Iron Scroll Disaster: Forgotten

- Fire Style: Infinite Flickering! - Shouted the man, as 8 birds landed in his fingers, and got enveloped in flames.

One at a time, the man flicked the birds, as fireballs of destruction. My only defense were the Zoro swords, blades capable of piercing fire, so all I had to do was hit the flames. I remembered Rakuma's training. "Hit the opponent's weapon in the right angle and in an easy to move position. Against many targets you might not have much time to deflect the second hit if you block the first while lying down."

In a dance of steel and flames, I swinged my swords at the attacks, hitting four of the fireballs. But wait weren't there 8 incoming fireballs?

- You stupid idiot! - Shouted Linja as she fled from the fires.

She moved to the side and with a wall jump, sommersaulted above one of the flames, as it vanished when hitting the wall. The bird enveloped in flames, flew back in distress, only to then fall on the ground. With some quick reflexes, she avoided two more, as I slashed the last.

- I thought you were going to protect me! You barely hit any of them.

- I tried my best. Its not everyday I get to deflect flames!

The old man watched us bicker with a smirk, closing his fists for another strike, as 8 more birds landed on his knuckles. It was a pain to hit such an exquisite couple, but he had to do what he had to do. I flicked all eight birds once more.

- They're coming again! - Shouted Linja alarmed.

With his back turned against the opponent and with no time to turn back, I relied on instinct and pushed myself and Linja against a wall, closely avoiding the trajectory of all the fire.

- What are you doing?

- Saving us! If it wasn't for your constant bickering, I would have blocked them all!

- My bickering? It's not my fault you missed four fireballs, and threw me against a wall! You idi... Did the fireballs just turn around?

One thing I didn't understand initially was the use of birds in the technique. Why not just shoot the fireballs? Well, this was the answer. So that he could change their trajectory.

- Lin, grab my back! - She quickly did so, as I propelled us both through the center of all the incoming fires, slashing a couple in the process.

As I hit the wall of the enclosed place, I ran across it, hitting any incoming fireballs I could. However the more I hit, the more came. After all, he had 100 birds at his disposal and had only thrown 16. He kept launching them, as they seemed guided at us. Thankfully Lin wasn't too heavy, so moving around wasn't too hard, although the constant screaming was a bit distracting. My goal now was to reach the old man. With some luck, hitting him would deactivate the jutsu, and we would be out of harm's way. So I boosted myself at him.

- Double Laidõ Explosion! - With both swords ready, I trespassed the old man's gut, only for it to transform into a flame. Is this one of those clones?

A fireball behind me then turned into the old man. Linja quickly realized it and jumped away from my back, moments before I felt the man's leg hit it. Linja now on the ground was easy prey, and the man held her by the neck with one hand, while he readied to flick with the other. She was getting tired of being caught, and with some agile movement, wrapped her legs around the man's arm and head, throwing him off balance and making him miss the flick. With the man on the ground, and with the arm fully locked, I approached them and put my sword centimeters away from his head.

- Its over now. Give up.

- I'm the one who decides that.

Without me realizing, all the man's birds had flown above us. With a crunch of his free hand the man said:

- Fire Style: Cadent Blazes.

All the birds erupted in fire and started to rain down. The madman was actually willing to take us out alongside him, but I won't let him.

I put myself over Lin, and with my two swords crossed over my chest and shouted:

- Bring it!

I weaved them in a rotating motion, as I tried to hit the dozens of falling birds. However at the rate they were coming some passed through, and they felt like molten lava as they hit my clothes. My steel chest pad had completely burned off, and my body was filled with burns. Lin was capable of avoiding those coming towards her, while keeping hold of the man, suffering merely minor injuries. The man however was in perfect state, since any birds that came towards him, changed trajectory before hitting him.

- Any more tricks? - I growled, panting.

- Stuck like this? I'm afraid not.

- Well then, I should probably get back up and help Renji. Can you hold him Lin?

- Are you kidding me? Of course not. I'm not just going to hold him while you're out fighting.

- Well, Lin, then we either set him free and run the risk of being hunted again, or we kill him, and none of us wants to do the second option. - Lin wanted to reply, but realized I was right. She thought about it for a moment and asked:

- Why are you doing this? - The old man seemed like he almost just woke up. Was he really resting like this?

- You're talking to me? At least address me by name. I'm Raspatiu Chojnik.

- Your second name, Chojnik, makes it sound like you're part of clan. But I never heard of one named that...

- Exactly.

- What? - Lin got confused.

- That's why I'm doing this. I lived my whole life perfecting my clan's ninja arts. Experimenting with birds, improving my fire-style jutsus, and for what? I always tried being the nice man who didn't do harm to anyone, but the of path of kindness didn't lead neither me, nor my clan to fame. We were to be merely forgotten until we got erased. I'm here to change that.

- So that's what Pain promised you? Fame, in exchange for your services? - Lin asked.

- Yes.

- You claim to be nice, but your death threats before now show me the opposite. I'm not sure I believe your story.

- Do you know what its like to have dreams and having everyone tell you to wait? I'm an old man, I don't have a lot of time to fulfill what I desire and I'm willing to do what I can.

- Then give up. - I told him. - Be a part of our land and help us protect it. Once we beat the rest of the reapers I'll promise to make your clan known.

- Once you beat them? Kid, I know I'm a capable ninja, but the others out there are much tougher, you don't have a chance.

- That's just your opinion. I'll thread my own path in my own samurai way. I'll beat them all, and give you the fame you desire, as long as you stay here. That's all I ask for.

Raspatiu thought to himself, and after a moment answered:

- Fine then. I'll trust you.

With a hand wave I told Lin to free him, and she quickly got up. The man stayed sitting down.

- Good luck out there. You'll need a miracle.

With a thumbs up I started going upstairs, alongside Lin and in my mind I could only think:

- I hope Renji's okay.

As we were both leaving, Raspatiu got up and went towards the unconscious Jack.

- He's goddamn idiot if he thinks I'll believe him, but with his luck he might actually succeed up there. But we'll stop him. Ain't that right, Jack?

After slapping him repeatedly in the face, Jack finally woke up, although he was still seriously hurt. With his front almost fully burned off, he could barely speak, ardually lifting his arm for a thumbs up. Raspatiu nodded back happily, only to see Jack fall again.

- Fine. Rest then. But once you wake up, we'll be back.