise and she is surrounded by all that power that generates a great explosion of light and ice.

Ivana: -aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Yashina: -Can we do it?

Kamero: -I hope ...

On the other side.

Tatsune: -It worked.

Aysa: -We caught him!

Cosmo's body was completely punctured.

-do not exaggerate.

Aysa: -...! - feeling a shiver go up the spine.

Tatsune: -What is that feeling?

-Do you really think we would be beaten down by attacks from people like you?

Kamero: -this feeling is the same as ...

Yashina: -Bennevide.

Cosmo's body gives way to Senvo's.

Aysa: -No ...

Cosmo: -Yes. - above them.

Tatsune: -What kind of monster are you?

Cosmo: -the kind that kills bitches.

Aysa: -... - swallowing dry.

Tatsune: "-we move, move"

The dust at the explosion site gives way to the silhouette of a girl with a look of death.

Kamero: -the exhaust is intact ..

Yashina: -She's a vampire ...

Ivana: -your bastards ... will pay for trying to bury me alive. - showing his fangs.

Hytori begins to heal from wounds.

Hytori: -smile her. - standing.

Zeni: -You are the type who never knows when to stop, are you? - holding Sarina's arm.

Hytori: -What do you know? - your body starts releasing something that looks like steam. -you seem to have never had friends.

Zeni: -friends? - releasing Sarina. -who needs friends? - looking at Hytori.

Hytori: -you are like me, without friends, without someone to comfort you in difficult times.

Zeni: -Shut up! - a black aura appears around him.

Hytori: -you are a loser like me.

Zeni: -Don't compare me with you!

At high speed Zeni's body and launching forward and grabs Hytori's neck without the slightest chance of him dodging.

Hytori: -arhhrr! - trying to remove his arm.

Zeni: -I don't need friends, and very soon you will be without yours. - looking to the side where they came from.

Hytori: -no ... - hearing screams.

In the middle of the fireplace where the rest of the guild were, there are 4 bodies thrown to the ground in pieces after the confrontation.

Camera: -...

Yashina: -...

Aysa: -...

Tatsune: -...

Almost passed out in agony of pain, while Zeni makes psychological terror.

Zeni: -it looks like your friends are gone. - looking to the side of the fireplace.

Hytori: -No, it can't be ... - with wide eyes.

Zeni:-weren't you the one who said you were going to protect them? - smiling.

Hytori: -Kamero, Yashina, Aysa ... sis ... - a tear runs down his face.

Zeni: -you will be next. - hanging Hytori.

Hytori: -Z ... e..n ... i - with yellow eyes.

Hytori's body emits 3 noises in a row that pulsate like a heart the moment his eyes change color.

Zeni: -What is it? - seeing Hytori's body squirm as he releases steam.

Hytori: -Zeni! - the steam gives shape to a creature and so the face of the black beast appears again.

Zeni: -a demon? - with the beast's claws holding his right arm.

The beast smashes Zeni's arm and then hurls Zeni at the dead trees behind him.

Zeni: -aaaaaa! - trying for your body that was thrown. -what damn beast is that? - with several serious injuries to the body after Hytori's blow.

The beast running on four legs appears in the trees and stretches its black arms to strike Zeni, which creates crows to restrain him before being hit.

Zeni: -Damn it. - with a bruised face.

The beast sees that his blow went straight and prepares another one in a row, but this time Zeni creates black spears to counter strike the black claws they see in his direction.

Beast: -aaaaaur! - creating six new black claws that come out of his body as black as night.

Zeni without being able to defend all those blows is hitting by several of them and has his head caught by one of the claws that hurls him against more trees.

Zeni ...! - with blood all over his body when he hit his body against a rock in the middle of the forest. -air. - trying to draw air. -damn you.

The uncontrollable beast is preparing a new blow by releasing a high-pitched roar, a ball of black energy to spear at Zeni that tries to recover from the earlier blow using its crows to stop the bleeding.

Hytori: -necro bomb! - with the monstrous voice.

Hytori fires the black bomb at Zeni who is unable to act and when receiving the blow a big explosion and caused in the forest.

The explosion in the forest generates a great wave of winds that reaches the other warriors in the forest where they are.

Cosmo: -What do you think Zeni is doing? - using his black claws to steady himself on the ground.

Ivana: -He will kill us if he continues like this. - using your nails to hold on to the floor.

The bodies without kamero forces, Aysa, Tatsune and Yashina are taken by the wind that affects the place where they end up spreading through the forest, in the city the strong winds arrive calling attention.

Aizawa: -What's going on there?

Makoto: - lava claws!

Fujikata: - vacuum bits.

Back in the forest where Hytori, still in the form of a black beast, observes the damage he has done with his destructive magic.

Beast: -aaaar ... - with steam coming out of the mouth.

Zeni: -that was close, haha. - Zeni's body was completely intact, not even the wounds from before existed anymore.

Beast: -... - seeing that shape arise from the chaos of the explosion.

Zeni: -you made me use that shape ... - holding a cross. prepare to die.

