Iron Scroll Disaster: Renji

- See you in a bit. Double Laidõ Explosion! - I shouted as I entered the cave, leaving Renji with three reapers.

One of them was Pain, or a Pain, still confused about that. He has the ability to repel or attract individuals and things. Next was the one called Death, who was capable of changing gravity through masses of compressed air. He could either make you float, or throw you on the ground. And last, and probably least, was the blue haired reaper, who was now looking for Linja, and therefore would not take part at the time being.

Renji thought to himself that getting too close to both Death and Pain would prove idiotic, since both of their attacks involve the target being close-range. He wasn't going to charge in like me. Long range attacks were his only option, so spamming the Heavenly Cuts and Sealing Slashes was his best and only alternative. Especially the Sealing Slashes. If he were to hit one of them with it, then dealing with the other would prove to be easier.

- 15 Heavenly Cuts! - He shouted as beams of flaming chakra were thrown. Flaming?

Renji knew that the sword he took from Zoro was powerful, but that it could change the nature of his own attacks wasn't something he anticipated. Death avoided the attacks and Pain repelled them, saying:

- Go and take him out. - Death quickly prepared to do as he was told, Renji replied:

- So first you decide to keep us alive and now you order our deaths? What is it you want truly?

- To start a new age of samurai, where they fight not only for themselves but for the good of the world. To show them that they must fight to prevent threats like us. You're merely inconveniences, and, while at first, I had something in mind for yoy, if you insist in serving no purpose in life, you will in death. - With a wave of his hand, Pain ordered Death to move.

Death charged at speeds and lighness not normal to the regular human being, or even ninja. It must have been the nature of his gravity altering abilities, maybe he could lighten himself. That's when he turned invisible. Renji was afraid, as he threw his chakra slashes all around him, hitting merely trees and the ground. As he kept running back, he hit a wall, and feeling compressed air near his face, lowered himself. In the place his head was, was now a crater on the wall, and in front of him was the reaper. Renji rolled to the side and concentrating his chakra on the sword attempted to hit Death. With the bottom of his scythe, the reaper blocked, backflipping and charging once more. Renji blocked the attack, but Death's strenght was mighty, and he was forcefully pushed backwards. The reaper then said:

- Wind Style: Gravity Raise.

Renji got on his knees, while blocking Death's scythe, but he wouldn't last much longer.

- Give up. You have nothing to gain from living.

- I do. My victory. - Renji pushed his sword with all his might and chakra, turning it bigger and bigger, until the gravity raise wore off, and Death got pushed back. - And all I care about is to win. - Renji got up and his sword which now reached his own height reverted to normal. Death complained:

- This is not even your fight to begin with.

- You made it our fight the moment you threatened our lives. - Renji ran headfirst at Death. - And I'm the only one who can save us all. - Renji swinged his sword against Death's scythe and with his chakra overloaded, he expected him to completely lose hold of it, but the scythe had weight, gravitational weight.

Renji had noticed that throghout the fight, Death's scythe seemed to waver with the air, as if the properties of the air around it had changed. But only here did he realize what was truly going on.

- Wind Style: 10 ton Cutter!

Death held his weapon up and crashed it down at Renji, who grazed the weapon with his and got pushed back. The scythe hit the ground and destroyed it in many layers, leaving a massive crater he himself had to get out off.

What Death had done was increase the gravity at the top of the scythe, giving it the same strenght as if it weighed 10 tons, while lowering the gravity on the handle, moving it as swiftly as if it weighed as much as a feather. Renji knew he would probably die from a single hit by the scythe, however he also knew that with his concentration focused on improving his weapon, Death wouldn't be able to activate any other jutsu like invisibility or gravity raises, Renji was free to move however he pleased, and now what he pleased was to dodge Death's vertical slash. He jumped above it, seeing the total destruction of the wall behind him, and landing on top of the scythe. It worked with Roderick so he thought that a second time wouldn't hurt, but he didn't take in account the scythe's gravity pull, which imobilized his feet on the scythe. Death smiled menacingly at him, turning the scythe sideways, and readying a slash. Renji couldn't dodge, he had to block the 10 ton attack. With all his chakra on the sword, he wielded it vertically blocking the strike. Pain surged through his body as his arm broke, alongside his left ribs. Renji was launched across the entire place by the air.

I was almost at the top of the stairs, when I noticed:

- Aren't you going to bring your bag with you?

- I got all the essentials with me. Most of what I had in the bag was empty scroll paper, so it would just be pointless weight. - Lin answered.

