First showdown with Kakashi - Last part

- You opened one of the Gates! You really are adept at Taijutsu. - Said Kakashi impressed.

- Why did you have to have a red eye? - My body was filled with adrenaline and rage. My muscles that were breaking in exhaustion were now shouting with energy, but it stang. It didn't feel as good as I thought initially, it was consistently getting more bothersome, even painful. Where did this power come from? - Why did you have to come from that clan? - My mind was a mess. Filled with both anger, confusion and determination, I didn't know what to focus on. I looked forward, even opening my eyes felt bothersome. I saw the white-haired ninja do a hand movement. Another jutsu. I can't let him. I grabbed my sword to stop him, but it only took one movement. Anything that quick has to be weak. I'll just deal with it has I have before.

- Chidori! - Kakashi shouted. The chakra in his hand turned into the raging energy of the heavens, lighting weaved across his arm uncontrolably. That doesn't look weak, that doesn't look weak at all. But even though it surprised me how easily he invoked such a technique, it didn't scare me. Nothing would. All the mess in my mind combined itself in a single objetive. I have to avenge my parents.


Kakashi moved towards me, as I leapt towards him. It was a strange sensation. My body felt so heavy, and yet it moved as swiftly as a feather. I reached him twice as fast as I normally would, and as he thrusted his hand with lighting towards me, I slided under his hand and kicked him the stomach. Even in that strange sliding position, my kick felt powerful, I'd say stronger than any blow I could have done before. He said I opened a gate right? I'll keep him breathing and ask him that. Actually I have a lot to ask him...

Kakashi was pushed backwards with the kick, but the chidori didn't waver. He may not have hit me on his first attempt, but he would try again. He regained his compusure, only to lose it once more immediately after. My strenght and speed had increased, so obviously my laidõ at to have improved. However, the time between me touching my sword and getting behind him with laidõ was too little for even me to handle. Not only did I miss him due to not being accostumed to such speed, but I also got about a 100 meters behind him. This is insane. I would say my physical capabilities were increased by five times its previous limit. How will I fight with a body I can't even control? I looked at my right arm with the sword on my hand, trembling. My body didn't recover at all, it simply went for a second round. I was still using my own stamina to attack and move, whatever this gate was, it was destroying me from the inside. I had to finish this quickly.

A hand holding a shuriken came to hit my face, but that tenth of a second was enough for me to react. I moved my body back, and kicked the ninja, feeling an intense shock all over my body. It was a clone, however it didn't turn into a log, it instead reverted to lightning. I was pushed back from the shock, and saw a chidori coming for my face. I quickly rolled to the side avoiding the attack, and leapt tackling him in the stomach. As he was pushed back, I ran forward and kicked him in the face upwards, while he was on the ground. Now in the air I attempted to slash him, but his lightning hand was able to guard.

- Your lightning hand sure is useful. Let's see how handy it is once you DIE.

I positioned myself as well as I could, ready to use laidõ and pierce through him. Last time my laidõ ignited so quickly that I didn't have the time to focus on my trajectory, but now that I knew what was wrong, I couldn't miss. He seemed to hold his lightning hand with his other hand. I guess he noticed my intention and is reacting accordingly. It doesn't matter though, he won't be able to avoid this.

- Double Laidõ Explosion!

- Raikiri!

Proppeling myself at speeds I couldn't even imagine were possible for me, I aimed my blades at his neck. All I needed was to slice him, to hold my blades as tightly as I could... my blades...

- What happened to my blades?

I was only grabbing the handle of both swords, but the rest was gone. They had been shattered when they got in contact with the Raikiri. I lost my only weapons. I couldn't win with just my fists and kicks. I don't even know how to use this Taijutsu bullcrap. My hands from the mere shock of the collision as well as the pain from maintaining this opened Gate or whatever, tensed up, and I couldn't even open them to drop the handles of the swords. But I can't give up now.

I looked back, expecting a counter, but two things caught my attention. First, Kakashi was exhausted. He had done several jutsus, got hit quite strongly from my attacks and was no longer able to keep his Raikiri. However he still looked at me, preparing to kick me. Second, the tip of my emergency sword was still flying above me. I may not have the handle attached to it, but it still had some use. I just had to be willing to sacrifice myself a bit. With both my hands seemingly attached to the handles, I opened my mouth and grabbed the side of the tip of the blade with my teeth. It was a painful sensation on the sides of my mouth, but it was my only weapon. By lowering myself, I went underneath his fist, and with a quick leap, hit his stomach with my sword. His vest got in the way, so I had to thrust the blade, however, using it with my mouth, turned it into a two sided blade. I ripped through his stomach, seeing the blood come out, but I also cut through the side of my own face up until my jaw bone.

Kakashi collapsed forward, as I stood up. I had defeated him, one of the clan of Uchiha. I proved myself I was powerful enough to confront my parents' murderers. Before questioning him, I took a step forward.

- EAAAAGHHHHH! - I growled into the heavens with pride.

My body may feel like it was a hit away from collapsing, I felt my muscles cry for rest, my own bones melt from the exhaustion, but I was successfull. All I could think about was, the surging pain coming from my ass?

- One Thousand Years of Death! - Kakashi screamed, as he pushed four of his fingers up my ass.

- Aaagh! - I screamed once again, this time not in pride, but in pain, in awful, awful pain.

I was ejected several feet upwards landing then on my face on the ground. With all the injuries, and all the strain on my body, getting up wasn't even an option anymore. All I could do was look backwards as the ninja got up.

- I got lucky that was a short cut, if it had gone any deeper I might have been in trouble. - Kakashi commented has he closed his wound with some bandages he had with him. - This was really exciting Roderick. Never thought I would see a samurai open one of the Eight Gates.

I could hear him, but I didn't care about what he said. I was so close, so close to beat one of the man from the wretched assassin's clan. I couldn't help it when tears came rushing down my face.

- That whole part you said about killing me. What was that all about?

- My... My parents were killed by an Uchiha. Your red eyes... You're one of them. - I said amidst hiccups.

- Wow, that's a serious mess. I'm sorry but you got the wrong guy. I'm not an Uchiha.

- Stop lying! I got all the evidence I need in that eye of yours.

- This? I got this from a friend. Usually Uchiha members have Sharingan on both their eyes. As you can see I only have on my left one. Have you even seen an Uchiha before?

So I was fighting the wrong guy this whole time? What a mess. I had to apologize but at that point I started uncontrolably laughing. Man, this had really been a rollercoaster of emotions.

- You got lucky. If you were fighting an Uchiha you would have been beaten long before, if not killed. To be honest, I'm afraid they may be stronger than even myself.

- So only when I beat you, will I be able to be as strong as an Uchiha?

- I guess that's one way to look at it. - He took some bandages from his pouch, throwing them at me. - Here, see if you can heal yourself up. I've got to go.

Kakashi jumped away, probably to give back the scroll he had recovered from the stealing ninja. As he left with a mission accomplished, I laid on the ground with a new one to complete. I shouted at the sky:

- Kakashi, I don't care if you are a common ninja or the Hokage. I will defeat you, and once I do, I'll take down the man who killed my parents and his whole goddamn clan if I have to.

With all my might now heard across the jungle, I fainted. I didn't have any energy left, and my body hurt all over. But there was one thing I knew that I had to do once I woke up. I had to train myself and learn of this Taijutsu and its gates. I had to become much, much stronger.