Gloomy Day

In a cold and damp cave in the middle of a forest, someone washes his face with water in a kind of sink, in his freight a piece of glass that serves as a mirror that looks at his face after wiping his face with a cloth to dry it. , on top of that "sink" a white mask with purple accents, the man wore a black suit, bandaged arms and a different look than before, he thought when looking at that mask and again at the glass in front of him.

-5 months have passed. - sighs while picking up the mask.

5 months before ... We will leave here, 5 months before, on the day of the fall of Liogres to be more exact, a day that has not yet ended for those who experienced that fateful day.

In the ruined royal capital the people who inhabit that place try to understand what happened there, those who had invaded their city suddenly ran away without leaving a trace through the pandora box and bubbles created by Erithres, two Mysteries, the elite of the empire they had managed to get out of there more than 100 warriors among low-ranking clergy, exoterics, mysteries and their leader Growmel who fought against the king of Liogres Yamoto Leofos, who sacrificed his own life to eliminate Growmel but he managed to survive somehow, and left with only part of his body with sequelae of burns, leaving a body almost ashes behind the king of Liogres.

Beseke: -Dad? - seeing that body still flaming on the floor.

Laylana: -No, father ... - tears running down her face.

Aizawa: -... - watching them approach.

Fujikata: -Aizawa ... - trying to get him out of the rubble where he was thrown by Dakrus.

The other knights who were fighting for the capital arrive at the place where the castle used to be and now there is only one body in ruins.

Beseke: -Dad! - running towards the body.

Laylana: -Dad! - running too.

Aizawa: -Hold them!

Eros: -Beseke! - holding his arm.

Sakura: -Laylana ... - standing in front of her.

Beseke: Let me go, Eros! - pulling the arm.

Eros: - Calm Beseke. - holding tightly.

Laylana: -my father ... - with a tremulous look.

Sakura: -... - shaking his head.

Aizawa: -You can't get close while his body is on fire. - getting close to them. -the temperature will kill them ... - feeling something hit him.

Beseke: -Aizawa ... how could you have let them do that? - punching Aizawa's face.

Laylana: Support ...

Aizawa: -I just followed orders ... - lowering my head.

Beseke: -You idiot! - preparing another punch.

Aizawa: -...! - raising his head.

Beseke: -you couldn't have left ... - crying.

Aizawa: -Forgive me ... - gets up after the punch.

Beseke: -Sorry don't bring him back! - pointing his fist at Aizawa.

Fujikata: -We don't have time for this ... - in their midst to prevent Beseke from punching Aizawa again.

Caslisto: -Fujikata is right. - looking at the city. -we are in the middle of something much bigger.

Next to them, the kings of the other regions who had just won their struggles were exhausted.

Shiba: -I will Julius ... - approaching his king.

Dohko: -Sir!

Julius: -Shiba, Dohko, I'm glad you are safe. - looking at them. lift me up please. - looking to the side.

Dohko: -Yes sir. - lifting him.

Julius: -Law needs medical attention, take me to him.

Shiba: -Yes, king!

Next to Julius Law, he was lying with many injuries on his body.

Aquamarine: -King ... - creating bubbles that concentrate healing magic from water.

Linkhall: - I will Law ... - seeing the damage in your king's body. -I can't believe he could do that to you.

Law: -What is this story? - breathless. -I could do this all day.

Aquamarine: -my healing magic is very weak we need a medical magician. - looking at Linkhall.

Julius: -I take care of him. - approaching.

Law: -Julius...

Julius: -You were in tatters.

Jack: -You're not much better than me ... - panting.

Julius: -always funny. - begins to close Law's wounds.

Jack: -The old man ... - looking in the direction of Yamoto.

Julius: -Yes ...

But away is Ganzai held his baton and still in golden mode.

Ganzai: -... - looking at the place where the knights of Liogres are.

Hana: -King ...

Zau: -How are you?

Ganzai: -I appreciate the concern but I'm fine. - look at your allies. -you outdid yourself.

Hana: -Yes!

Zau: -this woman ... - seeing Juuma.

Ganzai: -Yes, it's her. - undoing your transformation.

