Everything planned out

Lunch sure tasted great. It was baked potatoes and well cooked meat, but even with the decreased flavour, it made wonders for my exhaustion.

I had just come from the second class of teaching Mifune my technique, however, as phenomenal as it is to teach the leader of my Land, it still was pretty boring, especially after the training session with Rakuma. Every time I thought about it my stomach growled in anxiety and I was forced to stuff my mouth with another potato. When I went to the lunch lady to get a second fill, my good friend Renji appeared with his own plate:

- Hey Rod, how are you doing?

- Renji! I'm so happy to see you. Training here sure is tiresome.

- You don't need to tell me twice. Let's go sit to talk.

We both got our food from an unpleasant looking lady. Having to serve people lunch at five in the afternoon must be incredibly annoying, but if Renji is here it can't be uncommon. That begs the question:

- Do you always lunch this late?

- Only twice a week, on the extreme training days.

- Oh, is today an extreme training day? That would explain it.

- Explain what?

- I had my first training lesson today and it was a fight to the death. Glad to hear that's twice a week. - Renji looked at me in pure disbelief.

- Are you serious? Who's your teacher?

- Stupidfa... Rakuma. Its Rakuma.

- That explains it.

- Explains what? - Why do I feel like I'm in a loop.

- Well, have you met Lai?

- No. Who is he?

- You've probably seen him. He's the other guard of Mifune. He's my teacher and today the lesson was to dodge his long range slashes. However he doesn't care if they hit me or not, so its a bit intense.

- Oh, my teacher hasn't even used chakra slashes yet.

- Oh really? Has he at least strengthened his sword?

I thought about it. Did he use chakra even once? I suppose he did use laidõ, or was that his regular slash? Did he beat my two sword style, one gate opened, attacks with pure natural muscle? What kind of monster is he? I'm starting to be a little afraid now.

Renji probably noticed me being distracted in my thoughts, maybe even realised my despaired expression, so he quickly changed the subject:

- By the way, about that whole iron scroll tale...

- Yeah, yeah! Tell me, tell me! - I had almost forgotten. Now I was as excited as a kid about to get icecream.

- I don't think its a good idea.

- What is this all of a sudden?

- You intend to steal it, don't you?

I couldn't lie to my best friend. Most people would go look for it, simply due to intrigue alone, not to have take it for themselves. If this was the me from a week ago, I would do that, but now I owed Linja, and she's not someone I intend to disappoint. I simply nodded to him in shame, as he looked at me. He said:

- That won't be as easy as you think. The ancient tomb is a place where many legendary weapons and armors are located. Even though its a public place for anyone who wants to pay their respects, its still heavily guarded. The moment it seems like you stepped somewhere you shouldn't you will have a dozen samurai around you.

- So there's no way?

- To me or you, definitely not. But let's hope your friend ninja is capable enough to pull off the impossible.

- Wait, you're not...

- Against it? Of course not. Its not like the world will change just because you stole an unusable scroll.

- Dude, have I ever told you're the best guy ever?

- All the time. And I keep telling you there's much better out there.

- There's just one last thing missing though. I have a vague idea where the tomb is at, but its pretty big, right? It'll be annoying to scavenge it thoroughly.

- Don't worry, we'll pass by there this weekend. We should have the time for me to show the spot.

The lunch continued and the sun dropped, yet the day wasn't over. Although there wasn't any night training, I had other duties to fulfill. You see, I can't just have a room to myself just because I teach Mifune a couple hours a day, no, I had to earn it, and by earn it I mean, I had to clean the toilets. I hate to admit it, but I was already used to such career, since my old job at the ramen shop, was essentially the same.

It took too long for me to get to bed, but even then, it wasn't over. A beautiful green eyed woman was at the window. Her lips, which were normally crisp, were now nice and smooth, and her messy hair was now revealing its true curly nature. What happenned to Linja?

I unlocked the window and she quickly got inside. Before she seemed so against entering and now... My mind raced. Did she fall for me? Is that why she cleaned her hair took good care of her face? And she never entered before. I started blushing, feeling hot from the inside. Linja looked at me, and asked:

- Are you okay? You took so long and now you seem a little light headed and red. Let me take a look.

She got close to me, and put her hand on my forehead. I could smell a slight perfume from her head with a lavender scent. She had probably washed herself with my shampoo. As she only seemed to get closer, all I wanted to say to her was that this wasn't any illness, but the disease called love. She looked at me in the eyes once more and said, now more annoyed:

- It seems like its nothing. What took you so long then?

- I ha... - No, voice, don't you dare crack. I need to seem cool. And don't you dare mention the cleaning the toilets part. - I had some duties to fulfill. After all, I need to earn my residence.

- That makes sense. I should probably start coming here later then, I could barely stand the cold this time.

- I'll just keep the window open. It should give us more time to talk and you could also rest in the bed if I take any longer than usual.

- You're right. That does sound better. - Good job, brain. You just convinced her to wait for you in bed. That's one hell of a start. - Have you figured out anything? Because I found out where the tomb is, however it seems heavily guarded so I didn't enter it.

- I was thinking of going there this Saturday at 5 with Renji so he could show me where it is.

- Oh, Saturday? That's three days from now... - She looked at the ground dangling her feet, she seemed like she wanted to say something, so I asked.

- What is it?

- Its just... there's nothing to do and, since I already ate all your food... - A loud belly growl was heard.

- Are... Are you hungry? Really? After everything you ate?

- I ate it yesterday. I didn't eat today.

- Then get a job. There should be an opening at the ramen shop now. Plus with the way you look they'll definitely take you.

- The way I look? What do you mean?

No, mouth, don't stay still now. Move, tell her how beautiful she is. Come on, you can do it.

- They might give you free ramen there. - Nooo! Why am I like this? This was the perfect chance.

- Why didn't you start with that? Looks like I'm getting a job! - She looked embarassed when saying and then asked with an awkward smile. - Is it bad that I never thought I'd say this? - I stupidly nodded, but I guess the grin on my face didn't make it worse.

She jumped back through the window, looked back and said:

- So you'll tell me everything Saturday? There's no need to come here before?

- Oh please, do come by. I love these litle talks.

- You don't need to be nice. I'll come back Saturday night.

- Why don't you come with us at 5? Its a public place, as long as you don't steal anything right away, you can enter the tomb.

- Fine then. See you Saturday.

With a loud content sigh, I closed the window. My heart during that conversation seemed to beat faster than when I was fighting Rakuma. I'm starting to wonder what's going to kill me first.