Zeni has a new look, his hair is long, and his face is more adult, his shirt is open showing his chest full of black markings and the cross he carries shines brightly.

Beast: -arrrr! - growls at him.

Zeni: -this is the supreme form of a mystery and thanks to it you will know ... despair. - his body sparkles in the air and soon disappears reappearing next to the beast that receives a knee throwing him into the middle of the forest without being able to move with such force of the blow.

Beast: -...!

Zeni reappears on top of him still floating by the blow from before and throws punches against the beast that cannot defend itself with such speed and force of blows against his body that it starts to shatter.

Zeni: Come on, get out Hytori. -punching harder and harder. -I want to see your ugly face!

The multiple punches tore the flesh of the beast that tries to regenerate itself but the speed is insane until Zeni manages to reveal his body in the middle of it, a reducer of bones and muscles, Hytori with a distant look seems to be in a trance.

Zeni: -I found you. - turning your hand black. -lance spear!

Zeni strikes the blow against Hytori's chest that is pulled out from inside the black beast that soon dissolves when not having its source of power but there.

Hytori: -...! - with a distant look.

Zeni: -Dying Hyori! - stretching his left arm forward and thus creating a giant black spear. -lance of death!

The spear is fired at Hytori who seems to wake up from a deep sleep and is unaware of what happens there until he sees the spear coming close to him.

Hytori: -aaaaaaaaa! - seeing it going towards you.

Hytori is hit directly by the black spear that throws him against the ground, piercing his belly, almost breaking him in half.

Hytori: -mal ... - bleeding a lot. -...said. - looking at Zeni.

Zeni: -it's still alive. - creating another black spear. -You will not survive this, my coup de grace. - pointing the spear at him. spear of no flights!

Zeni shoots again a black spear at Hytori's body but this time something happens, two figures appear in the air and create a circle in front of the spear that disappears in the air after passing through that circle and soon after the figures disappear.

Hytori: -an? - seeing the shapes of those silhouettes.

Zeni: -what? - don't believe that. -no, black spear! - gets angry.

Again launching his attack that is blocked again by those figures.

Zeni: -What does that mean? - seeing that creates a portal through which the spear passes. -handle throws!

Jumping up he strikes the blow against Hytori who tries to take the black spear out of the middle of his belly.

Hytori: -...! - with half the face with a different face than before.

Zeni: -This time you won't escape!

Linot: -aaaaar!

Linot invokes the mark on Hytori's hand and uses his black balls to attack Zeni.

Zeni: -out the front, ridiculous spirit! - punching Linot who crashes into a tree.

Hytori: -Linot! - watching him disappear after the blow.

Zeni: -now you! - delivering another blow against Hytori.

The figures look again but this time they remove Hytori's body from the place and throw it to the side causing Zeni to hit the floor instead of Hytori who has the hole in his belly covered in a dark coloring.

- run away!

Hytori: -...! - heard a voice.

The side of the face covered with a strange feature speaks to Hytori.

- run away ... now!

Hytori's left side is taken by that feature that takes the first step into the forest and without realizing Hytori was running through it.

Zeni: -my hunt will be wonderful. - going deeper into the forest.

Hytori: -... - with half the face with a blue face and half with your normal face.

Zeni:! - shouting through the forest.

Hytori: -... - panting and with broken body parts and bleeding.

He runs in despair that form that Zeni presented was insane, the power generated there could destroy him but in his thought he only saw the images of those he tried to protect.

Zeni:! - shouting through the forest.

Hytori: - Camera.

Zeni:! - shouting through the forest.

Hytori: -Aysa.

Zeni:! - shouting through the forest.

Hytori: -Tatsune.

Zeni:! - shouting through the forest.

Hytori: -Yashina.

Zeni:! - shouting through the forest.

Hytori: -Sarina!

Zeni:! - shouting through the forest.

Hytori, without seeing properly due to the gloom of the night that started earlier in the Black Forest, he arrives at the end of a hill and ends up unbalanced and falls rolling between the branches that hurt and tear his flesh, which was already very precarious.

Hytori: -aaaaa! - feeling that something has pierced your right leg.

Zeni:! - shouting through the forest.

Hytori: -... - crying. -no ... I don't have the strength anymore. - trying to get that piece of wood off your leg.

Zeni: -you can hide, you can run, but in the end you met your friends did not come to life. - shouting through the forest.

Hytori: -... after all ... I'm still rubbish ... - trying to crawl up to a rock in the middle of the forest. -I am useless. - crying.

Zeni:! - shouting through the forest.

Hytori: -My time has come ... - with his leg crossed by a branch, his left eye swollen, broken fingers, broken ribs and his being shattered after all that.

Zeni: - stopped running? decided to surrender? - getting closer and closer to the place. -this is despair! - laughing.

Hytori: -Pardon me for ... - seeing an opening on the side. -I know this place...

Hytori with great difficulty moves into the cave that he knew, without breathing properly, his body begins to fail until he reaches a place where a large, robust man was standing in front of a fire.

Hytori: -You have to help me! - looking for that man who will once help you.