
City of Tokyo, the capital of Japan, one of the most developed cities in the world, a place of great shopping centers and intense movement, everywhere you can see companies, people at an accelerated pace, as usual that day an apparently young man he made his way to work following one of the streets with his briefcase in my hands, he wore a gray suit, wore glasses and always seemed to have his head in another in the clouds until one day he bumped into a girl without wanting to be there. answering the cell phone, the two ended up falling on the sidewalk and with great shame the two of them got up at once apologizing, a love story was born there.

They started to go out together, to have more intimate encounters until on a beautiful day, under a cherry tree he asked for her hands in marriage, that was the happiest day of her life, she was not able to show with words how much she was happy.

And so time passed, they had a beautiful wedding party and went to live in an apartment further away from the center, there the couple's life began, after a few years they lived very happy mainly with a news that took them both by surprise, she was pregnant.

The two began preparations for the big day, 9 months passed, the wait for their children was over, that's right, children, you didn't read wrong, she had given birth to twins, to be more specific a couple of twins.

-what will their name be? Said the doctor.

-Hytori and Tatsune Senki. - Said the mother while crying when having her children in her arms for the first time.

The father with tears streaming down his face, sobbing hugging his wife, that day would be their happiest day from then on, the family was complete and everything would be a bed of roses ... at least that's what she thought.

5 years later at a Tokyo subway station, someone was crying in one of the station's toilets, while their children sat waiting in one of the seats.

Tatsune child: -Mom is taking ...

Hytori child: -Is she okay, tate?

Tatsune child: -hum ... she's already coming look at Hyto!

Hytori child: -Mom!

- hi my babies, did you miss me? - opening his arms to catch Hytori in his lap.

Hytori child: -Yes! - being hugged by his mother.

Child Tatsune: -Me too!

-Opa, you are growing! - with both in your arms.

- at that time I was not sure what was happening ... suddenly we were going to the city of our grandparents, Yatsu, a small town to the south, to live with them.

Teacher: -Today we have two new students in the class, they come from Tokyo, the captain of Japan, it has been a while since that happened, come on introduce yourself, tell your names and your age to your new colleagues.

Tatsune child: -My name is Tatsune Senki, I am 5 years old. - smiling.

Teacher: -Now, you little one.

Hytori child: -t-ta ... my name is Hytori Senki, I have ... - counting the fingers. -5 years. - showing the hand.

Teacher: -see only children, they are twins, this is a rarity nowadays, well let's start the class, form a circle holding hands, we'll sing the welcome song.

Tatsune child: -oba! - joining the others.

Hytori child: -... - afraid.

Teacher: - come Hytori to be beside her, she is a very nice girl.

Yashina child: -Hi.

Hytori child: - hi.

Yashina child: -My name is Yashina Himode. - holding your hand to form a circle.

Hytori: -oi, Yashina ...

The two smile.

Tatsune seeing that smiles together.

-my brother's first friendship was with her ... that girl who would become my best friend.

4 years later.

Tatsune child: - hi Yashina. - sitting in the cafeteria

Yashina child: - Hi Tate. - sitting next to her. -Hytroi came today?

Tatsune child: -No, the mother left him grounded for having a boy yesterday.

Yashina child: -hum ... this is my fault.

Child Tatsune: -Don't feel that way, that idiot has to be of use. - smiling.

Yashina child: -You only say that because he is not here.

Tatsune child: -not afraid of him, let me get bigger than him that you will see.

Yashina child: -I know, it seems ...

The two laugh out loud.

-it was moments like the one that brought us closer and closer.

The following week Hytori went back to school normally, Yashina and Tastune were inseparable and he was always with them at the time of leaving and at recess during lunch.

But as their lives had taken a turn before, fate wanted to create another twist.

-the boys are fighting in the yard!

Yashina: -who?

-I'll Tatsune, then saying that Hytori is fighting in the yard near the workshop.

Tatsune: -That idiot.

Yashina: -That's not ...

-Tatsune's brother is facing another 3 of the ninth C.

Yashina: -Hytori ... - looking at Tatsune who was on the school table.

Tatsune: -What?

Yashina: -We have to help you.

Tatsune: -He went hunting for a fight, I bet, let him turn around.

Yashina: -... - running away.

