12 of us

Hytori: -aaar! - screaming. -what do these birds have ?! - trying to cover his head.

Yami: - They must have liked you. - Lighting a pipe.

The birds that were at the entrance of the temple fly over Hytori's head, following him everywhere, are birds of different colors and sizes, but all of the same species ... goldfinches.

Hytori: Leave me alone! - moving your hands up.

Linot: -grrrr! - after getting one of them.

Yami: -How do you make noise. - Looking at Hytori running from side to side.

Hytori: Help me old Yami!

Yami: -It's not up to me to stop them. - Releasing smoke through the nostrils.

Hytori: -So what do I do? - with a face of defeat.

Yami: - sit down, wait and relax. - With your pipe in hand.

Hytori: -what? - without believing what he said.

Yami: -now! - with a serious look.

Hytori: - Okay! - sitting on the grass there in the sanctuary.

When Hytori sits on the floor to see someone next to Yami for a moment, it was a being wearing ninja clothes in brown, a hat that covered part of his face and just before disappearing he makes a sign of silence with his finger on mouth to Hytori.

Hytori: -... - without understanding what you just saw.

Yami: -something wrong? - seeing his expression.

Hytori: -It was nothing ... - scratching my eyes.

Yami: -you have to learn to be calm in the things you do, boy. - Smoking. -your hysteria can cause you irreparable damage, lose things that will never come back, a moment of uncontrollability can be the last, as I said, this is a double-edged sword, boy. - Releasing the smoke.

Hytori: -I have a name, did you know? - rubbing Linot's belly.

Yami: -see the birds. - Releasing smoke through the nostrils.

Hytori: -han? - looking around. -they're in the trees. - Realizing they had left him alone.

Yami: -Yes, a moment of calm and they have already taken care of their lives. - Moving the pipe between your fingers.

Hytori: -I left them excited? - looking at the old man in front of him.

Yami: -Yes, your mana was coming up so much that they wanted to feel that power more closely. - Insured pipe. -Now that it's quiet, your mana has calmed down and they don't need it close to you.

Hytori: -I understand ... I think. - Looking at one of the birds that ate a fruit that fell from one of the bonsai trees.

Yami: -Have you noticed the difference yet? - leaving the pipe aside. -in your body and mana?

Hytori: -How so? - turns to the old man.

Yami: - create a blow that you use most. - Cleaning his beard that was ashes.

Hytori: - Okay, black fist! - with its dark colored handle. -han? Black fist! - with the black hand.

Yami: -...

Hytori: -there's something wrong, I can't create black fists, the black mass doesn't expand.

Yami: -Do you think the strength you generate with the black fist comes from the way your fist looks when you activate this technique?

Hytori: -I didn't think about it, but yes, my fist even triples in size giving me strength in my arms.

Yami: -movement: live rock!

His left fist glows and then he punches the ground by lifting a generously sized rock from the floor beside Hytori.

Hytori: -what to kill me from the heart ?! - looking at that stone that was 3 times its size when sitting.

Yami: - hit the stone with the strength you think is necessary to break it.

Hytori: -What is it? - looking at stone. -I'll snatch my arm if I do that. - swallowing dry.

Yami: -You still doubt yourself a lot. - Putting your arm under your chin. - hit the stone, boy.

Hytori: -If I break the fault it will be yours. - Aiming the punch in the stone. - there you go, black fist!

Hytori's black fist is found on the rock face of the stone, destroying it immediately as if it were nothing.

Hytori: -...!

Linot: -...!

Yami: -Selling.

Hytori: -How is this possible? - not believing what you just did.

Yami: -before your mana expanded outwards creating mass instead of strength, now your mana control is geared towards balancing strength and endurance so you no longer need volume to generate power, so you have the skills that he receives when he becomes the black beast.

Hytori: -black beast ... - remembering the times that it appeared.

Yami: -this form was able to face Zeni in the basic form on an equal basis until he used the "eda" transformation and thus defeated him.

Hytori: -in the second test I will be able to use this transformation and beat him right?

Yami: - Wrong, you'll be tied with him.

Hytori: -Huh? - without understanding. -more then what good is it then? - getting up.

