Iron Scroll Disaster: Hope

- How are you still alive? - Asked Raspatiu, witnessing the surviving kids in a recently arid landscape. - You really are impressive, but your life is now over.

- Don't, Raspatiu! - Linja shouted. - What about the deal we made? We would give you fame in exchange for your lack of involvement.

- And you really think I would believe that? It's not as simple as you kids believe. You can't just magically turn me into this respectable part of your society through sympathy, no... Fear. Fear is the answer, and with all the pain your land will feel, I will be feared, I will be known. And you will simply stay forgotten. - A bird landed on one of Raspatiu's fingers as he said:

- Fire Style: Charging Phoenix. - A fireball was shot directly at me. I couldn't move, I could barely breathe, but before the fireball hit me, a blast of chakra hit it.

Did Renji save me? No, he couldn't have. He's essentially paralyzed next to that rock, plus the chakra slash came from above. I couldn't look there, but Raspatiu did, as well as Jack. Pain was seeing us from above, and thought it was odd, since the shot came from behind him. He turned around, but was incapable of even seeing anything, as his face was caught by an enormous hand, one that could only belong to a muscular brute. Rakuma owled a screech of battle:

- AAAGGHH! - As he grabbed Pain's face and broke the ground with it as he landed. The ground split apart with the hit, as huge boulders came flying up. Rakuma got back up and screamed again:

- RAAAUGHH! WHO DID THIS?! WHO DESTROYED OUR PRECIOUS SAMURAI HISTORY? - Rakuma was wearing the same red armor that he used when he went with me on a mission, but his expression was unrecognizable. His eyes shined red in anger, as his mouth seemed to exhale big clouds of steam.

- Watch out everyone. - Lai warned as he landed next to Rakuma, resheathing his sword. - When the brute gets into a fit of rage, no one can stop him. But alas, I am no different. So if anyone even tries to attack him or me, be ready to face my blade. - He warned as a pulsating energy was felt emanating from his sheathed sword, as if the amount of chakra in it was capable of bending space itself.

Lai was wearing a blue samurai armor, with a mask that didn't quite hide his long white hair. He had a golden blinding scabbard strapped to his waist, and yet he had less layers of armor than a regular samurai, probably so it wouldn't harm his agility.

Pain who was on the ground smashed, repelled himself away from the teachers, throwing Rakuma a step back. Now at a safe distance, Pain got up with some effort, and it was clear he had suffered some damage. His face was bloody, and with dark purple marks. Rakuma asked again:


Pain raised his hand, essentially putting a mark on himself, but he wouldn't do so unprepared. He started joining his hands, where a black ball began to appear. Another Planetary Destruction, I presume. Rakuma, however, didn't seem to care as he lifted his sword up, and growled:


I was able to look at him, and thought to myself what his plan could be. They were at least a 100 meters from one another. Is Rakuma throwing a chakra slash? I wish I could warn him about Pain's repelling powers, but once I realised what my teacher was doing, my concerns vanished, and instead I was filled with awe.

- SKYSCRAPER! - Rakuma's sword got enveloped by his chakra, but unlike Renji who was capable of enlarging his chakra to his own size, Rakuma's sword was now the size of a large building, twice the distance between him and Pain.

So this is what my teacher is truly capable of... I was angry at how much he had restrained himself when fighting me, but at the same time thankful. There was no way I could challenge that.

Rakuma started lowering his building sized sword, as Death got nearby.

- I'll protect you, Master Pain. - He said rotating his scythe.

From side to side, he twirled his scythe around, threw it in the air, and with an hand sign, caught it back and said:

- Wind Style: 100 Ton Uppercut!

- Just a second longer. - Pain was still charging his attack, after being weakened from throwing the use of the Almighty Push. He hoped his fellow reaper could buy enough time as he clashed with the skyscraper. However, here, maybe clashed wasn't the right word, since he got completely demolished. Rakuma's downwards swing didn't even waver against the 100 ton attack, crushing both Death and Pain against the ground, putting both in a catatonic state.

2 reapers down, 3 to go.

Lai who was standing beside him looked around for more threats. He caught attention of Renji, saying:

- Look what they did to you. If only I got here sooner. I only knew what was happening because of the destruction. You kids have the worst luck.

