Guy's training

- Are you sure you're Guy? - I asked, sickened by his demeanor. I still had a glimpse of hope.

- Of course I am. - All hope faded away. - What's your name, Taijutsu samurai?

- It's Roderick Sa... - I thought about my name. Until now I had obscured my last name before the others in my village, while just outright saying to outsiders. My dad had only told me to hide it from samurai, so it never bugged my mind, but now I felt like I should be more careful. - Just Roderick.

- Well then, Roderick, show me. Show me the power of your youth.

- The power of my what?

- Just open one of the gates.

- Oh, why didn't you say so immediately? - I exerted my body, opening the only gate I knew how to open. The regular looking man approached and remarked:

- Wow, he can open gates too? How many can you open?

- Just this one. - The man seemed disappointed.

- Anyone can do that. Even I can. - The man closed his fists and shouted:

- First Gate, Gate of Opening, Open. - His body seemed to tense up, and his power grew. He wasn't lying, still...

- That's a real mouthfull. Is that seriously the name of the technique?

- Yes it is, my boy. - Guy explained.

- I was hoping for something cooler. Like, I thought up the name Kaioken. Doesn't that sound better?

- Roderick, how did you open your gate? - So you're going to outright ignore it, aren't you?

- I got angry, and it just kind of happened. From that point onwards I can just access it. - The regular looking man was surprised, while Guy just seemed to grin. The man said:

- But to access even a single gate it takes so much training. How did you open it unconsciously?

- Because he's a natural. - Guy said smiling. - Roderick do you know what the eight gates are?

- I would assume they are limiters you push through to gain more power.

- You're not entirely wrong, however they are much more than that. Your body is normally stuck to only 20% of its full power. The gates are a way to access your full potential by opening the tenketsu points in your body, the gates, and freeing your limited chakra. Only by training very specifics points of your body, may you access these gates. So it's very surprising you were capable of opening one like that. Your body must be thriving for power to such an extent, it forced the opening

- You seem to know a lot. How many gates can you open?

- All eight, of course.

- What! - How can such a stupid looking Guy, with green spandex and a bowl cut learn that? He must be ridiculously powerful. - Show me!

- Oh oh oh, I'm not as careless as you boy. Every gate you open intensifies the strain in your body. Opening all eight kills you. That's why you should only open more than one if it's to save your friends.

- And what do you do otherwise then? What other abilities do you have? - For once in this entire conversation, I was excited. Getting this chance to improve my Taijutsu would definitely prove beneficial to the future, however...

- None. - He replied ashamed. - I'm afraid I dedicated myself so much to opening the gates, that all my techniques are all based around them.

- You suck. - I blurted out without thinking.

- If you truly think so, then battle me. I'll show you the true meaning of my youth.

Again with the youth? There has to be some other power he has, he's just not willing to tell. Fine, I'll force him to show me.

I ran forward with my arm ready. With a jump I reached him, yet he easily stepped to the side and avoided it. I turned around and with a rotating kick approached his stomach, barely grazing it. Once I put my foot on the ground, I went for a high kick, however Guy caught it, pushing me back.

- You fight like you act. Recklessly.

- Oh yeah? I'll show you who's reckless. - I charged at him once more with a flurry of punches and kicks. Guy wasn't like Kakashi he couldn't see the moves before they happened, and yet, with his reaction skills alone, how is he avoiding all my attacks?

I heard him whisper to himself:

- 45, 46 ,47...

What is he doing?

- 50! - He shouted kicking me in the gut. I got pushed back, and in utter confusion, asked:

- You were counting my moves?

- A true taijutsu user knows what his enemy his going to do in his 50th strike, 100th or more. Everyone may have his own style but they all come down to one thing: reaction. As long as I can manipulate the way you dodge, the way you block, the way you strike, countering is simple.

I think I'm starting to understand why Kakashi introduced me to him. He seems to know everything about Taijutsu and is capable to execute every move to perfection. This is my chance to get stronger. I'm not losing it.

I went back at him, and began to punch and kick, Guy started murmur numbers, I said while I struck:

- You know, if I had my swords with me, you'd be immediately defeated.

- The way a sword moves, the way a punch hits. It all has the same princip...

- 50! - I shouted, punching him in the gut as he dodged a kick. - Caught you distracted, didn't I?