Yami: -To defeat him you will have to evolve even more, so test 3. - Looking up and watching a cloud pass. -a test that will require you more than the others 2.

Hytori: -and which would it be? - returning to sit on the floor.

Yami: face me. - Looking at him.

Hytori: -what? - getting up again. -I fight you? But you lift a rock just by touching the ground.

Yami: - again you underestimate yourself boy, but that doesn't matter now, let's focus on test number 2 for now. - Getting up.

Hytori: -I hope this test doesn't kill me before you do that. - Sighing deeply.

Yami: -the second test is about your eda, as you must know each mystery has an eda, a branch, a fragment of chaos, that branch, and that eda has a unique physical form.

Hytori: -ha ... I'll pretend I understand.

Yami: -You've seen him. - Looking at Hytori.

Hytori: -what?

Yami: -my eda. - Looking at Hytori. -it manifested itself to you a short time ago.

Hytori: -this ... something came out of nowhere and disappeared. - Looking at the old man.

Yami: -Grefelin, show up.

Grefelin Yami Eda appears beside his as before, the same clothes and shapes.

Hytori: -...

Yami: -like you, I can't see you.

Hytori: -what? why? - looking at the "materialized eda".

Yami: -our edas come to us when we pass test 2 and after defeating him he stands beside us but we cannot see him, because we are not on the same plane and outside an ether temple.

Hytori: -Ether? Same plan? - without understanding that.

Yami: -Yes, temple number two will take you to the ether or limbo as you wish to speak, the realm of spirits, a plan where they live.

Hytori: -fantasmas? - feeling a shiver go up the spine. -that ...

Yami: -Don't mix things up.

Hytori: -but I can see him ...

Yami: -You are different from the rest of us. - Looking at Hytori who was still overwhelmed with that. -you are the mystery of the astral plane, your branch allows you to control demon beasts from the underworld.

Hytori: -Beast demon? - remembers the fight in the black forest against Zeni when those creatures appeared in the air saving him. -...

Yami: - In short, you will face a demon beast in order to use your Eda mode, after defeating that beast you will be ready for the third test.

Hytori: -so I will have to face her?

Yami: - I already say that it will not be an easy task, each eda has a way of acting, be aware of your surroundings, these things are tricky.

Hytori: -Right. - Swallowing dry.

Yami: -Good. - look to the side where your "eda" is. - we are going to start test 2, Grefelin take him to life.

Hytori: -Don't talk like that, it looks like I'm going to die.

Yami: -It's a hypothesis.

Hytori: -You know how to use comforting words.

Yami: -Grefelin had guided you to the place, this time I won't be able to enter the temple, good luck boy.

Hytori: -... - amazed at what Yami said. -I'll make it! - making a sign of strength with your fist in front of your chest.

Grefelin calls Hytroi to the central temple of the sanctuary and immediately enters the temple in second, being followed by Hytori, so the two disappear into the darkness of the temple of the ether.

Yami: -I hope so, boy. - Looking at Linot.

The two walk through an endless place for a while until a sound of bells changes the shape of that place to a forest full of cherry trees.

Hytori: -What is that? - stopped looking at that wonder.

Cherry blossoms and petals fly everywhere looking like a dance choreographed by the wind that blows a gentle breeze.

-it's beautiful, isn't it?

Hytori: -Yes ... - realizing something. -Who said that?

Grefelin: -It was me.

Hytori: -Do you speak?

Grefelin: -Yes, we all talk. - Raising his hat. -the reason for listening to me before is because in this world we are all souls.

Hytori: -and what is this place?

Grefelin: -this is the ticket to the upper world, this is where the souls who left their bodies pass before going to come after death.

Hytori: -this is all very new to me. - Breaking out in a cold sweat.

Grefelin: -Don't worry, even Yami was like that when she came here.

Hytori: -Old Yami seems to have been through a lot in life.

Grefelin: -He didn't tell you?

Hytori: -what?

Grefelin: -When the time comes, you will know.

Hytori: -you two are the same, you don't say anything to anything.

Grefelin: -not so much, good Hytori is here that I say goodbye to you, after crossing this field there is no turning back, you must defeat your eda and thus find the way to the sanctuary, I will wait with Yami.