We reached the exit of the cave, spotting Pain there waiting. He seemed tired and annoyed watching us leave.

- Probably expected your reapers to come out, huh? - Lin mocked.

I smiled accordingly but I was pretty sure the injuries I had suffered were visible. My clothes were torn and burned, and my body was aching for having the gate continuously open. There's just one more opponent in front of you Roderick, you can do this, I said to myself. But weren't there three reapers left? Did Renji beat two? Where's Renji? I looked around but didn't expect to find him above me by several meters, flying in a near unconscious state. I couldn't let him fall like that, so I put both my hands on the handles of my swords.

- Double Laidõ Barrage! - I flew upwards as Lin shouted:

- Wait, don't leave me here alone with this guy! Ahh, damn it! I guess I'll have to go as well. - The ground in front of Lin suffered a destructive, repulsvive wave. Pain commanded:

- You stay here. I want to see what they do.

I looked back, seeing Lin stuck with Pain but Renji was the priority for now. I'll come back, I promise you Lin, but I have to save Renji. I kept propelling myself towards Renji's trajectory, caught his flying sword, and proceeded to catch him midair.

- What are you doing all the way up here? - I asked.

- I was about to ask the same. I really am pathetic ain't I?

- For losing against a reaper? A little. - I mockingly responded.

I dropped down, and with one last laidõ explosion, softened the landing. As I did that, my open gate closed, and my body was screeching in pain. I had exerted myself too much. The Double Laidõ Barrage was too recent and too streinuous for me to use more than once in a fight. I could barely stand up, and Renji didn't look much better. With the left upper side of his body, arm and ribs, seemingly broken, he probably couldn't muster much more strenght and yet.

- Give me the sword Rod. Let me end this. - He asked while audibly breathing.

- Renji, rest for now. Me and Lin will...

- GIVE ME THE SWORD! - He had his honor to protect, I understood that, but dying for it was pointless.

- Renji, give up on your stupid pride! It will only get you killed.

- He's right, you know? - Death showed up on top of a pillar beside us. - You should both give up now, and offer your souls to me.

- I guess running is not an option. - I handed the sword to Renji's right arm. - You should have fled immediately.

- I knew I just had to be a little stubborn.

Death jumped down at our level, right in front of us, smirking:

- You two are still going to fight? One of you is half-broken, and the other is burned and out of chakra. What do you think you can do?

- Beat you! - We said in unison, as we charged forward.

Death with a devilish smile said:

- Wind Style: 10 Ton Cutter! - His sword began waving in the air as he quickly moved towards us.

I went ahead of Renji, and slid on my knees to go below the reaper's slash, as I grazed his scythe with my swords. The weight of his weapon was insane, but as long as it wasn't a direct hit I should be fine. Renji moved from above trying to hit Death with a downwards strike, which the opponent blocked, pushing Renji away. Now behind Death, I tried hitting him, but the scythe long steel handle blocked the way, as heavily as the blade itself.

- So you can change the weight of the sword however you please. Let's go Renji. Let's give him an all out barrage of attacks he can't parry.

- Let's go! - Renji shouted as he charged once more.

I battled from one side, as Renji did from the other, but Death wasn't even overwhelmed. With every parry of his, we were thrown back, giving him enough time to react to the next strike. But what if he couldn't react? Renji realized the same, as we nodded our heads to one another.

- Renji, on 3! 1... - I threw one of my swords at him which forced him to dodge, as Renji shot chakra slashes that made him back away. - 2.. - I put my remaining sword back in its scabbard, as Renji enveloped his in a vast mass of flaming chakra. Death got his composure back and leapt forward in a final charge. - 3! Final Laidõ Explosion! - Putting all my remaining strenght in a final laidõ, I propelled myself forwards, faster than Death could react, slashing his stomach. Losing his balance and focus, Renji saw his opportunity and with a forward leap, shouted:

- Now you're finished! - Renji with his two meter chakra sword sliced the man from top to bottom, leaving with a large, profound cut that went from his shoulder to his waist. Death fell on the ground, now finally defeated.

Standing up was now almost impossible for me, as I dropped on the ground with no energy, as Renji approached me:

- Are you okay?

- Who do you think I am? - I forcefully pushed myself back up, standing on an arm and knee. - We still have two enemies left.

- Ha ha ha! - Renji laughed.

- What are you laughing about?

- It's just that I probably would have answered the same if you had asked me if I was okay. - I laughed as well, as we looked at an observing Pain.

He seemed to be thinking of something, but thankfully, for now, he was ignoring Lin. I wonder what he was thinking of doing next?