Iron Scroll Disaster End: Kage reunion

From far away in the horizon the sun appeared. The land which used to be so rich in history, so full of ancient artifacts, was now merely the ashes of its past self. With the blood of the guards in its corners and the blood of the reapers in its center, there was only one word that could describe what had happenned there, disaster.

As me, Renji and Lai were incapacitated on the ground, and Rakuma was convulsing around in terror, Linja was the only one with even strenght to even call for help. Mifune had sent Rakuma and Lai, his two most trustful fighters, confident that they would be enough, but he couldn't believe what had happened to them and the place, once he heard what Linja had to say. Guards came and collected the dead, whose fate was decided by the samurai general himself.

The ones who died protecting the place would continue to fulfill their duty as souls, and the ancient tomb would become the modern tomb. The ones who died destroying the place would be turned to ash, though Rinoh was taken for investigation. His eyes were the cause and possibly the cure to the genjutsu used on Rakuma. Mifune was confident his men would find a way to cure him of it.

Me, Renji, Lai, and even Linja were taken to the infirmary, to be healed so that we could fight again. Mifune had a lot of questions about the reason behind our midnight walk on the ancient tombs, but he decided to wait until we were healed to properly interrogate. He may be suspiscious of us, but he didn't consider us enemies yet.

Rakuma was taken alongside Rinoh to investigate, since his lack of injuries kept the need to go to the infirmary away. The ancient artifacts were to be collected by hunter samurai, who had to at one point take Zoro's swords from my scabbards and Renji's hand, another question from Mifune for us to look forward to.

After a day, the tragedy was transmitted by newspaper to the people of the Land of Iron. Most were afraid of the ninja's destructive power, and in two weeks a reunion between Mifune and the Shinobi Union was brought upon, where kages from different villages were called.

In a single table were the Tsuchikage Onoki, the Kazekage Rasa, the Mizukage Yagura and Mifune himself. Once they all sat down, Mifune stated:

- I see you're all here.

- All? - Onoki interjected. - Where's the Hokage and the Raikage?

- The Hokage is still going through a rebuilding stage after the nine tails went loose on the Hidden Leaf Village, while the Raikage denied the call saying he's not interested in our troubles.

- That bastard!

- I don't blame him. - The young Mizukage said. - If the topic of this reunion was any other, I would have done the same. - His adviser lowered himself to speak to his hear. The adviser was the worst possible person to bring to the reunion, since he was one of the Akatsuki, wearing the robes and everything, however it would be disrespectful to come alone and so he was brought alongside Yagura.

- The Akatsuki. - The Kazekage commented, looking at the adviser. - I heard they did quite some damage on your land.

- A group who called themselves the Reapers of Death destroyed tomb of past generals as well as all its historic value. - Mifune informed. - They were led by a member of the Akatsuki known as Pain.

- Nagato. - Yagura cleared, before being immediately told not to say that by the his adviser.

- Nagato? - Mifune was confused.

- The one who controls the six paths of Pain. - The adviser put his hand on his mouth, only to then speak in his behalf.

- I'm sorry for the interruption, but he speaks too much. Kids these days don't know what they say.

- What's your name? - Mifune asked, intrigued.

- My name is Tobi, and I'll keep it at that. It would be no fun to disclose any more, hi hi hi. - Tobi snickered.

- Then let Yagura speak. If you are to interrupt him once more, I will personally let you off.

- That reminds me. Your guards are incapacitated, aren't they? You're just here alone, amongst the most dangerous men in the world. Oh, it is wonderful to see the love you have for your people. Their safety over yours.

- That's how a leader should act.

- And that's very commendable, but you know what isn't? A leader who tells his equals how to act. - Tobi seemed to get serious, but Yagura stopped him, saying:

- Leave.

- I'm sorry Yagura. It seems your tongue got twisted. What was it you said?

- Leave! - Yagura shouted. - My reputation is at hand here, and if you keep talking in my steed, no one will respect me.

- Fine then. - Tobi left seemingly grumpy. Yagura spoke once more.

- I apologize for his manners, so let's get back to the matter at hand. - The other kages nodded. None of them were particularly against the Akatsuki, however they all wanted to get the reunion dealt with quickly, and wouldn't stand for more interruptions. Yagura proceeded. - From what I heard the Pain you faced was the Deva Path, the most destructive of the paths. You had poor luck.

- I understand you work with the Akatsuki, however I hadn't even disclosed which path invaded, mainly because I didn't know which. You seem to know a lot about what happened. - Mifune started to get suspiscious of him, but Onoki intervened.

- Or it's you knows too little. The Akatsuki are forces of merciless justice. If they invaded your land it was for a reason.