Hytori: -All right, thank you for bringing me here ...

Grefelin: but one thing before you go, your powers will be minimized the moment you find your eda, be careful you will be very vulnerable.

Hytori: -Vulnerable? - looking back. -he disappeared...

Cherry blossoms make way for Hytori to pass among the cherry trees that emit a soft sound as the breezes pass through their leaves.

Hytori: -Now it's me. - Walking through the passage. -Aysa, Kamero and Yashina, give me strength.

Hytroi's view is taken by cherry blossoms until he arrives at a place where a lake and a tree in the middle of that lake under an island.

Hytori: -the landscape has changed ...

-of course, this is my world.

Someone speaks through echoes on the spot.

Hytori: -han? - trying to locate the owner of that voice.

-up here!

Hytori looks up at the tree and sees something lying on one of its branches.

Hytori: -You are ...

-that's right, i'm your eda.

The creature he sees starts to laugh, that laugh was familiar to him, a laugh he had heard several times since he went to that world.

Hytori: -this laugh ...

Remembering the fight against Eritrhes in the city of Rio, the fight against the lotus flowers, and recently the night that the succubus had entered his room.

-what's it? Did a kitsune steal your tongue? - coming down from the tree.

Hytori: -this face, it is the same as that day.

Eda shows himself completely, his body was strange and hairy, with long legs made to jump, log arms with big hands, a face with a smile full of sharp teeth and long ears like foxes, his big eyes were blue , the coat was orange with black accents and a long, hairy tail, wearing a red robe.

-Very pleased, my name is Ragen, I'm a Kitsukao.

Hytori: -Kitsukao? - watching him approach. -then it is you that I must face ... - drawing his dagger.

Ragen: -That's timely, I would even talk about it. - Pointing at the dagger. -Relax Hytori, I am not your enemy, in fact I am a longtime ally.

Hytori: -what? - without understanding that.

Ragen: -I was the first to help you when you needed it, remember the city of Elvrin? When your hand was hit by blows.

Hytori: -Was it you who released that power?

Ragen: -Yes, I am the kitsukao of the blade's shadows, unlike my brothers, I have always helped him.

Hytori: -siblings? as well? I'm a little lost now. - Scratching your head.

Ragen: - 12 of us, 12 kitsukao's in all.

Hytori: -12? Yours...

Ragen: -Yes, your eda is divided into 12 forms of kitsukao, each originating from something that happened in your life, fragments of your history.

Hytori: -everyone like you?

Ragen: -in it did appear, but not everyone is friendly, your task will be pragmatic and to achieve complete control you will have to defeat each one of us and know the name of everyone so the paio will be unconditional.

Hytori: -name? 12? - lowering the dagger. -I don't understand anymore, it's nothing.

Ragen: -it looks complicated isn't it.

Hytori: -but why are you telling me that?

Ragen: -as I said, I'm friendly and I don't intend to fight you.

Hytori: -han?

Ragen: -You've trusted me since the day you met Yashina in that world.

Hytori: -You helped me all those times, didn't you? - remembering your first weeks in the game.

Ragen: -Yes, me and some other brothers have been helping you all this time, that's why I'm here, kitsukao number 01. - Showing the number on your back. -to tell you what you need to do to find the paths that lead to the other 11 kitsukao's that exist within you.

Hytori: -paths ...

Ragen: -your journey is just beginning Hytori, I will help you on it. - Getting closer to him. -speak my name and so I will join you once and for all. - Standing in front of Hytori. -do you trust me?

Hytori: -I understand, you were always with me. - After absorbing all that information. -I trust you, Ragen.

Ragen smiles and soon his body is absorbed by Hytori's so the dagger Hytori was holding changes to become a long Katana sword.

Hytori: -wow ... - looking at his Katana. -my journey is just beginning. - looking ahead. -12 Kitsukao, only 11 left now. - Looking at a path that opens up in that landscape.

Hytori enters the place for a new landscape, what seemed to be a fight against an eda became a bigger challenge, facing 12 demon beasts to know their names and thus earn their respect.