Date Night

- I expected you to be surprised, but you're fully shocked. - Linja noted when seeing my reaction.

How could it be that my family was despised? How the hell do I not know about this?

- I was afraid you would find out. - Renji said vaguely. - The moment you told me about what Mifune had said I... - Renji stopped here unsure of what to say. I yelled:

- You what?! What do you know, Renji?

- I was afraid you would find out. You were always ignorant to it. I thought this could ruin your life.

- What do you mean ignorant?

- Is everything okay? - Linja asked nervously.

- No, its not okay. This scroll has my family name. It's the last proof of the existence of my clan outside of me, and yet, it's thougth as the most despicable memorabilia of this land. And now this jerk says I've been ignorant to it.

- You were, you reckless bastard! What did your father tell you about your name?

- He said to never disclose it to anyone so they wouldn't fear me. - Oh, now I get it.

- And your idiotic ass took it as if your clan was so powerful people would run away afraid. You took it as a symbol of pride, yelling it to any tough opponent you found, when it was a symbol of shame. You've been lucky your whole life. Tell me, who else have you told your name to?

- The reapers and... I suppose Kakashi.

- Let's hope Pain or Jack don't blurt it out.

My whole life was a lie. I've always thought my childhood was odd. My parents were constantly moving places, and never seemed to leave whatever house we were in at the moment. My dad would sometimes go out off his door with some papers in hand, only to later come back and say "I didn't get the job." with a disappointed look. Now I wonder if he went outside at all.

Initially everything didn't go too badly, since my parents seemed to have funds from an ancestor of sorts, but that money eventually wore out and I was forced to do the work. My parents told me to steal the wallets and use my speed to escape from the ones I stole from. I never saw it as forced labor, or even as a felony. I was having fun from the thrill of escaping, and as a kid that was all I needed. I never questioned my parents' actions, I never asked about our conditions. And by the time I got curious, it was too late. I was fast, faster than I am right now if I remember correctly, but with their death all that was left was questions and a speed block. It took me years to even reach the agility I took for granted as a kid. I always blamed myself for what happenned. The Uchiha man came after me, and my parents suffered the worst fate. Could it be that wasn't the real reason? That they didn't die for the stupid wallet I stole?

- What did my ancestors do, Renji? Why are they so hated?

- I'm not sure if ancestor is the right name. It was your dad who gave your family a bad name. However I don't know how he did it. All I know was that it was right before Mifune became general, and that right after a bounty was put on his head.

- My dad? It's that recent? - What the hell did he do? - Renji, here. - I handed him the scroll. - I need some time to think about this.

I left the living room and headed for my bedroom. Linja stayed there, a little confused, while Renji looked at the scroll irritated. She was unsure of what to do:

- Should I calm him down or...

- No, stay here. He needs to stop living in his own delusional reality. He had to figure out the truth eventually, so let him process it. - Renji tried to pay attention to the scroll, but was uncapable to focus. He threw it in the ground saying:

- I'm not reading this. - He got up, and went towards the exit door. As he opened it he said:

- I'm leaving! Tell him to meet me tomorrow on the trip to the Leaf village if he has any courage.- He blasted the door shut, as Linja sat there in silence.

She looked around for a bit, and when she got bored, she lamented:

- Guess I'm going to cheer him up.

I was sitting besides the bed, with my back against it looking at my father's sword. It was one of the few things that remained from him and I had hidden it under my bed. I remembered him telling me "A samurai's sword is his soul.". I had never used it in combat due to my swords commonly breaking, which explains why my soul feels so divided. I had promised myself that I would use it only when I was capable of controlling my chakra, but now, I wasn't sure if I even wanted it.

- Why did you ruin everything? How did you ruin everything? - I lamented at my father's soul.

Tears threathened to run down my face, but a knock on my door prevented it from happening.

- May I enter? - Lin's delicate voice resonated from the other side of the door. I couldn't say no to her.

- Sure, come in.

She entered my room and sat on the bed besides me. She started saying:

- Families are tough, huh?