- Gentleman, I know I'm not one to get involved in ninja matters. Usually I am purely the mediator in these reunions, an outside source with no favorites. However, if any of you decides it's just to destroy my land, I have no qualms in destroying yours. - The rest of the kages understood. The samurai militia wasn't something the villages could combat with ease, certainly involving a lot of casualties. None of them would ever go so far as to even challenge Mifune. Therefore, Onoki then corrected himself:

- I'm sorry for my cruel words. What happened to your land is unforgivable.

- Thanks, however apologies are not what I need here.

- Then what is it? - Rasa started getting impatient. - Do you expect any of us to cooperate in protecting the samurai?

- Of course not. I called this reunion to discuss opinions and ways to act against this ninja threat. You're here due to my lack of information on the enemy, who I believe you have worked with.

- As much as I have called upon the Akatsuki's help, it was merely to some members. - Onoki explained. - I've worked with a young man named Deidara, however even my knowledge is limited concerning the other members. At most, I know Nagato controls the Paths of Pain, but I can't disclose any more. - Mifune nodded as a thanks to his answer, but then his eyes quickly turned to the young Mizukage. He seemed to clean his nails, as if the reunion didn't interest him, however when seeing everyone's eyes on him, a grin came to his face.

- So its my turn again? Fine then. Then let me get to the reason I came here for. Hand me Yahiko, I mean, the Pain you have, and I promise no more destruction will befall your land.

- A threat? I know about how the Akatsuki controls your land, but I didn't think they would manipulate you to this extent.

- They are simply counselors, nothing more. I am the one who rules my village, and me having their aid doesn't change that.

- Yeah, keep believing that, kid. Ha!- Rasa intervened with a laugh. - You're so far down the rabbit hole you can't even see the light. - Yagura got up, annoyed.

- Says the man who can't control his own kid's tailed beast. I'm not only a better leader but also the best jinchurikki. You have nothing to tell me. - Rasa got enraged.

- Why you..

- Stop! - Mifune ordered. Onoki stood watching, as if we was having fun doing so. - I will not let you go on squabbling moments after such a serious threat. Yagura, explain what you mean.

- It's quite simple, actually. The Akatsuki lost an important member of their group and they simply want to recover him peacefully. You give us Pain, and no more trouble will fall upon your land. However, if you were to keep him, I'm afraid the other Paths won't be pleased, and a full scale assault could happen. I think the decision is quite obvious.

- I agree. I'll keep Pain.

- I knew you would come ar.... WHAT? - Yagura was shocked. - Are you insane? What kind of leader lets his citizens die for his pride?

- One who believes his forces are strong enough to prevent that from ever happening. If the remainder of the Pains come, they will be taken care of. From what I could understand from your words, I've captured the strongest from their group, and I don't intend to give away such an advantage.

- You don't understand Mifune. - Yagura seemed almost afraid. He spent his whole life as Mizukage manipulated by them. He knew better than anyone how terrifying they could be. - The other paths have similar ideals as the one you captured. If your Pain came to destroy your Land, the others will too, and they won't wait until they reach the tomb.

- Let them come! I'm fully prepared. My forces are more than enough to dispatch of merely five ninja. Which brings me to the second matter at hand... - As Mifune started the second discussion, Yagura got up, leaving his seat and approaching the door.

- What do you think you're doing? - Rasa commented.

- Leaving. This reunion no longer interests me. Mifune! - The samurai general looked at him. - You have two months to give me your Pain, if you insist on keeping you know what will happen.

- I won't change my mind so quickly.

- As you wish. - Yagura left, joining up with Tobi once more.

- So the second matter? - Onoki asked-.

- One of my most powerful warriors is under a genjutsu, whose owner died moments after using it. I don't have the means currently to deal with it, so for that, I ask your aid.

Rasa and Onoki got up.

- What are you doing?

- You want us to help heal a single soldier of yours? That's not our concern. - Rasa said, while Onoki nodded.

- Have I not earned you aid through these years?

- We don't owe you anything Mifune. Maybe ask the kages who didn't come for their help, maybe they are stupid enough to agree.

Rasa and Onoki left the room alongside the respective advisers. Mifune was left alone, with no guards around him, and before him were his people's lives. Did he make the right decision or was it simply his pride he tried to protect? All he knows is that whatever comes forth it will be his fault.

A threat from the Akatsuki, a guard who needs healing, a boy searching revenge, a girl with an iron scroll...

So much yet to happen, so much to come forth, and yet a volume has ended. I hope you all enjoyed, and please tell me what you thought about this ending to the first volume, was it too rushed, too slow, I would love to know, and consider leaving a review so that more people can enjoy.

Thanks and see you next volume.