Arriving at the site of the castle ruins, Ezek and Guren with some injuries.

These are: -Yamoto ...

Guren: -Unfortunate.

Silence takes over the entire capital amid the rain that falls on the ground, a feeling of loneliness and terror overwhelms everyone.

Sakura: -What happened here today was unprecedented. - speaking out loud. -we underestimated our enemy and it cost us dearly, but our king's sacrifice gave us a new day ...

Eros: -Our king saved us from the worst, that's what we must remember. - kneeling. -he shone like the sun of Liogres! - raising his sword high.

The rest of the knights begin to kneel and raise their weapons in the air as a sign of respect for the deceased king.

Ganzai: -live forever among those who are gone, ohoho. - raising his staff.

Ganzai kneels then his subordinates do the same.

Julius: -Yamoto, you have good men. - seeing his companions kneel.

Law: - old man. - closing your eyes.

Linkhall and Aquamarine take off their masks and kneel.

So the whole capital pays homage to its king.

Beseke: - Dad ... - kneeling. -aaaaaaaaaaaaar! - with electric currents running throughout your body.

Laylana: -pai ... - sitting on the floor. -aaaaaaaaaaaaar! - with blue flaming hair.

Fujikata: -the lions of Liogres ... woke up. - looking at those two.

Aizawa: -... - taking the blood out of your mouth. -Dark times have seen ... - looking at the sky that starts to rain harder.

The tension in the capital gave way to the act of condolences to the death of the king, while outside the city, the feline guild searches for survivors and wounded in the rubble.

Guma: -the rain got stronger ... - on a part of the wall that didn't fall. -han? - notices something. -that is.

He quickly jumps outside when he sees someone lying on the floor in a pool of blood.

Guma: -No ... Tatsune! - hitting her in the face. -what happened? - seeing her that way. -Mimi! Fast!

Kyouka: -Guma? - going in the direction of the voice.

Guma: -fast people!

Mimi: -Tatsune? - seeing her in her brother's arms.

Guma: -fast, use your magic, she is losing a lot of blood.

Mimi: -ta, my God what happened to her? - trying to stop the blood that comes out of the wounds.

Yudi: -She was with the others, wasn't she?

Yuri: -Yes ...

Kyouka: -where are the others? - looking around.

Guma; -I don't know, she was already unconscious when I arrived.

Nicelle: -This is not ... - looking at the damage in the forest. - look for others!

Tatsune: -... Hytori ... - waking up.

Mimi: -Tatsune ...

Tatsune: -Mi..mi ... - with tears streaming down her eyes. -Where's Hytori? - trying to get up.

Mimi: Calm down, you lost a lot of blood.

Guma: -we are going to look for them.

Tatsune: -No, you don't understand, they are still in the forest. - speaking with difficulty.


Tatsune: -this wind? - lying on the floor -no! - being taken while watching others being thrown to another part of the forest.


Tatsune: -I have to get in ... - I almost passed out.

Mimi: -Tatsune! - holding it.

Guma: -in the forest? - looking at a corridor of damage created within the forest.

Tatsune: -We have to go after them. - having difficulty breathing.

Nicelle: -I and Guma come on, the rest is here with her.

Ezek: -I'm going too.

Kyouka: -These?

Guren: -Leave it with me ... - approaching Tatsune.

Mimi: -ta.

Tatsune: -Ezek ... save them ...

Ezek: -Okay, let's go who can! - running into the forest through the path made between the trees when Tatsune was thrown.

Guma: -who could do that? - referring to the wounds on Tatsune's body.

Ezek: -the mysteries ... - running until you reach a place where you found someone's corpse.

Nicelle: -What happened here? - seeing destruction, blood, pieces of clothing and the corpse.

Mimi: -my God ...

Ezek: -this corpse is not from the exo guild ... - looking at the body of the deceased.

Kyouka: -who is he?

Ezek: -the knight responsible for Sarina.

Guma: -this is not good.

Ezek: -it looks like we're late ...

Tatsune: -no ... - coming running almost falling.

Mimi: -Tatsune ...

These are: -Madoka!

Guren: -she ran after she got better, I couldn't hold her.