- Have you come here to tell me how you've never had a family and how things could be worse?

- Wow, that was mean. - She replied surprised. - I actually had a happy and loving family, it was just the Raikage and his men who wanted me out, and I stupidly agreed with them.

- Oh, ok. Good for you.

- Good for me? God, you're really stupid when you're grumpy.

- I'm starting to feel better already. - I said sarcastically.

- Look, am I really the only who had a loving family here? It doesn't matter what other say of your family or you, what matters is the love you share between you. Your father loved you right?

- Yeah. I still remember the times where we would spar and he would let me win saying "Oh lord, the mighty Rod has vanquished his foe once more. Who will beat this menace?"

- Wow, that explains a lot.

- What?

- Nothing. As I was saying, those are the times you should remember. Don't join the hate others have for you. The moment you agree with them, then you have truly lost yourself. Don't fall like I almost did. - She said with a bitter smile.

She was right. Just because they hated my parents doesn't mean I should too. As long as I don't reveal my name to anyone, the same can't happen to me. And yet, why do I feel so mad, so confused, so lied to? This wasn't something that could be fixed so easily. But it was a start.

- Thanks Lin. That actually kind of helped.

- You're welcome. Plus, I know exactly the thing that will make you forget all this.

- Oh really?

- Let's go to the Le Exquisite!

- Isn't that the most expensive restaurant in...

- And you're paying us both dinner! - She said while grabbing me and leading me outside.

I fell for it. Like a fool, I fell for the trap.

The restaurant was thankfully not too far off, but honestly that wasn't the part that scared me.

- Damn it, Lin. I never took you as a gold digger.

- Seriously? You do remember that the only reason I'm even in this land is because you promised to give me a legendary scroll?

- You could at least try to deny it.

We entered the place and came across a waiter who asked:

- Do you have a reservation? - Oh thank god. There was no way Lin could have reserved a seat. After all we were initially going to lunch together, she couldn't have possibly have thought so far ahead.

- Yes, it's in the name of Linja. - She said calmly.

- Ah I see. It's right here. Follow me.

- Wait, no! This is impossible! How could she... - Lin forcefully put her hand on my mouth, keeping it shut against my will. She apologized to the waiter:

- I'm sorry for his behaviour. He's not used to places this fancy. He's too excited.

The waiter nodded in agreement. We moved forward as Linja whispered:

- When you went to go for the reunion with Mifune, I knew you weren't going to buy me lunch, so I prepared. I came here and reserved a seat. When you went to cry in your room, I was almost sure we wouldn't be able to come here. Thankfully I got you to come out.

- Did you only go to calm me down because you wanted dinner?

- Pretty much.

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day was ruined. I wasn't sure if I would even be able to enjoy the meal. We sat on the table and it didn't take too long for the waiter to arrive. He came with a menu, more terrifying than the five Reapers of Metal put together. I wimpingly said:

- I'll have a water and a mixed toast. - Thankfully there was an affordable meal there, let's just hope Lin doesn't get something too...

- I'll get le exquisite pig with oysters and the red wine. - Oh no, now what will... wait, that's actually not that bad.

- I'll go get your meals right away. - The waiter left, and eventually showed back up with our food. We ate together, and actually had some fun. She was right, to my displeasure. This was exactly what I needed to forget what I discovered earlier that evening. When everything was eaten, I asked something I was curious about:

- The pork wasn't even close to being the most expensive thing on the menu. Were you holding back for me?

- Oh really? I didn't even notice. I decided to focus on the wine.

- What?

The bill came and I started reading it:

- Water - 90 zeni.

The red wine - ...

Here everything got faded as I seemed to wake up in my room. Startled and confused, I said out loud:

- What's going on? Was it all a dream?

Linja who was apparently sleeping in the same bed right next to me, said with a snicker:

- No, you just passed out when you saw the price. It was so funny. I still can't believe it happened! Ha ha ha, haaa, it's still funny.

- How much did it cost?

- Oh it was...

I passed out once more.