Doing the impossible

- Second day of training: Let's swing those swords.

- Are you gonna give a name to every day of training?

- Makes thing more entertaining don't you think? - I looked at Stupidface in confusion. - Look, just go with it. - Why does he seem a lot more calm today?

The night before

After training his student, Rakuma and Lai met up to discuss their teachings of both Roderick and Renji. This was the first reunion of many, and since this was Rakuma's first student, Lai was especially curious. He took the cigarette from his mouth for a moment and asked:

- So how did your day go? Did Roderick cause you a lot of trouble?

- That kid just pisses me off.

- Then, I suppose he's like every other person.

- No, its worse. That kid has too much resolve, its infuriating. He tries his best, but always does it his way. He doesn't seem to listen.

- Give it time. He'll come about eventually.

- If you say so. - Rakuma had a short temper, but he wasn't one to lash out on Lai. He knew his guard counterpart was more skillful than himself, even if less powerful.

- And what exactly did you do to train him? Some chakra slashes?

- Chakra slashes? AH ah ah! - Rakuma laughed loudly. - The kid can't even control chakra enough to envelop his sword. - Lai choked on the smoke of his cigarette, coughing quite badly. With difficulty he said:

- That sounds quite difficult, in fact.

- Yeah, he's a total loser. He wasn't able to learn anything in his time at the samurai schooI, because he was too egocentrical. From reports, it seems he even says his thoughts outloud at times. Because he can't tell anything apart of what happens around him I decided to give him a reality check, so his first class was a fight to the death. - Lai once again coughed in shock.

- A fight to the death? And me thinking I was having some difficulties with Renji.

- The perfect prodigy? I wonder what trouble a kid like that could give you.

- He's too lenient. I think the way people see him, at the height of the perfect samurai, made him too overconfident. Today, I decided to increase the amount of chakra slashes I threw at him, and he barely tried to counter. He seems to have lost the drive to improve. I fear he also needs a reality check.

- Then you should...

- I'm not fighting him to the death! And so aren't you! Go easy on the kid. You can't fix everything through brute force.

Back to the present

- So, sword slashes? I guess Renji was right, yesterday really was an intense training day. I suppose friday we'll fight to the death again?

- No... No, not really. What I did before was too extreme, I hope you can forgive me for that. From now on we will have simple training. And we'll start with the thing you need the most. Swing strenght.

- As you say, then.

I was a bit disappointed. I was oddly looking forward to run the risk of death once more. I guess it reminded me of the constant risk of being caught when I stole wallets as a child. It was both nostalgic and rewarding, I actually felt like I got stronger from it, and even Rakuma seemed to enjoy it. Now he just looked bored. He gave me the usual lecture of how to focus your energy in one point, and proceeded to show the proper way to strenghten your sword and slash the wooden doll in front of him, but I just couldn't do it. At one point, I shouted:

- Damn it! I just can't do it. It doesn't matter how hard I try, my chakra just doesn't want to burst out. I'm never going to be able to...

- Don't give up before you try, you stupid idiot! - Rakuma shouted. - You really think this is easy?

- Everyone else can do it.

- And who the hell can propell himself with a simple laidõ like you? - I realized the determination in Rakuma's eyes. He really wanted me to improve. - You have the things you're good at, and others have their own. So stop whining and fucking listen to what I tell you, you stupid idiot. Close your eyes and imagine an interconnected web with energy flowing through your body. Once you feel it, grab hold of it and focus it on your goddamn wooden sword.

I have to do this. I can do this. I closed my eyes, controlled my breathing, and focused on my own chakra. I could feel my legs getting numb but nothing came of it.

- Tell me, what do you feel, you stupid idiot? - He asked calmly.

- Could you not call me that? I honestly prefer Roddie over that. - I calmly answered.

- Do this, and I won't even call you either. Now tell me, what do you feel?

- Nothing.

- You're lying. I've seen the way you fight Roderick. Your explosive laidõ is a consequence of your high reserves of chakra, just tap into them.

- I can't. I don't actually feel anything coursing through my body.

- You don't feel anything odd in any specific part of your body?

- My legs are kind of numb.

- Stop. Open your eyes.

I woke up from my focus, and relaxed my body into the natural position. Rakuma approached. Did I do it? Was that the goal the whole time? As my teacher got closer I saw his left hand going up and backward. Is he gonna pat me in the head? What is... PAAH

With a powerful swing, Rakuma hit me with a full force slap to the face. I got instantly thrown to the ground almost unconscious. My right ear couldn't hear anything so I only truly understood what he was saying when I started getting up.

- Your chakra doesn't come from your stupid legs. Its an energy from the heart and head. You're not supposed to tell me if you're tired. Your're supposed to tell where you feel the chakra to be in its strongest. Now, do it once more.

I got mad, like really mad here, the kind of mad that almost makes you cry. I looked at him, and said:

- Why can't we repeat yesterday's class? I much prefer that than today's useless chakra crap.

- So you rather be beaten half to death than do what's truly important for a samurai? Fine. I also feel like beating you up.

Thankfully it didn't take long to convince the big guy to fight. Now I could happily fight the brute to the death, and this time I was going to damage him hard.

Later that night

After another lovely talk with Linja, I got myself into bed. While putting the covers over my broken body, I said to myself:

- Today was another loss. But I will beat you next time, StupidFace. Just wait and see. - And this is how I got severely beaten four days in a row with no hope of success.