Ezek: -Tatsune we don't know, they can be around ...

Tatsune: -... - falls on his knees and picks up something.

Madoka: - not that.

In the middle of the earth and blood they find several pieces of tissue.

Guma: -Kamero ... - seeing part of his shirt on the floor.

Mimi: -Yashina ... - taking a piece of the dress that was full of blood.

Nicelle: -Aysa. - holding part of Aysa's pants that was torn on the floor.

Kyouka: -this is a disaster. - with watery eyes.

Ezek: - mushroom head ... - seeing something that Tatsune caught.

Tatsune: -Hytoriiiiii! - crying clinging to the cloak he wears.

Near there, in the middle of the trees, in that rain that falls over the whole valley, in front of a lot of darkness.

Hytori: -Tatsune ... - with eyes full of tears. I'm sorry, Tatsune ... - looking through the leaves at them.

we are gone ... - the old man starts to enter the forest.

Hytori: -Yes ... -Summing up in the darkness of the black forest with the man.

Some horsemen arrive at the place and spent the night in the middle of the rain, cold and tears of suffering of all, that dark day was over and a new day was born with an intense sun on the horizon.

Ezegrev: -my my ...

Hermes: -... - not believing what your eyes see.

William Vanish: -What happened here! - arriving in the city in the morning after his mission.

Where the body rests almost without fire from the king, there are still the knights who veiled their king all night in the rain.

Vanish: -Get out of my front, soldier.

-waits sir, don't get excited.

Eros: -this voice ... Vanish - look back.

Vanish: -Eros!

Eros: -Vanish...

Vanish: -What the hell happened?

Leave: -...

Vanish: -No ... - see the king's body ... -Yamoto! - kneels in pain.

Eros: -Vanish!

After a few hours, the burial of King Yamoto is prepared and continues to travel to the royal cemetery, outside the city, next to a river, many people came, feudal leaders, politicians, among others, the news that the king of Liogres he had died and spread rapidly across the four kingdoms, Beseke and Laylana visibly shaken, as well as Tatsune who was trembling directly still clinging to his brother's cloak.

The feline guild wearing mourning clothes, Ezek and Madoka a little further away also wore black clothes, Vanish, after knowing everything, could not hide his anger and frustration because he was not there on the dark day, that heavy afternoon gave way to the night that approached while everyone was leaving only Aizawa, Beseke, Laylana and Vanish stayed to bury the coffin, next to the hole there were 4 tombstones with the names of Hytori, Yashina, Kamero and Aysa ... their bodies were not found in the forest, so they gave dead and received a medal of merit for having died trying to protect the Saint from the winds that had been missing since then.

Laylana: -You were a great man ... father. - leaving a flower.

Beseke: - even if I don't agree with everything, I'll miss you ...

Vanish: -I couldn't protect you when I needed it most ...

Aizawa: -... - with one of your wires.

The night comes and soon goes and a new day begins, at that moment a meeting is taking place in the capital, in a place of the only royal complex that has not been destroyed.

Eros: -Well, I know everyone didn't want to be here but this memento is of the utmost importance.

Sakura: -we received information from the other kingdoms about the alleged traitors in their territories, as Growmel considered, here is the report.

A few hours ago ...

-Sir, Inuik has been missing since the day.

Jack: - do a search for Inuik, we can't let him run away!

Linkhall: -Yes sir.

Shiba: -Lord, we found out that Sasha has been missing since the day.

Julius: -then it's true ...

Dohko: ...

Ganzai: -He found him?

Hana: -no sir, his whereabouts have been unknown since the day.

Zau: -it seems that the source was right.

Back to Liogres.

Sakura: -the information passed on by the prisoners came to fruition.

Vanish: -What pisses me most is this! - punching the table. -maldito Basto!

Hermes: -Unfortunately it wasn't Basto that we saw in the last 30 years.

Sakura: -We sent horsemen to his house in the city of Zandeira, and what they found was a bone of his wife with a son in front.

Aizawa: -...

Caslito: -everything leads you to believe that he killed them when he became Basto.

Fujikata: -Damn, heartless ...

