Kakashi Returns

- I should have guessed I'd see you here. - I commented as I looked at Kakashi.

He was wearing his usual ninja outfit with his headband covering his Sharingan eye. I suppose he liked to hide it to surprise his opponents, or maybe just to look cool. Either way, it was good to see him again, even if so soon. Ever since I fought him and lost against him I have been training to be able to confront him once more, and even though I'm more used to opening the gate I awakened in our fight, I had barely improved.

- It's my duty to stay around my own village. - He said with lament in his voice. I wonder why. - Didn't think you'd be walking around with some of your land's representatives. - He said seriously, as if he hadn't noticed he was mocking me.

- It's a shame we had to meet so soon. I was hoping to train a bit more before confronting you once again.

- You think we're just going to duel the moment you arrive? You're too hot-headed.

Lai who was listening to us talk, asked:

- Roderick, you have connections here?

- Not really. I dueled once with Kakashi and that was it. However I feel like I've known him for ages. I suppose it's like the samurai saying, you learn a man's past from the way he wields his sword, or in his case, chidori.

- Maybe think about saying something next time. I was worried to come here blind. - Lai said angrily.

- Don't worry, Kakashi here will aid us. Right?

- Sure. Come with me. - The ANBU around us saw us walk away as I heard them whisper to one another. "I think that was the first time I heard him have a casual conversation since the Hokage's death" , "Yeah, maybe their presence isn't that bad."

I wonder how I can keep forgetting about what happened here, even when surrounded by so much destruction. I approached Kakashi and apologized:

- Hey, I'm sorry about what happened here. The samurai just went through a disaster as well, but ours doesn't even compare to this.

- It's not your fault. You don't need to apologize. - He said without looking back. I wonder if him and the Hokage Minato were close? - Actually I was going to present someone to you.

- The genjutsu user?

- No, just you Roderick. You clearly don't look like any of the other samurai here. - He said as he noticed how my shirt contrasted with the others armor. - So I think you better not accompany us, or you may give the wrong impression.

This time I was wearing a red shirt, since Renji decided to give me one of his, so that I wouldn't be forced to wear the same thing for our week long travel. He said he had a spare armor, but was saving it for himself. That bastard was probably laughing at me now.

I asked:

- Who is it?

Kakashi kept silent as he guided us towards the Leaf Village headquarters. The place was full, whether with people complaining, or ninja running around, it was truly chaotic. He stopped and told me:

- Go in there and ask for a Guy. He'll know who you are. - What the hell was he talking about?

Was that some sort of code to call for a Guy? Was it a joke? If he's mocking me I'll beat him up later, but right now my curiosity was too much for me to contain.

- Renji, Lai, I'm going to head in here. You guys keep going, and find that genjutsu user.

- Wait, seriously? You're leaving? - Renji declared, confused.

I moved into the headquarters without answering, mostly because I wanted to do this quick. If this was a prank I would want to come back and catch up to them quick.

I reached the entrance and went to meet up with the first guard or receptionist I could find. I asked the first respectable looking ninja that appeared:

- Do you know where I can find a Guy?

- Oh, Might Guy? He should be in the second floor's training room. He's always there.

Wait, is name is actually Guy? That's a pretty confusing mess.

I walked through the headquarters reaching the second floor, and, after asking two other guards, I was able to find the gym. I entered and saw a man with green clothes, tightly stretched on his body, and a bowl cut training with one other person. I heard the regular looking person say in a challenging manner:

- Come on Guy, you know that's impossible. - So the man named Guy was the one in green spandex. This spells trouble. - There's no way you can do 100 push-ups in 5 seconds.

- I'll show you my power of youth.

Guy dropped on the ground, readying for push-ups, and as if enveloped by smoke, started moving up and down. He was so fast I could barely count the push-ups, however the man beside him seemed to count the time with a watch.

- Stop! - Shouted the man with the watch, as Guy got up in anger.

- I only did 99! Aahhhh! - He shouted with tears coming from his eyes. The friend put his hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

- It just means you have to try harder. - Guy wiped the tears from his eyes and said, with a thumbs up.

- You're right. Then let's do it again.

- Humm... excuse me. - I intervened, not wanting to witness the push-ups again - Kakashi sent me here to meet up with a Guy.

- He did? That's odd, he never sends anyone my way.

- So you really are Guy? - I said disappointed. I still had a glimmer if hope they were both called the same. - I'm a samurai from the Land of Iron.

- Just like I thought. He told me about you, even if only for an instant. He's not a man of many words. So let me assess your strenght. - Guy observed me from head to toe, as if to analyse my strenght. He approached me, and ripped open my shirt.

- What the hell are you doing? - I shouted as I got away.

- Your glistening abs, your impecable arms, the stretches on your muscles indicating the gates' strain on one's body... Your youth excites me.

Why did I end up with such a weirdo?


- Are we there yet? - Renji asked as he followed Kakashi.

He had taken them through many turns around the town's rubble, as if in an attempt to chase off anyone who followed. They had been walking for some time, and the samurai were suspicious. Lai remembered how he was greeted in the village "you want to meet up with the enemy?". It was bugging his mind, so he asked:

- Kakashi. - The white-haired ninja kept going, but it was obvious he was listenning. - What's going on? Why are you taking us the long way to our target? Is he an enemy to this village?

- That's what most think. The man itself as done no harm, however someone else from his clan was the cause of the destruction of the village. As innocent as he is, he could not escape the blame.

- So you don't believe him to be at fault?

- No. You can't blame someone for the failures of their family. It's what I believe. He's a nice man, someone you can trust. If you look at him through his family's mistake, then he might not help you.

Renji realized here why I liked Kakashi. We was a man that was serious when it mattered, and who's beliefs, sharpened by the pain of the past, were just and righteous. Renji asked:

- Hey Kakashi, I heard you fought Roderick. How badly did you wreck him? - Kakashi let out a snicker. As grave as the situation around him was, he still had the ability to laugh.

- Pretty badly.

- Once this is done, let me duel you. I want to show Roderick I'm stronger than him. If I beat you, then it will be settled.

- You samurai sure love your duels, but fine. I guess we can have a bout.

- But only after we speak to this man. - Lai asserted. He didn't mind Renji asking to fight Kakashi, however now wasn't the right time. - Now that I think about it, I never got his name. Who is the one who wields the ultimate genjutsu?

- His name is Shisui Uchiha. He'll help you. I'm sure of it.