Raspatiu and Jack were both looking at him, as Raspatiu commented:

- He seems distracted. It's the perfect opportunity. Jack! - The old man slapped him, waking him up. - Go and slash him.

Jack, who was still dizzy from the explosion Linja hit him with, focused his attention on Lai. He asked excitedly:

- His it time for me to let it rip?

- Yes, Jack. Show him your speed. Hit him before he can react.

With an horrifying large smile, Jack did some hand seals, finishing them off saying:

- Lighting Release: Chakra Mode.

He lowered himself downwards with one of his hands on the ground, readying himself to run, as his body emanated electricity at an absurd rate. With a bit of force from his foot, he accelerated to the speed of sound in mere moments, as he kept building up his speed. In less than a second, he was next to Lai, with his scythe ready to slash. He passed through him, weaved his scythe, and went up to a couple dozen meters ahead. His chakra mode turned off, as he stayed petrified. Lai, who had his sword unsheathed once more, commented:

- All speed and no skill. Almost brings me shame Renji couldn't deal with you amateurs. - Lai sheathed his sword once more, and as he did, Jack fell on the ground in a spray of blood, as his body had been hit multiple times in the instant he was close to Lai. - Never underestimate a master's laidõ.

Raspatiu looked from afar in horror, as he saw Pain and Death downed as well.

- In just a couple seconds three of us are downed? Who the hell are these monsters? I have to run, I have to save myself... Agh! - A chakra slash hit the ground in front of him as he was fleeing in terror.

He looked back, watching an approaching Lai with his hand on his sword. Raspatiu was scared, but he wasn't stupid enough not to attack. After bitting another one of his fingers, he held it to the ground and said:

- Summoning Jutsu: 5 Savage Ravens! - Five huge blue ravens came from the summon. Raspatiu then proceeded to do hand seals, as Lai approached him calmly. He finished his technique shouting in despair:

- Fire Style: Quintuplet Exploding Dragons!

The five ravens became enveloped by flames, becoming massive, more than four times bigger than the reaper himself. With a hand thrust he threw them all, as they gained form in the flames. Teeth of fire appeared as well as an enormous scaly fervent tail behind. They aimed for Lai who, from the technique's name, was able to inquire they would explode on impact. Yet he still looked calm, even grabbing a cigarette saying:

- How cruel. Sending five birds to their deaths for nothing? I guess that's the last straw.

Lai jumped over the first dragon, passing his cigarette through the dragon's flames, lighting it up. He then put it on his mouth, as the dragon exploded on the ground.

- I was hoping you could be a nice old man. The exception of the group.

He twirled in the air, landing on one of the dragon's wings with his feet enveloped in concentrated chakra. He once again jumped up, directing the dragon with the force of the jump against another, exploding both.

- You have the nice twirling white hair, no beard. You're the one who looks the least threathening. And yet...

Lai thew six powerful sealing slashes without uttering a word. The slashes hit the remaining dragons neck and arms, landing besides Raspatiu who protected his face from the blast. Lai landed and with the smoke cleared pointed his sword at his neck.

- You're such a disappointment. A nobody meant to be forgotten.

The old man started tearing up, as Lai finished.

- Don't cry. I'm almost starting to pity you. And YOU DON'T DESERVE MY PITY!

Lai slashed him from the top to bottom, leaving him unconscious on the ground, laying on a pool of his own blood.

4 reapers down. 1 to go.

The blue haired reaper, Rinoh, looked from the sidelines scared. He started speaking sporadically:

- What should I do? Should I give up and prevent the suffering, or is it time to... No, Pain told me to only use it with his permission... but he's knocked out. It must be fine, right? Sorry, Master Pain. I won't make it as bad as last time.

Rakuma, still seethed in rage, and Lai, still calm and smoking, walked towards him. Lai started saying:

- I suggest you give up. I will try my best to prevent this brute from killing you.

- Don't give him mercy, Lai. They destroyed any compassion, the moment they destroyed the tomb.

Rinoh looked down, and seemingly resentful and scared said:

- I'm sorry. I truly am. But from now on, it's over for you. - Rakuma gritted his teeth.

- Have you gone insane?

- No. - Rinoh looked up, showing his eyes. They were now completely crimson, with a purple center, as open as they could be. - I haven't gone insane. But you will.