Prologue 2 and Recap Episode

Since we're now starting a new arc of the story I decided to give a quick reminder of who the major characters are and how the world is now. So first, the protagonists:

- Roderick Samunashi is the titular character and a samurai with an odd set of skills, capable of a more potent laidõ than others, using abilities like the Double Laidõ Explosion, which propels him forward in a slashing movement, and the Double Laidõ Barrage, which gives him the ability to almost fly with constant propulsion. Ever since his parents were killed by an Uchiha, he has developed a need for revenge, fueled by the constant nightmares he has every night. He has spiky black hair as well as a mischievous expression, which only gets accentuated with the stitches on his left cheek. He tends to wear a lighter version of the samurai armor, if any armor at all.

- Linja is the wannabe ninja from the Hidden Land of Clouds. She was forced to leave since she was considered to be too weak to be of any use to the Raikage, which led to others and even herself to neglect her artistic proficiency. She is now a scroll thief, expert at copying scrolls, and after a tough fight against the Reapers of Metal, she was forced to awaken her ninja art whose first use was to create a shield. She has short, dark curly hair and green eyes, and has caught the attention of Roderick.

- Renji is Roderick's best friend and considered a prodigy by anyone who sees him battle. He is quite adept in all samurai techniques, and the constant praise he receives has given him an extra measure of pride, even believing himself to be perfect in his worst moments. The one thing he can't accept is to be considered weaker than Roderick, treating him as a little brother and using that as motivation to now better himself. He has short blonde hair combed to the side, and a sleek look, and tends to wear the usual samurai armor without the helmet.

- Rakuma is Roderick's teacher and Mifune's bulkiest and strongest guard. He is capable of wiping anything in front of him with a downwards strike from his Skyscraper, a building-sized chakra blade. He cares for others, occasionally getting into fits of rage to protect them or when they aren't giving it their all. He has now been afflicted by Rinoh's genjutsu, and with Rinoh's death, there is the fear that he might be incapacitated forever unless a way is found to free him of the constant nightmares. He is a large muscular man with a shaved head and a scarred face, symbol of his long years of service.

- Lai is Renji's teacher and Mifune's most capable guard. He is a master of all the samurai techniques, said to be even capable of shooting 100 chakra slashes in a single swing, and is fast enough to combat the Lightning Release: Chakra Mode. He has high hopes for Renji and trains him how he sees fit, however after witnessing his behavior he now believes he has gone too easy on him. He is a skinny man with white long hair. He has a long mustache and wishes of one day reaching Mifune's mustache length.

- After the Iron Scroll Disaster, Mifune now has both the Deva Path of Pain and Jack the Reaper on custody. The ancient tomb has been destroyed and alongside it samurai history as well as the lives of Raspatiu, Death and Rinoh. The only thing they were capable to salvage from there was the Iron scroll handed over by Linja herself, although they didn't know she kept a copy. The Land of Iron is now under the threat of an imminent Akatsuki invasion, and with the strongest fighter downed and without the help of the Hidden Villages they are now in trouble.

That's the end of the recap, let's start the story.

My mind and body felt numb when I woke up from the hospital bed. It took me three days to actually regain my consciousness, but it took a full month to properly recover. The doctor had said that even though my wounds seemed healed after being affected by the ketsuryugan, it was only superficial, since the insides were still as damaged. However today would be the last day at the hospital. As usual I woke up from the nightmare with my parents dying, but I've learned to ignore it while awake. I should just focus on what's around me, and not on my past. And since it was now lunch time I realized:

- Thank god today is the last day. I was tired of the hospital's terrible food. - I thought out loud.

The nurse that was at the door with today's lunch looked disgusted as she left alongside the food.

- No, wait! - But it was too late. The food would not come that day, but someone else did.

Linja showed up from the door at that time. She had stayed in the hospital after the disaster as well, however for less time. The owner of the ramen shop feeling bad about the incident decided to give her a month's worth of salary when she went to the hospital, but when he realized she had been there for only three days, he immediately regretted it saying:

- You're not getting paid until the next month!

In answer to that Linja would occasionally visit me at lunch time just to avoid going to the ramen shop. She would normally eat most of the hospital food, so she complained:

- Wait, where's the lunch going?

- Away. Its going away.

- You bastard. What did you say to her? I was really looking forward to eating that.

- I think you can survive one day without hospital food.

A large rumbling noise was heard coming from Linja's belly. I corrected myself:

- Ok, maybe I was wrong.

- You're leaving today right?

- Yes! I'm finally fully reste... - Linja interrupted me.

- Then you'll buy me lunch later. It's the least you can do.

- I'm about to get up from a month's rest. Can't you give me a break?

- Fine. You'll pay me dinner. And I hope it's good food. I don't want simple ramen.

I gritted my teeth, but there was nothing I could do. Linja then said:

- Wait, if you're leaving then that means I could finally show you that.

- Oh, the Iron scroll?

- That too, but I was talking about my Ninja Art. I've been really training with it. I think I might actually be able to beat you in a fight. However the ink I need is really hard to find.

- Beat me in a fight? You're messing with me.

- Oh, don't underestimate me. I'll show you and then you'll decide for yourself.

- As interesting as that is, is the iron scroll still in my house?

- Of course. You're going to love it. It really was meant for you.

- Meant for me?

- You'll see it when we go there. I don't want to ruin the surprise.

Linja's words were odd. She had already hinted about the scroll being for me before. She had even lamented that she herself would not have any use for it. But after everything we went through, she was just thankful that she even got it.

At that moment, the door opened once more, revealing a half healed Renji. He had a cloth around his arm and stuck to his neck, due to the broken arm. Even though the rest of his body was mostly healed, his left arm would still need more recovery. A year, by the doctor's estimates.

- What are you two love birds talking about?

I felt my cheeks redden with that comment, while Linja seemed confused:

- Love birds? Love eagles! - Linja said triumphantly.

- That's not the point here... - Renji was confused. - You know what? Forget it. How are you doing Rod?

- Better. Can't wait to get up.

- About that, I have some bad news...

- Love phoenixes! - Linja said. Me and Renji looked at her in a disapproving fashion, even though I didn't disagree with her. Linja, feeling attacked, explained herself. - Phoenixes are cooler than eagles.

- She's not wrong. - I said, receiving a thumbs up from her, but Renji was still annoyed. - Did you say bad news?

- Mifune is going to want to talk with you about the disaster.

- Why do I feel like every time I wake up in a hospital I have to go talk to someone?

- It's pretty common actually. After all, only people injured in missions come to this hospital, and its always useful to find out why. In your case, I fear the general suspects you know something about the reapers' goal, which isn't wrong. They did blatantly tell us everything.

- But why me? You were there too.

- And I already talked with them! Why do you think I'm warning you? Look, whenever you're ready come with me.

I got up from my bed in a jump, saying:

- Then let's go. I don't want to waste any time. See you later, Lin.

- Sure Rod. I'll be waiting at home.

And so I was guided towards Mifune's office with a worried Renji. Nothing bad can happen there, right?