
- So this is the ninja? - Remarked Renji when seeing Linja.

Saturday came faster than expected. All I had been doing the past few days was battling to the death, cleaning bathrooms and cantinas, and teaching Mifune my technique. The latter one, thankfully, was taking its time. I always tried being lenghty in my explanations, since the longer he takes to learn the longer I stay, but I didn't want to disrespect the general. Even though I hadn't stayed there for long, I really needed today, a day to break the usual pace and just map out the place we are going to rob.

Me and Renji came together at the combined time of 5 pm. However Linja was already waiting for us. She was wearing one of my shirts, yellow and with a picture of an orange, and blue pants, both from my wardrobe, kind of a stupid look, especially when they were both too big for her, but the cheapest you can find in a store of the Land of Iron.

Linja remarked:

- Hey Rod, ready to scout the place? Who's that? Is it the friend you talked about? - She asked.

- Linja this my pal Renji, and Renji this is...

- It's a pleasure to meet you, Linja. I've come here to help your friend.

- Well, I don't think we need any outside help.

Linja was already suspicious of him. That's not a good start. Renji seemed utterly offended by the remark.

- I was once a guard here for a mission, so I know the layout. Trust me, you'll need me.

- If you say so. Let's enter already.

Linja led the way leaving me and Renji alone. Seeing his chance, Renji said:

- Green eyes, curly hair. Dude, she's totally your type. Now I see why you keep her around.

- Could you shut up? She might hear you.

- Oh, I hope she does. I can already see you have a crush on her. Let me tell her.

- There's no way I'm letting you. What happenned with Sara won't repeat again.

- Come on, you can't blame me for that. Also she's headed the wrong way. We're supposed to turn here.

- Just stay here, I'll go to her and warn her.

- Go right ahead, tiger.

Exasperated, I reached Linja stopping her with a hand on the shoulder and asked:

- Do you even know where you're going? - In front of her was the tomb of the second samurai general Zoro, a samurai known to use the three sword style, and behind it a dead end. Linja turned around almost hitting her face with mine, making me extremely nervous. Damn you Renji, why did you have to mention she being my type? She answered valiantly:

- My scroll senses are tingling. This is the way.

- Well, you're wrong. Let's get back. Renji is the only one who knows the way.

We walked back, now following Renji, but I couldn't blame her for getting lost. We were in a true maze of tombs and ancient weapons. Everywhere we looked was either an excerpt of samurai history, was a tomb to look at. I even remarked that there was a lot to steal there that wasn't scrolls, but Linja quickly said she wasn't interested in anything else. I decided to read some of the excerpts, and although samurai aren't as ancient as ninja themselves, we did have an extensive story. It all starts from the first samurai Oden, simply because ,before that, the records talk about samurai fighting ninja aliens, and no one believes it.

I approached Linja and said:

- You know you can buy new clothes with the money you get from the job, right?

- I know. But I saw this shirt on your wardrobe and thought it was so cute that I had to wear it. Hope you don't mind. - I felt my masculinity drop from these words. - Also, after buying the food for the day, I never really have enough to buy anything else.

- I thought as much, you beautiful pig. - I murmured.

- We're here. - Alerted Renji.

He was now right next to a dark entrance with a sign on it saying: "The Forbidden Cave of Ninja History". Why would they have a cave that's forbidden in the middle of a public tomb? I guess they didn't plan this out. As I was thinking that, I saw Linja move towards the guard by the entrance, and saying:

- Can I enter here?

- Can't you read? Its forbidden. Get out, there's a lot more to see.

- Please? - Linja held her hands and got her arms closer to her chest in a gesture of desire. Due to her pressing her chest with her arms, the top of her shirt widdenned and you could almost see her body underneath. The guard looked up, with a drop of blood coming from his nose, and said:

- Just get out!

You had to admire this man. If it was me I would have immediately given up and let her through. Linja just keeps impressing me with her beauty.

She turned around and I hurriedly tried to cool off. My cheeks felt like they were fire, and I was afraid that the inconvenience in my pants would go down, but thankfully she didn't seem to notice. She said:

- This is going to be tough, guys. Is he always there, guarding that place?

- No, they switch with others from time to time. - Explained Renji. - Is that how you usually steal your scrolls?

- By asking? I always try that first.

- No, I mean... - I quickly shut him up. Linja seemed like she didn't notice what she had done. And for now, I'd like to keep her clueless.

- So Renji, when these guards switch how much time do we have to enter?

- Not much, a minute at most. But if they were to be distracted during that time, we should be able to extend it.

- I'll need at least 5 to 10 minutes to get the scroll. - Said Linja.

- You can probably steal it in less time.

- I'm not going to steal the scroll itself, just the contents of it. I'm going to copy the scroll. - Said Linja as if what she was saying was obvious.

- Don't you need controled chakra to write down a jutsu into paper? And doesn't that take hours?

- Normally, but if you have a chakra induced paper, you don't even need to use your own. Plus don't doubt my artistic skills. I may not be a good ninja, but I'm the best artist. I can do something this simply in a couple minutes. Ah ah! - She laughed, exclaiming her pride.

- We'll have to come here some other day then. - Intervened Renji. - They only switch guards at night. We'll think of a distraction, and maybe come back Wednesday?

- Sounds perfect to me.

- Great. Now let's have some fun, shall we?

The three of us continued our trip through the tomb, and I have to say, I haven't had this much fun in a while.

*At the top of a pillar from the tomb was a shadow figure. Enveloped by his own wind jutsu he was invisible to the naked eye. He held with him a device where a voice was heard:

- So, is the steal viable?

- There is a guard by the entrance, as well as other four around the premises. We will have to get rid of them.

- Fine then. Make the preparations, lay out the traps. Once we get together in three days, we shall attack.

- As you say, sir.

The voice was silenced, and the man moved. He moved away from the pillar, and removed the camouflage. A large scythe waving with the air itself was on his back, and on his face was a determined expression as he said to himself:

- We will get the Iron Scroll to ourselves. The Five Reapers of Metal will be no longer forgotten.