Iron Scroll Disaster: Ketsuryugan

- That's quite a lot of confidence coming from you after seeing all your comrades downed. It seems you're just another cold-hearted bastard. - Rakuma commented, as he looked at an intimidating Rinoh.

Something was off about him, especially his eyes.

- You think I don't care about my comrades? It's because of them that I could be safe from the clutches of the Uchiha.

- The Uchiha? - Lai was confused. - But your red eyes... Is that not the Sharingan? - Rinoh seemed to get infuriated.

- How dare you confuse my Ketsuryugan to their useless Sharingan? I could kill you where you stand, as they would get stomped below your feet.

- Oh, really? You can? He he. - Rakuma lightly laughed. - Then why don't you?

- Because its their revenge, not mine. - From behind Rakuma and Lai gutural screams were heard as incapacitated bodies got up. The reapers who were defeated got back up, with their cuts rapidly resplenishing, until no wound was there to be seen. Amongst them was also Renji, and of course, me.

All the small cuts in my back inflicted by the shrapnel of the Almighty Push healed themselves as my body got up on its own. Although I was still conscient I couldn't control my body as it ran towards Rinoh alongside Renji's. His eyes, as well as all the reapers, were red, and their movements were unnatural. It was as if their bodies were overloaded with blood, and it all seemed so familiar.

I passed through Lai and Rakuma, as they seemed shocked with seeing us run, reaching Rinoh and colocating ourselves in front of him. He started saying:

- I wonder, "samurai masters", do you cherish your friends as much as I do? If so, I'd suggest you don't strike or I'll explode them in front of you.

- Explode? - Lai figured it out. - You're the one who caused the bloodshed in the Line Forest, aren't you?

- That was merely an accident.

- Why did you kill all those men?

- I'm not telling anything to a soon to be dead man. - Rakuma wasn't pleased as he approached one of the reapers.

- If you really care about your comrades then I'll just have to dispatch of them all until you free mine. - Lai shouted:

- Don't! - Rinoh grinned.

- I see he's the smartest of you two, because he's absolutely right. If you inflict a single strike on any of them, an explosion of blood will happen, so large you won't be able to survive.

- He's not lying. You know what happenned last time. Let me take care of this. - Lai said.

I was standing in front of Rinoh looking at them, with my body paralysed but my mind free. I yelled:

- Lai, Rakuma just hit Rinoh! Finish this!

Rinoh seemed shocked:

- You can talk?! But in that state that should be impossible. - Rinoh approached me. A chakra slash got in between us, thrown by Rakuma.

- Don't you dare touch him!

- You'd rather I blow him up? - Rakuma got quiet. - I thought so. - Rinoh reached me and put his hand on my head, exerting chakra onto it, but nothing happened. I took this chance to pridefully say.

- Your stupid mind tricks won't work on me!

- Says the one whose body I have total control of. I have no idea how you resisted the mighty genjutsu of the Chinoike clan, but you shouldn't give too much trouble either way. - He now faced the two general's guards. - You stand there quiet, without making a move, and let me and my reapers go, and I promise not to kill you.

- Give us the boys and we might consider it. - Lai suggested.

- What are you doing Lai? We can't let them go free. - Rakuma refuted.

- I also can't let Renji die. First we protect those closest to us, then we get revenge. - Rakuma wasn't against this notion, but still didn't like standing still. Their hopes, however got crushed when Rinoh said:

- You two are good men, but I'm afraid I can't give them back. - Lai got furious.

- What use could you have for them?

- My genjutsu doesn't work the way you want. If I were to free them, I would have to drop control over my comrades, and in their state, it could mean death. I would have to immediately heal them up, and I'm not too sure you would allow me the time. I'm doing this for my own safety. Also I'm taking the iron scroll with me, since that was... NOOO! - Rakuma in a fit of anger threw a chakra slash at the reaper Death.

My body in response to the danger quickly grabbed Rinoh and moved him away. Renji did the same with one of the other reapers, grabbing Jack and Pain and pushing them away as he stayed as a sacrifice. Death started swelling up becoming a huge mass of tumors as it approached its time to explode. Lai in his fastest speed, ran and caught Renji just in time to protect him from the blast. I was on the ground with Rinoh, alongide the thrown Pain and Jack, as I saw Death's body explode in a spray of blood. Lai got heavily injured as he was thrown alongside Renji, but Raspatiu was the one who got it worse since he was the closest, receiving several cuts. His body started swelling up as well, as Rinoh in pure terror shouted once more.

- NOOO! - His eyes reverted to normal as his control over all of us faded, but it was too late. Raspatiu's body was too morphed and swollen for him to keep living. He dropped dead on the ground.

As Rinoh seemed to have a panic attack, Rakuma approached and grabbed him by the neck, pushing him towards the ground:

- THIS IS WHAT YOU ALL DESERVE, YOU MONSTERS! - His rage was still audibly visible.

Rinoh with tears across his eyes, seemed to only say one word, and like before, shout it:

- NOOO! - As he held his hands high.

Ice shards came flying from around him, leaving small cuts on the off-guard Rakuma, who threathened:

- You'll have to do better than that if you want to... - Rakuma stopped moving as Rinoh's eyes became red again. Now in control of the brute, the reaper uttered:

- Be ready to face a hell you can't escape, YOU BASTARD! - His eyes started bleeding as if all his effort was to put Rakuma through as much pain as he could.

The giant brute fell on the ground, letting out an audible wimper. What is he doing to him? What kind of genjutsu is he doing now? I can't let him go on!

With my body now in less pain, healed due to Rinoh's control, I approached him and tried to punch him,but got my arm caught. He wasn't blind, and I was too slow, so I couldn't have hurt him, but I had to try to save Rakuma as hard as he tried to save me. Rinoh, with his expression still filled in anger, grabbed his small scythe from his back, as he pulled it back to kill me. However, he was grabbed by someone else, who shouted:

- Get ready for my ultimate technique. Arm hold! - Linja held tightly to his arm, forcing him to drop his weapon. She used her own weight to attempt to break his arm, but whether it was the eyes, or his unwielding rage, she was up in the air, lifted by impressive strenght. Rinoh tried moving her around, but once her legs went across his neck, she was stuck in position. He tried letting me go to hit her, but I wasn't going to let it happen, as I held his arm as much as I could. Out of options, he lowered the arm with the girl, stomping her back on the ground, and yet she didn't give in.

- How much longer will you be a nuisance? When will you stop resisting?

- When you're dead. - Renji appeared from the back walking, holding the sword with his unbroken arm. Unraveling the sword with his last remains of chakra, he prepared to thrust him. And in his final moments, Rinoh begged:

- STOP! Your friend will die if you don't... KUFF? - Through his chest was now Renji's sword as he said:

- Begone, and never return to the land of living. - Renji took his sword out, as me and Linja let go of his arms. The man looked down on his chest as he attempted to close the wound, only to fall on his back lifeless.

Me and Renji dropped on the ground completely depleted of any energy. I tried laughing, but that would be too painful. I looked at Renji and asked:

- Is Lai alright?

- Not really. I think it will take a long time before he can fully recover, but he'll survive. What about Rakuma? He seems to be doing really bad there.

The huge brute kept rolling around in screams and cries. Why is he still like that? Didn't Rinoh die? I looked at his body and saw his red eyes. That's when I realized. Killing Rinoh didn't stop the genjutsu, it only made it permanent!