- You talked to me to keep me from counting, and then shouted to break any concentration I could have on your punch. You improved so quickly. Roderick, your youth ex...

- Excites you, yeah yeah. Let's keep going. - I charged back at him, and talked once more:

- I'm noticimg you haven't opened a single gate. I'm starting to doubt you even can.

- Like I said before, gates should only be opened when it's time...

- 50! - Guy blocked my punch with his leg, only to then try to helicopter kick me. I crouched below it and kept fighting. Guy proceeded:

- Gates are used to save your friends, not to have fun.

- If that's the case. - I backflipped multiple times away from him, and started to run circles around him.

- Are you looking for an opening? Because you won't catch me by surprise.

- You're not the one I want to catch.

As I ran around, I kept accelerating and reached my full speed. It felt nice, since I wasn't even capable of reaching it once in my past fights. Guy tried looking around to defend himself, but at one point I noticed he was simply looking at my afterimage, but not only him. His friend had been watching us throughout the fight. "I only open my gates if it is to save my friends.". I knew what I had to do.

I ran at the poor guy, and before he noticed I put my arm around his neck, and a hand on the top of his head. I shouted at Guy:

- If you want to save your friend, show me your gates!

I had to admit I was going a little overboard, with the threath of breaking a neck, but I needed this. After fighting Kakashi I went through two weeks of continuous intensive training, until I got used to it, and after a chaotic, limit breaking struggle against the reapers, I went to the hospital. One month laying down, followed by a week of boring travel. I needed a fight, I yearned for struggle. I'm sorry, regular looking-man, I didn't mean for you to be the victim of my impulses. Guy demanded:

- Drop him now! There's no need to do something like that.

- You're absolutely right. There won't be any need if you show me your gates. - Guy tensed up and said:

- There, I opened a gate.

- Even I can do that. Open at least four, or I won't be satisfied. - Guy gritted his teeth. He wasn't enjoying this. He might actually try to beat me up after this. Good.

- Fourth Gate: Gate of Pain. Open - Guy's body became red, as his veins started stretch his face. His hair went up and a green aura started to envelop him.

I immediately let go of the poor man, who ran away in fear. I went too far, but it was worth it.

- I never knew you could get such a cool transformation just from opening gates. Teach me Guy. Show me the power of the gates.

- You don't deserve its use! - Guy leapt forward, reaching me in an instant. I luckily jumped to the side in instinct, avoiding the attack, or so I thought. Even though the punch didn't directly hit me, it wielded so much power that the wind pressure of it, hit my face throwing me off balance. Due to that, I wasn't able to avoid his next strike, as he kicked me up in the air, catching me mid fall.

- Front Lotus!

While grabbing me, he started to rotate, creating a vortex of wind and pain around us as he launched me against the ground, destroying the gym's floors. I was capable of getting up, but only with great difficulty. He looked at me and growled:

- Leave the premises. If you intend to use the gates for amusement, then you are not worthy to learn them.

- I don't want them to enjoy myself. Recently there was a disaster at my Land and my master fell before a powerful genjustu. If I hadn't been so weak, I might have been able to save him, but I was. Now the Akatsuki plan to attack my land. I can't let them have their way, I need to be stronger, I need the gates. How will I learn them if you don't show them to me?

Guy moved forward at a speed I could barely detect. With both his hands he landed three precise strikes on my body. Oddly enough, they didn't hurt when he hit them, only after. My body started to heat up, and almost convulsing.

- What the hell did you do to me?

- I hit three of your tenketsu points. What you are feeling right now are the consequences of using four gates, without any of the power. If you truly wish to learn, resist that and tell me you want to keep going. - Guy's aura faded, as his face reverted to the calm natural. - Don't ever do what you did before again. Just... - Tears started falling from his eyes. - Just tell me why you want power and I will teach you to get it. Others shouldn't pay for your strenght. You can't become a better person by harming others. - Guy started leaving the gym, as his tears kept building up. He was definitely overreacting.

I stayed paralysed in place. My muscles stiffened by the immense strain of the gates were putting on them, and my blood rushed like a tempest. I yelled:

- Where do you think you're going? You can't leave me like this.

- I'm going to the infirmary to rest. I'll come back in a few hours, so stay at it! - He finished by giving me a thumbs up and leaving.

I wanted to go after him, but the pain was too great. How long was this going to last?