First showdown with Kakashi Part 1

- So Kakashi, then? I see you're a ninja of the... Ahh! - Another shuriken flew close to my face. - Could you stop that?

- I thought you wanted a duel. - Kakashi said with a bored look. - With the way you took down the robber, I thought you were a skilled fighter, but I suppose your all speed and no skill.

I can't let that pass!

My armor may not be with me at the moment, but it doesn't matter. This wasn't a duel to the death, so defense didn't matter, and with the light wears he had, it only seems fair that I fight in my black undershirt.

I grabbed my short sword, and proppelled myself with laidõ, aiming at Kakashi's chest. The ninja dodged the strike with ease, as if it was natural to him.

- How? No one has ever been able to dod... - A kick went towards my direction, but a leap backwards was enough to avoid it. I did a couple somersaults to create distance, but I wasn't the only one fast there. The instant I got up on my feet, an avalanche of coordinated punches and kicks came at me. I was capable of blocking or dodging the first five hits, but the last seven hit, and they hit hard.

I was launched several feet away rolling, but I wouldn't be defeated so quickly. I once again got up, expecting a second avalanche, but none came. Instead he was now making several odd hand gestures while saying:

- Summoning: Earth Release Tracking Fang Technique

He put his hand on the ground, and 8 dogs emerged.

- Did you... Did you just summon dogs? And me thinking this was already going to be hard.

- You'll be fighting the dogs now.

- What? I won't be fighting dogs. I came to fight a ninja and... What are they doing?

The 8 dogs all buried themselves underneath the ground.

- You couldn't even block the most basic hits. If you really wanna fight, then best the dogs and prove me you deserve my best. I'll be heading back to the village

- Wait! You can't leave now.

- If you're as fast as you've lead me to believe you'll catch up.

Kakashi jumped onto the nearest tree, and continued leaping in the direction of what I assumed to be the Leaf Village.

- I won't let you get away!

I ran, and right as I jumped, a dog emerged from the ground, hitting me in the chin, and making me fall. Now out of the ground, the dog attempted to mercilessly maul me. As I approached with my sword, another dog emerged and grabbed my head, leaving my stomach unprotected against the first dog's attack.

This time I stood my ground, that is, until two other grabbed my legs and got me on the ground laying on my back. The remaining dogs, all appeared and got on top of my arms, my legs, stomach and, the biggest dog on my chest. On top of him was the smallest dog, who for some reason, seemed to be the leader. He said:

- You're not getting out of here.

- Oh god, you can speak? - I could barely believe it. It was already odd enough they came from smoke, but speaking?

- Kakashi is in the middle of an important assigment. He came to retrieve some stollen scrolls. You won't be getting in his way.

- It seems your master got you trained well.

- He's not our master!

- Oh good, then I won't feel bad about this.

Even though the dogs were on top of me, I was capable of lifting my torso slightly. By using my laidõ, with no hand on the scabbard, I was capable of ejecting my sword against the bigger dog on my torso, making him disappear in smoke. With my chest free, I powered through the ones on my arms, lifting them out, and regretfully punched the dog on my stomach.

- I'm sorry, doggo. - I apologized, not keen on hurting dogs.

With my stomach free, I tried to hit the two on my legs, but they dodged and went underground. With two dogs defeated and six underground, I attempted to chase after Kakashi once more, relying on my poor sense of direction.

Once again, as I leapt to the nearest tree, a dog emerged from the ground, but I was ready this time. With a midair flip, I grabbed the attacking dog by the neck, and threw him on the ground. Now there were five to go.

I got on a tree branch, hoping that I would be high enough for dogs not to hit me. With anxiety and determination, I jumped at full speed with my arms on my back, hoping that I would catch up to him at some point, that is, until I got kicked in the face.

With a surprise roundabout kick, Kakashi hit me to the ground effortlessly. I layed there complaining about my chin, which had been previously hit, but got on my feet once more.

- I can't keep getting caught by surprise. - I said, moments before being hit in the back by a dog. However, its like I said, I was ready now.

Once I felt the hit, I quickly turned around and kicked the attacking dog, as well as slashing the three behind it. Only one was left remaining.

The small talking dog looked at me, and said:

- Fine, have your duel. But next time, you won't even get to Kakashi. - The dog disappeared in smoke, as I felt proud of defeating my opponent's pets. However something was bugging my mind:

- I thought you said you had to return to your village! - I shouted confused.

- And I do. But the mission can take as long as I desire. This way, I got to enjoy quite a show.

- I'm glad you're entertained, because the main event is about to start!

- Doesn't seem like it will be very long though.

He leapt from the tree branch downwards, throwing several shuriken in my direction. I sidestepped to avoid them, and jumped on a tree horizontaly. I went in to slice Kakashi, but once I hit him, he turned into a log.

- What? - I gasped, being immediately hit in the back by a two feet kick.

I was launched forward, but quickly got back my composure, and grabbed my scabbard. I aimed at him and proppelled myself in his direction. He lowered himself, avoiding me by a small margin. I put my sword back in the scabbard and repeated the same attack three more times.

- He's way too agile to hit normally, but as long as I keep attacking, he won't hit back. How long will this last?

- Don't think I won't strike back.

Damnit! I keep saying my thoughts outloud. At least I know he's bluffing. With the rate of my attacks, there's no way he can counter that fast, but he can always dodge. Unless...

I once again used Laidõ, except, this time, I didn't hold on to the sword. I let the sword fly off the scabbard on its own, gaining much more velocity than if I grabbed it. It hit the unaware Kakashi in the face, giving me time to approach. I grabbed the sword midair, and procceded to strike hitting him with a vertical slash, however he was simply pushed back.

- How? But I slashed you. - I looked at my sword, and realised the worst.

The training I had done before on the tree turned my blade blunt, it couldn't even slash anymore. How will I win, if I can't inflict damage? Things only got worse when I looked at the ninja, and saw how he did some new hand movements:

- Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet