Iron Scroll Disaster: Pain

Me, Lin, and Renji stood together in front of the Reapers of Metal. 3 vs 5, this would definitely be hard, however I was excited. Lin was pretty scared, but she was no newcomer to danger, so she stood her ground. Renji seemed worried, and I can't blame him. Against this impossible situation. he grabbed hold of his steel sword, and that's when I noticed. Me and Renji came equipped as samurai, in case we had to fight our way out if we were found out. However, I didn't remember what I had been training this morning, defense with wooden swords. All I had with me were two wooden swords. I'm already starting with a handicap... this won't go well.

The electric man, who called himself Jack the Reaper, asked:

- Sir Pain, I like this kid's bravery. May I be the one to kill him?

- There's no point in killing idiot bystanders. We are to make a name for ourselves, so its best we have a couple survivors. I'll get them out of here, but Death, give me a start. - He said now addressing the bald man with a scythe, who nodded in agreement.

He started moving his scythe, rotating it on both of his sides at a time. I didn't quite understand what was happening, however I approached him in hopes to stop whatever it was. Renji came along, but we were too late when he said:

- Wind Style: Air Lock.

My feet came off the ground, and I felt my body lighter. Renji was aside me, also floating and it felt like the air around us was lifting us up. I tried moving around but couldn't reach the ground, and then Pain got nearer and with his hand, did a push. It felt like he had repelled us away, and with how light we both were, we were pushed far, really far in the air at a speed capable of launching me off the whole Land of Iron. I tried gaining balance, and was capable of looking back where we came from. Renji, who was by my side, did the same. I heard him scream in irritation as we were being launched away from the scroll and Lin. Lin... I can't let her be alone there, I have to save her!

I grabbed both handles of my swords, and opened a gate of power. I screamed:

- Renji, hold on to me! - He tried moving in the air, reaching the clothes in my back. With all my might, I yelled:

- Double Laidõ Barrage! - I exploded the swords in their scabbards and launched myself forward, but I didn't let the swords get too far. We were about a kilometer away from the tomb already, so I wasn't even close to the range of hitting anyone, so there was no point in letting the swords go through full swing. I held my swords tightly, gaining the acceleration to go forward, but without letting them go all the way out. This way, I could just put them back in the scabbards and repeat the process. The only downside was the strain on the arms, but with the gate opened it was doable.

With Renji holding my back, and a constant burst of speed from the laidõs, it seemed like we would get back on the battlefield quickly. The electric reaper entered the cave, and Lin was now getting her hair grabbed and was being threatened by the blue haired man. Those damn bastards, I won't let them hurt her.

I thought I could reach there in time, however, after the third laidõ, my swords broke. After the defense training with Rakuma, the wooden swords had lost their durability, and three laidõs were enough to break them. We were now falling on the ground almost vertically, and seeing the endangered Lin, filled me with anger, especially when I got my head stomped on.

Renji pulled himself up my shirt, saying:

- Thanks, foothold! - He jumped off my head, and brandished his sword yelling:

- 15 Heavenly Cuts!

Shots of chakra went flying in the direction of the Reapers, forcing them to dodge, and blocking the entrance to the cave for one of the reapers. The old man with the bird on the shoulder also went in. Pain, was the only one who stood still, and simply repelled the slashes. Lin was dropped on the ground, and Renji fell before them. The blue haired reaper exclaimed:

- The kid recovered from master Pain's almighty push. They are not mere pawn. - Renji commented.

- That's right! You shouldn't underestimate u... Aaah! - Pain effortlessly repelled him to the side.

- I won't make the same mistake. - Pain said, determined.

Renji was thrown against one of the tombs, smashing it almost completely. Thankfully he wore the samurai's chest armor, but it was still a hard hit. Now on his back, facing the night sky, he looked to his side reading the plaque:

- Samurai general Zoro, three sword style... Hummm, that gives me an idea.

With Pain having his attention directed on Renji I saw my opportunity to strike, and test a theory. I was capable of landing on my feet and run quickly to the front of the cave. Unfortunately, I had no blades to attack with, but the scabbards should hit as hard as wooden swords, and for now that's all I should need.

I jumped at Pain, who had just pushed Renji, and prepared to hit him. He raised his hand to repel me, however nothing hapenned. He looked clearly disappointed, but it proved my theory right. He can't just spam that attack, they need to recharge. With that opportunity, I hit his face with both scabbards, launching him back.

He quickly got back up, and I followed after him. The other reapers seemed to want to intervene, but Pain quickly rose his hand.

- Let's not exaggerate. I got him. - He said, while effortlessly repelling me.

- You may have caught me off guard before. - I put my feet strongly on the ground, stopping the force of the repel, and enduring it. - But I'm not some rag doll for you to throw me around.

I then leapt at him with both scabbards in hand, swinging them wildly to beat him. I kept swinging, and even with a gate opened he seemed to dodge everything as if he knew what would happen. It must be those purple eyes, they must work the same as the Sharingan. How do I avoid them? He once again prepared to push me and I stabbed a scabbard on the ground to hold myself. I got repelled, however by grabbing on to the scabbard, I spun around it with the force, and kicked him in the chin with the recoil. I once again went after him, but then I heard:

- Wind Style: Gravity Increase

I got stuck into the ground by the man called Death, and felt like my back was being pushed down by a ton of compressed air. Thankfully it only lasted a couple seconds, but when I tried getting up, his scythe was on my throat. He said menacingly:

- You're luck is over now. You may never touch Pain with your filthy hands.

- I thought you're supposed leader told you to stand back during his fight. I don't think he'll be too pleased if you act like this.

The man called Death stepped back, second guessing himself. I knew he had high praise for Pain, and that was the only thing I had to use against him at the moment. Pain got up, cleaning up the blood from his face. At least I got a good hit on him. Pain seemed to stretch his back and arms with audible cracks. He then asked:

- Tell me kid, what makes you want to resist so much?

- Don't call me kid. I already told you my name. I'm Roderick Samunashi. I'm not someone for you to underestimate.

Death heard me repeat my name and pondered:

- Samunashi... why does that sound familiar?

Pain then said:

- I see. This is all for your pride I presume. Well then, let's see how strong that makes you against this. Planetary Devastation. - He finished by aiming his arms forward and throwing a small black ball.

I tried avoiding it, however its magnetic pulse was too powerful and I got quickly stuck to it, and was brought into the air. As I saw little rocks coming at me quickly, I was absolutely terrified, immobilized by the balls powers. The blue haired reaper said alarmed:

- Why would you use that? It will destroy this whole place.

- I don't intend to go all out. This is a much weaker Planetary Devastation than what I am truly capable of. It shouldn't affect the area too much. Once the kid is dead, I'll release it.

- What about the girl? Do I keep her held? - When Renji threw his chakra, Lin escaped, however her speed was no match to the reapers, and she was quickly caught again. I had hoped my fight with Pain would have been enough of a distraction, but it took one of them to grab her again. Pain was thinking about what to do, reaching the worst conclusion:

- If she has any surprises like this kid, then its better to get rid of her. Kill her, Sentu. - He didn't need to be told twice.

- NOOO!! - I screamed to no avail, as she had her neck sliced.

Her body fell lifeless on the ground, only to then turn into smoke. Sentu gasped:

- A clone? Maybe the real one is long gone. I'll go look. - A clone? So she's alive? Thank god, I almost had an heart attack! But wait, then the one that went into the cave, is she... My line of thought got stopped when bigger rocks started heading my way, hitting my legs and stomach, but the worse part were the antiquities. All the swords on show there started to shake, and aim towards me. Is this it? Will I really die here?

- Don't perish so easily Rod! - Renji shouted throwing several chakra slashes at the swords heading my way and at Pain. Pain avoided it, however the Planetary Devastation didn't end so quickly. Thankfully though, the swords had been hit, and it took a bit longer for them to come, even though it didn't block them, and there I noticed what would get me out of that situation. The chakra slashes also got absorbed by the Planetary Devastation, surrounding the ball, and the farthest swords fell on the ground. He did say this was a weaker version, maybe there's a low limit as to how much it can bring onto itself, and if chakra counts, all I need to do is overwhelm it with it.

If there was any time to control my own chakra, it would be now. I focused my mind, no, my entire body to send chakra onto the ball. My legs felt numb like before, and if that's the case, then come on legs, give it your chakra. From my waist a light appeared and slowly oozed out into the ball. The swords were coming at me. 3 meters, 2 meters, 1 meter... and then they stopped. They fell down from a few centimeters away from my face, and soon enough so did I.

- I guess I shouldn't have used so little. - Pain commented, regretting not giving it more power.

As I was falling down, I heard Renji shout:

- Here!

He threw two swords at me, and even though I was tired of having swords aimed at me, I really needed them. With a flip I grabbed them midair, and put them in the scabbards. I looked at Pain and said:

- See you in a bit. Double Laidõ Explosion! - I launched myself into the cave.

I hope you can deal with them out here Renji. I have to save Lin.