Shisui or Itachi?

(Renji's perspective)

As Kakashi showed us the door, me, Lai and the two other samurai entered the house. Kakashi said that he would wait outside. He was supposed to keep watch of us, but quickly understood we weren't a threat, and that leaving us here would cause no harm. I was starting to like him more and more.

I didn't expect a mansion, yet I was disappointed with the decay of the house. On the outside the walls had been slashed, and a window was broken. It wasn't decay due ti age, no, it was recent. It was probably caused by the blame the Uchiha took for the destruction of the village. I wondered why they even remained there.

Once we entered, a grown man was waiting. He didn't have a mischievous expression, like the samurai expected. After everything we were told, we were almost expecting the bane of all evil to lay there, but the man had a nice sympathetic face. He said:

- Greetings, samurai. My name is Fugaku Uchiha, I'm the current leader of our militia force. I heard from Mifune he would send one of his guards here.

- That would be me. - Lai responded. - I presume you know why we've come here.

- To discuss the possibility of hiring Shisui as an aid to your impending battle. I understand that Shisui is one of our most capable combatants, however the choice is still odd. Itachi is our strongest ninja. He could certainly be of help.

- The way you are wording that is odd. Did Mifune not clear up the specifics?

- No, he simply said he needed Shisui for his abilities.

- Then you'll have to excuse him. He's been very busy since the iron scroll disaster, he probably didn't have the patience to tell everything.

- Really? That's a pity. I brought in my son just for this. Why don't you speak to both? You may be surprised.

I thought it was weird. Fugaku was being extremely compliant. He was even willing to offer his own son as a soldier to help us. How can a leader of a mercenary family be so friendly? There's something fishy about this.

Fugaku opened a door beside him and in this room, to young looking ninja were sitting down. The one with black long hair, and with an empty expression said:

- My name is Itachi and this is the greatest Uchiha to ever live, Shisui. It's a pleasure to meet you once more, samurai.

His eyes, although not in its red state, gave me a somber unease. This was when I realized one of these men killed Roderick's parents, or at least someone of this clan. I think I'm beggining to understand why Kakashi sent Roderick elsewhere. He would go crazy if he had been here.

The spiky haired man besides Itachi, said in a shy manner:

- Thanks for the introduction, but you didn't need to go so far. - He remarked as he scratched the back of his head.

They all seemed so normal, so friendly towards one another and strangers. Are these really mercenaries? Either way, something else was bugging my mind, so I asked:

- You said once more. Have you worked with samurai before? - Instead of them answering Lai decided to intervene.

- I suppose I didn't tell you, but this isn't the first time we required their help. Some years ago, we hired both of them to hunt a family down. You must have heard of them. - Shisui then cleared:

- The Samunashi. - He seemed depressed, however how could he? He killed Rod's parents! - Too bad I wasn't the one to catch them. - Maybe I said that too quick, so Itachi did it?

- Neither of us, actually. The samurai took care of things by the end. - Itachi explained.

- Oh come on, we couldn't have done it without any of you. - Ok, now I'm confused.

So none of them killed Rod's parents? The samurai did? Then why did Rod see someone with sharingan eyes during the night of his parent's death? This doesn't make any sense.

As I was having a mental breakdown, Lai and the uchiha clan kept discussing:

- Look, - Shisui started saying. - I know last time I happily agreed to the assignement, however I don't think I'm willing to kill so soon. After the reputation my family has gained recently, I don't think going through the murderous route once more is best.

- There's no need to concern yourself on that. We want your help to save someone, not to kill. And you're the only one who can help us.

- Save someone?

- Our most powerful samurai was hit with a mighty genjutsu that put him in a constant nightmare, however before it could wear off, the user died, and the genjutsu became permanent.

- What genjutsu was it? Was it a tsukyomi? - Itachi asked.

- No, I don't think so. We don't know the name of the technique itself, but the user was from the Chinoike clan.

- Really? - Itachi thought it was odd. - In the past we were given the mission to erase their clan from existence. - I looked at him in disgust. He noticed. - We didn't kill them, I mean, not all of them. All we did was force them into living in a mountain, away from all civilization. - They really got a knack for making people hate them, don't they?

- I'm glad you know about them. - Lai commented. - That could make this easier. From past experience we knew Shisui was capable of a very powerful genjutsu, maybe the strongest in the world. If there was anyone capable of helping us, we thought it would be you. But if Itachi has better knowledge on the matter.

- No, you already had the right person. - Itachi said with a smile. - Guess I'm going to have to sit this one out.

- You don't need to say that. Why don't you do it? - Lai was the one to answer.

- If you don't wish to help us, we won't force you to.

- I'll do it.- Shisui said with his cheeks reddening. - If that's all you need I'll gladly do it. It will just take a minute to leave.

- Actually, feel free to take your time. - I said, as Lai looked at me in confusion. I figured that if I were to uncover the truth about who killed Rod's parents, then staying here for longer was a must. - We were thinking of staying here for a couple days, if not longer.

- What are you talking about, Renji? We need to hurry. - Lai said impatiently.

- Can you really say that after seeing the state of this town? We've been treated more kindly than we could hope for, if we forget about those ANBU, but still, we should do something to help. Plus, it's not everyday a samurai can visit a ninja village. - One of the samurai agreed:

- Yeah, Boss, let us have some fun. - Lai seemed uneasy. Perfect. Just the fact that he is pondering it is a success. I only need to hit him with a final strike:

- Come on, you need some rest. - Lai exhaled in defeat.

- Fine, then. We're staying. But promise me you actually help out with the rebuilding. I'll go speak to the Hokage to see if he can offer us a place to stay. If he sees you're only staying to have fun, he'll definitely refuse, though. So don't think you're resting. - Lai turned around. - Shisui, you'll come with us at a later date. I hope that doesn't affect your agenda.

- It's fine. I'll find the time.The Uchiha have matters of their own to handle for now. I'll definitely find something to do until then, so have fun. - He said with a forced smile.

I felt pity for them. To be blamed for such a terrible incident, must be awful, especially due to its magnitude, it must be never ending hate. If they were to snap one day and go against the village, I wonder how it would turn out.

Fugaku got up alongside us, and guided us out. I walked away along with the two other samurai, however Lai stayed back to speak with Fugaku. I heard him ask:

- I'm glad everything went well. Now, about the payment...

- Did Mifune not say what we were willing to give?

- A favor for a favor. Interesting, yet vague. Are there any limits to this agreement?

- The only limits are our own capabilities. We can only do what's possible.

- We shall speak again then. I hope you don't forget our deal. - Fugaku said with a scary expression.

It didn't feel right, none of this felt right. It was almost too easy.

- What's wrong? - Lai asked as he put is hand on my shoulder. - You don't look too good.

- I heard what you said about the favor. Shouldn't we set a limit? After all, they are mercenaries, won't they...

- Trust me, Renji, they are good people, and better yet, they are powerful. You shouldn't doubt them. If they agreed to this deal, then that's fine. I'll do anything in my power to bring back Rakuma. It doesn't matter what the favor is. - I knew before, but Rakuma and Lai were really close to each other. I always felt like they were brothers, even closer than me and Rod. If he was willing to put anything at stake to save his friends, then I should do the same for mine. I will find your parent's killer, Rod, no matter what.