Ezegrev: -that man ... how did you go unnoticed all this time?

Aizawa: -he deceived us, I was closest to them for 10 years and I didn't suspect anything, I should have ...

Sakura: -Aizawa, it's not your fault.

Vanish: -How is the information about those caught?

Ezek: -I reply, Shota revealed a lot about strong torture, Nanna, after receiving the blow to the head, seems to have suffered sequelae and can't say anything. - looking at Madoka. -Madoka explain better.

Madoka: -she is in a state of mental retardation, which makes any information impossible. - take some papers. -as I am talking about, this is about the other 4 bodies that went to forensics but nothing was found, they were killed in battle as we predicted.

Vanish: -and the woman ...

Eros: -Ganzai was responsible for her.

Prismet - the kingdom of animals.

Ganzai: -How did you spend the night?

Juuma: -is that a joke? - inside a cell. -I already said everything I had to say, why are you still here?

Ganzai: -and I thank you, thanks to you we know our enemies. - sitting on the floor. -but my coming here is for a reason, I am your friend Juuma.

Juuma: -lovely! - trying to get out of the cell.

Ganzai: -No use, you're home now, ohoho.

Juuma: -Ganzai! - crying.

Back to the kingdom of Liogres.

Vanish: - I understand.

Eros: -Well, let's go to the last point today and not least ...

Sakura: -which of you two will become the king from now on. - looking at the princes.

Beseke: -I vote for Laylana. - raising his arm.

Laylan: -mas Support ...

Beseke: -you are the most suitable, I was not born for that.

Laylana: -No, I vote for you. - looking at him. -you are who you should be.

Hermes: -Empatou ...

Vanish: -No, there is a vote yet

Sakura: -What are you talking about?

Vanish: -Aizawa is Yamoto's adopted son.

Sakura: -what?

Vanish: -Aizawa is heir by right.

Hermes: -wow ...

Aizawa: -Don't talk nonsense!

Vanish: -You don't have to hide anymore ...

Laylana: -He's right.

Callisto: -princess?

Beseke: -this time for the truth to surface.

Ezek: -you already knew it is not. - looking at Beseke and Laylana.

Support: -sim

Laylana: -Yes

Aizawa: -...?

Beseke: -Our father told us when our mother passed away.

Laylana: -We know everything ...

Aizawa: -but ...

Beseke: -I know the burden you've been carrying all this time. - looking at Aizawa.

Aizawa: - Support ...

Eros: -then, Aizawa's vote is missing.

Aizawa: -... I vote for Laylana.

Laylana: -Aizawa, but it should be you.

Aizawa: -My place is not like a king, like Beseke I was not born for that.

Laylana: -Aizawa ...

Eros: so we have our queen, Laylana Leofos.

The following day, the coronation ceremony begins in the royal capital, in the city the construction to raise the city started in full swing, a crowd is in the provisional palace to greet his new queen, next to Laylana who receives the crown, this Vanish who took over from Basto and Tatsune who had now taken Aizawa's place temporarily.

Madoka: -You really went? - in a poorly lit place.

Ezek: -Yes ... we have to know more. - going in the direction of Beseke.

Madoka: -Good luck on your trip.

Ezek: -Thank you, take care of things around here, Tatsune needs you.

Madoka: -You can leave.

Beseke: -... - looking at her sister being crowned.

Aizawa: -It's time.

Beseke: -Right. - pulling a hood. -Sister, while you lead the kingdom into light, I will be the king in the shadows.

Beseke, Aizawa and Ezek leave the city to find out information provided by Juuma, while his sister reigns over Liogres but meanwhile in the lost valley, amidst the ruins of the old world, someone laughs happily.

Growmel: -Finally, I finally got it. - laughing. -dad ... I gather the 4 saints!

On a round stone there were 4 women with identical clothes but of different coloring, they are the saints that Growmel gathered through the ages, The saint gives water: Zurina, the saint of lightning: Takako, The saint of arms: Cardial and the saint of winds: Sarina.

Growmel: - let the ritual begin!

A lightning bolt reveals the face in the gloom of all the mysteries and of his followers who had the divine beast, the chaos dragon, on the altar.