Tatsune: -Yei Yashina! - getting up from the table. -... aaar. - running also to see that it was raining.

-When I arrived ... the only thing I saw was Yashina with the umbrella standing in the middle of the courtyard.

Tatsune: -Yashina?

Yashina: -Tatsune me perdoa...

Tatsune: -but for what?

Yashina: -... - run away.

Tatsune: -What happened here? - all soaked.

Tatsune went home that rainy afternoon, Hytori's shoes were lying on the floor, her mother was waiting for her to know what had happened.

-I tried to explain what I knew, but I knew almost nothing, Hytori was in the locked room, Yashina was crying, that to me was crazy.

The brothers until then shared the same room but after that event, Hytori closed himself, barely talking to anyone, living in the corners.

Tatsune: -After that fight he spends time like that, in the corners. - hunting something in the backpack.

Yashina: -Is he okay? - holding a cat-shaped key chain.

Tatsune: -Mom thinks so, but I don't know, it's weird. - with an orange juice box.

-I fought with them every day so that he could be who he was, talk to Yashina again, but he didn't listen, and more and more we moved away, in middle school we were in separate rooms, I felt powerless about that and I started ignoring, treating him badly to keep him away from me, because something told me that I could have done more that day ... and it consumed me inside ... so I thought that all that feeling would disappear ...

Hytori: -ai Tatsune, why did you hit me?

Tatsune: -You got my cookies again!

Hytori: -I don't.

Tatsune: you are your windhead! - pushing him against the wall.

- stop it you two. - pushing them away. -You now live fighting! Each to one side, they barely speak, Hytori with bad grades all year round, Tatsune cursing him constantly. What happened to the friendship that was between you? - Start to cry. - isn't it enough what happened to our family?

-watching my mom touch on that subject made me reflect, she didn't talk about it ... somehow we were doing her harm and Hytori felt it too but he didn't know what to do.

Tatsune: -Mom ... - watching Hytori go up to her room. -I'm sorry, I promise to fix things. - hugging your mother.

Some time later.

Yashina: -few time for holidays isn't it? - looking out the big window.

Tatsune: -Yeah, this is our last year in high school, next year college in the capital! - raising his arms.

Yashina: -Is your family going back to the capital? - looking at Tatsune.

Tatsune: -No, the mother doesn't like what is there. - closing your eyes. -And with the notes that Hytori is taking he doesn't take his foot away from here.

Yashina: -Hytori ...

Tatsune: -You know Yashina how about inviting my brother to our vacation club.

Yashina: -How so?

Tatsune: -It is our last year so together, maybe you will have another opportunity.

Yashina: -...

Tatsune: -When the bell strikes, go to his office to call him, and leave the rest to me.

Yashina: -What are you talking about ... - waving my hands in the air.

Tatsune: -You like him, don't you?

Yashina: -... - blush. -like you...

Tatsune: -I always knew.

Signal sounding.

Tatsune: come on, quick before she leaves!

Yashina: -t-ok! - runs out the door.

Tatsune: -I hope this works ... mom.

Some hours later...

Tatsune: -Yashina left without even talking to me ... what happened? - arriving home. -han? - noticing his brother's shoes thrown in the doorway. -What is happening?

-Tatsune, how good it arrived, I sent your brother to buy the material as agreed but since the time he arrived he is locked in the room. - distressed. -I'm worried.

Tatsune: -I'm going to talk to him. - going up to his brother's room. -... - by opening the door and seeing how he was doing. -Hytori!

- at the time I didn't know what had happened ... he was like that ... something worse would happen soon after.


- urgent news the virtual reality game MMO: isekai in the RPG presented a serious flaw, most of the players who entered the game do not want to return and this is affecting their bodies, the game's creators say that they cannot just turn off the game with everyone inside, this would end up in a coma to the players, to leave the game, the player has to want.

-Then authorities study a way to expel these players from the game.

-my God. - crying.

Tatsune: -Hytori ... - sighs deeply.

-the situation involving the game was dragging on for days, mine was suffering a lot with that and I couldn't see it that way anymore, that's when I decided.

-are you sure about that girl? - in a dark alley.

Tatsune: -sim.

- then don't complain. - handing her a console.

Tatsune: -I'll have to do this ... - putting on the VR glasses.

