Iron Scroll Disaster - Surprise

It all started with a slow training, and a steel sword.

- What happened to your wooden sword? - I asked, curious since this was the first this had happened.

Rakuma had just recovered from his back injury and said he was willing to train me. However Mifune told him to take it easy, and not over do it, which made the current situation even more baffling.

- Today Roddie, we're going to train defense. From what I saw of your fight against Renji, that is one area you're seriously lacking. You won't be able to dodge all your attacks, sooner or later, you'll have to learn how to take a hit.

- And how exactly do you propose we do that? If I can't surround my blade with chakra, I won't be able to take any attacks.

- Although I do believe that is essential, it's not the only requirement. The angle and force in which you block, can prevent the damage sustained by your sword. Plus, you're a two sword yielder, it should be simple to combine them and make the perfect shield. I'll show you.

Rakuma approached me and with a slow horizontal swing, pretended to slice my chest. I grabed both swords and held them vertically against his, and when they hit, he commented:

- Not bad. You used the sides of the sword as you should. The sides of the sword, although not the thickest, when damaged, tend not to affect the sword's ability to cut.

- Good start then?

- I suppose, however no opponent would ever strike so slowly. So let's speed things up.

Rakuma started doing regular swings, as I acted to block them. From time to time, he would warn me of what I was doing wrong "Turn your left sword more.", "You're only using one, when you have two swords.". His speed kept increasing to such an extent that I had to dodge one strike. He stopped then, and complained:

- What was that? Why did you dodge?

- I couldn't keep up. Plus, with a steel sword I can't risk it. Why can't you change swords?

- Because then where would be the stakes? Now, again. And this time I don't wanna see you dodge. I'm careful enough to not hurt you too much. - That "too much" was doubtful.

We continued the rest of the training, and Rakuma didn't seem pleased. I mean, he should expect that I wouldn't be perfect, so I suppose he was disappointed with himself. He probably wasn't doing as well as if he were healed, which begs the question, of how fast can he strike.

The training ended, and, after lunch, I went to meet up with Mifune, who was as usual, patiently waiting.

He was sitting in the middle of the room with his eyes closed in a meditating stance, with a sword by his side. I went close to him, and sat beside him, waiting for him to open his eyes. I wasn't too sure what he was doing, and I wouldn't dare to try and interrupt him. However, after what seemed like half an hour of waiting, I dared:

- General Mifune, is everything okay?

He seemed to wake up from a trance. So he was sleeping the whole time! He seemed distraught, and realizing that I was there with him, he apologized:

- I'm sorry Roderick, I didn't mean to fall asleep. I've been having a lot of work these past few days due to your findings. Having an Akatsuki member lost on our Land, and the imminent threat of one of our oldest legends revived, would be enough to gather a Kage Summit.

- You really think it would have to go that far?

- I do, after all, the Akatsuki are a ninja... problem? I'm not even sure anymore. They seem to be both hazardous as well as protective of their villages. It still is an unknown threat for now. Who knows maybe we're lucky and nothing happens.

- I hope as well. From what I heard of the Reapers of Metal legend, they wouldn't be easy to deal with, plus with the help of an Akatsuki member... If one of them could almost singlehandedly dispose of Lai, then one guiding a group like that...

- That's exactly why we can't stop investigating. But it doesn't mean we can't train.

- You're right, sir. Let's do as usual. - Mifune stood up, and grabbed his sword.

He put chakra into it, and propelled the sword forwards, moving himself one step forward. The samurai general was doing good progress.

- You seem to be able to grip your sword tightly. I don't think it flying away will be a problem anymore. Even though, it can still be useful.

- What, throwing the sword?

- Yes. At the speed the sword flies away, its capable of hitting the opponent hard enough for it to recoil back, since it hits the target with the handle. If you're quick enough you can grab the sword back midair. I've actually been doing that a lot with Rakuma.

- That's an interesting way to fight. You really are abnormal.

- I hear that a lot. So now, the only thing left to train is the strength of sword's impulsion. The stronger it is the more you... - I kept talking, trying to teach Mifune, however my mind was somewhere else.

Today was going to be the day I'll get my hands on the Iron Scroll. With all the stories my father told me about it, it's always been a dream of mine to see it, and now, with Lin wanting it as well, it was something I absolutely had to get. We had already planned to go there at midnight, since that was when there was a guard change. I honestly couldn't wait to...

