First showdown against Kakashi - Part 2

- Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet.

A small pond of water next to us started reverberating. I hadn't taken notice of the water before, but when a huge water dragon comes from it, its hard not to pay attention. With red eyes, it really was an horrifying sight to behold.

- So you can summon both dogs and dragons... What are ninjas? - All these years hearing about ninjas, collecting information about them. I just thought they could launch shuriken and make some clones, but now I felt like I knew nothing.

The dragon with a vicious look on his crimson eyes aimed at me at full throttle. With a quick dash backwards I avoided, but was forced to keep running away from it. I thought that with enough distance from the pond, the dragon wouldn't be able to catch me, since he was forcefully linked to its origin, and thankfully I was right. The dragon tried to reach me, but instead was left howling like a dog on a leash, which meant that I could rest for once. However, the moment I stopped to catch my breath, I was kicked from behind:

- Always pay attention to your surroundings.

Being hit in the back, I was pushed forward directly into the dragon's jaws. It picked me up with its mouth, throwing me into the air, readying itself to grab once again and throw against the pond. While there, several shuriken went in my direction, but with quick action with my sword, I was able to deflect them. The dragon went upwards to catch me and bodyslam me to the ground, but I wasn't going to let him.

- You should have kept mauling me. Throwing me in the air was your worst mistake.

I put my sword in its scabbard and invented something up:

- Heaven's Laidõ! - I shouted as I proppelled myself downwards holding the sword with my left hand.

I had never attempted to use laidõ against the ground before, probably because I never got to such an altitude, but in this dire situation I had no other choice. I closed my eyes, and hoped for the best. Once it was over, the laidõ acceleration stopped, I looked back and saw rain. My blade may have been blunt, however, against a creature made of water, it didn't matter how sharp the blade was, it would cut through. The dragon lost its form and rained down on the ground.

As I prepared myself to land, I looked around in search of Kakashi. He was now, once again doing hand movements, maybe summoning another dragon, who knows. All I knew is I couldn't let him finish his technique, I had to reach him quickly and stop him. Laidõ was the obvious choice, however my sword was already off the scabbard and it would take too long to put it back in with the air rushing while falling. That's when I remembered. I brought my emergency sword!

I put my right hand on the left scabbard, a weirder position than I'd like since I was so used to doing it with my right hand. I positioned myself midair, and used laidõ. Kakashi was about finished with the hand movements, ready to say the technique's name, however I was faster. I was sure that I would hit him with my emergency sword, but somehow he dodged.

- But how? Its like you know my every move. - It didn't matter. At least I stopped him from finishing the jutsu. I tried to walk in his direction, but my foot trembled.

- You're tougher than I thought. - Said the white-haired ninja. - I wonder how much longer you can keep up like that.

I could barely walk forward with how tired I was. Using laidõ consumed some of my body's natural reserves of chakra, it wasn't something I could simply abuse, and with all the physical punishment from the ninja and its summons, it was something I didn't even know if I could keep using.

- Come on body, don't fail me now. I need to prove them... I need to prove myself that I'm nothing like a ninja. That I'm better and I can beat them, MY OWN WAY.

With both swords in each hand I ran in his direction, and started my assault. Kakashi didn't try to dodge, he didn't even attempt another jutsu, no, he accepted my resolve. He took me head-on, and made it clear that if I were to ever beat him, it would be by using everything I got.

He had been toying with me so far, throwing shuriken, dogs and dragons at me. He had done the occasional surprise kick or punch, but had done so, effortlessly. He was truly a force to be reckoned with, but was not unbeatable. His relaxed nature will be his downfall, once I surprise him with everything I have.

I pressured him with as many slashes as I could. He held a shuriken in one of his hands, blocking my swords while trying to hit me with his fist. I dodged every approach of his, as he blocked mine. He then kicked me, and I in response did the same, hitting his leg mid strike. We both jumped back creating some distance, and I heard him say:

- I thought you were on your last breath, and yet you're keeping up. You've improved quite conseiderably since the beggining of this fight.

- I guess I adapted to you. I had never fought a ninja before, so I had no idea how to combat one. But I'm getting the feel for it.

- Well, you sure have some impressive Taijutsu.

- Taijutsu?

- You never heard of it? You really are clueless.

He came back at me with the shuriken, forcing me to jump to the side.

I had heard about Taijutsu, as it being a way to stregthen your blows with your chakra, but from what I recall its a path of ninja training that involves extensive training. Had I adopted a ninja's way of training by accident? These thoughts crossed my mind as I battled Kakashi. He continued to jump at me with his shuriken, as I attempted to dodge. I was once capable of countering, however he turned into a log. I saw another him appearing from the side, and promptly striked, but once again, smoke appeared, and I simply hit a log.

Where was he? Where's the real him? I looked around as I dispatched his clones. From the side of my eye, was a version of him doing hand signs.

- That has to be him. He's simply buying time to make a jutsu. Dammit, I hope I'm not too late.

The only way I had to stop him would be with laidõ, however with the clones he had managed to distance himself, plus if I used laidõ I would fall to the ground from exhaustion.

I looked at both my swords, and thought:

- If I'm going to knock myself out, might as well do it with the most powerful blow.

I aimed at Kakashi, and put both of my swords in their scabbards. If a simple laidõ wasn't enough, I'll go with two, and get enough propulsion to reach him. With my remaining chakras, I shouted in an attempt to get me hyped and awake:

- Double Laidõ Explosion

I ignited my chakra in both scabbards, proppeling myself in a speed higher than I had ever achieved. In less than a second, I traveled the hundred meter distance, between me and Kakashi, slashing the bandana off his face. Unfortunately, with his quick reaction, no injuries were striken on him.

- He keeps predicting every thing I do? How?

Almost blacking out from pure exhaustion, I looked back at his face and saw his hidden eye. It wasn't a regular eye, no, it was red, red like the eyes of the man who killed my parents. Of course this ninja was so powerful, he wasn't just anybody, he was a part of the wretched Uchiha clan. Only they possessed such eyes.

Rage brewed within me, and the chakra that I had used to its last extent, seemed to recover, grow even. I felt my body skyrocket in strenght, as every muscle exerted itself to its maximum. Kakashi looked at me, and in surprise exclaimed:

- He just opened one of the Gates.