Trip to the Hidden Leaf

- What are you doing? - Renji asked.

- You know, I was wondering the same thing. - I answered with my mind roaming all over the place.

When I fled from my house to escape Lin's shameful glare, going to Renji seemed like the best option. He was always the person who I would turn to if I was lost or in trouble. However this time, it meant going to the Hidden Leaf Village with a baby blue shirt, white pants, and not even a trace of armor or weapons. Initially it seemed like a good idea, but now it just seemed like reckless stupidity.

- I should probably leave... - I said as I tried to sneak away before any of the guards walking in front of us noticed. From one look at them it was obvious they were rookies. Their helmets had no horns like Renji's or Lai's, and they only had one sword hilt. A samurai master is capable of carrying up to four swords, like Lai, while the commanders can carry two, like Renji, and the rookies one. I was an exception in the rookies, since my whole sword style was centered on using two swords. The amount of hilts was a way to show one's skill. Even though Renji and Lai only used one sword each, they would still have the hilts ready. From that it was clear that Renji and Lai didn't expect to find much trouble in their travel, so I didn't have to worry too much for leaving. However Renji stopped me, putting his arm over my shoulder.

- What did you do this time, you dimwit? - He whispered to my ear, as we hid from the rest of the soldiers.

- I... I screwed up. - I muttered. We couldn't make much sound or the samurai would suspect something.

- I knew leaving you and Linja alone would end up in trouble. So you came here to hide?

- I came here on instinct. I'll leave right away.

- Are you sure that's a good idea? - I knew what he was doing. He had made it clear he was disappointed with me not going with him. Now that he sees his chance to get his way, he'll grab on to it. I asked:

- What do you mean? I'll just head to the headquarters. She can't reach me there.

- Didn't you say she would come to talk with you every night? She can easily reach you. - He got closer. - Look, Linja was already pretty capable as it is when she is her usual reckless self, but if she's angry? I don't even want to imagine it. - I gulped in fear. - Plus, you need to come with me. I have no one to talk to here.

- Don't you have Lai?

- What, grumpy, bandaged, always serious Lai? To be honest he was pretty disappointed with my loss during the disaster. He's not too fond of talking now. - From close by, we heard one of the guards notice "Where is Renji?". We didn't have much time.

- I told Mifune that I would respect Rakuma's wishes and train to get stronger. To go against that is...

- You won't be going against that. We'll probably find some rogue ninjas along the way for you to fight. It's the same as training. Come on, you'll love it.

It was certainly appetizing. I always wanted to find out more about the outside world, even though it's said to be full of ninja violence. That didn't scare me though, what scared me was getting lost. If I were to head out there alone, I would never be able to come back, but with Renji, Lai and the four other samurai, that would never happen. Fine, I made my decision.

Me and Renji left the bushes we were hidden in, showing ourselves to the remaining samurai. Lai gasped:

- Roderick? What the... What are you doing here? I thought you said you wanted to stay to train. Have you come here to say goodbye to Renji?

- No, I've come here to join you. I realized that maybe the growth I needed was not one of strength, but maybe one of experience, and this journey might provide me that. - I had to sound as convincing as I possibly could. If he knew I was only joining to run away from Lin, he probably would be mad.

- It seems like you put some thought into it, however I feel like you should put some thought on other things. Where's your armor and swords?!

- Look, this was a last minute decision. - Renji explained. - He didn't have the time before and...

- Well, we're not waiting either. Come on. - Lai started moving away alongside the other samurai.

- Wait, you're taking me while I'm defenseless?

- We'll do everything as we planned beforehand. We're not going to stop for every small inconvenience. - Renji was right, Lai really was grumpy today. - Still, I have to ask. What happened to you? Your face is full of cuts.

I was surprised. What did he mean cuts? I passed my hands through my face, and even gave a small cut to my fingers while doing so. My face was filled with glass shards. From all the adrenaline, I didn't even notice that jumping face first at a window, had its consequences. I'll have to keep a mental note on that.

- I'm alright, sir. Let's move forward.

Lai turned around satisfied, and leapt forward quickly. The other samurai followed, as well as me and Renji. It was the third time I went to this forest, past the frozen lake and the scared bear and probably it wasn't even close to being the last. After all, this was like an obligatory passage towards anything related to the ninja world. We jumped on trees, with our hands behind our backs, as I felt the wind pass through my face. Thankfully I stopped earlier to clean my face of glass, and covered the wounds with some bandages given by Renji, so the wind didn't hurt. We spent a whole day traveling, and with no troubles, night came. The samurai prepared their tents, as I was forced to sleep under leaves, since I didn't bring my own. For a moment, I started to regret coming, but then Renji said:

- Don't worry. This is a week long travel. We'll definitely find some rogue ninja eventually.

I had to trust him. After all with the catastrophe that happened on the Hidden Leaf Village, and how chaotic the ninja world is, there was no way we wouldn't find someone to beat up, and damn it, I really wanted to beat up someone. So my hopes reemerged, as another day came. And then another... and then another... and then, wait...

- WE'RE HERE?! - A week passed and the most exciting thing that happened was a cute struggle between squirrels we saw on the way.

- Sorry Rod. Maybe we'll find some trouble on the way back.

I looked up and saw the symbol representing the ninja of the Leaf, as well as two enormous doors with the name of the village itself. It was surrounded by huge walls that surrounded the whole place. Through the entrance we saw the horror we were expecting. A town destroyed and depressed. Many villagers were being forced to rebuild their homes, since, unless you're a ninja, leaving the village would prove fatal. There were smashed cabbages on the ground, and tomatoes, or at least, I hope they were tomatoes, as well as some cursed markings on the ground. The Nine Tails rampage had destroyed the village, and it would take time for it to heal.

We entered the place carefully. Even though we were there to meet up with someone, we didn't want to attract the wrong attention. However, one look at us, and it was obvious we weren't from around there. I suppose that's what attracted them.

Seven masked individuals appeared and surrounded us. They had animal like masks, and didn't seem to come here for friendly reasons. There were seven of them, and seven of us. If a fight were to commence no side had the advantage. I almost wanted to start beating them, but I had to keep my manners. One of them asked:

- Who are you, and why did you come here? - As the highest ranked individual, Lai was the one to speak.

- We're samurai from the Land of Iron. We've come here to help an ally who has fallen against a powerful genjutsu. It is said that you have in your village someone capable of using the ultimate genjutsu. We simply wish to see him and talk with him.

- You wish to negotiate with the enemy? Leave, we don't need any visitors now, especially not your kind. - The masked individuals didn't want us there. It was clear that with all the trouble they have gone through, uninvited guests were too bothersome. Still, it seemed like they were not telling everything.

- You're the ANBU right? - Lai asked. - I understand you've come here to protect your village, however we truly only wish to speak with this person. We promise we won't do no harm.

The ANBU were still suspicious, and it felt like they were about to push us away once more, however someone else showed up.

A white haired man came running, meeting up with the ANBU. As if he withheld higher authority than the ones around him, he said:

- If they truly wish to simply speak, let them. It can't do too much harm. - The ANBU definitely knew this man. However, they were still unconvinced.

- We will keep watch on them then.

- I'll take care of that, don't worry. I happen to know one of them.

As I heard him say that, I was sure of who it was.

- Kakashi!