- So Roderick, what do you think I should do then? - Mifune asked, interrupting my line of thought.

-To be honest, I'm not sure. The force with which I propel myself as always been something I had from the start, only the control was missing. You seem to have the opposite dilemma. Maybe focus your chakra on your waist, that may work.

- I'll try that.

Mifune's training went on as usual, and the day slowly faded to black, that was when I went to the ancient tomb. I sneaked out of the headquarters alongside Renji, and met up with Lin at the entrance of the tomb. Thankfully, even though it was sort of an attraction, it was always open for anyone who wanted to look, however it was also heavy guarded. At the top of four pillars at each edge of the tomb was a guard with a stong light, surveying the area, as well as eight others on the ground. Last time we had gone there, they weren't there, so I suppose they are extra defense measures at night but still...

- Renji, why didn't you tell us about the pillar guards, and these extra ones roaming around? This will be way harder with them here.

- They aren't usually here, okay? It's because of all this Reapers of Metal ruckus. Since this place has a lot of antiquities and ancient swords, they are afraid it will be their first target. I can't blame them, but I'll admit they will be troublesome.

- No they won't. - Said Lin in a confident tone. - It doesn't matter how many of them there are here, my plan will succeed.

- And what exactly is your plan? - Renji asked, distrustful of her. Lin opened a big bag she had with her, revealing a good amount of scrolls, probably stolen, and said:

- I'll show you right away.

As we got nearer to the cave that led to the scroll, the guard's turn ended and he started leaving, waving his hand up, probably to warn the others that he was moving away. Me, Lin and Renji, walked past the cave entrance, as me and my best bud were looking to see what Lin would do. To my surprise, all she did was throw a scroll and we then went past it. We couldn't stop by the cave, since it would raise suspicion, however...

- What the heck? You didn't do anything. - Renji complained. - Rod, we shouldn't have trusted everything to her.

Lin then showed him what was on her hand. I read it as "Shadow Clone jutsu scroll".

- Clone?

- That's right. - She murmured. - A clone of me is currently inside the cave now. All we need to do is wait, and keep the guard distracted. Once my clone comes out, I'll take her scroll, she'll turn back to nothing, and we can get out quickly.

- That's genius. - I commented, excited. - That way no one will think there's someone there, since the real you is still outside. This will be easier than expected.

- I suppose it wasn't a bad idea. - Renji said reluctantly. - However, distracting the guard won't be easy.

- That's where I come at. - I said. Since Renji knew about the place and the guard's position and Lin knew out to copy the scroll and bring it back, I was the most pointless member, so I had to find something useful to add to the party. - I will be the distraction. No one here is as loud as I am. You'll both see. I'm going to distract him so well, that his head will drop off. - That's when it did.

The head of the incoming guard fell on the ground, as his body attempted to move forward, only to fall right after as well. A blue lightning faded away from the figure behind the guard, but a slight flicker of the sparks, revealed the person's short scythe covered in blood. The lights went off, as the four pillar guards fell down, also killed, followed by the screams of the remaining on the ground.

The lightning man stayed in position, looking like he was unsure of what to do. He stayed in position, waiting for his comrades who arrived in terrifying speeds. Four more people showed up. One had short blue hair and carried a bended sword, the other was bald and his surrounding along with his scythe seemed to waver like a distortion, one other had white hair and was clearly the eldest, and had a small bird on his shoulder, and the last was eerily familiar. He looked almost exactly like the man we had seen two days ago, the one called Pain, however he wasn't currently wearing the Akatsuki clothes. Instead they all had grim reaper clothes of a brownish green, with the bottoms ripped, and the hoods lowered. They had black undershirts, like the samurai, as well as steel pants, like highly tiered samurai. I wonder where they got it from?

The one resembling Pain walked forward and said:

- If you wish to live, then run for your lives. - Then the lighting person said:

- Run, or Jack the Reaper will slit your throats until you have no heads. - Pain looked at him, and even though he seemed emotionless, I think I saw a hint of disapproval. The older man with the bird seemed to agree.

- Jack, enough. They were already scared enough. - The bald man then proceeded:

- I'm not sure. Maybe the girl, but the other two seem indifferent. The one with the scar even seems to be happy.

This was my moment. A group of five overpowered individuals in front of me, an impossible situation. This is what I've been waiting for. A moment to prove myself, to push beyond.

- Well, five Reapers of Metal. My name is Roderick Samunashi, and prepare to become merely legends once more.

The battle then begun.