-To rescue my brother and my best friend, I had to get into the game ... and that's how my virtual life in another world started.

Welcome to MMO: Isekai in RPG.

Tatsune: -... - looking at his reflection in the water. -I got it.

-my search started in Elvrin city, and soon I was sure I was in the right place.

Tatsune: -guilda champion of the desert golem challenge. - reading a sign. -Exo, player who defeated the last golem ... Hytori Senki ... - with a beating heart.

-it had been 3 days since they had been in the city, after asking a little bit i knew they left for the north, so i started my journey.

Tatsune rested in the shade of an already known tree, the same place where the exo guild was training, soon after he went to a city where mountain bandits who had been captured were being taken to another garrison, it was there that she learned of one doing which two nice old people live.

Tatsune: -Thank you very much!

Mr. and Mrs. Yamamoto: -You don't have to, young lady, good luck on the trip!

-they were a great help, there I learned that Hytori and Yashina were traveling together, I didn't know how or why, but my search had taken another pace.

After passing through the city garrison, he got an illustration of Hytori because their faces had been placed on the wall as well-made.

The journey would take her to a commercial city near a source of running water, that had arrived in the city of the river.

-What happened here? - seeing that the city was restless and with many soldiers walking everywhere. -why all the fuss?

-Some criminals attacked the coliseum.

-I understand ... - keep your brother's drawing. -Thank you for your help.

Tatsune walks to the port and asks some people who were there if he had seen that boy, but only one knew how to tell him.

Alfred: -this boy, how do you know him?

Tatsune: -... did you see him? I am his sister. - after explaining

Alfred: -I understand ... he just left the city towards the port of Denos passage.

Tatsune: -and where is that?

Alfred: -I'll give you a map.

-that man who claimed to be just a butler gave me a light again, and now he was on a boat heading for Denos.

After a few days of travel, Tatsune arrives in Denos and continues his search until he reaches the valley in the sky, more precisely in Seismet, where he receives valuable information from Bartolomeu and company who gave him clothes for the journey, a long life ticket to catch a flight to the city closest to Bennevide, the city of pillars, so you can find it before they pass through there.

-but I was late again.

-fast, get those pieces of stones out of here. - elves working to remove shrapnel from the fight between the Hamura.

Tatsune: -More destruction ... why is there always a wave of confusion? ... Hytori.

-there I find out I didn't have a flight to Bennevide, that to get there I would have to go to the capital of liogres and take a draco and go back through the black forest.

It took Tatsune about 3 days to reach the royal capital of Liogres but when he got there he found out that due to the king's restrictions the admission to knight had been canceled and so everyone who was there to participate rented the drakes to return home.

Tatsune: -aff. - sigh deeply. -I'll never find you like that. - near a newsstand to buy mangnas.

Tatsune in the middle of her trip had battled with some monsters and received coins while doing missions for certain business owners who were being harassed by thieves and magical beasts, so she had gathered a beautiful story that would allow her to spend a few more days in several pensions. of the capital which was not very cheap.

Tatsune: -Sir, I want 5 mangn ... - feel something coming towards you.

Tatsune dodges the object that was thrown against the man's stand, a large mass of dust covered the place, the stand was destroyed and part of the wall behind it too.

Tatsune: -It can't be ...

-my sale!

Tatsune: -Stay with that! - throws the bag of coins on the floor and runs to that home that rises from the destruction.

Hytori: -yeah. - rubbing your head.

Tatsune: -...

-When I approached and managed to see who that person was, no matter how much my heart told me it was him, I didn't believe in what I saw, I had to be sure.

Tatsune: -Hytori...

Hytori: -this voice ... Tatsune? - when he saw her standing there in front of him.

-finally I had found him, finally my search was over, and I confirmed it was him with a punch.

-but who knew that all that would change ... and my virtual life in that world was just beginning.

Months later.

Tastune: -call the troops to the southern gate, we will leave.

-Yes, lady, master of arms.

We all have regrets, but what differentiates each one is the way we treat what comes after him, we cannot go back or do we have? not perhaps as in a time travel, but with actions that cancel or fix what makes you feel this pain, the pain of having done something or not doing something ... make no mistake, regretting having done something is so painful when you regret not doing something, mistakes happen but it's up to you to try to improve it.

MMO: Isekai no RPG.