Going places

As the sun started shining on me from a small window, my eyes opened.

- Where am I? - I looked around me and saw my room.

I looked deep within the depths of my memory to find out how I got here, and came to a realization. I must have passed out again from hearing Lin saying the price of the wine. I'm still curious about how expensive it was to knock me out twice, but for it to be capable of that I rather not know. I was probably taken here right afterwards, but that wasn't bothering me now. Right now what I was focused on was the uncomfortable heat around me.

The bed seemed wet with sweat, and I felt a mass of pure concentrated heat behind me, which was probably the cause of the sweat. It was soft and comfortable, and at the same time unbearable. I tried looking back to see what it was, and was shocked when I found out. Lin was wrapped around me in my bed. My heart began to race and my mind went haywire, while the sweat worsened.

- Why is she here? How did it get to this?

I started thinking back once more, trying to remember a reason for this. When I passed out in the restaurant she must have taken my money and paid the dinner and then brought me back home. I was still wearing the clothes from last night, my baby blue shirt and white pants, so she probably just threw me in bed and then laid here as well. Why didn't she go for the couch?

I felt her rumble and move even closer. Her chest was now grazing my back, and her legs were wrapping around my waist. I heard her murmur:

- Can I have more pork? I really really want more. - She gently said while nibbling on my ear.

It was quite an enjoyable experience, especially for my virgin heart, however was it really worth all the sweat and discomfort? Yes, yes it was.

I stayed there for a bit, and acclimated to the heat as I began to truly appreciate what was happening. However I was greedy, I wanted more. I tried to turn around so that I could experience all the pleasure first hand, but her legs kept me stuck. I tried to remove them gently. I didn't want to interrupt her in her sleep, however it seemed almost impossible. The moment I tried putting in more effort, her eyes started to open, and she let out an audible sleepy sigh.

- Oh good morning, Rod. - Ok, act natural.

- Good morning Lin. Sorry if I woke you up.

- It's fine. - She opened her eyes a bit more and realized while looking worried. - Was I wrapped around you? My apologies, that couldn't have been comfortable. - She unwrapped her legs letting me go free. I turned around in bed and faced her.

I looked at her and saw her clothes. Last night during the dinner, she had one of my shirts on as usual, alongside pants in a pretty sorry state. I'm pretty sure if she hadn't made a reservation on the le exquisite that they would have immediately kicked us out. Now she had a training bra, and some large shorts. I almost let out a sigh of relief from seeing that she had finally bought something for herself, however I got immediately disappointed by the fact she didn't really show any of her curves that way. Oh well, you can't have everything. After I turned around to face her, I was pretty sure she was going to get up and leave the bed, however she just innocently asked, as she looked into my eyes only a few centimeters away from hers:

- Are you more comfortable now?

- Yeah, thanks.

- Good. Let's get back to sleep.

She once again closed her eyes, as if nothing odd was happening there. She was truly comfortable to sleep with me. Is that a good thing? I feel like I would almost prefer if she was a bit more shy. However I thought back to other things she had done. During the disaster, when she could have ran away, she decided to stay and defend me and Renji from the Almighty Push, saying that it was a way to thank me for her new life. She had also cried on my shoulder, thankful for my understanding of her inner struggles when we went on that date across the Land. And just yesterday she didn't even try to deny it when Renji called us "love birds", instead replacing it with "love phoenixes". Is that how she feels about me? I had to know.

- Hey, Lin. Are you still awake? - I looked at her from mere centimeters away. I could even feel the scent of the lavender shampoo she was using. She opened her eyes slowly and replied.

- Sure, Rod. What is it?

- I was thinking... - This was tough. I felt my heart pulpitating as every word came out of my mouth. My throat threathened to not let me talk. But I would push through it. - This morning, I mean, last morning Renji called us love birds and you agreed with him, and now you're sleeping with me in bed... Do... - It's so hard to say. - Do you love me?

My heart was screaming, as all the nerves of my body seemed to want to jump out. I was afraid. Afraid that I was misunderstanding things, and that she could overreact. But she really went above my expectations.

With a gentle smile, she said:

- Yeah, I love you Rod.

My body started shaking in ecstasy, as every fiber of my being yelled in anxiety. What do I say now? Maybe I should say the same. But she wasn't over.

- I love you like a brother.

My entire nervous system relaxed, as my mind went into deep depression. I was no longer anxious or nervous, no... I was disappointed.

- So that's how you feel huh?

I turned around and sat in the bed, as I tried to take in all that. Lin then explained:

- You gave me a house, no, a land to live in. It's like I told you during the disaster. The only ones who would ever go so far for someone like me, were my parents, and now, you. You just feel like the brother I never had. I feel like I can do anything with you. - She stopped speaking, as her cheeks started to redden. She was only now getting embarassed, as she noticed how we were both in bed. - Maybe I went a little too far.

- It's fine, Lin. Go as far as you like. I suppose I feel similarly about you. - I said with an anguished smile. She seemed happy at least.

I can't believe I almost told her I loved her too. I just hope I wasn't being close-minded. Do I love her because of her looks, because of her attitude, or because she is the first girl I've ever gotten so close to? However there was one thing I was almost sure now.

- I suppose I can't fuck you anymore. - I thought to myself. I looked to the side and was surprised to witness Lin's disgusted face. She was so happy a second ago, why is she... OH NOOO! No, no no! Did I just say that out loud?

My body was confused whether to petrify in fear, or run in shame. But I'm never someone to stay still for too long. I ran out of the bedroom, kicking the door, as I jumped off the closed window. Small shards of glass fell from the third floor of my building, as I fell alongside them. Thankfully, I had been sleeping with my clothes on, so I didn't even need to change when leaving, the problem now was where to go. Lin went to the window I jumped from yelling:

- Where are you going, you disgusting pervert?

I looked around me, trying to find some place to hide. From afar I sighted Renji, Lai and a few samurai warriors leaving town. That's where I'm headed.

- I'M GOING TO THE HIDDEN LEAF VILLAGE! - I shouted as I ran full speed towards them.

Guess I'm joining their adventure. Let's go find the cure for Rakuma.